Published: 2024-10-18 06:35



画像動画】カインズで買える「取り付け簡単 カーテンレール用 室内物干しハンガー 2個入」の写真

今回レビューするのは「取り付け簡単 カーテンレール用 室内物干しハンガー 2個入」です。



















デザイン ★★★☆☆ 便利さ ★★★★★ コスパ ★★★☆☆

# 言葉 意味
4 とりつける (取り付ける) : 1. to furnish; to install 2. to get someone's agreement
4 せんたくもの (洗濯物) : laundry; the washing
3 かた (型) : 1. model; type (e.g. of machine, goods, etc.) 2. type; style; pattern
3 かじゅう (荷重) : load; loading; weight (of a load)
2 ならぶ (並ぶ) : 1. to line up; to stand in a line 2. to rival; to match; to equal
2 とりつけ (取り付け) : 1. installation; mounting; furnishing; fitting 2. run (on a bank); bank run
2 しつない (室内) : indoor; inside the room
2 ものほし (物干し) : frame for drying clothes; clotheshorse
2 こんかい (今回) : this time; now
2 つかう (使う) : 1. to use (a thing, method, etc.); to make use of; to put to use 2. to use (a person, animal, puppet, etc.); to employ; to handle; to manage; to manipulate
2 ひっかける (引っ掛ける) : 1. to hang (something) on (something); to throw on (clothes) 2. to hook; to catch; to trap; to ensnare
2 ほす (干す) : 1. to air; to dry; to desiccate 2. to drain (off)
2 かのう (可能) : possible; potential; practicable; feasible
2 おちる (落ちる) : 1. to fall down; to drop; to fall (e.g. rain); to sink (e.g. sun or moon); to fall onto (e.g. light or one's gaze); to be used in a certain place (e.g. money) 2. to be omitted; to be missing
2 たい (耐) : Tai (given)
2 やく (約) : 1. approximately; about 2. promise; appointment; engagement
2 せっち (設置) : 1. establishment; institution 2. installation (of a machine or equipment)
1 くらし (暮らし) : life; living; livelihood; life circumstances
1 やくだつ (役立つ) : to be useful; to be helpful; to serve the purpose
1 ようひん (用品) : articles; supplies; parts
1 かぐ (家具) : furniture
1 さまざま (様々) : various; varied; diverse; all sorts of
1 しょうひん (商品) : commodity; article of commerce; goods; stock; merchandise
1 がぞう (画像) : image; picture; portrait
1 どうが (動画) : 1. video; movie; moving picture 2. animation; animated cartoon
1 かかく (価格) : price; value; cost
1 すべて (全て) : 1. everything; all; the whole 2. entirely; completely; wholly; all
1 ぜいこみ (税込み) : tax included (e.g. price); before tax (e.g. salary)
1 はさむ (挟む) : 1. to hold between (e.g. one's fingers, chopsticks); to grip (from both sides) 2. to put between; to sandwich between; to insert; to interpose
1 てんかい (展開) : 1. development; evolution; progression; unfolding; (plot) twist 2. expansion; spreading out; extending; deployment; building up
1 こうにゅう (購入) : purchase; buy
1 てまえ (手前) : 1. before oneself; in front of one; nearby 2. a bit before reaching (a location); this side (of a location)
1 とびでる (飛び出る) : 1. to project; to protrude; to pop out (e.g. eyes) 2. to jump out; to rush out
1 いり (入り) : 1. entering 2. setting (of the Sun)
1 りょうたん (両端) : 1. both ends; either end; both edges 2. double-mindedness; sitting on the fence
1 せんたん (先端) : 1. pointed end; tip; point; cusp (of a leaf, crescent moon, etc.); apex (of a curve) 2. forefront; vanguard; spearhead; leading edge
1 さお (竿) : 1. rod; pole 2. neck (of a shamisen, etc.); shamisen
1 ころがる (転がる) : 1. to roll; to tumble 2. to fall over; to roll over
1 って : 1. you said; he said; she said; they said 2. if ... then
1 おへや (お部屋) : 1. room 2. apartment; flat
1 あたり (当たり) : 1. hit 2. success
1 こうしき (公式) : 1. official; formal 2. formula (e.g. mathematical)
1 ふたん (負担) : 1. burden; load; responsibility 2. bearing (a cost, responsibility, etc.); shouldering
1 せっしょく (接触) : touch; contact
1 へんかん (変換) : 1. change; conversion; transformation 2. transformation
1 こうぞう (構造) : structure; construction; makeup; framework; organization; pattern
1 ふか (負荷) : burden; load (e.g. CPU time, electricity, etc.)
1 にくい (憎い) : 1. hateful; abominable; poor-looking; detestable 2. amazing; fantastic; admirable; lovely; wonderful
1 まがる (曲がる) : 1. to bend; to curve; to warp; to wind; to twist 2. to turn
1 こえる (越える) : 1. to cross over; to cross; to pass through; to pass over (out of); to go beyond; to go past 2. to exceed; to surpass; to be more (than)
1 はめる (嵌める) : 1. to insert; to put in (such that there is a snug fit); to button; to put on (something that envelops, e.g. gloves, ring) 2. to have sex; to fuck
1 かぶせる (被せる) : to cover (with something); to put on (e.g. on someone else's head); to plate something (with a metal); to pour or dash a liquid (on something); to charge (a person with a guilt)
1 じゅし (樹脂) : resin; rosin
1 くるくる : 1. whirling; revolving; spinning; going round and round 2. coiling around; winding around; rolling around
1 かんせい (完成) : 1. complete; completion 2. perfection; accomplishment
1 さぎょう (作業) : work; operation; manufacturing; fatigue duty
1 いち (位置) : place; situation; position; location
1 きゃたつ (脚立) : stepladder; steps
1 きょり (距離) : distance; range
1 はなれる (離れる) : 1. to be separated; to be apart; to be distant 2. to leave; to go away
1 さらに (更に) : furthermore; again; after all; more and more; moreover; even more
1 まどわく (窓枠) : window frame; sash
1 はば (幅) : 1. width; breadth 2. freedom (e.g. of thought); latitude
1 よこはば (横幅) : breadth; width
1 いままで (今まで) : until now; so far; up to the present
1 ちょくせつ (直接) : direct; immediate; personal; firsthand
1 へやぼし (部屋干し) : indoor drying; hanging clothes to dry indoors
1 ふえる (増える) : to increase; to multiply
1 ありがたい (有難い) : grateful; thankful; welcome; appreciated; evoking gratitude
1 しゅうのう (収納) : 1. storage; putting or stowing away 2. receipt (of funds, payment, etc.)
1 かつやく (活躍) : 1. activity (esp. energetic); great efforts; conspicuous service 2. to flourish; to participate actively; to play an active role