Published: 2025-02-12 18:40

水俣病患者などの団体 健康調査の方法検討めぐり環境省に要望





浅尾環境大臣速やか水俣市新潟市訪れ患者被害者懇談することなどを求めました。 連絡会山下善寛代表代行は「健康調査実際に行うとすれば地域住民被害者協力が必要になります。形だけでなく、こちらの意見をきちんと聞きながら検討進めてほしい」と話していました。

# 言葉 意味
8 かんじゃ (患者) : patient
8 ひがいしゃ (被害者) : victim; injured party; sufferer
7 だんたい (団体) : organization; organisation; association
6 みなまたびょう (水俣病) : Minamata disease
6 かんきょうしょう (環境省) : Ministry of the Environment
4 おとずれる (訪れる) : 1. to visit; to call on 2. to arrive (season, time, situation, etc.); to come; to appear
4 けんこう (健康) : 1. health 2. healthy; sound; fit; wholesome
4 ちょうさ (調査) : investigation; examination; inquiry; enquiry; survey
4 けんとう (検討) : consideration; examination; investigation; study; scrutiny; discussion; analysis; review
3 かんきょうだいじん (環境大臣) : Minister for the Environment
3 こんだん (懇談) : informal talk
3 きょうぎ (協議) : conference; consultation; discussion; negotiation
2 じゅうみん (住民) : inhabitant; resident; citizen; population
2 ほうほう (方法) : method; process; manner; way; means; technique
2 あたる (当たる) : 1. to be hit; to strike 2. to touch; to be in contact; to be affixed
2 あおき (浅尾) : Aoki (unclass)
2 れんらくかい (連絡会) : liaison group; liaison committee; liaison council
2 せんもんか (専門家) : specialist; expert; professional; authority; pundit
2 かいぎ (会議) : meeting; conference; session; assembly; council; convention; congress
2 おこなう (行う) : to perform; to do; to conduct oneself; to carry out
2 しゅほう (手法) : technique; method
2 ゆう (結う) : 1. to do up (hair); to dress; to arrange 2. to tie; to bind; to fasten; to make (a fence)
2 きく (聞く) : 1. to hear 2. to listen (e.g. to music)
1 げんち (現地) : actual place; local; on-site
1 ようぼう (要望) : demand for; request
1 しえんしゃ (支援者) : supporter
1 あまり (余り) : 1. remainder; remnant; rest; balance; surplus; remains (of a meal); leftovers 2. (not) very; (not) much
1 めぐる (巡る) : 1. to go around 2. to return
1 さだめる (定める) : 1. to decide; to determine 2. to establish; to lay down; to prescribe; to provide; to stipulate
1 ねんど (年度) : 1. fiscal year (usu. April 1 to March 31 in Japan); financial year 2. academic year; school year
1 かいし (開始) : start; commencement; beginning; initiation
1 せっち (設置) : 1. establishment; institution 2. installation (of a machine or equipment)
1 きっかけ (切っ掛け) : chance; start; cue; excuse; motive; impetus; occasion
1 かいけつ (解決) : settlement; solution; resolution
1 むける (向ける) : to turn towards; to point
1 たんとうしゃ (担当者) : person in charge (of an area of work); person responsible; contact (person)
1 めんかい (面会) : meeting (face-to-face); seeing; visit; interview
1 さんかしゃ (参加者) : participant; entrant
1 かいはつ (開発) : development; exploitation
1 のうじ (脳磁) : neuro-magnetic
1 つかう (使う) : 1. to use (a thing, method, etc.); to make use of; to put to use 2. to use (a person, animal, puppet, etc.); to employ; to handle; to manage; to manipulate
1 おおむね (概ね) : 1. in general; generally; mostly; roughly; largely; mainly; on the whole; by and large 2. gist; point; main idea
1 だとう (妥当) : valid; proper; right; appropriate; reasonable
1 けんさ (検査) : inspection (e.g. customs, factory); examination; scan (e.g. MRI, PET, etc.)
1 ふたん (負担) : 1. burden; load; responsibility 2. bearing (a cost, responsibility, etc.); shouldering
1 おおきく (大きく) : in a big way; on a grand scale
1 ひがい (被害) : (suffering) damage; injury; harm
1 ひろがり (広がり) : spread; span; expanse; extent
1 いこう (以降) : on and after; as from; hereafter; thereafter; since
1 そうき (早期) : early stage
1 じかい (次回) : next time (occasion)
1 かいごう (会合) : 1. meeting; assembly; gathering 2. association
1 にいがた (新潟) : Niigata (city, prefecture)
1 すみやか (速やか) : quick; speedy; prompt; rapid; swift
1 みなまたし (水俣市) : Minamata (city) (place)
1 にいがたし (新潟市) : Niigata (city) (place)
1 もとめる (求める) : 1. to want; to wish for 2. to request; to demand; to require; to ask for
1 やまもと (山元) : 1. foot of a mountain; base of a mountain 2. mine; colliery
1 よしひろ (善寛) : Yoshihiro (given)
1 だいひょうだいこう (代表代行) : acting leader (usu. of a party)
1 じっさい (実際) : 1. reality; actuality; truth; fact; actual conditions 2. practice (as opposed to theory)
1 ちいきじゅうみん (地域住民) : local resident
1 きょうりょく (協力) : cooperation; collaboration
1 きちんと : 1. properly; accurately; exactly; precisely; regularly 2. neatly; tidily; orderly
1 すすめる (進める) : 1. to advance; to move forward; to put (a clock, watch) forward 2. to carry forward (plans, work, etc.); to proceed with; to make progress in; to further; to advance; to hasten; to speed up
1 はなす (話す) : 1. to talk; to speak; to converse; to chat 2. to tell; to explain; to narrate; to mention; to describe; to discuss