# | 言葉 | 意味 |
9 | 再審 | さいしん (再審) : 1. retrial; reopening of a case 2. review; reexamination |
6 | 議論 | ぎろん (議論) : argument; discussion; dispute; controversy |
5 | 課題 | かだい (課題) : 1. subject; theme; issue; matter 2. homework; assignment |
5 | 裁判官 | さいばんかん (裁判官) : judge |
5 | めぐる | めぐる (巡る) : 1. to go around 2. to return |
4 | 袴田 | えりた (袴田) : Erita (surname) |
4 | 手続き | てつづき (手続き) : procedure; process; proceedings; formalities |
2 | 裁判 | さいばん (裁判) : trial; judgement; judgment |
2 | やり直し | やりなおし (やり直し) : redoing |
2 | 最高裁判所 | さいこうさいばんしょ (最高裁判所) : Supreme Court |
2 | 請求 | せいきゅう (請求) : claim; demand; charge; application; request; billing (for a service) |
2 | 参加 | さんか (参加) : participation; joining; entry; adherence |
2 | 見通し | みとおし (見通し) : 1. unobstructed view; perspective; visibility; vista 2. forecast; outlook; prospect; prediction |
2 | 最高裁 | さいこうさい (最高裁) : Supreme Court |
2 | 設ける | もうける (設ける) : 1. to prepare; to provide 2. to set up; to establish; to organize; to lay down (rules); to make (an excuse) |
2 | 審理 | しんり (審理) : trial |
2 | 事件 | じけん (事件) : event; affair; incident; case; plot; trouble; scandal |
1 | 長期間 | ちょうきかん (長期間) : long period (of time) |
1 | 集める | あつめる (集める) : to collect; to assemble; to gather |
1 | 実務 | じつむ (実務) : practical business; practical work experience; practicum; practice |
1 | 分かる | わかる (分かる) : 1. to understand; to comprehend; to grasp; to see; to get; to follow 2. to become clear; to be known; to be discovered; to be realized; to be realised; to be found out |
1 | 無罪 | むざい (無罪) : innocence; being not guilty |
1 | 確定 | かくてい (確定) : 1. decision; settlement 2. definition |
1 | 求める | もとめる (求める) : 1. to want; to wish for 2. to request; to demand; to require; to ask for |
1 | 余り | あまり (余り) : 1. remainder; remnant; rest; balance; surplus; remains (of a meal); leftovers 2. (not) very; (not) much |
1 | 長期化 | ちょうきか (長期化) : lengthening |
1 | 現役 | げんえき (現役) : 1. active duty; active service 2. student taking (university) entrance exams while still enrolled in school; student who passed their university entrance exams on the first try |
1 | 募る | つのる (募る) : 1. to become stronger; to grow in intensity; to grow violent; to become worse 2. to invite contributions, etc.; to solicit help, participation, etc.; to recruit (e.g. soldiers) |
1 | 決める | きめる (決める) : 1. to decide; to choose; to determine; to make up one's mind; to resolve; to set one's heart on; to settle; to arrange; to set; to appoint; to fix 2. to clinch (a victory); to decide (the outcome of a match) |
1 | 刑事裁判 | けいじさいばん (刑事裁判) : criminal trial |
1 | 携わる | たずさわる (携わる) : to engage in; to participate in; to take part in; to be involved in |
1 | およそ | およそ (凡そ) : 1. about; roughly; approximately 2. generally; on the whole; as a rule |
1 | 集まる | あつまる (集まる) : to gather; to collect; to assemble |
1 | 個別 | こべつ (個別) : individual; separate; personal; case-by-case |
1 | 踏み込む | ふみこむ (踏み込む) : 1. to step into (e.g. someone else's territory); to break into; to raid 2. to come to grips with; to get to the core of |
1 | 広く | ひろく (広く) : widely; far and wide; extensively; universally |
1 | 運用 | うんよう (運用) : 1. making use of; application; practical use; effective management (e.g. of funds) 2. operation; handling; steering (esp. a boat) |
1 | 改善 | かいぜん (改善) : 1. betterment; improvement 2. kaizen (Japanese business philosophy of continuous improvement) |
1 | 結果 | けっか (結果) : 1. result; consequence; outcome; effect 2. coming to fruition; bearing fruit |
1 | 全国 | ぜんこく (全国) : the whole country |
1 | 共有 | きょうゆう (共有) : 1. joint ownership; co-ownership; sharing (e.g. a viewpoint) 2. sharing (files, devices on a network, posts on social media, etc.) |
1 | 最高検察庁 | さいこうけんさつちょう (最高検察庁) : Supreme Public Prosecutor's Office |
1 | 検証 | けんしょう (検証) : verification; inspection |
1 | 行う | おこなう (行う) : to perform; to do; to conduct oneself; to carry out |
1 | 公表 | こうひょう (公表) : official announcement; proclamation |
1 | 法務省 | ほうむしょう (法務省) : Ministry of Justice |
1 | 超党派 | ちょうとうは (超党派) : suprapartisan; multiparty; bipartisan; nonpartisan |
1 | 議員連盟 | ぎいんれんめい (議員連盟) : Diet members caucus; caucus of the Diet |
1 | 制度 | せいど (制度) : system; institution; organization; organisation |
1 | 見直し | みなおし (見直し) : review; reconsideration; revision |
1 | 向ける | むける (向ける) : to turn towards; to point |
1 | 検討 | けんとう (検討) : consideration; examination; investigation; study; scrutiny; discussion; analysis; review |