Published: 2024-12-17 15:30

川口駅前・元そごうの新商業施設は「ららテラス川口」 25年開業

三井不動産は、埼玉県川口市でリニューアル工事推進中の「(仮称)川口駅前商業施設計画」について、施設名称を「三井ショッピングパーク ららテラス川口」に決定した。開業は2025年5月を予定。










# 言葉 意味
5 かこう (河口) : mouth of river; estuary
5 やく (約) : 1. approximately; about 2. promise; appointment; engagement
5 てんぽ (店舗) : shop; store
3 じゅうぎょういん (従業員) : employee; worker
2 みい (三井) : Mii (place; surname; fem)
2 さいたまけん (埼玉県) : Saitama prefecture (Kanto area)
2 かわぐちし (川口市) : Kawaguchi (city) (place)
2 かわぐちえき (川口駅) : Kawaguchi Station (station)
2 きゅう (旧) : 1. old; former; ex- 2. the old; old things; old customs
2 そごう : Sogo (Japanese department store chain) (company)
2 あらた (新た) : new; fresh; novel
2 けいしょう (継承) : 1. inheritance; succession; accession 2. share-alike
2 とりそろえる (取り揃える) : to assemble (e.g. goods into a set); to gather; to put together
1 ふどうさん (不動産) : real estate
1 こうじ (工事) : construction work
1 すいしん (推進) : 1. propulsion; drive 2. promotion (e.g. of a government policy); furtherance; implementation
1 かしょう (仮称) : temporary name; provisional name
1 しせつ (施設) : 1. institution; establishment; facility 2. home (for elderly, orphans, etc.)
1 めいしょう (名称) : name; title
1 けってい (決定) : decision; determination
1 かいぎょう (開業) : opening a business; opening a practice
1 きじ (記事) : article; news story; report; account
1 かんする (関する) : to concern; to be related
1 がぞう (画像) : image; picture; portrait
1 しょうちょうてき (象徴的) : symbolic
1 そんざい (存在) : existence; being
1 たてかえる (建て替える) : to rebuild; to reconstruct
1 きそん (既存) : existing
1 いかす (生かす) : 1. to make (the best) use of; to put to good use; to leverage (skills, attributes, experience, etc.); to capitalise on (experience, etc.) 2. to let live; to keep alive
1 ないそう (内装) : interior design; interior; upholstery
1 いちぶ (一部) : 1. one part; one portion; one section; some 2. one copy (e.g. of a document)
1 がいそう (外装) : exterior; packaging; cladding; armor (armour); arm
1 おこなう (行う) : to perform; to do; to conduct oneself; to carry out
1 かた (型) : 1. model; type (e.g. of machine, goods, etc.) 2. type; style; pattern
1 さいせい (再生) : 1. resuscitation; regeneration; restoration to life 2. reformation; rehabilitation
1 あたらしく (新しく) : newly; new; anew
1 にょろ (~) : tilde; wave dash
1 がい (街) : ... street; ... quarter; ... district
1 ちいき (地域) : area; region
1 したしむ (親しむ) : to be intimate with; to befriend
1 おおとき (大時) : Ootoki (place)
1 だいりせき (大理石) : marble
1 ちいきじゅうみん (地域住民) : local resident
1 みたす (満たす) : 1. to satisfy (conditions, one's appetite, etc.); to meet (e.g. demands); to fulfill; to gratify 2. to fill (e.g. a cup); to pack; to supply
1 ゆたか (豊か) : 1. abundant; wealthy; plentiful; rich; affluent 2. very; extremely; full of; great
1 てんかい (展開) : 1. development; evolution; progression; unfolding; (plot) twist 2. expansion; spreading out; extending; deployment; building up
1 けいひんとうほくせん (京浜東北線) : Keihin-Tōhoku Line (unclass)
1 えきひがし (駅東) : Ekihigashi (place)
1 せつぞく (接続) : 1. connection; attachment; union; join; joint; link 2. changing trains
1 しきん (至近) : very near
1 りべんせい (利便性) : convenience; user-friendliness
1 すぐれる (優れる) : to surpass; to outstrip; to excel
1 えきまえ (駅前) : in front of a station
1 ひろば (広場) : 1. public square; square; plaza; piazza; forum 2. open space; clearing
1 ていりゅうじょ (停留所) : stop (bus, tram, etc.); station; stopping place
1 けいとう (系統) : 1. system 2. lineage; ancestry; family line
1 ろせん (路線) : 1. route (bus, train, air, etc.); line 2. line (taken by a group, organization, etc.); policy; course
1 のりいれる (乗り入れる) : 1. to drive into; to ride into 2. to extend (a railway line, bus route, etc.) into; to link (a railway line) with; to join up with (a separate line)
1 たほうめん (多方面) : many-sided; multifarious; versatility
1 かのう (可能) : possible; potential; practicable; feasible
1 せいかつひつじゅひん (生活必需品) : daily (living) necessities; necessities; essentials for life
1 せいせん (生鮮) : fresh
1 など (等) : 1. et cetera; etc.; and the like; and so forth 2. or something
1 せいせんしょくひん (生鮮食品) : perishable foods; perishables
1 ちほう (地方) : 1. district; region; area; locality 2. the country; countryside; the provinces; rural area
1 ぶっさん (物産) : product
1 わよう (和洋) : Japan and Europe
1 そうざい (惣菜) : small dish (served as a part of an ordinary household meal); side dish
1 しゅうせき (集積) : accumulation
1 こうかんど (高感度) : 1. high sensitivity; highly sensitive (e.g. film, radio receiver); high speed (film) 2. discerning; discriminating; of refined tastes
1 ざっか (雑貨) : miscellaneous goods; general goods; sundries
1 あらゆる (有らゆる) : all; every
1 せだい (世代) : generation; the world; the age
1 たよう (多様) : diverse; varied
1 ひとびと (人々) : 1. people; men and women 2. each person; everybody
1 むける (向ける) : to turn towards; to point
1 ひび (日々) : every day; daily; day after day; days (e.g. good old days)
1 くらし (暮らし) : life; living; livelihood; life circumstances
1 ていきょう (提供) : 1. offer; tender; providing; supplying; making available; donating (blood, organs, etc.) 2. sponsoring (a TV program)
1 おおがた (大型) : large; large-sized; large-scale; big
1 せんもんてん (専門店) : specialist shop; shop specializing in a few types of product
1 ちゅうしん (中心) : 1. center; centre; middle; heart; core; focus; pivot; emphasis; balance 2. -centered; -centred; -focused; -oriented; centered on; focused on
1 こうじょう (向上) : elevation; rise; improvement; advancement; progress
1 めざす (目指す) : 1. to aim at (for, to do, to become); to try for; to have an eye on 2. to go toward; to head for
1 じゅうじつ (充実) : 1. fullness; completion; perfection; substantiality 2. enhancement; improvement; enrichment; upgrading
1 きゅうけいしつ (休憩室) : break room; lounge (e.g. in an onsen); resting room
1 せんよう (専用) : 1. (one's) exclusive use; private use; personal use 2. dedicated use; use for a particular purpose
1 きつえんしつ (喫煙室) : smoking room; smoking compartment
1 かんない (館内) : in the building
1 せっち (設置) : 1. establishment; institution 2. installation (of a machine or equipment)
1 けいたいでんわ (携帯電話) : mobile telephone; cellular telephone
1 じゅうでん (充電) : 1. charging (electrically) 2. electrification
1 はみがき (歯磨き) : 1. dental brushing; brushing one's teeth 2. dentifrice; toothpaste; tooth powder
1 せんめんだい (洗面台) : washbasin; washstand
1 せいび (整備) : 1. maintenance; servicing 2. putting in place; establishment; development; preparation; provision; outfitting
1 はた (羽太) : sea basses; groupers
1 どうにゅう (導入) : introduction; bringing in; leading in; installation
1 えんかつ (円滑) : smooth; undisturbed; uninterrupted; harmonious
1 そくしん (促進) : promotion; acceleration; encouragement; facilitation; spurring on
1 しょざいち (所在地) : location; address
1 えいまち (栄町) : Eimachi (place)
1 ちょうめ (丁目) : district of a town; city block (of irregular size)
1 ごう (号) : 1. number; edition; make; model; issue; part of that group 2. sobriquet; pen-name
1 しきち (敷地) : site; plot; lot; grounds
1 めんせき (面積) : square measure; size (e.g. of land); area; surface
1 のべゆかめんせき (延床面積) : total floor space