Published: 2025-03-07 15:23

QUICPayが20周年 毎週末に全額キャッシュバックキャンペーン





# 言葉 意味
2 しゅうねん (周年) : 1. whole year; entire year 2. n-th year anniversary
2 ぜんがく (全額) : total; full amount; sum
1 かいし (開始) : start; commencement; beginning; initiation
1 ひせっしょく (非接触) : out of contact; contactless (usually used to describe contactless cards)
1 けっさい (決済) : settlement; payment of account
1 はっぴょう (発表) : announcement; publication; presenting; statement; communique; making known; breaking (news story); expressing (one's opinion); releasing; unveiling
1 かいいん (会員) : member; the membership
1 しばしば (屡々) : often; again and again; frequently; repeatedly
1 とっぱ (突破) : 1. breaking through; breakthrough; penetration 2. surmounting; overcoming
1 かしょ (箇所) : 1. place; point; part; spot; area; passage; portion 2. counter for places, parts, passages, etc.
1 とうたつ (到達) : reaching; attaining; arrival
1 ぜんこく (全国) : the whole country
1 ほうえい (放映) : televising; broadcasting; airing
1 おこなう (行う) : to perform; to do; to conduct oneself; to carry out
1 きじ (記事) : article; news story; report; account
1 かんする (関する) : to concern; to be related
1 がぞう (画像) : image; picture; portrait
1 むかえる (迎える) : 1. to go out to meet 2. to receive; to welcome; to greet; to salute; to hail; to reach; to approach; to enter (a phase, era, etc.)
1 にょろ (~) : tilde; wave dash
1 じゅうらい (従来) : 1. up to now; so far 2. traditional; conventional; usual; existing
1 へんこう (変更) : change; modification; alteration; revision; amendment
1 うら (末) : top end; tip
1 わかる (分かる) : 1. to understand; to comprehend; to grasp; to see; to get; to follow 2. to become clear; to be known; to be discovered; to be realized; to be realised; to be found out
1 やすく (安く) : inexpensively
1 さんか (参加) : participation; joining; entry; adherence
1 とうろく (登録) : registration; accession; register; entry; record
1 ふよう (不要) : unnecessary; unneeded
1 きかんちゅう (期間中) : during; for the duration of
1 ちゅうせん (抽選) : lottery; raffle; drawing (of lots)
1 ごうけい (合計) : sum total; total amount