80年代までは、有名タレントが登場して“ニッコリ”しているだけでもよかったけれど、車種が増え、メーカー間の市場での競争が熾烈になるつれ、タレントをどう使うか? どうやって商品を印象づけるか? が、重要となってきた。
なにが”ふっきれてる”のか? 当時はよくわからなかった。メーカーの意図としては「走りがふっきれた」「スタイルがふっきれた」そして「なによりも開発思想がふっきれた」ということだったようだ。
# | 言葉 | 意味 |
7 | 代目 | だいめ (代目) : counter for generations |
6 | ふっきれる | ふっきれる (吹っ切れる) : 1. to break through (e.g. one's doubts); to become unbound by (e.g. the past); to allay (e.g. anger); to put behind one; to move on 2. to burst (e.g. a boil) |
3 | 田村正和 | たむらまさかず (田村正和) : Tamura Masakazu (1943.8-) (person) |
3 | 開発 | かいはつ (開発) : development; exploitation |
2 | 当時 | とうじ (当時) : at that time; in those days |
2 | 残る | のこる (残る) : to remain; to be left |
2 | 増える | ふえる (増える) : to increase; to multiply |
2 | 市場 | いちば (市場) : (town) market; (street) market; marketplace |
2 | 古畑 | こうばた (古畑) : Koubata (surname) |
2 | 任三郎 | にんざぶろう (任三郎) : Ninzaburou (masc) |
2 | 思想 | しそう (思想) : thought; idea; ideology |
2 | 式 | しき (式) : 1. equation; formula; expression 2. ceremony |
2 | 廃止 | はいし (廃止) : abolition; repeal |
2 | 価値 | かち (価値) : value; worth; merit |
2 | 追求 | ついきゅう (追求) : pursuit (of a goal, ideal, etc.); search; chase; seeking after |
1 | 頃 | ころ (頃) : 1. (approximate) time; around; about; toward 2. suitable time (or condition) |
1 | 貴重 | きちょう (貴重) : precious; valuable |
1 | 多額 | たがく (多額) : large (amount of money); huge; hefty; expensive |
1 | 費用 | ひよう (費用) : cost; expense |
1 | 作る | つくる (作る) : 1. to make; to produce; to manufacture; to build; to construct 2. to prepare (food); to brew (alcohol) |
1 | ご存知 | ごぞんじ (ご存じ) : 1. knowing 2. (an) acquaintance |
1 | とおり | とおり (通り) : 1. avenue; street; way; road 2. coming and going; street traffic |
1 | 記憶 | きおく (記憶) : 1. memory; recollection; remembrance 2. storage |
1 | 面白い | おもしろい (面白い) : 1. interesting; fascinating; intriguing; enthralling 2. amusing; funny; comical |
1 | 作品 | さくひん (作品) : work (e.g. book, film, composition, etc.); opus; performance; production |
1 | 生み出す | うみだす (生み出す) : 1. to create; to bring forth; to produce 2. to invent; to think up and bring into being |
1 | 登場 | とうじょう (登場) : 1. entry (on stage); appearance (on screen) 2. entrance; introduction (into a market) |
1 | 車種 | しゃしゅ (車種) : 1. car model 2. type of (wheeled) vehicle; vehicle classification |
1 | 熾烈 | しれつ (熾烈) : fierce (fight, competition, etc.); severe; hot; hard; bitter; keen; cutthroat |
1 | つれ | つれ (連れ) : 1. companion; company 2. tritagonist |
1 | 商品 | しょうひん (商品) : commodity; article of commerce; goods; stock; merchandise |
1 | 印象 | いんしょう (印象) : impression |
1 | 重要 | じゅうよう (重要) : important; momentous; essential; principal; major |
1 | ゆえ | ゆえ (故) : reason; cause; circumstances |
1 | 各 | かく (各) : each; every; all |
1 | 個性的 | こせいてき (個性的) : individual; distinctive; unique; characteristic; personal; idiosyncratic |
1 | なかば | なかば (半ば) : 1. middle; halfway; midway 2. half (of); one half |
1 | 大きく | おおきく (大きく) : in a big way; on a grand scale |
1 | 含める | ふくめる (含める) : 1. to include (in a group or scope) 2. to instruct; to make one understand |
1 | 動く | うごく (動く) : 1. to move; to stir; to shift; to shake; to swing 2. to operate; to run; to go; to work |
1 | トヨタ自動車 | トヨタじどうしゃ (トヨタ自動車) : Toyota Motor (company) |
1 | 発売 | はつばい (発売) : sale; offering for sale; release (for sale); launch (product) |
1 | あたり | あたり (当たり) : 1. hit 2. success |
1 | 価値観 | かちかん (価値観) : sense of values; values; value system |
1 | 発表 | はっぴょう (発表) : announcement; publication; presenting; statement; communique; making known; breaking (news story); expressing (one's opinion); releasing; unveiling |
1 | カ月 | かげつ (ヶ月) : months (period of) |
1 | 始まる | はじまる (始まる) : 1. to begin; to start; to commence 2. to happen (again); to begin (anew) |
1 | 人気 | にんき (人気) : 1. popularity; public favor 2. condition (e.g. market); tone; character; nature |
1 | 集める | あつめる (集める) : to collect; to assemble; to gather |
1 | 三谷幸喜 | みたにこうき (三谷幸喜) : Mitani Kouki (1961.7-) (person) |
1 | 脚本 | きゃくほん (脚本) : script; screenplay; scenario |
1 | 主演 | しゅえん (主演) : starring; playing the leading part |
1 | 起用 | きよう (起用) : appointment (to a position, job, etc.); being used for a role; promotion |
1 | 通り | とおり (通り) : 1. avenue; street; way; road 2. coming and going; street traffic |
1 | 落ち着く | おちつく (落ち着く) : 1. to calm down; to compose oneself; to regain presence of mind 2. to calm down; to settle down; to die down; to become stable; to abate |
1 | 説得力 | せっとくりょく (説得力) : persuasiveness; powers of persuasion; cogency |
1 | 感じ | かんじ (感じ) : feeling; sense; impression |
1 | 違う | ちがう (違う) : 1. to differ (from); to vary 2. to not be in the usual condition |
1 | 意外 | いがい (意外) : unexpected; surprising |
1 | わかる | わかる (分かる) : 1. to understand; to comprehend; to grasp; to see; to get; to follow 2. to become clear; to be known; to be discovered; to be realized; to be realised; to be found out |
1 | 意図 | いと (意図) : intention; aim; design |
1 | 走り | はしり (走り) : 1. running 2. gliding |
1 | 先代 | せんだい (先代) : 1. previous generation (e.g. one's parents); family predecessor 2. predecessor |
1 | 電子 | でんし (電子) : 1. electron 2. electronic |
1 | 制御 | せいぎょ (制御) : 1. control (of a machine, device, etc.) 2. control (over an opponent, one's emotions, etc.); governing; management; suppression; keeping in check |
1 | 超音波 | ちょうおんぱ (超音波) : ultrasonic waves; ultrasound |
1 | 雨滴 | うてき (雨滴) : raindrop |
1 | 除去 | じょきょ (除去) : removal; getting rid of |
1 | 車速 | しゃそく (車速) : vehicle speed; speed of car |
1 | 感応 | かんのう (感応) : 1. responsiveness; responding; sensitivity; sympathy; sympathizing; sympathising 2. divine response (e.g. to a prayer) |
1 | 調整 | ちょうせい (調整) : adjustment; regulation; coordination; reconciliation; tuning; fixing; tailoring |
1 | 間欠 | かんけつ (間欠) : intermittence; intermittent |
1 | 一方 | いっぽう (一方) : 1. one (esp. of two); the other; one way; the other way; one direction; the other direction; one side; the other side; one party; the other party 2. on the one hand; on the other hand |
1 | 延ばす | のばす (伸ばす) : 1. to grow long (e.g. hair, nails) 2. to lengthen; to extend; to stretch |
1 | とも | とも (供) : companion; follower; attendant; retinue |
1 | すえる | すえる (据える) : 1. to place (in position); to fix; to set (e.g. table); to lay (foundation) 2. to install; to seat (someone) |
1 | 層 | そう (層) : 1. layer; stratum; seam; bed 2. class; stratum; bracket; group |
1 | 移行 | いこう (移行) : switching over to; migration; transition |
1 | 結果 | けっか (結果) : 1. result; consequence; outcome; effect 2. coming to fruition; bearing fruit |
1 | 広告 | こうこく (広告) : 1. advertisement; advertising 2. announcement; notice |
1 | 実像 | じつぞう (実像) : 1. real image 2. real form; real-life image; true picture; actual conditions; actual circumstances |
1 | 結びつける | むすびつける (結び付ける) : to combine; to join; to tie on; to attach with a knot; to bind (e.g. an address) |
1 | なくなる | なくなる (亡くなる) : to die |
1 | すべて | すべて (全て) : 1. everything; all; the whole 2. entirely; completely; wholly; all |
1 | 見通し | みとおし (見通し) : 1. unobstructed view; perspective; visibility; vista 2. forecast; outlook; prospect; prediction |
1 | 警部補 | けいぶほ (警部補) : assistant inspector |
1 | うまく | うまく (上手く) : 1. skilfully; skillfully; well; aptly; cleverly 2. successfully; smoothly |
1 | 二重写し | にじゅううつし (二重写し) : double exposure |
1 | 象徴 | しょうちょう (象徴) : (abstract) symbol; emblem; representation |
1 | っぽい | っぽい : -ish; -like |
1 | 向ける | むける (向ける) : to turn towards; to point |
1 | 型 | かた (型) : 1. model; type (e.g. of machine, goods, etc.) 2. type; style; pattern |
1 | 側面 | そくめん (側面) : 1. side; flank; profile; sidelight; lateral 2. aspect; dimension |
1 | 際 | きわ (際) : 1. edge; brink; verge; side 2. time; moment of |
1 | 妙 | みょう (妙) : 1. strange; weird; odd; curious 2. wonder; mystery; miracle; excellence |
1 | 縦横 | じゅうおう (縦横) : 1. length and width; length and breadth; lengthwise and crosswise; longitude and latitude; vertical and horizontal 2. four cardinal points; every direction |
1 | 比 | ひ (比) : 1. ratio; proportion 2. match; equal |
1 | 採用 | さいよう (採用) : 1. use; adoption; acceptance 2. appointment; employment; engagement; recruitment |
1 | 名付ける | なづける (名付ける) : to name; to call; to christen; to term |
1 | 据える | すえる (据える) : 1. to place (in position); to fix; to set (e.g. table); to lay (foundation) 2. to install; to seat (someone) |
1 | 勢い | いきおい (勢い) : 1. force; vigor; vigour; energy; spirit; life 2. influence; authority; power; might |
1 | 変わる | かわる (変わる) : 1. to change; to be transformed; to be altered; to vary 2. to move to |
1 | 翻弄 | ほんろう (翻弄) : 1. trifling with; toying with; playing with; making sport of; making fun of; leading around by the nose 2. tossing about (a ship) |
1 | 感 | かん (感) : 1. feeling; sensation; emotion; admiration; impression 2. interjection |