# | 言葉 | 意味 |
4 | 日本 | にほん (日本) : Japan |
3 | 文字 | もじ (文字) : 1. letter (of alphabet); character 2. writing |
2 | 葛飾北斎 | かつしかほくさい (葛飾北斎) : Katsushika Hokusai (1760-1849) (person) |
2 | 名画 | めいが (名画) : 1. famous picture; masterpiece (painting) 2. film classic |
2 | 大胆 | だいたん (大胆) : bold; daring; audacious |
2 | LED | はっこうダイオド (発光ダイオド) : light emitting diode; LED |
2 | 秒 | びょう (秒) : 1. second (unit of time) 2. arc second |
1 | 新作 | しんさく (新作) : new work; new production |
1 | 配置 | はいち (配置) : arrangement (of resources); deployment; stationing; posting; disposition; configuration; layout |
1 | 機種 | きしゅ (機種) : type of equipment; model |
1 | 発売 | はつばい (発売) : sale; offering for sale; release (for sale); launch (product) |
1 | 価格 | かかく (価格) : price; value; cost |
1 | それぞれ | それぞれ (夫れ夫れ) : each; respectively |
1 | 記事 | きじ (記事) : article; news story; report; account |
1 | 関する | かんする (関する) : to concern; to be related |
1 | 画像 | がぞう (画像) : image; picture; portrait |
1 | 浮世 | うきよ (浮世) : 1. fleeting life; this transient world; floating world 2. sad world; world of grief and worry |
1 | 絵画 | かいが (絵画) : painting; picture |
1 | 代表作 | だいひょうさく (代表作) : most important work (of a writer, artist, etc.); representative work; masterpiece |
1 | 富嶽 | ふがく (富岳) : Mount Fuji; Mt. Fuji |
1 | 景 | かげ (影) : 1. shadow; silhouette; figure; shape 2. reflection; image |
1 | 凱風 | がいふう (凱風) : southerly wind |
1 | 快晴 | かいせい (快晴) : clear weather; cloudless weather; good weather |
1 | 神奈川沖浪裏 | かながわおきなみうら (神奈川沖浪裏) : The Great Wave off Kanagawa (woodblock print by Hokusai); The Great Wave; The Wave (work) |
1 | 選ぶ | えらぶ (選ぶ) : to choose; to select |
1 | 定番 | ていばん (定番) : standard; routine; regular; basic; staple |
1 | 採用 | さいよう (採用) : 1. use; adoption; acceptance 2. appointment; employment; engagement; recruitment |
1 | 板 | いた (板) : 1. board; plank 2. sheet (of metal); plate (of glass); pane; slab |
1 | 浮かび上がる | うかびあがる (浮かび上がる) : 1. to rise to the surface 2. to come to the front; to emerge (e.g. from obscurity) |
1 | 裏蓋 | うらぶた (裏蓋) : back cover (e.g. camera, watch, etc.) |
1 | 同様 | どうよう (同様) : same; similar; (just) like; equal |
1 | 刻印 | こくいん (刻印) : 1. carved seal; engraved stamp 2. to engrave (a seal); to carve |
1 | 訪日 | ほうにち (訪日) : visit to Japan |
1 | 需要 | じゅよう (需要) : demand; request |
1 | 応える | こたえる (応える) : 1. to respond; to answer; to meet (e.g. demands, expectations) 2. to affect; to take a toll; to strike home; to have an effect on; to be hard on someone (e.g. heat, cold, work, illness, etc.); to be a strain |
1 | 生産地 | せいさんち (生産地) : producing area |
1 | こだわる | こだわる (拘る) : 1. to fuss over; to be particular about 2. to be obsessive about; to be fixated on |
1 | 仕様 | しよう (仕様) : 1. way; method; means; resource; remedy 2. (technical) specification |
1 | 耐 | たい (耐) : Tai (given) |
1 | 衝撃 | しょうげき (衝撃) : shock; impact; crash |
1 | 構造 | こうぞう (構造) : structure; construction; makeup; framework; organization; pattern |
1 | 気圧 | きあつ (気圧) : atmospheric pressure |
1 | 防水 | ぼうすい (防水) : waterproofing; making watertight |
1 | 表示 | ひょうじ (表示) : 1. indication; expression; showing; manifestation; demonstration 2. display; displaying |
1 | 切替 | きりかえ (切り替え) : exchange; conversion; replacement; switching (to); switchover |
1 | 報 | ほう (報) : 1. information; news; report 2. reward; retribution |
1 | 各 | かく (各) : each; every; all |
1 | 機能 | きのう (機能) : function; facility; faculty; feature |
1 | 搭載 | とうさい (搭載) : 1. loading (on board); equipping 2. equipped (with); built-in |
1 | 式 | しき (式) : 1. equation; formula; expression 2. ceremony |
1 | 精度 | せいど (精度) : precision; accuracy |
1 | 電池 | でんち (電池) : battery; cell |
1 | 寿命 | じゅみょう (寿命) : life span |
1 | 約 | やく (約) : 1. approximately; about 2. promise; appointment; engagement |
1 | 本体 | ほんたい (本体) : 1. substance; real form 2. main part; main unit; body (of a machine) |
1 | 縦 | たて (縦) : 1. the vertical; height 2. front-to-back; length |
1 | 厚 | あつ (厚) : thickness |
1 | 重量 | じゅうりょう (重量) : 1. weight 2. heavyweight boxer |