Published: 2025-01-30 05:20

「防災庁」設置に向けた有識者会議 きょう初会合 検討本格化へ







# 言葉 意味
7 ぼうさい (防災) : disaster preparedness; prevention of damage resulting from a natural disaster; protection against disaster
4 きょうか (強化) : strengthening; intensifying; reinforcement; enhancement; solidification
3 ちょう (庁) : government office; agency; board
3 せっち (設置) : 1. establishment; institution 2. installation (of a machine or equipment)
3 せいふ (政府) : government; administration
3 ぎろん (議論) : argument; discussion; dispute; controversy
3 すすめる (進める) : 1. to advance; to move forward; to put (a clock, watch) forward 2. to carry forward (plans, work, etc.); to proceed with; to make progress in; to further; to advance; to hasten; to speed up
3 しさく (施策) : policy; measure
3 ほうこうせい (方向性) : 1. trend; course of action; direction 2. directionality; directivity; orientation
2 ゆうしきしゃ (有識者) : expert; knowledgeable person; authority (on a subject)
2 かいぎ (会議) : meeting; conference; session; assembly; council; convention; congress
2 はつかいごう (初会合) : first meeting
2 ひらく (開く) : 1. to open; to undo; to unseal; to unpack 2. to bloom; to unfold; to spread out
2 じぜん (事前) : prior; beforehand; in advance; before the fact; ex ante
2 ひなん (避難) : taking refuge; finding shelter; evacuation; escape; seeking safe haven
2 かんきょう (環境) : environment; circumstance
2 かいぜん (改善) : 1. betterment; improvement 2. kaizen (Japanese business philosophy of continuous improvement)
2 めど (目処) : 1. aim; goal 2. prospect; outlook
2 とりまとめる (取りまとめる) : 1. to collect; to gather; to compile; to assemble 2. to arrange; to settle
2 さいがい (災害) : calamity; disaster; misfortune
2 ねんど (年度) : 1. fiscal year (usu. April 1 to March 31 in Japan); financial year 2. academic year; school year
2 ふまえる (踏まえる) : 1. to be based on; to take into account; to build upon; to have origin in 2. to have one's feet firmly planted on; to plant oneself on
1 むける (向ける) : to turn towards; to point
1 たいさく (対策) : measure; step; countermeasure; counterplan; countermove; strategy; preparation (e.g. for a test)
1 さいらい (再来) : 1. return; coming back 2. second coming (e.g. of Christ); second advent; reincarnation
1 れいわ (令和) : Reiwa era (May 1, 2019-)
1 ほうしん (方針) : 1. policy; course; plan (of action); principle 2. magnetic needle
1 けんとう (検討) : consideration; examination; investigation; study; scrutiny; discussion; analysis; review
1 ほんかくか (本格化) : regularization; regularisation; getting up speed; proceeding at full tilt
1 せんもん (専門) : speciality; specialty; subject of study; expert; area of expertise
1 なごやだいがく (名古屋大学) : Nagoya University (organization)
1 ふくかず (福和) : Fukukazu (unclass)
1 のぶお (伸夫) : Nobuo (given)
1 めいよきょうじゅ (名誉教授) : emeritus professor
1 けんきゅうしゃ (研究者) : researcher
1 だいひょう (代表) : 1. representative; representation; delegation; type; example; model 2. switchboard number; main number
1 さんか (参加) : participation; joining; entry; adherence
1 ぶんや (分野) : field; sphere; realm; division; branch
1 かつよう (活用) : 1. practical use; application 2. conjugation; inflection
1 ぐたいてき (具体的) : concrete; definite; specific; material; substantial
1 やくわり (役割) : part; assigning (allotment of) parts; role; duties
1 けんげん (権限) : power; authority; jurisdiction
1 かためる (固める) : 1. to harden; to freeze; to strengthen; to solidify; to make (a fist); to tramp down (snow, dirt) 2. to put together; to collect; to gather; to consolidate
1 かんがえ (考え) : 1. thinking; thought; view; opinion; concept 2. idea; notion; imagination
1 たんとう (担当) : being in charge (of an area of responsibility); being responsible (for a work role, etc.)
1 あかさわ (赤澤) : Akasawa (surname)
1 だいじん (大臣) : cabinet minister
1 のとはんとう (能登半島) : Noto Peninsula (Ishikawa Prefecture)
1 じしん (地震) : earthquake
1 きんねん (近年) : recent years
1 きょうくん (教訓) : lesson; precept; teachings; moral
1 そしき (組織) : 1. organization; organisation; formation 2. structure; construction; setup; constitution
1 たいせい (体制) : order; system; structure; set-up; organization; organisation
1 おもな (主な) : chief; main; principal; important
1 ろんてん (論点) : point in question (at issue)
1 スピードかん (スピード感) : sense of speed
1 もつ (持つ) : 1. to hold (in one's hand); to take; to carry 2. to possess; to have; to own
1 のべる (述べる) : to state; to express; to mention