コンシェルジュサービスは、スマートフォンアプリ「セゾン Portal」から24時間、チャットでも問い合わせができるようになる。
# | 言葉 | 意味 |
3 | 年会費 | ねんかいひ (年会費) : annual fee |
3 | 保険 | ほけん (保険) : insurance; guarantee |
2 | 従来 | じゅうらい (従来) : 1. up to now; so far 2. traditional; conventional; usual; existing |
2 | 加える | くわえる (加える) : 1. to add; to add up; to sum up; to append; to annex 2. to increase; to gather (e.g. speed); to pick up |
2 | 新た | あらた (新た) : new; fresh; novel |
2 | 付帯 | ふたい (付帯) : incidental; ancillary; accessory; secondary; collateral |
1 | あわせる | あわせる (会わせる) : 1. to make (someone) to meet; to let (someone) meet 2. to expose to; to subject to |
1 | 以降 | いこう (以降) : on and after; as from; hereafter; thereafter; since |
1 | 請求 | せいきゅう (請求) : claim; demand; charge; application; request; billing (for a service) |
1 | 改定 | かいてい (改定) : revision (of a rule, price, etc.); alteration; change |
1 | 記事 | きじ (記事) : article; news story; report; account |
1 | 関する | かんする (関する) : to concern; to be related |
1 | 画像 | がぞう (画像) : image; picture; portrait |
1 | 貯まる | たまる (貯まる) : to be saved up (of money) |
1 | 永久 | えいきゅう (永久) : 1. eternity; permanence; perpetuity 2. Eikyū era (1113.7.13-1118.4.3) |
1 | 不滅 | ふめつ (不滅) : immortal; undying; indestructible |
1 | ゴルファー保険 | ゴルファーホケン (ゴルファー保険) : golfer insurance |
1 | 公私 | こうし (公私) : public and private; official and personal; government and people |
1 | 持てる | もてる (持てる) : 1. to be able to possess (hold, get, etc.) 2. to be well liked; to be popular; to be pampered (spoiled, doted upon, etc.); to be welcomed |
1 | 特典 | とくてん (特典) : privilege; special favor; special favour; benefit; prerogative; perk; amenity |
1 | 提供 | ていきょう (提供) : 1. offer; tender; providing; supplying; making available; donating (blood, organs, etc.) 2. sponsoring (a TV program) |
1 | 万が一 | まんがいち (万が一) : 1. (if) by some chance; by some possibility; in the unlikely event that; 10000 to 1 2. (unlikely event of) emergency; the worst(-case scenario) |
1 | サイバー攻撃 | サイバーこうげき (サイバー攻撃) : cyberattack; cyber attack; cyber-attack; hacking attack |
1 | 備える | そなえる (備える) : 1. to furnish with; to equip with; to provide; to install 2. to prepare for; to make preparations for; to make provision for |
1 | 共通 | きょうつう (共通) : 1. common; shared; mutual 2. to be common (to); to be shared (by) |
1 | 拡充 | かくじゅう (拡充) : expansion |
1 | 世界中 | せかいじゅう (世界中) : around the world; throughout the world |
1 | 空港 | くうこう (空港) : airport |
1 | 国内外 | こくないがい (国内外) : domestic and foreign; inside and outside the country |
1 | 提携 | ていけい (提携) : cooperation; tie-up; joint business; partnership; alliance; sponsorship |
1 | 飲食店 | いんしょくてん (飲食店) : restaurant |
1 | 回数 | かいすう (回数) : number of times; frequency; count |
1 | 制限 | せいげん (制限) : restriction; restraint; limitation; limit |
1 | 利用可能 | りようかのう (利用可能) : available; usable (e.g. bandwidth) |
1 | 会員 | かいいん (会員) : member; the membership |
1 | 証 | しるし (印) : 1. mark; sign 2. symbol; emblem |
1 | 今秋 | こんしゅう (今秋) : this autumn; this fall; autumn of this year |
1 | 発行 | はっこう (発行) : 1. publication; issue (of journal, newspaper, etc.) 2. issue (of banknotes, bonds, passport, etc.) |
1 | 問い合わせ | といあわせ (問い合わせ) : enquiry; inquiry; query; interrogation; ENQ |
1 | なお | なお (尚) : 1. still; yet 2. more; still more; greater; further |
1 | 追加 | ついか (追加) : addition; supplement; appending; appendix |
1 | 据え置き | すえおき (据え置き) : 1. deferment (e.g. of savings); leaving (a thing) as it stands 2. unredeemed; unredeemable; irredeemable; deferred; stationary |