Published: 2024-03-15 08:00

NRIセキュア MSS技術開発部長 木内雄章氏、自動車セキュリティのグループ会社の新社長に



 NDIASの新社長となる木内雄章(きうち たけのり役職は、NRIセキュアのMSS技術開発部長で、6月18日に行われる定時株主総会および取締役会決議て、代表取締役社長選任される予定となっている。

# 言葉 意味
3 かぶしきがいしゃ (株式会社) : stock company; corporation; kabushiki kaisha; KK
2 グループがいしゃ (グループ会社) : corporate group; group businesses; group company; affiliated company
2 および (及び) : and; as well as
2 おこなう (行う) : to perform; to do; to conduct oneself; to carry out
1 しゅうにん (就任) : assumption (of office); taking up (a post); inauguration; installation
1 はっぴょう (発表) : announcement; publication; presenting; statement; communique; making known; breaking (news story); expressing (one's opinion); releasing; unveiling
1 しゃりょう (車両) : rolling stock; railroad cars; wheeled vehicles
1 しんだん (診断) : diagnosis; medical examination
1 じどうしゃぎょうかい (自動車業界) : automotive industry; motor vehicle industry
1 むけ (向け) : intended for ...; oriented towards ...; aimed at ...
1 うんよう (運用) : 1. making use of; application; practical use; effective management (e.g. of funds) 2. operation; handling; steering (esp. a boat)
1 しえん (支援) : support; backing; aid; assistance
1 かぶぬし (株主) : shareholder; stockholder
1 つらねる (連ねる) : 1. to line up; to put in a row 2. to add (to a group); to accept (as a member of an organization, etc.); to join (e.g. a list)
1 きうち (木内) : Kiuchi (place; surname)
1 かつあき (雄章) : Katsuaki (unclass)
1 たけ (岳) : 1. peak 2. mountain
1 のり (海苔) : nori; laver; edible seaweed, usu. Porphyra yezoensis or P. tenera, usu. dried and pressed into sheets
1 うじ (氏) : 1. family name; lineage; birth 2. clan
1 うつつ (現つ) : reality; consciousness
1 やくしょく (役職) : 1. post; official position 2. managerial position; executive position
1 かいはつぶ (開発部) : Development Department
1 ていじ (定時) : regular time; stated period
1 かぶぬしそうかい (株主総会) : general meeting of stockholders
1 とりしまりやくかい (取締役会) : 1. board of directors 2. board of directors' meeting
1 けつぎ (決議) : resolution; vote; decision
1 へる (経る) : 1. to pass; to elapse; to go by 2. to pass through; to go through
1 だいひょうとりしまりやくしゃちょう (代表取締役社長) : president and chief executive officer
1 せんにん (選任) : nomination (of a person to a position); selection; election; assignment; appointment