Published: 2025-02-15 06:20

政府の備蓄米 3月半ばの放出へ準備急ぐ 農林水産省


政府備蓄米21万トン放出 価格動向焦点 江藤農林水産大臣は14日、政府備蓄米21万トンを市場放出する方針発表しました。






# 言葉 意味
7 ほうしゅつ (放出) : release; emission; ejection
6 びちくまい (備蓄米) : stockpile rice (kept by the government to use as emergency provisions); reserved rice
4 せいふ (政府) : government; administration
4 にゅうさつ (入札) : bid; tender; bidding
3 かかく (価格) : price; value; cost
3 のうりんすいさんしょう (農林水産省) : Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries; MAFF
2 いちば (市場) : (town) market; (street) market; marketplace
2 なかば (半ば) : 1. middle; halfway; midway 2. half (of); one half
2 むける (向ける) : to turn towards; to point
2 せつめいかい (説明会) : information session; briefing; explanatory meeting
2 しょうてん (焦点) : focus (e.g. photographic); focal point
2 しゅうか (集荷) : collection of cargo (esp. produce, etc.); cargo booking
2 うりわたす (売り渡す) : to sell over to
2 はんばい (販売) : sales; selling; marketing
2 りょう (量) : 1. quantity; amount; volume; capacity; portion (of food) 2. generosity; magnanimity; tolerance
2 りゅうつう (流通) : 1. circulation (money, goods, etc.); distribution 2. circulation (air, water, etc.); ventilation; flow
1 こうとう (高騰) : sudden price jump; steep price rise
1 みとおし (見通し) : 1. unobstructed view; perspective; visibility; vista 2. forecast; outlook; prospect; prediction
1 どうこう (動向) : trend; tendency; movement; attitude
1 えとう (江藤) : Etou (place; surname)
1 のうりんすいさんだいじん (農林水産大臣) : Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries
1 ほうしん (方針) : 1. policy; course; plan (of action); principle 2. magnetic needle
1 はっぴょう (発表) : announcement; publication; presenting; statement; communique; making known; breaking (news story); expressing (one's opinion); releasing; unveiling
1 へる (経る) : 1. to pass; to elapse; to go by 2. to pass through; to go through
1 みこみ (見込み) : 1. hope; promise; possibility; chance; probability; likelihood 2. expectation; anticipation; forecast; estimate
1 しょかい (初回) : 1. first time; first innings; initial attempt 2. first; initial
1 おおて (大手) : 1. major company; big company 2. front castle gate
1 あたる (当たる) : 1. to be hit; to strike 2. to touch; to be in contact; to be affixed
1 げんじてん (現時点) : present point (i.e. in history); at the present time
1 おうずる (応ずる) : 1. to answer; to respond; to meet 2. to satisfy; to accept
1 さらに (更に) : furthermore; again; after all; more and more; moreover; even more
1 かくだい (拡大) : magnification; enlargement; expansion; amplification
1 でまわる (出回る) : 1. to appear on the market; to be in season (e.g. fruit) 2. to circulate widely; to make the rounds; to go around; to float around
1 かくにん (確認) : confirmation; verification; validation; review; check; affirmation; identification
1 うりわたし (売り渡し) : sale; selling
1 たいする (対する) : 1. to face (each other); to be facing 2. to be directed toward (the future, etc.); to be in response to; to be related to
1 すうりょう (数量) : quantity; volume; amount
1 きんがく (金額) : amount of money; sum of money
1 ほうこく (報告) : report; information
1 ぎむ (義務) : duty; obligation; responsibility
1 たいしょう (対象) : target; object (of worship, study, etc.); subject (of taxation, etc.)
1 えんかつ (円滑) : smooth; undisturbed; uninterrupted; harmonious
1 か (化) : action of making something; -ification
1 もくてき (目的) : purpose; goal; aim; objective; intention
1 あんてい (安定) : stability; steadiness; equilibrium
1 つながる (繋がる) : 1. to be tied together; to be connected to; to be linked to 2. to lead to; to be related to