Published: 2025-01-10 09:00



【写真の記事を読む】一生に一度は訪れたい、世界各地絶景スポットをフューチャー。2025年の旅計画を早速立ててみては?||◼︎ムーカンチャイ(ベトナム)/世界一美しい棚田会いにいく 山の斜面整然と階段に並ぶ、その美しい姿人々魅了する棚田少数民族モン族が人口の9占めるベトナム北西部の田舎町ムーカンチャイを一躍有名にしたのも、コンデナストトラベラーが「世界の最も美しいスポット50」に選んだのも、この棚田だ。春先は水の張られた田が巨大な鏡となって輝き初夏には黄緑色だった若芽色鮮やかな緑の成長し、稲穂たわわ実る秋には辺り黄金色染まる成長表情を変える景色は、日本人懐かしい故郷原風景重なる。||◼︎フライガイザー(アメリカ)/砂漠の中に佇むアートのような岩山 アメリカ合衆国ネバダ州北部のブラックロック砂漠突如現れる摩訶不思議のアート。1960年代に地熱エネルギー会社が試掘したが、事業化できずに埋め戻したところ、水圧耐えかね温水噴き出した。巨大円錐は、その中に含まれる炭酸カルシウム凝固したもので、50年以上経った今も勢い衰えることなく、複数噴出口から熱湯吹き出し続けている。温水中のなどの金属や好熱藻類よって黄色やオレンジ、赤や緑など強烈色彩まとい、美しくも奇怪姿へと変貌遂げた。||◼︎ペトラ遺跡(ヨルダン)/映画のロケ地としても有名なヨルダンの秘宝 紀元前1世紀に、この地に移り住んだナバタイ人が残しピンク色の古代都市。シークと呼ばれる断崖絶壁の間の隠れ道をたどっていくと、彫っ造られた圧倒的迫力のエル・カズネが突然姿現わす。ギリシャの神々緻密彫刻施された遺構には、宝物殿という名前が付けられているが、実際には人智よって水を操り砂漠豊か都市へと変えたナバタイだと考えられている。映画『インディー・ジョーンズ・最後の聖戦』のロケ地としても知られ、その荘厳姿好奇心冒険心を掻き立てる。||◼︎地獄の門(トルクメニスタン)/直径90m!50年以上燃え続ける巨大クレーター トルクメニスタンの首都アシガバードから北に260キロ離れカラクム砂漠にある、灼熱を上げる直径90mの巨大クレーター。1971年に地質学者たちが天然ガス充満した洞窟発見したが、掘削中に崩落有毒ガス放出食い止めるために点火したところ、地下から吹き出す可燃性のガスのために、50年以上過ぎた現在でも燃え続けている。2024年10月にはトルクメニスタンの国営企業が、この地域天然ガス採取する計画を発表温室効果ガス削減動きもあり、地獄の門が燃え続けられるのもあと数年かもしれない。||◼︎トーレス・デル・パイネ国立公園(チリ)/壮大なパタゴニアの大自然体感 パタゴニアの南西部にあり、3,000m高山から、複雑に入り組んだフィヨルド、ターコイズブルーの氷河湖多様植物生息する森林まで、圧倒的自然の美しさと厳しさ共存する世界。ここを訪れにぜひ泊まりたいのが、公園の入り口にあり、流線形の建物が特徴のラグジュアリーホテル「ティエラ・パタゴニア」だ。周囲自然調和するようにパタゴニアの天然木とガラスで構成され、大きな窓には公園名の由来でもある3本の険しい岩峰トーレス・デル・パイネが見事姿披露する。||◼︎ルム採石場(エストニア)/澄んだ湖と廃墟化し採石場のコントラスト 透き通った湖と、その中に半分沈んだ今にも崩れそうな廃虚。そのコントラストが見る者に不思議感覚呼び起こすもともと旧ソ連時代の石灰岩採石場で、刑務所運営し、働き手受刑者たちだった。採掘中止になり、水を汲み上げていたポンプが止まると、大量の水があふれ一帯は湖に。夏はペダルボートやSUPボードのレンタルもあるが、水中に有刺鉄線などの残骸があり、水泳はあくまで自己責任。近くにあった刑務所既に閉鎖されているが、音声ガイド付きのセルフツアーがあり、廃墟の歴史を紐解くことができる。||◼︎ラップランド(スカンディナビア半島)/ヨーロッパ最北の地でオーロラを スカンディナビア半島北部からロシアにまたがる先住民のサーミ人が住むヨーロッパ最北の地。夏は太陽沈まない白夜になり、冬は一転して、カーモスと呼ばれる日の昇らない極夜が続く。雪と覆われる北極圏秘境では、夏の終わりから翌年春にかけて、一生に一度は見ておきたい自然神秘、オーロラに出合える確率格段上がる幻想的な光を放ちながら大空舞う姿を、ラップランドでは1年のうち200夜、空が澄んでいる日には2分の1の割合で観察できるのだ。||◼︎ホワイトサンズ国定公園(アメリカ)/どこまでも純白砂漠創り出す2つの絶景 アメリカ・ニューメキシコ州のトゥラロサ盆地にある、世にも珍しい純白砂漠日中青空背景に、風が描き出す白砂波紋陽光浴びてキラキラと煌めき夕刻には沈みゆく太陽砂漠一帯オレンジ色染めていく。白砂正体はアラバスターと呼ばれる雪花石膏で、周囲に川や海がないため、石膏溶け流れ出さずに盆地とどまり、長い年月をかけて風化浸食されたもの。日中でもさほど熱くならず、素足で砂の台地踏みしめることも可能だ。||◼︎ワイトモ洞窟(ニュージーランド)/洞窟埋め尽くす無数の光の正体は? オークランドから車で2時間半ほどのニュージーランド北島のワイカト地方にある巨大鍾乳洞。その名は、先住民族マオリ族の言葉で水「ワイ」と洞窟「トモ」から。地下流れる川と天井から落ちる水滴が、数千年の時をかけて作り上げ洞窟の中で、無数煌めく青白い光。一度見たら脳裏刻まれるこの幻想的な光の主は、はツチボタルと呼ばれる、オセアニアだけに生息するヒカリキノコバエの幼虫だ。正体ともあれ暗闇の中で繰り広げられる神秘的な光のショーは言われぬ美しさだ。||◼︎シシーギリヤ・ロック(スリランカ)/狂気取りつかれた残した空に浮かぶ王宮 密林そびえる巨岩頂上築かれた要塞は、5世紀後半の親を廃し王位に就いた狂気、カッサパ1世が残し天空の城。500人もの愛妃沐浴楽しんだといわれる「水の庭園」をはじめ、その愛妃たちだとも、インド神話に出てくる天女だともいわれる鮮やか色彩美女フレスコ画頂上近くに鎮座する守護神のような巨大ライオンの足のなど、栄華極め王朝偲ばせるヘリテージが見る者の心を惹きつける1,200のスリリングな階段を登り切った先には、遥かかなた地平線まで続くジャングルの一大パノラマが待っている。

# 言葉 意味
7 さばく (砂漠) : desert
6 すがた (姿) : 1. figure; form; shape 2. appearance; dress; guise
6 きょだい (巨大) : huge; gigantic; enormous
5 どうくつ (洞窟) : cavern; cave; cave system; grotto
4 よぶ (呼ぶ) : 1. to call out (to); to call; to invoke 2. to summon (a doctor, etc.)
3 じゅんぱく (純白) : pure white; snow white
3 いっしょう (一生) : 1. whole life; a lifetime; all through life; one existence; a generation; an age; the whole world; the era 2. (the only, the greatest, etc.) of one's life
3 おとずれる (訪れる) : 1. to visit; to call on 2. to arrive (season, time, situation, etc.); to come; to appear
3 ぜっけい (絶景) : superb view; picturesque scenery
3 たなだ (棚田) : terraced rice-fields
3 のこす (残す) : 1. to leave (behind) 2. to leave (undone); to not finish
3 おう (王) : 1. king; ruler; sovereign; monarch 2. tycoon; magnate; champion; master
3 もえる (燃える) : to burn; to get fired up
3 やく (約) : 1. approximately; about 2. promise; appointment; engagement
3 しぜん (自然) : 1. nature 2. natural; spontaneous; automatic
3 さいせきじょう (採石場) : quarry; stone pit
3 しずむ (沈む) : 1. to sink; to go under; to submerge 2. to go down (e.g. sun); to set; to descend
3 しょうたい (正体) : 1. true character; true form; true colors (colours); identity; truth (of a mystery, phenomenon, etc.); origin 2. consciousness; one's senses
2 いわやま (岩山) : rocky mountain
2 しんぴてき (神秘的) : mysterious; mystical
2 しょうにゅうどう (鍾乳洞) : limestone cave; limestone cavern
2 せかいかくち (世界各地) : every part of the world; all over the world; the four corners of the world
2 さっそく (早速) : at once; immediately; without delay; promptly
2 たてる (立てる) : 1. to stand up; to put up; to set up; to erect; to raise 2. to thrust into; to bury into; to dig into
2 いね (稲) : rice plant
2 せいちょう (成長) : 1. growth; development; growing up; becoming an adult 2. growth (of a company, the economy, etc.)
2 ほくぶ (北部) : northern part; the north (of a region)
2 いわ (岩) : 1. rock; boulder 2. crag; cliff
2 おんすい (温水) : warm water
2 ふきだす (吹き出す) : 1. to spout out; to spurt out; to gush out; to jet out 2. to sprout; to bud
2 よる (因る) : 1. to be due to; to be caused by 2. to depend on; to turn on
2 しきさい (色彩) : colour; color; hue; tints
2 ロケち (ロケ地) : local site; location for making or filming a movie
2 せいき (世紀) : 1. century 2. era
2 あっとうてき (圧倒的) : overwhelming
2 じごく (地獄) : hell
2 ちょっけい (直径) : diameter
2 てんねんガス (天然ガス) : natural gas
2 ちか (地下) : 1. basement; cellar; underground place 2. underground; below ground
2 せいそく (生息) : inhabiting; living
2 しゅうい (周囲) : 1. surroundings; environs 2. circumference
2 すむ (澄む) : 1. to become clear (water, air, etc.); to become transparent 2. to resonate clearly (e.g. voice)
2 はいきょ (廃墟) : ruins; abandoned building
2 けいむしょ (刑務所) : prison; penitentiary
2 いったい (一帯) : 1. whole area; whole region 2. stretch (of land); tract; belt; zone
2 はんとう (半島) : 1. peninsula 2. Korea
2 さいほく (最北) : northernmost
2 たいよう (太陽) : sun
2 げんそうてき (幻想的) : fantastic; magical; wondrous; whimsical; fairytale-like; romantic
2 ぼんち (盆地) : basin (e.g. between mountains)
2 にっちゅう (日中) : 1. daytime; during the day 2. Japan and China
2 はくしゃ (白砂) : white sand
2 きらめく (煌めく) : to glitter; to glisten; to sparkle; to twinkle; to glare; to gleam
2 せっこう (石膏) : plaster; gypsum; calcium sulphate (sulfate)
2 むすう (無数) : innumerable; countless; numberless
2 じつ (実) : 1. truth; reality 2. sincerity; honesty; fidelity
2 きょうき (狂気) : madness; insanity
2 ちょうじょう (頂上) : top; summit; peak
2 あいき (愛妃) : Aiki (fem)
2 ゆう (結う) : 1. to do up (hair); to dress; to arrange 2. to tie; to bind; to fasten; to make (a fence)
1 きじ (記事) : article; news story; report; account
1 せかいいち (世界一) : best in the world
1 あう (会う) : 1. to meet; to encounter; to see 2. to have an accident; to have a bad experience
1 しゃめん (斜面) : slope; slanting surface; bevel
1 せいぜん (整然) : orderly; regular; systematic; well-organized; well-organised; trim; tidy; accurate
1 じょう (状) : 1. form; shape; appearance 2. state; condition; circumstances
1 ひとびと (人々) : 1. people; men and women 2. each person; everybody
1 みりょう (魅了) : 1. fascination 2. to charm; to fascinate; to mesmerize
1 しょうすうみんぞく (少数民族) : minority peoples
1 わり (割り) : 1. rate; ratio; proportion; percentage 2. profit
1 しめる (占める) : 1. to occupy; to hold 2. to account for; to make up; to take up
1 いなかまち (田舎町) : country town; rural town
1 いちやく (一躍) : 1. suddenly (rising to fame, etc.); instantly; immediately; overnight 2. one bound; one leap
1 もっとも (最も) : most; extremely
1 せん (選) : selection; choice; choosing; picking; election
1 えらぶ (選ぶ) : to choose; to select
1 はるさき (春先) : beginning of spring
1 はる (張る) : 1. to stick; to paste; to affix 2. to stretch; to spread; to strain; to tighten; to put up (tent)
1 かがやく (輝く) : to shine; to glitter; to sparkle
1 しょか (初夏) : 1. early summer 2. fourth month of the lunar calendar
1 おうりょくしょく (黄緑色) : yellow-green; pea green
1 わかめ (若芽) : sprouts; new shoots; young buds
1 いろあざやか (色鮮やか) : vivid; brightly colored; brilliant; radiant
1 いなほ (稲穂) : ear (head) of rice
1 たわわ (撓わ) : heavily laden (of a branch); sagging; drooping; bent low
1 みのる (実る) : to bear fruit; to ripen
1 あたり (辺り) : 1. (in the) neighbourhood; neighborhood; vicinity; nearby; surroundings 2. around; about; or thereabouts
1 こがねいろ (黄金色) : golden; gold-colored; gold-coloured; honey-colour
1 そまる (染まる) : 1. to be dyed 2. to be tainted; to be infected; to be stained; to be steeped
1 ども (共) : 1. first-person plural (or singular) 2. second or third person plural (implies speaker is of higher status than those referred to)
1 ひょうじょう (表情) : 1. facial expression; countenance 2. look; appearance; expression (vocal, etc.)
1 にほんじん (日本人) : Japanese person; Japanese people
1 なつかしい (懐かしい) : dear (old); fondly-remembered; beloved; missed; nostalgic
1 ふるさと (故郷) : 1. home town; birthplace; native place; one's old home 2. ruins; historic remains
1 げんふうけい (原風景) : indelible scene of one's childhood; earliest remembered scene
1 かさなる (重なる) : 1. to be piled up; to lie on top of one another 2. to come one after another; to happen over and over; to pile up (e.g. stress); to accumulate
1 たたずむ (佇む) : to stand (still) a while; to loiter; to stop
1 アメリカがっしゅうこく (アメリカ合衆国) : United States of America
1 とつじょ (突如) : suddenly; all of a sudden
1 あらわれる (現れる) : 1. to appear; to come in sight; to become visible; to come out; to embody; to materialize; to materialise 2. to be expressed (e.g. emotions); to become apparent (e.g. trends, effects)
1 まかふしぎ (摩訶不思議) : profound mystery
1 ちねつ (地熱) : geothermal energy; terrestrial heat
1 しくつ (試掘) : prospecting; trial digging
1 じぎょうか (事業化) : 1. industrialization; industrialisation 2. commercialization
1 うめもどす (埋め戻す) : to rebury; to refill; to backfill
1 すいあつ (水圧) : water (hydraulic) pressure
1 たえる (耐える) : 1. to bear; to stand; to endure; to put up with 2. to support; to withstand; to resist; to brave
1 おはぐろ (お歯黒) : 1. tooth blackening 2. tooth-blackening dye
1 ふきだす (吹き出す) : 1. to spout out; to spurt out; to gush out; to jet out 2. to sprout; to bud
1 えんすい (円錐) : cone
1 ぐん (群) : 1. group; bunch; crowd; throng; swarm; band 2. group
1 ふくむ (含む) : 1. to contain; to comprise; to have; to hold; to include; to embrace 2. to hold in the mouth
1 たんさんカルシウム (炭酸カルシウム) : calcium carbonate (CaCO3)
1 ぎょうこ (凝固) : coagulation; freezing; solidification
1 たつ (経つ) : to pass (of time); to elapse
1 いきおい (勢い) : 1. force; vigor; vigour; energy; spirit; life 2. influence; authority; power; might
1 おとろえる (衰える) : to become weak; to decline; to wear; to abate; to decay; to wither; to waste away
1 ふくすう (複数) : plural; multiple; several
1 ふんしゅつ (噴出) : spewing; gushing; spouting; eruption; effusion
1 ねっとう (熱湯) : boiling water
1 かね (金) : 1. money 2. metal
1 きんぞく (金属) : metal
1 さが (性) : 1. one's nature; one's destiny 2. custom; tradition; habit; convention
1 そうるい (藻類) : seaweed; algae
1 きょうれつ (強烈) : strong; intense; severe
1 まとう (纏う) : to put on; to wear; to be clad in
1 きかい (奇怪) : strange; wonderful; weird; outrageous; mysterious
1 へんぼう (変貌) : transfiguration; transformation; change of appearance
1 とげる (遂げる) : 1. to accomplish; to achieve; to carry out 2. to arrive at (a certain outcome); to come to; to end with
1 ひほう (秘宝) : hidden treasure; treasured article
1 きげんぜん (紀元前) : pre-era; BC; BCE
1 ころ (頃) : 1. (approximate) time; around; about; toward 2. suitable time (or condition)
1 うつりすむ (移り住む) : to change one's place of residence; to migrate; to move
1 ピンクいろ (ピンク色) : pink
1 だんがいぜっぺき (断崖絶壁) : 1. precipitous cliff; sheer precipice 2. critical situation
1 かくれる (隠れる) : to hide; to be hidden; to conceal oneself; to disappear
1 たどる (辿る) : to follow (road); to pursue (course); to follow up; to follow (hyperlink)
1 ほる (彫る) : 1. to carve; to engrave; to sculpt; to chisel 2. to tattoo
1 つくる (作る) : 1. to make; to produce; to manufacture; to build; to construct 2. to prepare (food); to brew (alcohol)
1 はくりょく (迫力) : impressiveness; impact; force; intensity; appeal; strength; punch; edge; vigor
1 とつぜん (突然) : abrupt; sudden; unexpected
1 あらわす (表す) : 1. to represent; to signify; to stand for 2. to reveal; to show; to display
1 かみがみ (神々) : gods
1 ちみつ (緻密) : minute; fine; delicate; accurate; precise; elaborate
1 ちょうこく (彫刻) : carving; engraving; sculpture
1 ほどこす (施す) : 1. to give (time, money, goods); to donate 2. to do; to perform; to conduct
1 いこう (遺構) : (archaeological) remains; remnants (of ancient structures); ancient foundation
1 ほうもつでん (宝物殿) : (shrine) repository or treasure house; (shrine) sanctuary
1 じっさい (実際) : 1. reality; actuality; truth; fact; actual conditions 2. practice (as opposed to theory)
1 じんち (人知) : human intellect; knowledge
1 あやつる (操る) : 1. to operate (e.g. a machine); to handle; to manage; to control; to maneuver; to steer 2. to have a good command of (a language); to play proficiently (of a musical instrument)
1 ゆたか (豊か) : 1. abundant; wealthy; plentiful; rich; affluent 2. very; extremely; full of; great
1 とし (都市) : town; city; municipal; urban
1 かえる (変える) : 1. to change; to alter; to transform; to convert; to turn; to vary 2. to reform; to revise; to amend
1 はか (墓) : gravesite; tomb
1 かんがえる (考える) : 1. to think (about, of); to think over; to ponder; to contemplate; to reflect (on); to meditate (on) 2. to consider; to bear in mind; to allow for; to take into consideration
1 さいご (最後) : 1. end; conclusion 2. last; final; latest; most recent
1 しる (知る) : 1. to be aware of; to know; to be conscious of; to cognize; to cognise 2. to notice; to feel
1 そうごん (荘厳) : solemn; sublime; grand; magnificent; impressive
1 こうきしん (好奇心) : curiosity; inquisitiveness
1 ぼうけん (冒険) : 1. adventure; venture 2. venture which is unlikely to succeed; risky attempt; danger; hazard; risk
1 かきたてる (掻き立てる) : 1. to stir up; to poke (the fire); to beat (an egg) 2. to arouse (interest, feelings, etc.); to stir; to stoke; to whip up; to fan; to kindle; to stimulate
1 しゅと (首都) : capital city; metropolis
1 はなれる (離れる) : 1. to be separated; to be apart; to be distant 2. to leave; to go away
1 カラクムさばく (カラクム砂漠) : Peski Karakumy (desert) (place)
1 しゃくねつ (灼熱) : 1. becoming red hot; red heat; scorching heat; incandescence 2. running high (of emotions); burning (with passion, enthusiasm, etc.)
1 ほのお (炎) : 1. flame; blaze 2. flames (of intense emotion, e.g. love, jealousy, anger); passion
1 ちしつがく (地質学) : geology
1 じゅうまん (充満) : being filled with; being full of; permeation
1 はっけん (発見) : discovery; detection; finding
1 くっさく (掘削) : digging out; excavation
1 ほうらく (崩落) : collapse; break; cave-in; crash; (market) decline
1 ゆうどくガス (有毒ガス) : noxious gas; poisonous gas; toxic fumes
1 ほうしゅつ (放出) : release; emission; ejection
1 くいとめる (食い止める) : to check; to hold back; to keep at bay; to stop; to prevent; to stem; to curb; to halt
1 てんか (点火) : ignition; lighting; firing; setting off
1 かねんせい (可燃性) : 1. combustibility; inflammability 2. combustible; inflammable
1 げんざい (現在) : now; current; present; present time; as of
1 こくえいきぎょう (国営企業) : state-run business
1 ちいき (地域) : area; region
1 さいしゅ (採取) : picking; collecting; harvesting
1 はっぴょう (発表) : announcement; publication; presenting; statement; communique; making known; breaking (news story); expressing (one's opinion); releasing; unveiling
1 おんしつこうかガス (温室効果ガス) : greenhouse effect gas; greenhouse gas
1 さくげん (削減) : cut; reduction; curtailment
1 うごき (動き) : 1. movement; move; motion 2. trend; development; change; fluctuation
1 しれる (知れる) : 1. to become known; to come to light; to be discovered 2. to be known; to be understood
1 こくりつこうえん (国立公園) : national park
1 そうだい (壮大) : magnificent; grand; majestic; splendid
1 だいしぜん (大自然) : nature; Mother Nature
1 たいかん (体感) : bodily sensation; sense; experience
1 きゅう (級) : 1. class (e.g. school); grade; rank 2. kyū; kyu; junior rank in martial arts, go, shogi, etc.
1 こうざん (高山) : high mountain
1 いりくむ (入り組む) : to become complicated
1 ひょうがこ (氷河湖) : glacial lake
1 たよう (多様) : diverse; varied
1 しょくぶつ (植物) : plant; vegetation
1 しんりん (森林) : forest; woods
1 きびしさ (厳しさ) : severity; strictness; intensity
1 きょうぞん (共存) : coexistence
1 きわ (際) : 1. edge; brink; verge; side 2. time; moment of
1 とまる (泊まる) : 1. to stay at (e.g. hotel) 2. to be docked; to be berthed; to be moored
1 いりぐち (入口) : entrance; entry; gate; approach; mouth
1 りゅうせんけい (流線形) : streamline shape; aerodynamic shape
1 とくちょう (特徴) : feature; trait; characteristic; peculiarity; distinction
1 ちょうわ (調和) : harmony; accord; reconciliation; agreement
1 てんねん (天然) : 1. nature; spontaneity 2. natural airhead
1 こうせい (構成) : composition; construction; formation; makeup; structure; organization; organisation
1 ゆらい (由来) : 1. origin; source; history; derivation 2. originally; from the start; by nature
1 けわしい (険しい) : 1. precipitous; rugged; inaccessible; impregnable; steep 2. grim; severe; stern
1 いわみね (岩峰) : Iwamine (surname)
1 みごと (見事) : 1. splendid; magnificent; excellent; fine; superb; beautiful; admirable 2. utter (esp. defeat); total; complete
1 ひろう (披露) : announcement; presentation; demonstration; displaying; showing; introducing; exhibiting; unveiling; revealing; showcasing; performing; giving a rendition
1 かする (化する) : to change into; to convert into; to transform; to be reduced; to influence; to improve (someone)
1 すきとおる (透き通る) : 1. to be transparent; to be see-through; to be clear 2. to be clear (voice, sound)
1 くずれる (崩れる) : 1. to collapse; to crumble 2. to get out of shape; to lose one's shape; to become disorganized; to become untidy
1 はいきょ (廃墟) : ruins; abandoned building
1 ふしぎ (不思議) : 1. wonderful; marvelous; strange; incredible; amazing; curious; miraculous; mysterious 2. strangely enough; oddly enough; for some reason; curiously
1 かんかく (感覚) : sense; sensation; feeling; intuition
1 よびおこす (呼び起こす) : 1. to wake (someone) up (by calling for them); to awaken 2. to call (to mind); to bring back (memories); to evoke; to arouse (e.g. interest)
1 もともと (元々) : originally; by nature; from the start
1 きゅうソれん (旧ソ連) : former Soviet Union
1 せっかいがん (石灰岩) : limestone
1 あと (跡) : 1. trace; tracks; mark; sign 2. site; remains; ruins
1 うんえい (運営) : management; administration; operation
1 はたらきて (働き手) : 1. worker; breadwinner; supporter 2. able person; able man; productive worker
1 じゅけいしゃ (受刑者) : prisoner; convict
1 さいくつ (採掘) : mining
1 ちゅうし (中止) : suspension; stoppage; discontinuance; interruption
1 くみあげる (汲み上げる) : 1. to draw (water, etc.); to scoop up; to pump up; to dip up 2. to draw on (ideas) (from subordinates, the public, etc.); to take into account; to adopt
1 たいりょう (大量) : large quantity; massive (quantity); mass (e.g. mass production, mass transit, mass destruction)
1 あふれる (溢れる) : to overflow; to brim over; to flood
1 すいちゅう (水中) : underwater
1 てっせん (鉄線) : 1. iron (steel) wire 2. Chinese clematis; Clematis florida; leather flower
1 ざんがい (残骸) : ruins; wreckage; wreck; broken remains; debris
1 あくまで (飽くまで) : 1. to the end; to the bitter end; to the last; stubbornly; persistently; consistently; to the utmost 2. after all; it must be remembered; only; purely; simply
1 じこせきにん (自己責任) : self-responsibility; on one's own responsibility; at one's own risk
1 すでに (既に) : already; too late
1 へいさ (閉鎖) : closing; closure; shutdown; lockout
1 おんせい (音声) : 1. voice; speech; sound of a voice 2. sound (e.g. of a TV)
1 つき (付き) : 1. furnished with; including 2. attached to
1 ひもとく (紐解く) : 1. to read (a book); to open (a book) to read 2. to unravel (e.g. a mystery); to discover (the truth)
1 またがる (跨る) : 1. to straddle; to sit astride; to mount 2. to extend over; to spread over; to span; to extend into
1 せんじゅうみん (先住民) : indigenous people; native people; aborigines
1 びゃくや (白夜) : night under the midnight sun; white night (at extreme latitudes); night during which the sun doesn't set
1 いってん (一転) : 1. one turn; spinning around 2. complete change; reversal; (an) about-face; sudden transformation
1 のぼる (上る) : 1. to ascend; to go up; to climb 2. to ascend (as a natural process, e.g. the Sun); to rise
1 きょくや (極夜) : polar night
1 こおり (氷) : 1. ice 2. shaved ice (usually served with flavored simple syrup)
1 おおう (覆う) : to cover; to hide; to conceal; to wrap; to disguise
1 ほっきょくけん (北極圏) : Arctic Circle; the Arctic
1 ひきょう (秘境) : unexplored region; one of the most secluded regions
1 よくねん (翌年) : following year
1 しんぴ (神秘) : mystery; mysteriousness; secret
1 かくりつ (確率) : probability; likelihood; chances
1 かくだん (格段) : 1. dramatic (improvement); remarkable (difference); marked; noticeable 2. (far) better; exceptional
1 あがる (上がる) : 1. to rise; to go up; to come up; to ascend; to be raised 2. to enter (esp. from outdoors); to come in; to go in
1 はなつ (放つ) : 1. to fire (gun, arrow, questions, etc.); to shoot; to hit (e.g. baseball); to break wind 2. to set free; to release; to let loose
1 おおぞら (大空) : wide open sky; the blue; heavens; firmament
1 まう (舞う) : 1. to dance (orig. a whirling dance) 2. to flutter about; to revolve
1 かんさつ (観察) : observation; survey; watching
1 こくていこうえん (国定公園) : quasi-national park
1 つくりだす (作り出す) : 1. to manufacture; to produce; to raise (crops) 2. to invent; to dream up; to create
1 あおぞら (青空) : blue sky
1 はいけい (背景) : 1. background; scenery; backdrop; setting 2. background (of an incident, situation, etc.); circumstances; context
1 えがきだす (描き出す) : to delineate; to draw; to express; to imagine
1 はもん (波紋) : 1. ripple; ring on the water 2. repercussions
1 ようこう (陽光) : sunshine; sunlight
1 あびる (浴びる) : 1. to dash over oneself (e.g. water); to take (e.g. shower); to bask in (e.g. the sun); to bathe in; to be flooded with (e.g. light); to be covered in 2. to suffer (e.g. an attack); to draw (e.g. criticism, attention, praise); to have heaped upon; to be showered with
1 ゆうこく (夕刻) : evening; evening hour
1 オレンジいろ (オレンジ色) : orange (colour, color)
1 そめる (染める) : to dye; to colour; to color
1 ゆきばな (雪花) : snowflake
1 とける (溶ける) : 1. to melt; to thaw; to fuse 2. to dissolve
1 ながれだす (流れ出す) : to flow out; to stream out; to pour out; to gush forth; to leak; to ooze out; to drift away
1 とどまる (止まる) : 1. to remain; to abide; to stay (in the one place) 2. to be limited to; to be confined to; to only account for
1 としつき (年月) : months and years
1 ふうか (風化) : 1. weathering 2. fading (of memories)
1 しんしょく (浸食) : erosion; corrosion
1 さほど (然程) : (not) so; (not) particularly; (not) very; (not) that much
1 すあし (素足) : bare feet
1 だいち (台地) : plateau; tableland; eminence
1 ふみしめる (踏みしめる) : to step firmly; to harden by treading
1 かのう (可能) : possible; potential; practicable; feasible
1 うずめる (埋める) : 1. to cover; to bury (e.g. one's face in hands); to submerge 2. to fill (completely); to stuff; to pack; to cram; to fill up
1 きたしま (北島) : Kitashima (place; surname)
1 ちほう (地方) : 1. district; region; area; locality 2. the country; countryside; the provinces; rural area
1 せんじゅうみんぞく (先住民族) : aborigines; indigenes
1 マオリぞく (マオリ族) : Maori
1 ながれる (流れる) : 1. to stream; to flow (liquid, time, etc.); to run (ink) 2. to be washed away; to be carried
1 てんじょう (天井) : 1. ceiling 2. ceiling price; (price) ceiling
1 おちる (落ちる) : 1. to fall down; to drop; to fall (e.g. rain); to sink (e.g. sun or moon); to fall onto (e.g. light or one's gaze); to be used in a certain place (e.g. money) 2. to be omitted; to be missing
1 すいてき (水滴) : 1. drop of water 2. vessel for replenishing inkstone water
1 つくりあげる (作り上げる) : 1. to build up; to complete; to construct; to create; to put together 2. to make up; to fabricate; to invent; to cook up
1 あおじろい (青白い) : 1. pale; pallid 2. bluish-white
1 のうり (脳裏) : one's mind
1 きざむ (刻む) : 1. to mince; to cut fine; to chop up; to hash; to shred 2. to carve; to engrave; to chisel; to notch
1 ようちゅう (幼虫) : larva; grub; maggot
1 ともあれ (兎もあれ) : anyhow; in any case
1 くらやみ (暗闇) : darkness; the dark
1 くりひろげる (繰り広げる) : to unfold; to unroll; to open
1 とく (得) : 1. profit; advantage; benefit; gain 2. rebirth in paradise, entering nirvana
1 いう (言う) : 1. to say; to utter; to declare 2. to name; to call
1 とりつく (取り付く) : 1. to cling to; to hold on to; to hold fast to 2. to grapple
1 うかぶ (浮かぶ) : 1. to float; to be suspended 2. to rise to the surface; to appear; to emerge; to show up; to loom (up)
1 おうきゅう (王宮) : royal palace
1 みつりん (密林) : 1. close thicket; dense forest; jungle 2.
1 そびえる (聳える) : to rise; to tower; to soar
1 きょがん (巨岩) : huge rock; crag
1 きずく (築く) : 1. to build; to construct; to erect 2. to amass (e.g. fortune); to pile up
1 ようさい (要塞) : fort; stronghold; fortification
1 こうはん (後半) : second half; latter half
1 はいする (廃する) : 1. to abolish; to abandon; to repeal; to discontinue 2. to dethrone; to depose
1 おうい (王位) : the throne; the crown
1 てんくう (天空) : sky; air; ether; firmament; the heavens
1 もくよく (沐浴) : 1. bathing; washing one's body or hair; ablution 2. receiving a blessing
1 たのしむ (楽しむ) : to enjoy (oneself)
1 ていえん (庭園) : garden; park
1 てんにょ (天女) : 1. heavenly nymph; celestial maiden 2. beautiful and kind woman
1 あざやか (鮮やか) : 1. vivid; bright; brilliant; clear; fresh; vibrant 2. skillful; skilful; adept; adroit; deft; brilliant; beautiful; fine; excellent
1 びじょ (美女) : beautiful woman
1 フレスコが (フレスコ画) : fresco; fresco painting
1 ちんざ (鎮座) : enshrinement
1 しゅごじん (守護神) : guardian deity
1 ぞう (像) : 1. image; figure; statue; picture; portrait 2. figure; form; shape; appearance
1 えいが (栄華) : prosperity; glory; splendour; splendor; majesty; luxury
1 きめる (決める) : 1. to decide; to choose; to determine; to make up one's mind; to resolve; to set one's heart on; to settle; to arrange; to set; to appoint; to fix 2. to clinch (a victory); to decide (the outcome of a match)
1 おうちょう (王朝) : dynasty
1 しのぶ (偲ぶ) : 1. to recollect; to remember; to reminisce; to be nostalgic for 2. to imagine; to guess; to infer
1 ひきつける (惹きつける) : to charm; to attract; to fascinate; to entice
1 たん (反) : 1. variable measure of fabric (28.8 cm in width); for kimonos: at least 10 m in length; for haori: at least 7.27 m in length; for other clothes: at least 6.06 m in length 2. 300 tsubo (991.74 meters square, 0.24506 acres)
1 のぼる (上る) : 1. to ascend; to go up; to climb 2. to ascend (as a natural process, e.g. the Sun); to rise
1 はるか (遥か) : far; far away; distant; remote; far off
1 かなた (彼方) : beyond; across; the other side; the distance
1 ちへい (地平) : 1. level ground 2. horizon
1 いちだい (一大) : one large ...; a great ...
1 まつ (待つ) : 1. to wait 2. to await; to look forward to; to anticipate