Published: 2025-02-25 21:17

能登半島地震 災害関連死 石川県内の14人を新たに認定答申








# 言葉 意味
6 にんてい (認定) : authorization; authorisation; acknowledgment; acknowledgement; certification; recognition
5 のとはんとう (能登半島) : Noto Peninsula (Ishikawa Prefecture)
5 じしん (地震) : earthquake
4 さいがいかんれんし (災害関連死) : disaster-related death; catastrophe-related death
3 とうしん (答申) : report; reply; findings
3 じちたい (自治体) : municipality; local government; self-governing body; autonomous body
3 ししゃ (死者) : dead person; (the) deceased; (the) dead; casualties
3 それぞれ (夫れ夫れ) : each; respectively
2 なくなる (亡くなる) : to die
2 いしかわけん (石川県) : Ishikawa prefecture (Hokuriku area)
2 うち (内) : 1. inside; within 2. while (e.g. one is young); during; within (e.g. a day); in the course of
2 せんもんか (専門家) : specialist; expert; professional; authority; pundit
2 せいしき (正式) : due form; official; formality
2 みとおし (見通し) : 1. unobstructed view; perspective; visibility; vista 2. forecast; outlook; prospect; prediction
2 いぞく (遺族) : bereaved family; surviving family; family of the deceased
2 しんせい (申請) : application; request; petition
2 すずし (珠洲市) : Suzu (city) (place)
2 ななおし (七尾市) : Nanao (city) (place)
2 かせつじゅうたく (仮設住宅) : temporary dwelling; temporary housing
2 にゅうきょ (入居) : moving into (house)
2 あわせる (合わせる) : 1. to match (rhythm, speed, etc.) 2. to join together; to unite; to combine; to add up
1 うける (受ける) : 1. to receive; to get 2. to catch (e.g. a ball)
1 はんだん (判断) : 1. judgment; judgement; decision; conclusion; adjudication 2. divination
1 かいごう (会合) : 1. meeting; assembly; gathering 2. association
1 ひらく (開く) : 1. to open; to undo; to unseal; to unpack 2. to bloom; to unfold; to spread out
1 あらた (新た) : new; fresh; novel
1 のと (能登) : 1. Noto (former province located in the north of present-day Ishikawa Prefecture) 2. Noto (peninsula)
1 はくいし (羽咋市) : Hakui (city) (place)
1 なかのう (中能) : Nakanou (surname)
1 のぼりちょう (登町) : Noborichō (place)
1 きゅうきゅうはんそう (救急搬送) : emergency transport; ambulance transport
1 けん (県) : prefecture (Japan); county (China, Taiwan, Norway, etc.); department (France); province (Italy, Spain, etc.)
1 いっぽう (一方) : 1. one (esp. of two); the other; one way; the other way; one direction; the other direction; one side; the other side; one party; the other party 2. on the one hand; on the other hand
1 のとちょう (能登町) : Notochō (place)
1 ほうたつ (宝達) : Houtatsu (surname)
1 しみずちょう (志水町) : Shimizuchō (place)
1 いんがかんけい (因果関係) : consequence; causal relationship; nexus
1 したためる (認める) : 1. to write (e.g. a letter); to draw up (a document); to take down (e.g. notes) 2. to have (lunch, dinner, etc.); to eat
1 にんずう (人数) : 1. the number of people 2. many people; a large number of people
1 にいがたけん (新潟県) : Niigata prefecture (Hokuriku area)
1 とやまけん (富山県) : Toyama prefecture (Hokuriku area)
1 ふくめる (含める) : 1. to include (in a group or scope) 2. to instruct; to make one understand
1 ちょくせつ (直接) : direct; immediate; personal; firsthand
1 しばしば (屡々) : often; again and again; frequently; repeatedly
1 さらに (更に) : furthermore; again; after all; more and more; moreover; even more
1 こえる (越える) : 1. to cross over; to cross; to pass through; to pass over (out of); to go beyond; to go past 2. to exceed; to surpass; to be more (than)
1 しんさ (審査) : judging; inspection; examination; investigation; review
1 こんご (今後) : from now on; hereafter
1 かのうせい (可能性) : potentiality; likelihood; possibility; availability