Published: 2025-03-12 11:45















# 言葉 意味
5 たかざわ (滝沢) : Takazawa (surname)
4 べんとう (弁当) : bento; Japanese box lunch
3 てづくり (手作り) : handmade; homegrown; hand-crafted; homemade
3 ひろう (披露) : announcement; presentation; demonstration; displaying; showing; introducing; exhibiting; unveiling; revealing; showcasing; performing; giving a rendition
2 まきこ (眞規子) : Makiko (fem)
2 おなか (お腹) : belly; abdomen; stomach
2 すく (空く) : 1. to become less crowded; to thin out; to get empty 2. to be hungry
2 とうこう (投稿) : contribution (to a newspaper, magazine, etc.); submission; post (on a blog, social media, etc.)
2 おもう (思う) : 1. to think; to consider; to believe; to reckon 2. to think (of doing); to plan (to do)
2 って : 1. you said; he said; she said; they said 2. if ... then
1 こうしん (更新) : renewal; update; innovation; improvement
1 がぞう (画像) : image; picture; portrait
1 だいする (題する) : to be titled (e.g. a book); to be named
1 さまざま (様々) : various; varied; diverse; all sorts of
1 こんかい (今回) : this time; now
1 あぶら (油) : oil
1 にわとり (鶏) : 1. chicken (Gallus gallus domesticus); domestic chicken 2. chicken meat
1 げんまい (玄米) : unpolished rice; unmilled rice; brown rice
1 ごはん (ご飯) : 1. cooked rice 2. meal
1 ピリから (ピリ辛) : spicy; piquant
1 ユーリンチー (油淋鶏) : Chinese-style fried chicken topped with chopped scallions and sweet vinegar and soy sauce
1 いろどり (彩り) : 1. coloring; colouring; coloration; colouration 2. color scheme; colour scheme; coordination (of colour)
1 ゆたか (豊か) : 1. abundant; wealthy; plentiful; rich; affluent 2. very; extremely; full of; great
1 そえる (添える) : 1. to garnish; to accompany (as a card does a gift) 2. to add to as support; to prop up
1 しょくよく (食欲) : appetite (for food)
1 そそる (唆る) : to excite; to incite; to stimulate; to arouse; to tempt; to stir up
1 できばえ (出来栄え) : 1. result; effect; performance; success 2. workmanship; execution; shape and quality (of an article); finishing touches
1 げんざい (現在) : now; current; present; present time; as of
1 ちょうじょ (長女) : eldest daughter; first-born daughter
1 ちょうなん (長男) : eldest son (may be the only son); first-born son
1 じじょ (次女) : second daughter
1 むける (向ける) : to turn towards; to point
1 こ (子) : 1. child 2. young (animal)
1 げきれい (激励) : encouragement; spurring (on); cheering (on)
1 おくる (送る) : 1. to send (a thing); to dispatch; to despatch; to transmit 2. to take or escort (a person somewhere); to see off (a person)
1 こども (子供) : child
1 あたたかい (暖かい) : 1. warm; mild; (pleasantly) hot 2. considerate; kind; genial
1 たのしむ (楽しむ) : to enjoy (oneself)
1 すごく (凄く) : awfully; very; immensely
1 くさい (臭い) : 1. stinking; smelly 2. suspicious; fishy
1 めちゃ (目茶) : 1. absurd; ridiculous; nonsense 2. excessive; extreme
1 ぜっさん (絶賛) : high praise; great admiration; rave reviews
1 たいする (対する) : 1. to face (each other); to be facing 2. to be directed toward (the future, etc.); to be in response to; to be related to
1 きょうかん (共感) : sympathy; empathy; response
1 たすう (多数) : 1. large number (of); many 2. majority
1 よせる (寄せる) : 1. to come near; to let someone approach 2. to bring near; to bring together; to collect; to gather
1 がんばる (頑張る) : 1. to persevere; to persist; to keep at it; to hang on; to hold out; to do one's best 2. to insist that; to stick to (one's opinion)
1 ほんとう (本当) : 1. truth; reality; actuality; fact 2. proper; right; correct; official
1 みぢか (身近) : near oneself; close to one; familiar
1 かんずる (感ずる) : to feel; to sense
1 すくう (救う) : to rescue from; to help out of; to save