Published: 2024-12-20 21:09

警視庁が年末年始にあわせ特別警戒 警視総監は歌舞伎町を視察

街頭犯罪増加などが懸念される年末年始あわせ警視庁都内全域での「特別警戒」を実施していて、20日、緒方警視総監新宿 歌舞伎町視察しました。

年末年始時期街頭犯罪増加や、人の出入りの多い「盛り場」の環境悪化懸念されるとして、警視庁は今月13日から都内全域繁華街などで「特別警戒」を実施しています。 緒方警視総監は夕方、新宿 歌舞伎町売春目的客待ち行為が問題となっている「大久保公園」周辺視察し、対応あたっている警察官から現場情勢などについて説明を受けました。



# 言葉 意味
3 けいしちょう (警視庁) : Metropolitan Police Department (esp. Tokyo)
3 けいかい (警戒) : vigilance; caution; alertness; precaution; being on guard
2 がいとうはんざい (街頭犯罪) : street crime
2 ぞうか (増加) : increase; rise; growth; addition; increment
2 けねん (懸念) : worry; fear; anxiety; concern
2 ねんまつねんし (年末年始) : New Year's holiday; period encompassing the close of the old year and the start of the New Year
2 とない (都内) : (within) the (Tokyo) metropolitan area
2 ぜんいき (全域) : the whole area
2 じっし (実施) : enforcement; implementation; putting into practice; carrying out; operation; working (e.g. working parameters); enactment
2 いのかた (緒方) : Inokata (surname)
2 おのれ (己) : 1. oneself (itself, etc.) 2. I; me
2 けいしそうかん (警視総監) : Superintendent General of the Metropolitan Police
2 あらじゅく (新宿) : Arajuku (place)
2 かぶきちょう (歌舞伎町) : Kabukichō (place)
2 しさつ (視察) : inspection; observation
2 はんかがい (繁華街) : business district; shopping district; bustling street; shopping centre; shopping center; downtown
2 こうい (行為) : act; deed; conduct
2 しゅうへん (周辺) : 1. circumference; outskirts; environs; around; in the area of; in the vicinity of 2. (computer) peripheral
2 はんざい (犯罪) : crime; offence; offense
2 とも (供) : companion; follower; attendant; retinue
1 あわせる (会わせる) : 1. to make (someone) to meet; to let (someone) meet 2. to expose to; to subject to
1 じき (時期) : time; season; period; phase; stage
1 でいり (出入り) : 1. going in and out; entering and exiting 2. visiting regularly; frequenting; having regular dealings with
1 さかりば (盛り場) : busy place; busy street; place that's always bustling with people; amusement quarters
1 かんきょう (環境) : environment; circumstance
1 あっか (悪化) : (suffer) deterioration; growing worse; aggravation; degeneration; corruption
1 ばいしゅん (売春) : prostitution
1 もくてき (目的) : purpose; goal; aim; objective; intention
1 きゃくまち (客待ち) : waiting for customers
1 おおくほ (大久保) : Ookuho (surname)
1 たいおう (対応) : 1. correspondence (to); equivalence 2. suitability; coordination; matching; being appropriate (for)
1 あたる (当たる) : 1. to be hit; to strike 2. to touch; to be in contact; to be affixed
1 けいさつかん (警察官) : police officer; policeman; policewoman
1 げんば (現場) : 1. actual spot; scene; scene of the crime; site; location; setting 2. shop floor; factory floor; (on) site
1 じょうせい (情勢) : state of things; state of affairs; condition; situation; circumstances
1 うける (受ける) : 1. to receive; to get 2. to catch (e.g. a ball)
1 みせいねん (未成年) : minor; not of age
1 わかもの (若者) : young man; young woman; young people; youth; youngsters
1 まきこむ (巻き込む) : 1. to roll up; to enfold; to swallow up 2. to involve; to drag into
1 さが (性) : 1. one's nature; one's destiny 2. custom; tradition; habit; convention
1 つぐ (次ぐ) : to rank next to; to come after
1 よぶ (呼ぶ) : 1. to call out (to); to call; to invoke 2. to summon (a doctor, etc.)
1 ちいき (地域) : area; region
1 ぼうはん (防犯) : 1. prevention of crime 2. security (device, camera, etc.)
1 だんたい (団体) : organization; organisation; association
1 あるく (歩く) : to walk
1 じょうきょう (状況) : state of affairs (around you); situation; circumstances
1 かくにん (確認) : confirmation; verification; validation; review; check; affirmation; identification
1 きかんちゅう (期間中) : during; for the duration of
1 のべ (延べ) : 1. futures 2. credit (buying)
1 どういん (動員) : mobilization; mobilisation
1 かくしゅ (各種) : every kind; all sorts
1 よくし (抑止) : check; checkmate; stave off; control; restraint; inhibit; deterrent; deterrence
1 つとめる (努める) : to endeavor (endeavour); to try; to strive; to make an effort; to exert oneself; to be diligent; to be committed (to doing something)
1 おおく (多く) : 1. many; much; plenty; a lot 2. majority (of); greater part (of)
1 ひとで (人出) : crowd; turnout
1 よそう (予想) : expectation; anticipation; prediction; forecast; conjecture
1 あくしつ (悪質) : 1. malicious; vicious; malignant; underhanded 2. shoddy; inferior; poor-quality; second-rate
1 きゃくひき (客引き) : touting; tout; barker; pander
1 ぼったくり (ぼっ手繰り) : rip-off; unfair overcharging; clip joint
1 とりしまる (取り締まる) : 1. to manage; to control; to supervise; to oversee; to command 2. to crack down on; to keep under strict control; to enforce; to regulate
1 じゅうだい (重大) : serious; important; significant; grave; weighty
1 こうつうじこ (交通事故) : traffic accident
1 ぼうし (防止) : prevention; check
1 たいさく (対策) : measure; step; countermeasure; counterplan; countermove; strategy; preparation (e.g. for a test)
1 すいしん (推進) : 1. propulsion; drive 2. promotion (e.g. of a government policy); furtherance; implementation