Published: 2025-03-04 07:03

緒形直人、かつての愛車と憧れのクルマへの思いを語る スバルに惹かれたワケとは?




「家族ができるというタイミングだったことと、クルマ屋さんから『928は不人気で毎月30万円ずつ相場下がっている』と、言われて『ということは 1日1万円か……』と、急に現実的になって(笑)、次のクルマを探しました。そうしたら、ベンツの『E500』というクルマはポルシェが関わっているというじゃないですか。それだ! ということで、E500に飛びつきました。ボディカラーは真っ黒でしたね」

E500の前身となるメルセデス・ベンツ500E は1991年に発表されたは、当時のEクラス(W124)に500SL用の5.0リッターV8気筒エンジンを押し込ん高性能仕様開発と生産にはポルシェが関わっている。



# 言葉 意味
4 のる (乗る) : 1. to get on (train, plane, bus, ship, etc.); to get in; to board; to take; to embark 2. to get on (e.g. a footstool); to step on; to jump on; to sit on; to mount
3 あいしゃ (愛車) : (one's) beloved car (or motorcycle, bicycle, etc.); (one's) wheels
3 おがたなおと (緒形直人) : Ogata Naoto (1967.9-) (person)
2 はいゆう (俳優) : actor; actress; player; performer
2 いこう (以降) : on and after; as from; hereafter; thereafter; since
2 かかわる (関わる) : 1. to be affected; to be influenced 2. to be concerned with; to have to do with
2 かた (型) : 1. model; type (e.g. of machine, goods, etc.) 2. type; style; pattern
2 せつ (説) : 1. theory; doctrine 2. opinion; view
2 うまれる (生まれる) : to be born
2 たり : 1. -ing and -ing (e.g. "coming and going") 2. doing such things as...
1 じんせい (人生) : (human) life (i.e. conception to death)
1 みえる (見える) : 1. to be seen; to be in sight 2. to look; to seem; to appear
1 かくす (隠す) : to hide; to conceal
1 だい (第) : prefix for forming ordinal numbers
1 こうへん (後編) : latter part (of book, etc.); sequel; concluding part
1 かたる (語る) : 1. to talk about; to speak of; to tell; to narrate 2. to recite; to chant
1 ぜんぺん (前篇) : first part; first volume; prequel
1 しょうねん (少年) : boy; juvenile; young boy; youth; lad
1 じだい (時代) : 1. period; epoch; era; age 2. the times; those days
1 あこがれる (憧れる) : to long for; to yearn after; to admire; to be attracted by
1 じっさい (実際) : 1. reality; actuality; truth; fact; actual conditions 2. practice (as opposed to theory)
1 しるす (記す) : 1. to write down; to note; to jot down 2. to remember
1 おかた (緒形) : Okata (surname)
1 ぞんぶん (存分) : to one's heart's content; as much as one wants
1 たのしむ (楽しむ) : to enjoy (oneself)
1 ふにんき (不人気) : unpopular
1 そうば (相場) : 1. market price 2. speculation (e.g. on stocks)
1 さがる (下がる) : 1. to come down; to go down; to fall; to drop; to sink; to get lower 2. to hang; to dangle
1 いう (言う) : 1. to say; to utter; to declare 2. to name; to call
1 げんじつてき (現実的) : realistic; pragmatic
1 さがす (探す) : 1. to search for; to look for; to hunt for; to seek 2. to search (a house, pocket, etc.); to search through; to rummage in (e.g. a drawer); to fish around
1 とびつく (飛びつく) : to jump at; to be attracted by
1 まっくろ (真っ黒) : pitch black
1 ぜんしん (前身) : antecedents; ancestor; previous position; previous existence; predecessor organization; predecessor organisation
1 はっぴょう (発表) : announcement; publication; presenting; statement; communique; making known; breaking (news story); expressing (one's opinion); releasing; unveiling
1 とうじ (当時) : at that time; in those days
1 きとう (気筒) : cylinder
1 おしこむ (押し込む) : 1. to push into; to cram into; to stuff into; to crowd into 2. to break in; to burgle; to burglarize
1 こうせいのう (高性能) : high efficiency; high performance
1 しよう (仕様) : 1. way; method; means; resource; remedy 2. (technical) specification
1 かいはつ (開発) : development; exploitation
1 じき (時期) : time; season; period; phase; stage
1 そんぞく (存続) : duration; continuance; survival; persistence; retention
1 きき (危機) : crisis; critical situation; emergency; pinch
1 うわさ (噂) : rumour; rumor; report; hearsay; gossip; common talk
1 けいえいなん (経営難) : financial difficulties
1 あえぐ (喘ぐ) : 1. to gasp; to pant; to breathe hard 2. to suffer; to struggle
1 もうしいれる (申し入れる) : to propose; to suggest
1 すくう (救う) : to rescue from; to help out of; to save
1 ほんとう (本当) : 1. truth; reality; actuality; fact 2. proper; right; correct; official
1 かたき (敵) : 1. rival; opponent; adversary; competitor; enemy (esp. one with which there is longstanding enmity); foe 2. revenge
1 めいしゃ (名車) : famous car; excellent car
1 がいかん (外観) : outward appearance; exterior appearance; outward show; looks
1 ないそう (内装) : interior design; interior; upholstery
1 すてき (素敵) : lovely; wonderful; nice; great; fantastic; superb; cool
1 こども (子供) : child
1 かつやく (活躍) : 1. activity (esp. energetic); great efforts; conspicuous service 2. to flourish; to participate actively; to play an active role
1 そうそう (然う然う) : 1. so much; so often; so long; particularly; especially 2. oh, yes!; that's it; I remember
1 うば (乳母) : wet nurse; nursing mother
1 すごく (凄く) : awfully; very; immensely
1 いる (入る) : to get in; to go in; to come in; to flow into; to set; to set in
1 ただ (只) : 1. ordinary; common; usual 2. free of charge
1 なかば (半ば) : 1. middle; halfway; midway 2. half (of); one half
1 かんきょうもんだい (環境問題) : environmental problem; environmental issue
1 たずさわる (携わる) : to engage in; to participate in; to take part in; to be involved in
1 はいきりょう (排気量) : (engine) displacement
1 むじゅん (矛盾) : contradiction; inconsistency
1 ずっと : 1. continuously in some state (for a long time, distance); throughout; all along; the whole time; all the way 2. much (better, etc.); by far; far and away
1 ハイブリッドしゃ (ハイブリッド車) : hybrid vehicle (e.g. electric and gasoline)