シンシア・エリヴォとアリアナ・グランデがダブル主演した映画『ウィキッド ふたりの魔女』。その華やかでキラキラしたビジュアルから子どものための映画だと思わないでほしい。他人の脚を引っ張ることなく、お互いを心から応援する主人公たちに、日々の生活に疲れた大人こそ心が動かされるはずだ。
【動画を見る】歌唱シーンは事前収録ではなく、生歌撮影。そのパフォーマンス力に圧倒される。『ウィキッド ふたりの魔女』
『オズの魔法使い』の前日譚として生まれた不朽のミュージカル劇『ウィキッド』を原作にした映画版『ウィキッド』。2部構成でまずは第1弾となる『ウィキッド ふたりの魔女』が公開される。シンシア・エリヴォとアリアナ・グランデのダブル主演で、第97回アカデミー賞では作品賞、主演女優賞、助演女優賞、視覚効果賞、編集賞、作曲賞、音響賞、衣装デザイン賞、美術賞、メイクアップ&ヘアスタイリング賞の計10部門でノミネートされ、注目を集めた。世界各国で記録的なヒットを飾り、ブロードウェイミュージカルの映画化作品としては、歴代最高の全世界オープニング興収を叩き出している。
物語は、西の“悪い魔女”エルファバが死んだという知らせが届くところから始まる。色彩豊かで華やかなオズの国に暮らす住民たちは、「悪い魔女が死んだ! なんて素晴らしいんだ」と喜びお祝いをするが、きらびやかな雰囲気と繰り返し発せられる「死んだ!」という不穏な言葉に、気味悪さを感じるだろう。“善い魔女”グリンダ(アリアナ・グランデ)も住民たちとお祝いをするが、どこか浮かない顔。それもそのはずグリンダはかつてその西の魔女と親友であり、なぜ彼女が“悪い魔女”となったかを知っているからだ。
時はグリンダと“悪い魔女”エルファバ(シンシア・エルヴォ)が初めて出会ったシズ大学の学生時代に遡る。優しく聡明でありながら、生まれつき緑色の肌を持ち父親や周囲から疎まれているエルファバは妹のつきそいでシズ大学に入学し、魔法の才能を見出される。愛らしいルックスを持ち、誰からも愛されることを望む能天気な人気者グリンダとエルファバは大学の寮でルームメイトになる。のちに“悪い魔女と”善い魔女“となるふたりの魔女の出会いと友情が『ウィキッド ふたりの魔女』の本筋である。
■『ウィキッド ふたりの魔女』
© Universal Studios. All Rights Reserved.
# | 言葉 | 意味 |
16 | 魔女 | まじょ (魔女) : witch |
5 | 映像 | えいぞう (映像) : 1. image (on a screen); picture (e.g. on a TV) 2. video; film; footage |
4 | 持つ | もつ (持つ) : 1. to hold (in one's hand); to take; to carry 2. to possess; to have; to own |
3 | 死ぬ | しぬ (死ぬ) : 1. to die; to pass away 2. to lose spirit; to lose vigor; to look dead |
3 | 異なる | ことなる (異なる) : to differ; to vary; to disagree |
3 | とも | とも (供) : companion; follower; attendant; retinue |
3 | 相手 | あいて (相手) : 1. companion; partner; company 2. other party; addressee |
3 | 役 | えき (役) : 1. war; campaign; battle 2. unpaid work (ritsuryo system); forced labor |
2 | 主演 | しゅえん (主演) : starring; playing the leading part |
2 | 華やか | はなやか (華やか) : showy; brilliant; gorgeous; florid; gay |
2 | 脚 | あし (足) : 1. foot; paw; arm (of an octopus, squid, etc.) 2. leg |
2 | 互い | たがい (互い) : each other; one another |
2 | 主人公 | しゅじんこう (主人公) : 1. protagonist; main character; hero(ine) (of a story) 2. head of household |
2 | こそ | こそ : 1. it is ... that ...; precisely; in particular; definitely; for sure; only (when, after, because, etc.) 2. although; while; it is the case that ... but |
2 | 歌唱 | かしょう (歌唱) : song; singing |
2 | 劇 | げき (劇) : 1. drama; play 2. powerful drug |
2 | 第 | だい (第) : prefix for forming ordinal numbers |
2 | 公開 | こうかい (公開) : opening to the public; making available to the public; putting on display; exhibiting; showing (play, movie, etc.); holding (interview, etc.); open; public |
2 | アカデミー賞 | アカデミーしょう (アカデミー賞) : Academy Award |
2 | 編集 | へんしゅう (編集) : editing; compilation |
2 | 美術 | びじゅつ (美術) : art; fine arts |
2 | 雰囲気 | ふんいき (雰囲気) : 1. atmosphere; mood; ambience; ambiance; aura; feel 2. a certain air; presence; special aura; something (about someone) |
2 | 住民 | じゅうみん (住民) : inhabitant; resident; citizen; population |
2 | 知る | しる (知る) : 1. to be aware of; to know; to be conscious of; to cognize; to cognise 2. to notice; to feel |
2 | 出会う | であう (出会う) : 1. to meet (by chance); to come across; to run across; to encounter; to happen upon 2. to meet (e.g. of rivers, highways, etc.) |
2 | 聡明 | そうめい (聡明) : wise; sagacious; intelligent; sensible |
2 | 緑色 | みどりいろ (緑色) : green; emerald green; green color of new foliage; verdure |
2 | 肌 | はだ (肌) : 1. skin 2. body (in the context of intimate bodily contact) |
2 | 魔法 | まほう (魔法) : magic; witchcraft; sorcery; spell |
2 | 才能 | さいのう (才能) : talent; ability |
2 | 友情 | ゆうじょう (友情) : friendship; fellowship; camaraderie |
2 | 演じる | えんじる (演じる) : to perform (a play); to play (a part); to act (a part); to commit (a blunder) |
2 | 熱演 | ねつえん (熱演) : enthusiastic performance |
2 | 演ずる | えんずる (演ずる) : to perform; to play |
2 | 伝わる | つたわる (伝わる) : to be handed down; to be introduced; to be transmitted; to be circulated; to go along; to walk along |
2 | 舞台 | ぶたい (舞台) : 1. stage (theatre, theater) 2. scene or setting (e.g. of novel, play, etc.) |
2 | 圧倒的 | あっとうてき (圧倒的) : overwhelming |
2 | 美 | び (美) : beauty |
2 | 超える | こえる (越える) : 1. to cross over; to cross; to pass through; to pass over (out of); to go beyond; to go past 2. to exceed; to surpass; to be more (than) |
2 | 視覚 | しかく (視覚) : sense of sight; vision |
2 | 効果 | こうか (効果) : 1. effect; effectiveness; efficacy; result 2. effects (e.g. sound effects, visual effects, special effects) |
1 | 子ども | こども (子供) : child |
1 | 思う | おもう (思う) : 1. to think; to consider; to believe; to reckon 2. to think (of doing); to plan (to do) |
1 | 他人 | たにん (他人) : 1. another person; other people; others 2. unrelated person (i.e. not related by blood) |
1 | 引っ張る | ひっぱる (引っ張る) : 1. to pull; to draw; to pull tight 2. to string (lines); to run (cable); to stretch |
1 | 応援 | おうえん (応援) : 1. aid; assistance; help; support; reinforcement 2. cheering; rooting (for); support |
1 | 日々 | ひび (日々) : every day; daily; day after day; days (e.g. good old days) |
1 | 疲れる | つかれる (疲れる) : 1. to get tired; to tire; to get fatigued; to become exhausted; to grow weary 2. to become worn out (of a well-used object) |
1 | 動かす | うごかす (動かす) : 1. to move; to shift; to stir; to budge; to change position 2. to inspire; to rouse; to move (e.g. feeling); to influence |
1 | 動画 | どうが (動画) : 1. video; movie; moving picture 2. animation; animated cartoon |
1 | 事前 | じぜん (事前) : prior; beforehand; in advance; before the fact; ex ante |
1 | 収録 | しゅうろく (収録) : 1. compilation; editing 2. recording |
1 | 撮影 | さつえい (撮影) : photography (still or motion); photographing; filming; shooting; (video) recording |
1 | 圧倒 | あっとう (圧倒) : 1. to overwhelm (e.g. an opponent); to overpower; to crush; to defeat completely 2. to overwhelm (someone with emotion); to move; to impress; to fill with emotion |
1 | オズの魔法使い | オズのまほうつかい (オズの魔法使い) : The Wonderful Wizard of Oz (novel by L. F. Baum, 1900); The Wizard of Oz (film, 1939) (work) |
1 | 前日 | ぜんじつ (前日) : previous day; day before; eve; prior day; preceding day |
1 | 譚 | たん (譚) : story; tale |
1 | 生まれる | うまれる (生まれる) : to be born |
1 | 不朽 | ふきゅう (不朽) : everlasting; immortal; eternal; enduring; undying; imperishable |
1 | 原作 | げんさく (原作) : original work |
1 | 映画 | えいが (映画) : movie; film |
1 | 部 | ぶ (部) : 1. department (in an organization); division; bureau 2. club |
1 | 構成 | こうせい (構成) : composition; construction; formation; makeup; structure; organization; organisation |
1 | 弾 | たま (玉) : 1. ball; sphere; globe; orb 2. bead (of sweat, dew, etc.); drop; droplet |
1 | 助演 | じょえん (助演) : supporting performance; playing a supporting role |
1 | 女優 | じょゆう (女優) : actress |
1 | 視覚効果 | しかくこうか (視覚効果) : visual effect(s) (e.g. in a film) |
1 | 音響 | おんきょう (音響) : sound; noise; acoustics; reverberation; echo; audio |
1 | 衣装 | いしょう (衣装) : clothing; costume; outfit; garment; dress |
1 | 賞 | しょう (賞) : prize; award |
1 | 部門 | ぶもん (部門) : division (of a larger group); branch; field; class (subclass); group; category; department |
1 | 注目 | ちゅうもく (注目) : notice; attention; observation |
1 | 集める | あつめる (集める) : to collect; to assemble; to gather |
1 | 世界各国 | せかいかっこく (世界各国) : countries all over the world; all the countries of the world |
1 | 記録的 | きろくてき (記録的) : record(-setting) |
1 | 飾る | かざる (飾る) : 1. to decorate; to ornament; to adorn 2. to display; to exhibit; to put on show; to arrange |
1 | 映画化 | えいがか (映画化) : making (book, etc.) into film; making a screen version; adapting for the screen |
1 | 作品 | さくひん (作品) : work (e.g. book, film, composition, etc.); opus; performance; production |
1 | 歴代 | れきだい (歴代) : successive generations; successive emperors |
1 | 最高 | さいこう (最高) : 1. most; highest; maximum; uppermost; supreme 2. best; wonderful; finest |
1 | 全世界 | ぜんせかい (全世界) : the whole world |
1 | 興収 | こうしゅう (興収) : box-office takings; box-office revenue |
1 | 叩き出す | たたきだす (叩き出す) : 1. to begin to strike 2. to kick out; to forcefully expel; to fire (someone) |
1 | 明る | あかる (明る) : to become bright; to become clear |
1 | 物語 | ものがたり (物語) : tale; story; legend |
1 | 知らせ | しらせ (知らせ) : 1. news; word; tidings; notice; notification; information 2. omen |
1 | 届く | とどく (届く) : 1. to reach; to touch; to get to; to carry (of sound) 2. to be delivered; to arrive |
1 | 色彩 | しきさい (色彩) : colour; color; hue; tints |
1 | 豊か | ゆたか (豊か) : 1. abundant; wealthy; plentiful; rich; affluent 2. very; extremely; full of; great |
1 | 暮らす | くらす (暮らす) : 1. to live; to get along 2. to spend (time) |
1 | なんて | なんて (何て) : 1. how ...!; what ...! 2. what?; what's that? |
1 | 素晴らしい | すばらしい (素晴らしい) : wonderful; splendid; magnificent |
1 | 喜ぶ | よろこぶ (喜ぶ) : 1. to be delighted; to be glad; to be pleased 2. to congratulate |
1 | きらびやか | きらびやか (煌びやか) : gorgeous; gaudy; dazzling; gay; resplendent |
1 | 繰り返す | くりかえす (繰り返す) : to repeat; to do something over again |
1 | 発する | はっする (発する) : 1. to let out; to utter; to produce; to emit; to give forth; to discharge 2. to issue; to send; to give |
1 | 不穏 | ふおん (不穏) : disquieting; threatening; turbulent; restless; unsettled; disturbing |
1 | 気味 | きみ (気味) : 1. sensation; feeling 2. tendency; propensity |
1 | 感じる | かんじる (感じる) : to feel; to sense; to experience |
1 | 浮く | うく (浮く) : 1. to float 2. to become merry; to be cheerful |
1 | かつて | かつて (嘗て) : 1. once; before; formerly; ever; former; ex- 2. never yet; never before; first time; still not happened |
1 | 親友 | しんゆう (親友) : close friend; bosom (old, intimate) friend; buddy; crony; chum |
1 | 傷つける | きずつける (傷つける) : 1. to wound; to injure 2. to hurt someone's feelings (pride, etc.) |
1 | 学生時代 | がくせいじだい (学生時代) : student days |
1 | 遡る | さかのぼる (遡る) : 1. to go upstream 2. to go back (in time, to origin); to date back to; to trace back to; to make retroactive |
1 | 生まれつき | うまれつき (生まれつき) : by nature; by birth; naturally; natural; innate |
1 | 父親 | ちちおや (父親) : father |
1 | 周囲 | しゅうい (周囲) : 1. surroundings; environs 2. circumference |
1 | 疎む | うとむ (疎む) : to shun; to avoid; to ostracize; to neglect; to distance oneself from; to give the hard shoulder |
1 | つきそい | つきそい (付き添い) : 1. attendance (on); chaperonage 2. attendant; escort; entourage; chaperon; retinue |
1 | 見出す | みいだす (見出す) : 1. to find out; to discover; to notice; to detect 2. to select; to pick out |
1 | 愛らしい | あいらしい (愛らしい) : pretty; charming; lovely; adorable |
1 | 愛す | あいす (愛す) : to love |
1 | 望む | のぞむ (望む) : 1. to desire 2. to wish for; to expect |
1 | 能天気 | のうてんき (能天気) : laid-back; carefree; easygoing; thoughtless; happy-go-lucky |
1 | 人気 | にんき (人気) : 1. popularity; public favor 2. condition (e.g. market); tone; character; nature |
1 | 寮 | りょう (寮) : 1. hostel; dormitory 2. bureau (government department beneath a ministry under the ritsuryo system) |
1 | のち | のち (後) : 1. later; afterwards 2. future |
1 | 出会い | であい (出会い) : 1. meeting; rendezvous; encounter 2. confluence |
1 | 本筋 | ほんすじ (本筋) : main thread (of a story) |
1 | 当初 | とうしょ (当初) : 1. beginning; start; outset 2. at first; at the beginning; initially; originally |
1 | 見た目 | みため (見た目) : appearance; (outward) looks; exterior appearance |
1 | 中身 | あてみ (当て身) : blow to a vital point of a person's body; striking techniques (judo) |
1 | 大きく | おおきく (大きく) : in a big way; on a grand scale |
1 | 対立 | たいりつ (対立) : confrontation; opposition; antagonism |
1 | 虐げる | しいたげる (虐げる) : to oppress; to persecute; to tyrannize |
1 | 恵まれる | めぐまれる (恵まれる) : to be blessed with; to be rich in; to abound in |
1 | 生い立ち | おいたち (生い立ち) : 1. growth; development 2. one's early life; upbringing; personal history |
1 | 対比 | たいひ (対比) : contrast; comparison |
1 | 典型的 | てんけいてき (典型的) : typical; representative; archetypal; quintessential; stereotypical; model |
1 | 構図 | こうず (構図) : composition |
1 | 天真爛漫 | てんしんらんまん (天真爛漫) : naivete; simplicity; innocence |
1 | 純粋 | じゅんすい (純粋) : pure; true; genuine; unmixed |
1 | やがて | やがて (軈て) : 1. before long; soon; shortly 2. almost; nearly |
1 | 違い | ちがい (違い) : 1. difference; distinction; discrepancy 2. mistake; error |
1 | 乗り越える | のりこえる (乗り越える) : 1. to climb over; to get over; to ride across 2. to surmount; to overcome |
1 | 通う | かよう (通う) : 1. to go to and from (a place); to go back and forth between; to run between (e.g. bus, train, etc.); to ply between 2. to go to (school, work, etc.); to attend; to commute; to frequent |
1 | 様 | ざま (様) : 1. mess; sorry state; plight; sad sight 2. -ways; -wards |
1 | 素直 | すなお (素直) : 1. obedient; meek; docile; unaffected 2. honest; frank; upfront (about one's feelings) |
1 | 温まる | あたたまる (温まる) : to warm oneself; to sun oneself; to warm up; to get warm |
1 | 育む | はぐくむ (育む) : 1. to raise; to bring up; to rear 2. to cultivate; to foster; to nurture |
1 | 隠す | かくす (隠す) : to hide; to conceal |
1 | 秘密 | ひみつ (秘密) : 1. secret; secrecy; confidentiality; privacy 2. mystery |
1 | 追いつめる | おいつめる (追い詰める) : to corner; to drive to the wall; to run down; to track down; to chase after |
1 | 広く | ひろく (広く) : widely; far and wide; extensively; universally |
1 | 脚本 | きゃくほん (脚本) : script; screenplay; scenario |
1 | 意地悪 | いじわる (意地悪) : malicious; ill-tempered; unkind |
1 | 往々 | おうおう (往々) : sometimes; often |
1 | 本作 | ほんさく (本作) : this piece; this work |
1 | 良心 | りょうしん (良心) : conscience |
1 | 虚栄心 | きょえいしん (虚栄心) : vanity |
1 | 貶める | おとしめる (貶める) : 1. to show contempt for; to look down upon; to have a low opinion of 2. to cause to fall; to make decline |
1 | 徐々 | じょじょ (徐々) : 1. slow; gradual; steady 2. calm; composed; relaxed |
1 | 認める | したためる (認める) : 1. to write (e.g. a letter); to draw up (a document); to take down (e.g. notes) 2. to have (lunch, dinner, etc.); to eat |
1 | 過程 | かてい (過程) : process; course; mechanism |
1 | 見事 | みごと (見事) : 1. splendid; magnificent; excellent; fine; superb; beautiful; admirable 2. utter (esp. defeat); total; complete |
1 | 描く | えがく (描く) : 1. to draw; to paint; to sketch 2. to depict; to describe |
1 | 歌い手 | うたいて (歌い手) : singer |
1 | それぞれ | それぞれ (夫れ夫れ) : each; respectively |
1 | 通ずる | つうずる (通ずる) : 1. to be open (to traffic); to lead to; to communicate (with) 2. to flow (liquid, current); to pass; to get through to |
1 | 選ぶ | えらぶ (選ぶ) : to choose; to select |
1 | 対する | たいする (対する) : 1. to face (each other); to be facing 2. to be directed toward (the future, etc.); to be in response to; to be related to |
1 | 涙 | なみだ (涙) : 1. tear; tears; lachrymal secretion 2. sympathy |
1 | 流す | ながす (流す) : 1. to drain; to pour; to spill; to shed (blood, tears) 2. to wash away |
1 | 歓喜 | かんき (歓喜) : delight; great joy |
1 | 思い入れ | おもいいれ (思い入れ) : 1. emotional attachment 2. attitude (expressing emotion); meditative pose (e.g. an actor); posing for effect |
1 | 熱意 | ねつい (熱意) : zeal; enthusiasm; ardor; ardour |
1 | グラミー賞 | グラミーしょう (グラミー賞) : Grammy Awards; Grammy Award |
1 | 豊潤 | ほうじゅん (豊潤) : abundant; rich; ripe; mellow |
1 | 思慮 | しりょ (思慮) : prudence; discretion; thought |
1 | 演技 | えんぎ (演技) : acting; performance |
1 | 奥深い | おくふかい (奥深い) : 1. profound; deep 2. deep (of a cave, etc.); innermost; interior |
1 | 世界的 | せかいてき (世界的) : 1. worldwide; global; international; universal 2. world-famous; world-class |
1 | 初 | はつ (初) : first; new |
1 | 本格 | ほんかく (本格) : 1. original method or procedure 2. serious; orthodox; classical; genuine |
1 | 進出 | しんしゅつ (進出) : advance (into a new market or stage of progress); launching (a new career or venture); expanding (into a new market); stepping forward; emerging |
1 | 繊細 | せんさい (繊細) : 1. dainty; delicate (e.g. fingers); fine; slim 2. sensitive; delicate (feelings, sense, etc.); subtle |
1 | 片鱗 | へんりん (片鱗) : portion; part; snapshot; glimpse |
1 | 普段 | ふだん (普段) : 1. usual; normal; everyday; habitual; ordinary 2. usually; normally; generally; habitually; always |
1 | 身 | み (身) : 1. body 2. oneself |
1 | 完璧 | かんぺき (完璧) : perfect; complete; flawless |
1 | 生む | うむ (生む) : 1. to give birth; to bear (child); to lay (eggs) 2. to produce; to yield; to give rise to; to deliver |
1 | ちなみ | ちなみ (因み) : 1. association; link; connection 2. pledge (esp. for marriage); promise |
1 | 通じ合う | つうじあう (通じ合う) : 1. to be understood by each other (of thoughts, feelings, etc.); to be comprehended 2. to exchange with each other (thoughts, feelings, etc.); to express to each other (e.g. intentions); to communicate with each other |
1 | 尊敬 | そんけい (尊敬) : respect; esteem; reverence; honour; honor |
1 | 芯 | しん (芯) : 1. wick; marrow; staple (for stapler); (pencil) lead; stuffing; pith 2. core; heart; centre; center |
1 | 込める | こめる (込める) : 1. to load (a gun, etc.); to charge 2. to put into (e.g. emotion, effort) |
1 | 裏側 | うらがわ (裏側) : the reverse; other side; lining |
1 | 入れる | いれる (入れる) : 1. to put in; to let in; to take in; to bring in; to insert; to install (e.g. software); to set (a jewel, etc.); to ink in (e.g. tattoo) 2. to admit; to accept; to employ; to hire |
1 | 中心 | ちゅうしん (中心) : 1. center; centre; middle; heart; core; focus; pivot; emphasis; balance 2. -centered; -centred; -focused; -oriented; centered on; focused on |
1 | 後押し | あとおし (後押し) : 1. pushing; backing; boosting; supporting 2. pushing from behind (a cart, etc.); pusher |
1 | 見どころ | みどころ (見どころ) : 1. point worthy of note; highlight; high point; main attraction; thing to note 2. good prospects for the future; promise |
1 | 指揮 | しき (指揮) : command; direction |
1 | もと | もと (元) : 1. origin; source 2. base; basis; foundation; root |
1 | 参加 | さんか (参加) : participation; joining; entry; adherence |
1 | 施す | ほどこす (施す) : 1. to give (time, money, goods); to donate 2. to do; to perform; to conduct |
1 | 目玉 | めだま (目玉) : 1. eyeball 2. special feature; centerpiece; showpiece; drawcard |
1 | 歌う | うたう (歌う) : 1. to sing 2. to sing (one's praises in a poem, etc.); to compose a poem; to recite a poem |
1 | 乗る | のる (乗る) : 1. to get on (train, plane, bus, ship, etc.); to get in; to board; to take; to embark 2. to get on (e.g. a footstool); to step on; to jump on; to sit on; to mount |
1 | 飛び回る | とびまわる (飛び回る) : to fly about; to skip about; to bustle about |
1 | 極限 | きょくげん (極限) : 1. utmost limits; extremity 2. limit |
1 | 達する | たっする (達する) : to reach; to get to; to arrive at |
1 | ありあり | ありあり (有り有り) : clearly; distinctly; vividly |
1 | 相 | さが (性) : 1. one's nature; one's destiny 2. custom; tradition; habit; convention |
1 | まつ | まつ (松) : 1. pine tree (Pinus spp.) 2. highest (of a three-tier ranking system) |
1 | 胸 | むね (胸) : 1. chest; breast 2. breasts; bosom; bust |
1 | 臨場感 | りんじょうかん (臨場感) : (sense of) presence; realism; ambiance |
1 | 表現 | ひょうげん (表現) : 1. expression; presentation 2. representation; notation |
1 | いえる | いえる (言える) : 1. to be possible to say; to be able to say 2. said; have said |
1 | 帰り道 | かえりみち (帰り道) : the way back; the way home; return trip |
1 | 聞く | きく (聞く) : 1. to hear 2. to listen (e.g. to music) |
1 | 全国 | ぜんこく (全国) : the whole country |
1 | 配給 | はいきゅう (配給) : 1. distribution (e.g. films, rice) 2. rationing (e.g. food, gasoline) |
1 | 東宝 | とうほう (東宝) : 1. Touhou (place; surname) 2. Toho (film studio) (company) |
1 | 東和 | とうわ (東和) : Touwa (place) |
1 | 小松 | こまつ (小松) : small pine; young pine |
1 | 香里 | かおり (香里) : Kaori (fem) |
1 | 遠藤 | えとう (遠藤) : Etou (surname) |
1 | 加奈 | かな (加奈) : Kana (fem) |