Published: 2024-10-30 08:20

GMOサイバーセキュリティ byイエラエ 福森大喜の「リトル福森」との出会い

 2024 年春「オンラインで見た社の社長の講演共感したのでぜひ自分を GMOサイバーセキュリティ byイエラエで働かせてほしい」という趣旨の連絡が同社公式サイト問い合わせフォームに寄せられた。

 その求職者は 40 歳代男性。本人曰く「セキュリティの仕事には多少経験がある」という。


 自称「セキュリティの仕事は多少経験がある」という男の名は福森 大喜(ふくもり だいき)。

 学生時代セキュリティの面白さにはまって、新卒でセコムトラストネット(当時商号)へ入社、IDS 製品脆弱性診断サービス事業携わり、Webアプリ診断事業立ち上げ主要メンバーとして活躍した後に(もっぱら攻撃コード書いていたという)、仲間集めて Web アプリ診断を行うセキュアスカイテクノロジーの創業執行役員CTOとして関わり、SST 在籍中には、年間最多の JVN への脆弱性報告件数という記録残した。

 その後 CDI に転身、仕事のかたわらでCTFチーム sutegoma2 に所属し、世界最大のハッカーカンファレンス DEF CON で毎年開催されるサイバーセキュリティ技術競技である DEF CON CTF の決勝戦複数回出場日本チーム最高更新し続けた。

 CDI が NEC へ M&A されて以降は、国際刑事警察機構(インターポール)の世界初サイバー犯罪捜査部門技術協力者としてシンガポールに渡り、2022年に離れるまで、世界各国の警察やサイバー犯罪対処する法執行機関関係者向けた技術支援協力行ってきた。

 Webアプリ診断事業立ち上げ。ネットワーク診断メインの時代に Web アプリ診断事業会社を起業軌道のせたこと。JVN の年度最多報告者。そして日本人の予選通過者すらゼロだった時代に DEF CON CTF に仲間集め参加し、決勝戦参加したどころか、上位入賞にまで食い込んだこと。さらにインターポールサイバー犯罪部門への民間から世界初出向

# 言葉 意味
6 しんだん (診断) : diagnosis; medical examination
4 じぎょう (事業) : 1. project; enterprise; business; industry; operations; venture; service 2. act; deed; conduct
3 サイバーはんざい (サイバー犯罪) : cybercrime
2 どうしゃ (同社) : the same firm
2 といあわせ (問い合わせ) : enquiry; inquiry; query; interrogation; ENQ
2 たしょう (多少) : 1. a little; some; somewhat; slightly; to some degree; to some extent 2. amount; quantity; number
2 ぜいじゃくせい (脆弱性) : vulnerability; weakness; fragility
2 たちあげ (立ち上げ) : starting up (e.g. business, computer)
2 ちゅうげん (中間) : samurai's attendant; footman
2 あつめる (集める) : to collect; to assemble; to gather
2 さいた (最多) : most (numerous); largest (number of)
2 ほうこく (報告) : report; information
2 けっしょうせん (決勝戦) : championship game; finals (of a tournament); deciding round
2 せかいはつ (世界初) : world-first
2 ぶもん (部門) : division (of a larger group); branch; field; class (subclass); group; category; department
2 さんか (参加) : participation; joining; entry; adherence
1 としはる (年春) : Toshiharu (given)
1 ご (御) : 1. honorific; polite; humble prefix 2. honorific suffix
1 こうえん (講演) : lecture; address; speech
1 きょうかん (共感) : sympathy; empathy; response
1 はたらく (働く) : 1. to work; to labor; to labour 2. to function; to operate; to be effective; to work (i.e. ... works); to come into play
1 しゅし (趣旨) : 1. meaning; point (e.g. of a statement); gist; effect 2. goal; intent; object; aim; point
1 こうしきサイト (公式サイト) : official website
1 よせる (寄せる) : 1. to come near; to let someone approach 2. to bring near; to bring together; to collect; to gather
1 きゅうしょくしゃ (求職者) : job applicant
1 ほんにん (本人) : the person in question; the person themselves; said person
1 いわく (曰く) : 1. pretext; history; past; story 2. according to ...; ... says
1 こまる (困る) : 1. to be troubled; to have difficulty; to be in a fix; to be at a loss; to be stumped; to be embarrassed 2. to be bothered; to be inconvenienced; to be annoyed
1 そふ (祖父) : 1. grandfather 2. old man
1 おもえる (思える) : to seem; to appear likely
1 えたい (得体) : nature; character
1 しれる (知れる) : 1. to become known; to come to light; to be discovered 2. to be known; to be understood
1 きちんと : 1. properly; accurately; exactly; precisely; regularly 2. neatly; tidily; orderly
1 たいおう (対応) : 1. correspondence (to); equivalence 2. suitability; coordination; matching; being appropriate (for)
1 たんとうしゃ (担当者) : person in charge (of an area of work); person responsible; contact (person)
1 すばらしい (素晴らしい) : wonderful; splendid; magnificent
1 けっか (結果) : 1. result; consequence; outcome; effect 2. coming to fruition; bearing fruit
1 つかう (使う) : 1. to use (a thing, method, etc.); to make use of; to put to use 2. to use (a person, animal, puppet, etc.); to employ; to handle; to manage; to manipulate
1 ふかのう (不可能) : impossible
1 じんざい (人材) : 1. capable person; talented person 2. human resources; personnel
1 くわえる (加える) : 1. to add; to add up; to sum up; to append; to annex 2. to increase; to gather (e.g. speed); to pick up
1 せいこう (成功) : success; hit
1 じしょう (自称) : 1. self-proclaimed; self-professed; self-styled; would-be 2. professing oneself to be; calling oneself; describing oneself as
1 ふくもり (福森) : Fukumori (surname)
1 おおき (大喜) : Ooki (surname)
1 いき (位記) : court rank diploma
1 がくせいじだい (学生時代) : student days
1 おもしろ (面白) : amusing; funny; interesting
1 はまる (嵌まる) : 1. to fit; to get into; to go into; to be fitted with (e.g. door with a window) 2. to be fit for (a job, etc.); to be suited for; to satisfy (conditions)
1 しんそつ (新卒) : new graduate; recent graduate
1 とうじ (当時) : at that time; in those days
1 しょうごう (商号) : firm name; trade name
1 にゅうしゃ (入社) : joining a company; getting a job with a company; entering a company
1 せいひん (製品) : manufactured goods; finished goods; product
1 たずさわる (携わる) : to engage in; to participate in; to take part in; to be involved in
1 しゅよう (主要) : chief; main; principal; major
1 かつやく (活躍) : 1. activity (esp. energetic); great efforts; conspicuous service 2. to flourish; to participate actively; to play an active role
1 もっぱら (専ら) : 1. wholly; solely; entirely; exclusively; devotedly; fixedly 2. principally; mostly; chiefly; mainly
1 こうげき (攻撃) : 1. attack; assault; raid; onslaught; offensive 2. criticism; censure; denunciation; condemnation
1 など (等) : 1. et cetera; etc.; and the like; and so forth 2. or something
1 かく (書く) : 1. to write; to compose; to pen 2. to draw; to paint
1 そうぎょう (創業) : establishment (of a business); founding
1 しっこうやくいん (執行役員) : operating officer; company executive
1 かかわる (関わる) : 1. to be affected; to be influenced 2. to be concerned with; to have to do with
1 ざいせき (在籍) : being enrolled (at a school); being registered; being a member (of a team, organization, etc.)
1 ねんかん (年間) : 1. (period of) a year 2. during an era
1 けんすう (件数) : number of events (e.g. accidents, crimes, meetings, housing starts, hits on a web page)
1 きろく (記録) : 1. record; minutes; document 2. record (e.g. in sports); results; score
1 のこす (残す) : 1. to leave (behind) 2. to leave (undone); to not finish
1 そのあと (その後) : after that; afterwards; thereafter
1 てんしん (転身) : changing (job, career, lifestyle, social position, beliefs, etc.)
1 かたわら (傍ら) : 1. side; edge; beside; besides; nearby 2. while (doing); in addition to; at the same time
1 しょぞく (所属) : belonging to (a group, organization, etc.); affiliation (with); being attached to; being under the control of
1 せかいさいだい (世界最大) : world's largest
1 かいさい (開催) : holding (a conference, exhibition, etc.); opening; hosting (e.g. the Olympics)
1 きょうぎ (競技) : game; match; contest
1 ふくすうかい (複数回) : several times
1 しゅつじょう (出場) : 1. (stage) appearance; performance 2. participation (e.g. in a tournament)
1 にほん (日本) : Japan
1 さいこう (最高) : 1. most; highest; maximum; uppermost; supreme 2. best; wonderful; finest
1 くらい (位) : 1. throne; crown; (nobleman's) seat 2. government position; court rank
1 こうしん (更新) : renewal; update; innovation; improvement
1 いこう (以降) : on and after; as from; hereafter; thereafter; since
1 こくさいけいじけいさつきこう (国際刑事警察機構) : International Criminal Police Organization (Interpol) (Organisation) (organization)
1 そうさ (捜査) : search (esp. in criminal investigations); investigation; inquiry; enquiry
1 きょうりょくしゃ (協力者) : collaborator; cooperator; coworker; ally
1 にん (任) : obligation; duty; charge; responsibility
1 はなれる (離れる) : 1. to be separated; to be apart; to be distant 2. to leave; to go away
1 せかいかっこく (世界各国) : countries all over the world; all the countries of the world
1 たいしょ (対処) : dealing with; coping with
1 ほうしっこう (法執行) : law enforcement
1 からくり (絡繰り) : 1. mechanism; machinery; contrivance; device 2. trick; dodge
1 かんけいしゃ (関係者) : person concerned; people involved (in an event); those concerned; staff
1 むける (向ける) : to turn towards; to point
1 しえん (支援) : support; backing; aid; assistance
1 きょうりょく (協力) : cooperation; collaboration
1 おこなう (行う) : to perform; to do; to conduct oneself; to carry out
1 きぎょう (起業) : starting a business; promotion of enterprise
1 きどう (軌道) : 1. orbit; trajectory 2. railroad track
1 のせる (乗せる) : 1. to place on (something) 2. to give (someone) a ride; to give a lift; to pick up; to help on board
1 ねんど (年度) : 1. fiscal year (usu. April 1 to March 31 in Japan); financial year 2. academic year; school year
1 にほんじん (日本人) : Japanese person; Japanese people
1 しゅら (修羅) : 1. Asura; demigod; anti-god; titan; demigods that fight the Devas (gods) in Hindu mythology 2. fighting; carnage; conflict; strife
1 どころ : the place for; the time for; the level of
1 じょうい (上位) : 1. superior (in rank); top; ranking 2. higher order (e.g. byte)
1 にゅうしょう (入賞) : winning a prize or place (in a contest)
1 くいこむ (食い込む) : 1. to bite into (e.g. rope into skin); to cut into; to dig into (e.g. of fingernails) 2. to eat into; to encroach; to make inroads; to penetrate (e.g. a market); to break into (e.g. first place); to erode; to cut into (e.g. time, savings)
1 さらに (更に) : furthermore; again; after all; more and more; moreover; even more
1 みんかん (民間) : 1. private; non-governmental; non-official; civilian; civil 2. folk; popular
1 しゅっこう (出向) : 1. temporary transfer (of an employee); secondment; relocation; loan 2. proceeding to; leaving for