Published: 2025-01-10 18:11

トヨタ・ランドクルーミー登場!? ランクル+ルーミー、人気モデルが夢の合体で爆誕!!!






足まわりは、オフロード用タイヤであるTOYO TIRESのオープンカントリーR/Tを装備。サスペンションも「CLS-UPアゲバネ」(¥55,000)に変更され、車高は30mmアップ。スチールのスタイリッシュなホイールは「CLS Wheels TC01」と呼ぶタイプで、1本あたり¥16,500と買い得だ。

インテリアは、車中泊仕様となっている点に注目。「CLS-FOX foxマット」をリヤに敷くことで、ゆったり寛げるよう工夫されている。ちなみにサイズは1m55cm、横が1m25cm、厚み8cmで、価格は¥27,500。


# 言葉 意味
3 やく (約) : 1. approximately; about 2. promise; appointment; engagement
2 てんじ (展示) : exhibition; display
2 ちゅうもく (注目) : notice; attention; observation
2 ちなみ (因み) : 1. association; link; connection 2. pledge (esp. for marriage); promise
1 かいさい (開催) : holding (a conference, exhibition, etc.); opening; hosting (e.g. the Olympics)
1 とうきょう (東京) : Tokyo
1 ちばけん (千葉県) : Chiba prefecture (Kanto area)
1 まくはりメッセ (幕張メッセ) : Makuharimesse (unclass)
1 さまざま (様々) : various; varied; diverse; all sorts of
1 ぜんぼう (全貌) : whole story; full picture; full particulars
1 おおさか (大阪) : 1. Osaka (city, prefecture) 2. large hill
1 ほんしゃ (本社) : 1. head office; main office; headquarters; parent company 2. main shrine
1 こせいてき (個性的) : individual; distinctive; unique; characteristic; personal; idiosyncratic
1 にんき (人気) : 1. popularity; public favor 2. condition (e.g. market); tone; character; nature
1 いしき (意識) : 1. consciousness 2. becoming aware (of); awareness; sense
1 さいよう (採用) : 1. use; adoption; acceptance 2. appointment; employment; engagement; recruitment
1 せんよう (専用) : 1. (one's) exclusive use; private use; personal use 2. dedicated use; use for a particular purpose
1 ぜんご (前後) : 1. front and rear; front and back; before and behind; back and forth 2. before and after
1 じっさい (実際) : 1. reality; actuality; truth; fact; actual conditions 2. practice (as opposed to theory)
1 しはん (市販) : 1. selling on the market (in the marketplace, in stores, etc.); making something commercially available 2. commercial (e.g. software); over-the-counter; off-the-shelf; store-bought
1 か (化) : action of making something; -ification
1 そうび (装備) : equipment
1 へんこう (変更) : change; modification; alteration; revision; amendment
1 しゃこう (車高) : vehicle height
1 せい (製) : -made; make
1 あたり (当たり) : 1. hit 2. success
1 かいどく (買い得) : bargain; good buy
1 しゃちゅうはく (車中泊) : spending the night in a car, train, bus, etc.
1 しよう (仕様) : 1. way; method; means; resource; remedy 2. (technical) specification
1 しく (敷く) : 1. to spread out; to lay out 2. to take a position
1 ゆったり : 1. comfortable; easy; calm; relaxed 2. loose; spacious
1 くつろげる (寛げる) : to loose; to ease; to relax
1 くふう (工夫) : 1. devising (a way); contriving; figuring out; coming up with; working out; inventing 2. device; design; idea; plan; invention
1 たて (縦) : 1. the vertical; height 2. front-to-back; length
1 あつみ (厚み) : 1. thickness 2. profundity; depth
1 かかく (価格) : price; value; cost
1 しゃりょう (車両) : rolling stock; railroad cars; wheeled vehicles
1 かわる (変わる) : 1. to change; to be transformed; to be altered; to vary 2. to move to
1 きつい : 1. tough; hard; severe; demanding; harsh 2. determined; strong-minded; forceful; formidable; fierce
1 あくろ (悪路) : bad road
1 きがる (気軽) : 1. carefree; buoyant; lighthearted; sprightly 2. ease
1 ふうみ (風味) : taste; flavor; flavour
1 おもしろい (面白い) : 1. interesting; fascinating; intriguing; enthralling 2. amusing; funny; comical
1 のみ : only; nothing but
1 たいおう (対応) : 1. correspondence (to); equivalence 2. suitability; coordination; matching; being appropriate (for)