Published: 2025-03-10 14:08







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# 言葉 意味
4 けっさい (決済) : settlement; payment of account
4 じょうしゃ (乗車) : boarding (a train, bus, etc.); getting into (e.g. a taxi)
3 うんちん (運賃) : 1. (passenger) fare 2. freight rates; shipping expenses
2 よこはまし (横浜市) : Yokohama (city) (place)
2 のる (乗る) : 1. to get on (train, plane, bus, ship, etc.); to get in; to board; to take; to embark 2. to get on (e.g. a footstool); to step on; to jump on; to sit on; to mount
2 さいだい (最大) : biggest; greatest; largest; maximum
2 たいしょう (対象) : target; object (of worship, study, etc.); subject (of taxation, etc.)
2 たいおう (対応) : 1. correspondence (to); equivalence 2. suitability; coordination; matching; being appropriate (for)
2 わりびき (割引) : 1. discount; reduction; rebate 2. tenths discounted; tenths reduced
2 しんよこはまえき (新横浜駅) : Shin'yokohama Station (station)
1 しはつ (始発) : 1. first departure (of the day); first train; first bus 2. departing one's home station (of a train, bus, etc.)
1 かいし (開始) : start; commencement; beginning; initiation
1 きじ (記事) : article; news story; report; account
1 かんする (関する) : to concern; to be related
1 がぞう (画像) : image; picture; portrait
1 ぜん (全) : 1. all; whole; entire; complete; total; pan- 2. complete (set); in total
1 あらた (新た) : new; fresh; novel
1 のり (乗り) : 1. riding; ride 2. spread (of paints)
1 ほうだい (放題) : (doing) as one pleases; to one's heart's content; letting (something) go unchecked; leaving uncontrolled; leaving (something) to take its own course
1 どうにゅう (導入) : introduction; bringing in; leading in; installation
1 せってい (設定) : 1. establishment; creation; posing (a problem); setting (movie, novel, etc.); scene 2. options setting; preference settings; configuration; setup
1 しえいちかてつ (市営地下鉄) : municipal subway
1 なんかい (何回) : how many times?
1 せいきゅうがく (請求額) : amount billed or claimed
1 こえる (越える) : 1. to cross over; to cross; to pass through; to pass over (out of); to go beyond; to go past 2. to exceed; to surpass; to be more (than)
1 ちょうかぶん (超過分) : surplus; excess
1 よこはまえき (横浜駅) : Yokohama Station (station)
1 さくらぎちょうえき (桜木町駅) : Sakuragichō Station (station)
1 かんないえき (関内駅) : Kannai Station (station)
1 ただし (但し) : but; however; provided that
1 どうがく (同額) : the same amount
1 たんい (単位) : 1. unit; denomination 2. credit (in school)
1 てきよう (適用) : applying (e.g. a technology); adoption
1 なお (尚) : 1. still; yet 2. more; still more; greater; further
1 しんたいしょうがいしゃ (身体障害者) : (physically) disabled person; person with a physical disability
1 など (等) : 1. et cetera; etc.; and the like; and so forth 2. or something
1 いれる (入れる) : 1. to put in; to let in; to take in; to bring in; to insert; to install (e.g. software); to set (a jewel, etc.); to ink in (e.g. tattoo) 2. to admit; to accept; to employ; to hire
1 うば (乳母) : wet nurse; nursing mother
1 よみとり (読み取り) : reading (e.g. by a scanner)
1 とりだす (取り出す) : 1. to take out; to produce; to pick out 2. to fetch; to retrieve
1 よびかける (呼びかける) : 1. to call out to; to hail; to address 2. to appeal
1 つらね (聯) : Tsurane (unclass)
1 こんご (今後) : from now on; hereafter
1 ついか (追加) : addition; supplement; appending; appendix
1 かくにん (確認) : confirmation; verification; validation; review; check; affirmation; identification