Published: 2024-10-22 06:50

トラックドライバー不足解決に向け 政府が新たな数値目標









# 言葉 意味
4 すうちもくひょう (数値目標) : target value; target amount
3 むける (向ける) : to turn towards; to point
3 たんしゅく (短縮) : shortening; contraction; reduction; curtailment; abbreviation
2 ぶつりゅう (物流) : physical distribution; distribution of goods; logistics
2 せいふ (政府) : government; administration
2 あらた (新た) : new; fresh; novel
2 ぎょうかい (業界) : business world; business circles; (the) industry
2 いったい (一体) : 1. (what) the heck; (why) in the world; (who) on earth 2. one object; one body; unity
2 こうりつか (効率化) : making efficient; optimization
2 ねんど (年度) : 1. fiscal year (usu. April 1 to March 31 in Japan); financial year 2. academic year; school year
2 げんざい (現在) : now; current; present; present time; as of
2 へいきん (平均) : 1. average; mean 2. balance; equilibrium
2 はいそう (配送) : delivery
1 になう (担う) : 1. to carry on one's shoulder; to shoulder; to bear 2. to bear (burden, responsibility, etc.); to take upon oneself
1 ひとでぶそく (人手不足) : labour shortage; labor shortage; shortage of workers; shortage of hands
1 かいけつ (解決) : settlement; solution; resolution
1 つくる (作る) : 1. to make; to produce; to manufacture; to build; to construct 2. to prepare (food); to brew (alcohol)
1 とりくみ (取り組み) : 1. bout (in sports, etc.); match 2. effort; initiative; dealing with; grappling with; wrestling with
1 きょうか (強化) : strengthening; intensifying; reinforcement; enhancement; solidification
1 ひっぱく (逼迫) : 1. tightness (of money, financial conditions, etc.); pressure; stringency 2. being strained (of a situation); being tense; being pressing; being tough
1 たいおう (対応) : 1. correspondence (to); equivalence 2. suitability; coordination; matching; being appropriate (for)
1 こくどこうつうしょう (国土交通省) : Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism
1 けいざいさんぎょうしょう (経済産業省) : Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry; METI
1 のうりんすいさんしょう (農林水産省) : Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries; MAFF
1 ごうどうかいぎ (合同会議) : joint session
1 ぎょうむ (業務) : business; affairs; duties; work; procedure; task; action; function; (business) operations; operational
1 とりまとめる (取りまとめる) : 1. to collect; to gather; to compile; to assemble 2. to arrange; to settle
1 ゆそうりょく (輸送力) : carrying power; transportation (carrying) capacity
1 ふそく (不足) : 1. insufficiency; deficiency; shortage; lack; scarcity; deficit 2. dissatisfaction; discontent; complaint
1 すいけい (推計) : estimate; estimation
1 もと (元) : 1. origin; source 2. base; basis; foundation; root
1 かいしょう (解消) : cancellation; liquidation; resolution; reduction (e.g. of stress)
1 めじるし (目印) : 1. mark (for quick identification or recognition); sign 2. landmark; guide
1 あたり (当たり) : 1. hit 2. success
1 に (荷) : 1. load; baggage; cargo; freight; goods 2. burden; responsibility
1 まち (待ち) : 1. waiting; waiting time 2. wait tile; tile which would complete one's hand
1 にえき (荷役) : handling cargo; loading and unloading
1 さらに (更に) : furthermore; again; after all; more and more; moreover; even more
1 にぬし (荷主) : shipper
1 うけわたし (受け渡し) : delivery; transfer; hand-over
1 げんそく (原則) : 1. principle; general rule 2. as a rule; in principle; in general
1 いっぽう (一方) : 1. one (esp. of two); the other; one way; the other way; one direction; the other direction; one side; the other side; one party; the other party 2. on the one hand; on the other hand
1 にだい (荷台) : (truck) load-carrying tray; (bicycle) luggage carrier; roof rack
1 ていど (程度) : degree; amount; grade; standard; of the order of (following a number); about; approximately
1 うまる (埋まる) : 1. to be buried; to be covered; to be surrounded 2. to overflow; to be crowded; to be filled
1 しめす (示す) : 1. to (take out and) show; to demonstrate; to tell; to exemplify; to make apparent 2. to point out (finger, clock hand, needle, etc.)
1 ぜんたい (全体) : whole; entirety; whatever (is the matter)
1 わり (割り) : 1. rate; ratio; proportion; percentage 2. profit
1 めやす (目安) : 1. criterion; standard; yardstick; reference; aim 2. rough estimate; approximation
1 ごと (毎) : each; every
1 ひきあげる (引き上げる) : 1. to pull up; to drag up; to lift up 2. to increase; to raise (e.g. taxes)
1 とりくむ (取り組む) : 1. to grapple with; to wrestle with; to engage in a bout; to be matched against 2. to tackle (e.g. a problem); to come to grips with; to work hard on
1 どうにゅう (導入) : introduction; bringing in; leading in; installation
1 ふくすう (複数) : plural; multiple; several
1 きょうどう (共同) : doing together (as equals); sharing; common (land, etc.); joint (statement, etc.); cooperation; co-operation; collaboration; association
1 かくだい (拡大) : magnification; enlargement; expansion; amplification
1 ほじょきん (補助金) : assistance payment; subsidiary aid
1 しえん (支援) : support; backing; aid; assistance
1 ほうしん (方針) : 1. policy; course; plan (of action); principle 2. magnetic needle
1 ぜんこく (全国) : the whole country
1 およそ (凡そ) : 1. about; roughly; approximately 2. generally; on the whole; as a rule
1 じぎょうしゃ (事業者) : 1. business person 2. operator; carrier (telecommunications, transport, etc.)
1 ちょうさ (調査) : investigation; examination; inquiry; enquiry; survey
1 おこなう (行う) : to perform; to do; to conduct oneself; to carry out
1 しんちょく (進捗) : progress; being under way
1 しん (新) : 1. new; neo- 2. newness; novelty
1 ちょこ (猪口) : 1. sake cup 2. small deep porcelain bowl for serving food
1 かくにん (確認) : confirmation; verification; validation; review; check; affirmation; identification