Published: 2024-12-21 12:20






「私はもはや、土・日は基本外食にしたいって思ってるくらい」 と切り出し藤本さん。 すぐさま「私も~」と横澤さんが共感の声を上げます。

月曜日から金曜日の間は頑張るので、週末は「キッチンに立ちたくない」と語る横澤さんに同意し、藤本さんは 「何も(食べるもの)ないよ」 と真顔明かしています。 平日合わせて買い物をするので、週末には冷蔵庫が“すっからかん”になってしまうのだそう。

また、外食について「子どもが好きなものがそろっているし、自分の味じゃないのが嬉しい」と語る横澤さんに藤本さんは何度うなずき、 「私もう、隣の人の家のご飯でもいいもん」 「(の人が作ったもの)食べたいの」 と語り、スタジオの笑い誘っています。


コメント欄には 「わかる……自分の味に飽きちゃうのよー」 「自分が作ったごはんって美味しくなくなってくるんだよな」 「わかりすぎる、週1は外食希望」 「本当にそれ!!」 「一人暮らしでもそれやで」 などの投稿寄せられています。

# 言葉 意味
5 がいしょく (外食) : eating out; dining out
4 しゅうまつ (週末) : weekend
4 かたる (語る) : 1. to talk about; to speak of; to tell; to narrate 2. to recite; to chant
4 とうほん (藤本) : climbing trees; liana
4 よこさわ (横澤) : Yokosawa (surname)
3 あかす (明かす) : 1. to pass (the night); to spend 2. to reveal; to divulge; to disclose; to expose
3 つくる (作る) : 1. to make; to produce; to manufacture; to build; to construct 2. to prepare (food); to brew (alcohol)
2 ふじもとみき (藤本美貴) : Fujimoto Miki (fem; person)
2 たいする (対する) : 1. to face (each other); to be facing 2. to be directed toward (the future, etc.); to be in response to; to be related to
2 どうが (動画) : 1. video; movie; moving picture 2. animation; animated cartoon
2 きほん (基本) : basics; fundamentals; basis; foundation
2 あつまる (集まる) : to gather; to collect; to assemble
2 って : 1. you said; he said; she said; they said 2. if ... then
2 ほか (他) : 1. other (place, thing, person); the rest 2. outside; beyond
2 たべる (食べる) : 1. to eat 2. to live on (e.g. a salary); to live off; to subsist on
2 とうこう (投稿) : contribution (to a newspaper, magazine, etc.); submission; post (on a blog, social media, etc.)
1 バラエティばんぐみ (バラエティ番組) : variety show (e.g. on TV)
1 ねる (寝る) : 1. to sleep (lying down) 2. to go to bed; to lie in bed
1 テレビあさひ (テレビ朝日) : TV Asahi (company)
1 けい (系) : 1. system; lineage; group 2. corollary
1 せつじつ (切実) : 1. earnest; sincere; acute; keen; fervent 2. pressing; urgent; serious; severe
1 おもい (思い) : 1. thought 2. imagination; mind; heart
1 じじょう (事情) : circumstances; conditions; situation; reasons; state of affairs
1 おわらい (お笑い) : 1. comical (story, song); comic 2. the comedy business (rakugo, manzai, etc.)
1 かこ (夏子) : Kako (fem)
1 つとめる (勤める) : 1. to work (for); to be employed (at); to serve (in) 2. to serve (as); to act (as); to fill (the position of); to play the role (of)
1 とっか (特化) : specialization; specialisation
1 かた (型) : 1. model; type (e.g. of machine, goods, etc.) 2. type; style; pattern
1 こづれ (子連れ) : 1. taking one's children along (to an event, into a new marriage, etc.) 2. parent with child
1 こんかい (今回) : this time; now
1 じつじょう (実情) : real condition; actual circumstances; actual state of affairs
1 はんきょう (反響) : 1. echo; reverberation 2. response; reaction; repercussions; sensation; influence
1 もはや (最早) : 1. already; now 2. no longer; not any more
1 おもう (思う) : 1. to think; to consider; to believe; to reckon 2. to think (of doing); to plan (to do)
1 きりだす (切り出す) : 1. to quarry; to cut (timber); to cut and carry off 2. to begin to talk; to break the ice; to broach
1 すぐさま (直ぐさま) : immediately; promptly
1 きょうかん (共感) : sympathy; empathy; response
1 がんばる (頑張る) : 1. to persevere; to persist; to keep at it; to hang on; to hold out; to do one's best 2. to insist that; to stick to (one's opinion)
1 たつ (立つ) : 1. to stand; to rise; to stand up 2. to find oneself (e.g. in a difficult position)
1 どうい (同意) : 1. agreement; consent; approval; assent 2. same opinion; same view
1 まがお (真顔) : serious look (on one's face); straight face
1 へいじつ (平日) : 1. weekday; ordinary days (i.e. non-holiday) 2. kanji radical 73
1 あわせる (合わせる) : 1. to match (rhythm, speed, etc.) 2. to join together; to unite; to combine; to add up
1 すっからかん : 1. flat out (of); completely empty 2. out of money; penniless; broke
1 こども (子供) : child
1 そろう (疎漏) : carelessness; negligence; oversight
1 うれしい (嬉しい) : 1. happy; glad; pleased; delighted; overjoyed 2. joyful; delightful; gratifying; pleasant
1 なんど (何度) : 1. how many times 2. how many degrees (temperature, angle, etc.)
1 うなずく (頷く) : to nod; to bow one's head in assent; to agree
1 ごはん (ご飯) : 1. cooked rice 2. meal
1 わらい (笑い) : 1. laugh; laughter 2. smile
1 さそう (誘う) : 1. to invite; to ask (someone to do); to call (for); to take (someone) along 2. to tempt; to lure; to entice; to seduce
1 こうしき (公式) : 1. official; formal 2. formula (e.g. mathematical)
1 だいする (題する) : to be titled (e.g. a book); to be named
1 きりぬく (切り抜く) : to cut out; to clip from; to extract
1 さいせい (再生) : 1. resuscitation; regeneration; restoration to life 2. reformation; rehabilitation
1 くだん (件) : 1. the aforementioned; the said; (man, incident, etc.) in question; the above-mentioned; the aforesaid 2. the usual
1 こえる (越える) : 1. to cross over; to cross; to pass through; to pass over (out of); to go beyond; to go past 2. to exceed; to surpass; to be more (than)
1 コメントらん (コメント欄) : comments section (on a blog, website, application, etc.); comment field
1 あきる (飽きる) : to get tired of; to lose interest in; to be fed up with; to have enough
1 よう (良う) : 1. well; properly; skillfully 2. often
1 わかる (分かる) : 1. to understand; to comprehend; to grasp; to see; to get; to follow 2. to become clear; to be known; to be discovered; to be realized; to be realised; to be found out
1 きぼう (希望) : hope; wish; aspiration
1 ほんとう (本当) : 1. truth; reality; actuality; fact 2. proper; right; correct; official
1 ひとりぐらし (一人暮らし) : living by oneself; living alone
1 よせる (寄せる) : 1. to come near; to let someone approach 2. to bring near; to bring together; to collect; to gather