Published: 2025-02-14 18:38

15歳になる中学生が「元服式」 決意や誓い示す 福井




そして、地元ゆかり幕末橋本左内が15歳のときに自分を戒める啓発」という書物書き残したことにちなみ書物記された「を立てる」などといった5つの教訓全員読み上げました。 最後に生徒の代表3人が誓い決意発表し、「みずから進ん学業励む」とか「部活動など何事にも諦めずに努力する」などと述べました。


# 言葉 意味
3 げんぷく (元服) : 1. male coming-of-age-ceremony 2. (of a newly married woman in the Edo period) shaving one's eyebrows, blackening one's teeth, and wearing one's hair in the marumage style
3 しき (式) : 1. equation; formula; expression 2. ceremony
3 ねんせい (年生) : pupil in ... year; student in ... year
2 けつい (決意) : decision; determination; resolution
2 ふくいし (福井市) : Fukui (city) (place)
2 おこなう (行う) : to perform; to do; to conduct oneself; to carry out
2 ふくい (福井) : Fukui (city, prefecture)
2 だいひょう (代表) : 1. representative; representation; delegation; type; example; model 2. switchboard number; main number
2 えぼし (烏帽子) : eboshi; black-lacquered headgear (made of silk, cloth or paper) originally worn by court nobles in ancient Japan
2 しょもつ (書物) : book; volume
1 かつて (嘗て) : 1. once; before; formerly; ever; former; ex- 2. never yet; never before; first time; still not happened
1 ぎしき (儀式) : ceremony; rite; ritual; service
1 ならう (習う) : to take lessons in; to be taught; to learn (from a teacher); to study (under a teacher); to get training in
1 ちゅうがくせい (中学生) : junior high school student; middle school pupil
1 ちかい (誓い) : oath; vow
1 しめす (示す) : 1. to (take out and) show; to demonstrate; to tell; to exemplify; to make apparent 2. to point out (finger, clock hand, needle, etc.)
1 こうだい (工大) : technical college
1 ふぞく (付属) : attached; belonging (to); included; enclosed; affiliated; annexed; associated; subordinate; incidental; dependent; auxiliary
1 ちゅうがっこう (中学校) : junior high school; middle school; lower secondary school
1 たいしょう (対象) : target; object (of worship, study, etc.); subject (of taxation, etc.)
1 あまり (余り) : 1. remainder; remnant; rest; balance; surplus; remains (of a meal); leftovers 2. (not) very; (not) much
1 こしき (古式) : old style; ancient rites
1 のっとる (乗っ取る) : 1. to take over; to capture; to seize; to commandeer; to occupy; to usurp 2. to hijack (vehicle, account, etc.)
1 かり (狩り) : 1. hunting 2. harvesting (e.g. berries, fruit); picking; gathering
1 よぶ (呼ぶ) : 1. to call out (to); to call; to invoke 2. to summon (a doctor, etc.)
1 いしょう (衣装) : clothing; costume; outfit; garment; dress
1 み (身) : 1. body 2. oneself
1 かぶせる (被せる) : to cover (with something); to put on (e.g. on someone else's head); to plate something (with a metal); to pour or dash a liquid (on something); to charge (a person with a guilt)
1 じもと (地元) : 1. home area; home town 2. local
1 ゆかり (縁) : connection (to a person, place, etc.); relation; affinity
1 ばくまつ (幕末) : closing days of the Tokugawa shogunate; end of Edo era
1 はん (藩) : feudal domain (Edo and early Meiji periods, precursor to current prefectures); fiefdom; province
1 さむらい (侍) : 1. warrior (esp. of military retainers of daimyos in the Edo period); samurai 2. man in attendance (on a person of high standing); retainer
1 はしもとさない (橋本左内) : Hashimoto Sanai (person)
1 いましめる (戒める) : 1. to warn against; to caution against 2. to admonish; to scold; to rebuke
1 けいはつ (啓発) : enlightenment; development; edification; public awareness; illumination; education; inspiration
1 ろく (録) : record; transcript
1 かきのこす (書き残す) : to leave a note or document behind; to leave half-written; to leave out
1 ちなむ (因む) : to be associated (with); to be connected (with)
1 しるす (記す) : 1. to write down; to note; to jot down 2. to remember
1 こころざし (志) : 1. will; resolution; intention; ambition; aim; goal 2. kindness; goodwill; kind offer
1 ゆう (結う) : 1. to do up (hair); to dress; to arrange 2. to tie; to bind; to fasten; to make (a fence)
1 きょうくん (教訓) : lesson; precept; teachings; moral
1 ぜんいん (全員) : all members; all hands; everyone; everybody; whole crew
1 よみあげる (読み上げる) : 1. to read out; to read aloud; to call out 2. to finish reading; to read through
1 ちかう (誓う) : to swear; to vow; to take an oath; to pledge
1 はっぴょう (発表) : announcement; publication; presenting; statement; communique; making known; breaking (news story); expressing (one's opinion); releasing; unveiling
1 みずから (自ら) : 1. oneself 2. oneself; for oneself; personally; in person
1 すすむ (進む) : 1. to advance; to go forward 2. to precede; to go ahead (of)
1 がくぎょう (学業) : studies; schoolwork; classwork
1 はげむ (励む) : to strive; to endeavour; to endeavor; to make an effort; to be zealous
1 ぶかつどう (部活動) : club activities; extracurricular activities
1 なにごと (何事) : 1. what; what sort of thing 2. everything; anything
1 あきらめる (諦める) : to give up; to abandon (hope, plans); to resign oneself (to)
1 どりょく (努力) : effort; exertion; endeavour; endeavor; hard work; striving
1 のべる (述べる) : to state; to express; to mention
1 うけとる (受け取る) : 1. to receive; to get; to accept 2. to take; to interpret; to understand
1 したむら (下村) : Shitamura (surname)
1 いちしん (一真) : Ichishin (surname)
1 きんちょう (緊張) : tension; mental strain; nervousness
1 きちょう (貴重) : precious; valuable
1 たいけん (体験) : (practical) experience; personal experience; hands-on experience; first-hand experience
1 しんらい (信頼) : reliance; trust; faith; confidence
1 はなす (話す) : 1. to talk; to speak; to converse; to chat 2. to tell; to explain; to narrate; to mention; to describe; to discuss