Published: 2025-03-10 19:05











味 ★★★★★ ボリューム ★★★★☆ コスパ ★★★★☆






味 ★★★★★ ボリューム ★★★★☆ コスパ ★★★★★





# 言葉 意味
4 こんかい (今回) : this time; now
4 ごはん (ご飯) : 1. cooked rice 2. meal
3 たべる (食べる) : 1. to eat 2. to live on (e.g. a salary); to live off; to subsist on
3 ぜいたく (贅沢) : 1. luxury; extravagance 2. to live in luxury; to indulge oneself
3 かかく (価格) : price; value; cost
3 に (煮) : 1. simmered with; cooked with 2. boiling; boiled dish
3 あじわい (味わい) : 1. flavour; flavor; taste 2. charm; appeal; interest; meaning; significance
2 ご (御) : 1. honorific; polite; humble prefix 2. honorific suffix
2 ぜん (膳) : 1. small dining table (usu. for a single person); serving tray (with legs) 2. meal; food; serving
2 さば (鯖) : 1. mackerel (esp. the chub mackerel, Scomber japonicus) 2. server (in an online game)
2 みそしる (味噌汁) : miso soup
2 おおもり (大盛り) : large serving; large portion
2 きれ (切れ) : 1. piece; slice; strip; scrap 2. cloth
2 とも (供) : companion; follower; attendant; retinue
2 うまみ (旨み) : 1. good flavor (flavour); good taste; deliciousness 2. umami (fifth category of taste in food)
2 たっぷり : full; in plenty; ample
1 ようしょく (洋食) : 1. Western cooking; Western-style meal; Western-style food 2. Japanized Western cuisine
1 なぎ (凪) : calm (at sea); lull
1 ていしょく (定食) : set meal; special (of the day)
1 はばひろい (幅広い) : extensive; wide; broad
1 はんばい (販売) : sales; selling; marketing
1 がぞう (画像) : image; picture; portrait
1 どうが (動画) : 1. video; movie; moving picture 2. animation; animated cartoon
1 せん (選) : selection; choice; choosing; picking; election
1 すべて (全て) : 1. everything; all; the whole 2. entirely; completely; wholly; all
1 ぜいこみ (税込み) : tax included (e.g. price); before tax (e.g. salary)
1 とても (迚も) : 1. very; awfully; exceedingly 2. (not) at all; by no means; simply (cannot)
1 うれしい (嬉しい) : 1. happy; glad; pleased; delighted; overjoyed 2. joyful; delightful; gratifying; pleasant
1 よくばり (欲張り) : greed; avarice; covetousness; greedy person
1 ほか (他) : 1. other (place, thing, person); the rest 2. outside; beyond
1 こばち (小鉢) : small bowl
1 とんじる (豚汁) : pork miso soup; miso soup with pork and vegetables
1 へんこう (変更) : change; modification; alteration; revision; amendment
1 のる (乗る) : 1. to get on (train, plane, bus, ship, etc.); to get in; to board; to take; to embark 2. to get on (e.g. a footstool); to step on; to jump on; to sit on; to mount
1 ひとくち (一口) : 1. mouthful; morsel; bite 2. gulp; sip; draft; draught
1 おおきめ (大きめ) : largish; biggish; a little bit larger
1 かん (感) : 1. feeling; sensation; emotion; admiration; impression 2. interjection
1 はし (箸) : chopsticks
1 すっ (素っ) : most; much; greatly
1 ほぐれる (解れる) : 1. to come untied; to come apart 2. to be softened; to be relaxed
1 サバニ : plank-built fishing boat (Okinawa)
1 あいしょう (相性) : affinity; compatibility; chemistry (between people)
1 みるみる (見る見る) : very fast; in a twinkle; before one's eyes
1 きえる (消える) : to go out; to vanish; to disappear
1 とく (得) : 1. profit; advantage; benefit; gain 2. rebirth in paradise, entering nirvana
1 めん (麺) : 1. noodles 2. flour
1 からむ (絡む) : 1. to entangle; to entwine 2. to pick a quarrel; to find fault
1 ほのか (仄か) : 1. faint; indistinct; dim 2. few; a little
1 さんみ (酸味) : sourness; acidity
1 かんじる (感じる) : to feel; to sense; to experience
1 とにかく (兎に角) : anyhow; at any rate; anyway; somehow or other; generally speaking; in any case; at least
1 ぜっぴん (絶品) : superb piece of work; masterpiece; exquisite item; perfection; unique article
1 あとあじ (後味) : aftertaste
1 せいりょう (清涼) : cool; refreshing
1 ほんのり : slightly; faintly
1 かおる (香る) : to smell sweet; to be fragrant
1 かさなる (重なる) : 1. to be piled up; to lie on top of one another 2. to come one after another; to happen over and over; to pile up (e.g. stress); to accumulate
1 かくぎり (角切り) : cut into cubes; diced
1 ひがわり (日替わり) : changing every day
1 たまねぎ (玉ねぎ) : onion (Allium cepa)
1 あまみ (甘味) : 1. sweetness; sugary taste 2. sweets; dessert; cake
1 かんずる (感ずる) : to feel; to sense
1 ほんかくてき (本格的) : 1. genuine; real; regular; normal; typical; standard; orthodox 2. full-scale; full-blown; all-out
1 ちゅうもん (注文) : 1. order (for an item) 2. request; demand; condition
1 さす (指す) : 1. to point 2. to nominate; to select someone; to specify some person
1 うつわ (器) : 1. bowl; vessel; container 2. ability; capacity; calibre; caliber
1 てのひら (手のひら) : palm (of one's hand)
1 おおきさ (大きさ) : size; dimensions; volume
1 すりおろす (すり下ろす) : to grate; to scrape off
1 しょうゆ (醤油) : soy sauce; shoyu
1 しゅるい (種類) : 1. variety; kind; type; category 2. counter for kinds, species, etc.