Published: 2024-10-15 20:35




10月10日に更新された、WEBメディア『ST ONLINE』のインタビュー取材を受け小沢さん。グラビアで掲載されたショートパンツ姿自身のInstagramでも披露話題になっています。



ST ONLINE』の取材について、小沢さんはこのようにコメントしています。

「『ST』さんの撮影衣装で、ものすごーく久しぶりにショートパンツを履かせて頂きました」 「久しぶりすぎて撮影中動きがソワソワしちゃいましたが、楽しい撮影でした♪」 「普段使ってる美容アイテムなども紹介させて頂きました」 「見て頂けると嬉しいです♡」 「」


「リアルハンコックだ」 「セクシー」 「クギ付けになりました」 「女優として、母親として、真珠さんステキです」 「ショートパンツが、似合っていてとても素敵だと思います」


# 言葉 意味
4 おさわ (小沢) : Osawa (surname)
4 さん : 1. Mr.; Mrs.; Miss; Ms.; -san 2. politeness marker
3 すがた (姿) : 1. figure; form; shape 2. appearance; dress; guise
3 び (美) : beauty
2 おざわまじゅ (小沢真珠) : Ozawa Maju (1977.1.3-) (person)
2 こうしん (更新) : renewal; update; innovation; improvement
2 ひろう (披露) : announcement; presentation; demonstration; displaying; showing; introducing; exhibiting; unveiling; revealing; showcasing; performing; giving a rendition
2 こし (腰) : 1. lower back; waist; hips; lumbar region 2. body (of hair, noodle, paper, etc.); resilience; spring
2 いしょう (衣装) : clothing; costume; outfit; garment; dress
2 さつえい (撮影) : photography (still or motion); photographing; filming; shooting; (video) recording
1 はいゆう (俳優) : actor; actress; player; performer
1 がぞう (画像) : image; picture; portrait
1 うける (受ける) : 1. to receive; to get 2. to catch (e.g. a ball)
1 けいさい (掲載) : publication (e.g. of an article in a newspaper); carrying (e.g. a story); running (e.g. a serial); insertion (e.g. of an advertisement); printing; posting (e.g. on the web)
1 じしん (自身) : (one's) self; oneself
1 わだい (話題) : topic; subject
1 とうこう (投稿) : contribution (to a newspaper, magazine, etc.); submission; post (on a blog, social media, etc.)
1 しろい (白い) : white
1 おろす (卸す) : 1. to sell wholesale 2. to grate (e.g. vegetables)
1 ことなる (異なる) : to differ; to vary; to disagree
1 ぜんしん (全身) : 1. whole (body); full-length (e.g. portrait) 2. systemic
1 ひざ (膝) : 1. knee 2. lap; knee and thigh (while sitting)
1 かかえる (抱える) : 1. to hold or carry under or in the arms 2. to have (esp. problems, debts, etc.)
1 すわる (座る) : 1. to sit; to squat 2. to assume (a position)
1 みつめる (見つめる) : to stare at; to gaze at; to look hard at; to watch intently; to fix one's eyes on
1 みりょく (魅力) : charm; fascination; glamour; glamor; attraction; appeal
1 ひきたてる (引き立てる) : 1. to set off to advantage; to bring into prominence; to enhance 2. to support; to favor; to favour; to promote; to patronize
1 しゅざい (取材) : 1. news coverage; collecting data (e.g. for an article); covering (something for media) 2. interview
1 ぶり (振り) : 1. style; manner; way 2. after (period of time) again (e.g. meeting again after a year); for the first time in (period of time)
1 はく (履く) : 1. to put on (lower-body clothing, e.g. pants, skirt, footwear); to wear 2. to affix (a sword to one's hip)
1 うごき (動き) : 1. movement; move; motion 2. trend; development; change; fluctuation
1 ふだん (普段) : 1. usual; normal; everyday; habitual; ordinary 2. usually; normally; generally; habitually; always
1 つかう (使う) : 1. to use (a thing, method, etc.); to make use of; to put to use 2. to use (a person, animal, puppet, etc.); to employ; to handle; to manage; to manipulate
1 びよう (美容) : 1. beauty; good figure; (beautiful) appearance; (beautiful) features 2. beautification; beauty treatment; beauty culture; cosmetics
1 うれしい (嬉しい) : 1. happy; glad; pleased; delighted; overjoyed 2. joyful; delightful; gratifying; pleasant
1 つけ (付け) : 1. bill; bill of sale; payment invoice 2. tab (for later payment); credit
1 じょゆう (女優) : actress
1 ははおや (母親) : mother
1 しんじゅ (真珠) : pearl
1 にあう (似合う) : to suit; to match; to become; to be like
1 すてき (素敵) : lovely; wonderful; nice; great; fantastic; superb; cool
1 おもう (思う) : 1. to think; to consider; to believe; to reckon 2. to think (of doing); to plan (to do)
1 よせる (寄せる) : 1. to come near; to let someone approach 2. to bring near; to bring together; to collect; to gather