# | 言葉 | 意味 |
17 | 件 | くだん (件) : 1. the aforementioned; the said; (man, incident, etc.) in question; the above-mentioned; the aforesaid 2. the usual |
9 | 報告 | ほうこく (報告) : report; information |
7 | 等 | など (等) : 1. et cetera; etc.; and the like; and so forth 2. or something |
7 | 関する | かんする (関する) : to concern; to be related |
5 | 件数 | けんすう (件数) : number of events (e.g. accidents, crimes, meetings, housing starts, hits on a web page) |
4 | 取扱い | とりあつかい (取り扱い) : treatment; service; handling; management |
4 | 指導 | しどう (指導) : 1. guidance; leadership; instruction; direction; coaching 2. shido (disciplinary action for a minor infringement of the rules of judo) |
3 | 個人情報保護法 | こじんじょうほうほごほう (個人情報保護法) : Personal Information Protection Law (2003) |
3 | 監視 | かんし (監視) : monitoring; watching; observation; surveillance; guarding; supervision; lookout |
3 | 漏えい | ろうえい (漏洩) : 1. leak (of secrets, information, etc.); disclosure; divulging 2. leak (of gas, liquid, etc.); leakage; escape (of gas); coming through (of light) |
3 | 事案 | じあん (事案) : concern; circumstance which is becoming a problem; case (court) |
3 | 処理 | しょり (処理) : processing; dealing with; treatment; disposition; disposal |
3 | 及び | および (及び) : and; as well as |
3 | 助言 | じょげん (助言) : advice; counsel; suggestion; tip; hint |
3 | あっせん | あっせん (斡旋) : 1. kind offices; services; through the good offices of; influence 2. intercession; mediation |
2 | 個人情報保護委員会 | こじんじょうほうほごいいんかい (個人情報保護委員会) : Personal Information Protection Commission |
2 | 年次 | ねんじ (年次) : 1. annual; yearly 2. year (e.g. of graduation); nth year (e.g. student); order by year |
2 | 基づく | もとづく (基づく) : to be grounded on; to be based on; to be due to; to originate from |
2 | 資料 | しりょう (資料) : materials; data; document |
2 | 個人情報 | こじんじょうほう (個人情報) : personal information |
2 | 又 | また (又) : 1. again; once more; once again; another time; some other time 2. also; too; as well; likewise |
2 | 監督 | かんとく (監督) : 1. supervision; control; superintendence; direction 2. director; superintendent; supervisor; coach; foreman; manager; overseer; controller; boss |
2 | 状況 | じょうきょう (状況) : state of affairs (around you); situation; circumstances |
2 | 徴収 | ちょうしゅう (徴収) : collection (of fees, taxes, etc.); levy |
2 | 勧告 | かんこく (勧告) : advice; counsel; remonstrance; recommendation |
2 | 対する | たいする (対する) : 1. to face (each other); to be facing 2. to be directed toward (the future, etc.); to be in response to; to be related to |
2 | 求め | もとめ (求め) : 1. request; appeal; claim; demand 2. purchase |
2 | 株式会社 | かぶしきがいしゃ (株式会社) : stock company; corporation; kabushiki kaisha; KK |
2 | 部門 | ぶもん (部門) : division (of a larger group); branch; field; class (subclass); group; category; department |
2 | 申出 | もうしで (申し出) : proposal; request; claim; report; notice; offer |
1 | 令和 | れいわ (令和) : Reiwa era (May 1, 2019-) |
1 | 年度 | ねんど (年度) : 1. fiscal year (usu. April 1 to March 31 in Japan); financial year 2. academic year; school year |
1 | 概要 | がいよう (概要) : outline; summary; overview; synopsis; abstract; abridgment; abridgement |
1 | 公表 | こうひょう (公表) : official announcement; proclamation |
1 | 第 | だい (第) : prefix for forming ordinal numbers |
1 | 条 | すじ (筋) : 1. muscle; tendon; sinew 2. vein; artery |
1 | 規定 | きてい (規定) : stipulation; prescription; provision; regulation; rule |
1 | 所掌 | しょしょう (所掌) : under one's jurisdiction; having jurisdiction |
1 | 事務 | じむ (事務) : office work; clerical work; administration; business; affairs |
1 | 国会 | こっかい (国会) : 1. National Diet; legislative assembly of Japan (1947-) 2. Imperial Diet; legislative assembly of Japan (1889-1947) |
1 | 行政機関 | ぎょうせいきかん (行政機関) : administrative organ; administrative body |
1 | 提出 | ていしゅつ (提出) : presentation (of documents); submission (of an application, report, etc.); production (e.g. of evidence); introduction (e.g. of a bill); filing; turning in |
1 | 実地 | じっち (実地) : 1. practice (as opposed to theory); actual practice 2. actual site; (at) the scene; (on) the spot |
1 | 調査 | ちょうさ (調査) : investigation; examination; inquiry; enquiry; survey |
1 | 学習塾 | がくしゅうじゅく (学習塾) : cram school; private tutoring school |
1 | 運営 | うんえい (運営) : management; administration; operation |
1 | 四谷 | したに (四谷) : Shitani (unclass) |
1 | 大塚 | おおつか (大塚) : Ootsuka (place; surname) |
1 | 資源エネルギー庁 | しげんエネルギーちょう (資源エネルギー庁) : Agency of Natural Resources and Energy |
1 | 行う | おこなう (行う) : to perform; to do; to conduct oneself; to carry out |
1 | 立入 | たちいり (立ち入り) : entering; going into |
1 | 検査 | けんさ (検査) : inspection (e.g. customs, factory); examination; scan (e.g. MRI, PET, etc.) |
1 | 他 | ほか (他) : 1. other (place, thing, person); the rest 2. outside; beyond |
1 | 民間 | みんかん (民間) : 1. private; non-governmental; non-official; civilian; civil 2. folk; popular |
1 | 公的 | こうてき (公的) : public; official |
1 | 苦情 | くじょう (苦情) : complaint; troubles; objection; grievance |
1 | 相談窓口 | そうだんまどぐち (相談窓口) : inquiry counter; consulting service; assistance service |