関根進さん “裁判の結果は当然”
# | 言葉 | 意味 |
6 | 医師 | いし (医師) : doctor; physician |
6 | 東京 | とうきょう (東京) : Tokyo |
5 | 無罪 | むざい (無罪) : innocence; being not guilty |
4 | 行為 | こうい (行為) : act; deed; conduct |
4 | 言い渡す | いいわたす (言い渡す) : to announce; to tell; to sentence; to order |
3 | 手術 | しゅじゅつ (手術) : 1. surgery; operation; procedure 2. skill with one's hands; sleight of hand |
3 | 裁判 | さいばん (裁判) : trial; judgement; judgment |
3 | 高等裁判所 | こうとうさいばんしょ (高等裁判所) : High Court |
3 | 関根 | かんこん (関根) : Kankon (given) |
2 | わいせつ | わいせつ (猥褻) : obscene; indecent; dirty; improper |
2 | 罪 | つみ (罪) : 1. crime; sin; wrongdoing; indiscretion 2. penalty; sentence; punishment |
2 | 問う | とう (問う) : 1. to ask; to inquire 2. to blame (someone) for; to accuse of; to pursue (question of responsibility); to charge with |
2 | よる | よる (因る) : 1. to be due to; to be caused by 2. to depend on; to turn on |
2 | 認める | したためる (認める) : 1. to write (e.g. a letter); to draw up (a document); to take down (e.g. notes) 2. to have (lunch, dinner, etc.); to eat |
2 | 審 | あきら (審) : Akira (surname; given) |
2 | 判決 | はんけつ (判決) : judicial decision; judgement; judgment; sentence; decree |
2 | 結果 | けっか (結果) : 1. result; consequence; outcome; effect 2. coming to fruition; bearing fruit |
2 | 当然 | とうぜん (当然) : 1. natural; right; proper; just; reasonable; appropriate; deserved 2. naturally; as a matter of course; rightly; deservedly; justly; of course |
2 | 信ずる | しんずる (信ずる) : to believe; to believe in; to place trust in; to confide in; to have faith in |
2 | 高等検察庁 | こうとうけんさつちょう (高等検察庁) : High Public Prosecutors' Office (organization) |
1 | 足立区 | あだちく (足立区) : Adachiku (place) |
1 | 非常勤 | ひじょうきん (非常勤) : part-time work |
1 | 勤務 | きんむ (勤務) : service; duty; work |
1 | 当時 | とうじ (当時) : at that time; in those days |
1 | 一貫 | いっかん (一貫) : 1. consistency; coherence; integration 2. one kan (approx. 3.75 kg, 8.3 lb) |
1 | 主張 | しゅちょう (主張) : claim; insistence; assertion; advocacy; emphasis; contention; opinion; tenet |
1 | 検出 | けんしゅつ (検出) : detection; sense (e.g. sensor) |
1 | 証言 | しょうげん (証言) : testimony; (verbal) evidence |
1 | 取り消す | とりけす (取り消す) : to cancel; to withdraw; to retract; to take back (words, etc.); to revoke |
1 | 懲役 | ちょうえき (懲役) : penal servitude; imprisonment with hard labor (hard labour) |
1 | 最高裁判所 | さいこうさいばんしょ (最高裁判所) : Supreme Court |
1 | 信頼 | しんらい (信頼) : reliance; trust; faith; confidence |
1 | 明確 | めいかく (明確) : clear; precise; definite; distinct |
1 | 部分 | ぶぶん (部分) : portion; section; part |
1 | 高裁 | こうさい (高裁) : High Court |
1 | 審理 | しんり (審理) : trial |
1 | やり直し | やりなおし (やり直し) : redoing |
1 | 命ずる | めいずる (命ずる) : 1. to order; to command 2. to appoint |
1 | 齊藤 | さいとう (齊藤) : Saitou (surname) |
1 | 啓昭 | ひろあき (啓昭) : Hiroaki (given) |
1 | 裁判長 | さいばんちょう (裁判長) : presiding judge |
1 | 検査 | けんさ (検査) : inspection (e.g. customs, factory); examination; scan (e.g. MRI, PET, etc.) |
1 | 変動 | へんどう (変動) : change; fluctuation |
1 | 幅 | はば (幅) : 1. width; breadth 2. freedom (e.g. of thought); latitude |
1 | 含む | ふくむ (含む) : 1. to contain; to comprise; to have; to hold; to include; to embrace 2. to hold in the mouth |
1 | 可能性 | かのうせい (可能性) : potentiality; likelihood; possibility; availability |
1 | 否定 | ひてい (否定) : 1. denial; negation; repudiation; disavowal 2. negation (logic) |
1 | 多量 | たりょう (多量) : large quantity; large amount |
1 | 付着 | ふちゃく (付着) : sticking to; clinging to; adhesion; cohesion; agglutination |
1 | 指摘 | してき (指摘) : pointing out; identification |
1 | 都内 | とない (都内) : (within) the (Tokyo) metropolitan area |
1 | 開く | ひらく (開く) : 1. to open; to undo; to unseal; to unpack 2. to bloom; to unfold; to spread out |
1 | 会見 | かいけん (会見) : interview; audience; meeting; (viewing) party |
1 | 疑い | うたがい (疑い) : doubt; question; uncertainty; skepticism; scepticism; suspicion; distrust |
1 | 考える | かんがえる (考える) : 1. to think (about, of); to think over; to ponder; to contemplate; to reflect (on); to meditate (on) 2. to consider; to bear in mind; to allow for; to take into consideration |
1 | 検察 | けんさつ (検察) : examination; investigation; prosecution |
1 | 片方 | かたほう (片方) : 1. one side; one party; counterpart; the other side; the other party 2. one of a pair; fellow; mate |
1 | 言い分 | いいぶん (言い分) : 1. one's say; one's point 2. complaint; grievance; objection; excuse |
1 | 過剰 | かじょう (過剰) : excess; surplus; superabundance; overabundance |
1 | 奪う | うばう (奪う) : to snatch away; to dispossess; to steal |
1 | 憤り | いきどおり (憤り) : resentment; indignation; anger |
1 | 感ずる | かんずる (感ずる) : to feel; to sense |
1 | 保釈 | ほしゃく (保釈) : bail; releasing on bail |
1 | 現在 | げんざい (現在) : now; current; present; present time; as of |
1 | 診療 | しんりょう (診療) : diagnosis and treatment; medical care |
1 | 治療 | ちりょう (治療) : (medical) treatment; care; therapy; cure; remedy |
1 | 受ける | うける (受ける) : 1. to receive; to get 2. to catch (e.g. a ball) |
1 | 患者 | かんじゃ (患者) : patient |
1 | 存在 | そんざい (存在) : existence; being |
1 | 平穏 | へいおん (平穏) : tranquil; calm; restful; peaceful; quiet |
1 | 日々 | ひび (日々) : every day; daily; day after day; days (e.g. good old days) |
1 | 再び | ふたたび (再び) : again; once more; a second time |
1 | 話す | はなす (話す) : 1. to talk; to speak; to converse; to chat 2. to tell; to explain; to narrate; to mention; to describe; to discuss |
1 | 伊藤 | いと (伊藤) : Ito (unclass) |
1 | 栄二 | えいじ (栄二) : Eiji (given) |
1 | 次席 | じせき (次席) : associate; junior; assistant; runner-up |
1 | 検事 | けんじ (検事) : public prosecutor |
1 | 内容 | ないよう (内容) : contents; content; substance; matter; detail; import |
1 | 精査 | せいさ (精査) : close investigation; careful examination; scrutiny |
1 | 適切 | てきせつ (適切) : appropriate; suitable; fitting; apt; proper; right; pertinent; relevant |
1 | 対処 | たいしょ (対処) : dealing with; coping with |