Published: 2024-04-14 21:10









住:東京都中央区銀座1-3-3 東亜ビル 1F 営:11:30~14:30、17:30~23:00(火曜はディナーのみ) 休:月曜(ほかに不定休あり) TEL:03-6228-7313

# 言葉 意味
3 ぎんざ (銀座) : 1. Ginza (shopping district in Tokyo) 2. (Edo period) silver mint
3 いう (言う) : 1. to say; to utter; to declare 2. to name; to call
3 おおく (多く) : 1. many; much; plenty; a lot 2. majority (of); greater part (of)
2 しる (知る) : 1. to be aware of; to know; to be conscious of; to cognize; to cognise 2. to notice; to feel
2 でんとうてき (伝統的) : traditional; conventional
2 しょくざい (食材) : 1. ingredient 2. foodstuff
2 ちょうたつ (調達) : supply; provision; raising; procurement
2 さら (皿) : 1. plate; dish; platter; disc 2. serving; helping; course
1 ちゅうなんべい (中南米) : Central and South America
1 みんぞく (民族) : people; race; nation; ethnic group; ethnos
1 ゆらい (由来) : 1. origin; source; history; derivation 2. originally; from the start; by nature
1 わしょく (和食) : Japanese food; Japanese-style meal; Japanese cuisine
1 ぎほう (技法) : technique
1 つかう (使う) : 1. to use (a thing, method, etc.); to make use of; to put to use 2. to use (a person, animal, puppet, etc.); to employ; to handle; to manage; to manipulate
1 してん (視点) : opinion; point of view; visual point
1 とりいれる (取り入れる) : 1. to harvest; to reap 2. to take in; to gather in
1 しんか (進化) : evolution; progress
1 さいぜんせん (最前線) : front line; forefront
1 ついで (次いで) : next; secondly; subsequently
1 って : 1. you said; he said; she said; they said 2. if ... then
1 つまり (詰まり) : 1. that is to say; that is; in other words; I mean; that (this, it) means 2. in short; in brief; to sum up; ultimately; in the end; in the long run; when all is said and done; what it all comes down to; when you get right down to it; basically
1 にほん (日本) : Japan
1 けいゆ (経由) : going through; going via; going by way of
1 いる (入る) : to get in; to go in; to come in; to flow into; to set; to set in
1 ほんらい (本来) : 1. originally; primarily 2. essentially; intrinsically; naturally; by nature; in (and of) itself
1 みりょく (魅力) : charm; fascination; glamour; glamor; attraction; appeal
1 つたえる (伝える) : to convey; to report; to transmit; to communicate; to tell; to impart; to propagate; to teach; to bequeath
1 かたる (語る) : 1. to talk about; to speak of; to tell; to narrate 2. to recite; to chant
1 なかじま (中島) : island in a pond or river
1 あきお (哲男) : Akio (given)
1 だいかんやま (代官山) : Daikan'yama (place; surname)
1 ながき (長き) : long distance; long time
1 したしむ (親しむ) : to be intimate with; to befriend
1 りょうりてん (料理店) : restaurant
1 つむ (積む) : 1. to pile up; to stack 2. to load (car, ship, etc.); to pack
1 しじ (師事) : studying under; looking up to; apprenticing oneself to
1 きょうどりょうり (郷土料理) : regional cuisine; local cuisine
1 まなぶ (学ぶ) : to study (in depth); to learn; to take lessons in
1 のち (後) : 1. later; afterwards 2. future
1 ただ (只) : 1. ordinary; common; usual 2. free of charge
1 げんち (現地) : actual place; local; on-site
1 そのまま (其のまま) : 1. without change; as is 2. just like; extremely similar
1 きょうする (供する) : 1. to offer; to present; to submit; to supply 2. to serve (food and drink)
1 しんずい (神髄) : essence; quintessence; spirit; soul; heart; pith; pith and marrow
1 しょうやく (生薬) : natural drugs; natural remedy; herbal medicine; crude drugs; galenical
1 ごうけい (合計) : sum total; total amount
1 しゅ (種) : 1. kind; variety 2. (biological) species
1 けんこう (健康) : 1. health 2. healthy; sound; fit; wholesome
1 こうか (効果) : 1. effect; effectiveness; efficacy; result 2. effects (e.g. sound effects, visual effects, special effects)
1 きたい (期待) : 1. expectation; anticipation; hope 2. promising; rising; up-and-coming
1 やくぜん (薬膳) : medicinal cooking (based on traditional Chinese medicine)
1 こうあん (考案) : plan; device; idea; design; contrivance; conception; invention
1 とうもろこし (玉蜀黍) : corn (Zea mays); maize
1 つきもの (付き者) : attendant
1 こそ : 1. it is ... that ...; precisely; in particular; definitely; for sure; only (when, after, because, etc.) 2. although; while; it is the case that ... but
1 とち (土地) : 1. plot of land; lot; soil 2. locality; region; place
1 ねづく (根付く) : to take root; to strike
1 むのうやく (無農薬) : pesticide-free; non-chemical; organic
1 れつ (列) : 1. row; line; file; column; queue; rank; procession 2. company (of someone); group; ranks
1 とりよせる (取り寄せる) : 1. to order; to send away for; to have (something) sent to one 2. to pull (something) closer
1 とくひつ (特筆) : special mention
1 しきさい (色彩) : colour; color; hue; tints
1 とくさん (特産) : being produced in a particular region; local specialty
1 とうがらし (唐辛子) : 1. capsicum (Capsicum annuum, esp. the cultivated chili peppers); chili pepper (chile, chilli); cayenne; red pepper 2. shichimi pepper
1 しゅたい (主体) : 1. main constituent; core; nucleus 2. subject (philosophical); protagonist
1 せんれつ (鮮烈) : vivid; striking
1 でんとう (伝統) : tradition; convention
1 しょうか (昇華) : 1. sublimation 2. sublimating (an emotion, impulse, etc.); channelling; diverting; converting; elevating
1 さそう (誘う) : 1. to invite; to ask (someone to do); to call (for); to take (someone) along 2. to tempt; to lure; to entice; to seduce
1 とうきょうと (東京都) : Tokyo Metropolis (prefecture); Tokyo metropolitan area
1 ちゅうおうく (中央区) : Chūō Ward (Borough, etc.) (in several cities) (place)
1 とうあ (東亜) : East Asia; the Orient
1 かよう (火曜) : Tuesday
1 のみ : only; nothing but
1 げつよう (月曜) : Monday
1 ていきゅう (定休) : regular holiday; fixed day off; regular closing day
1 あり (蟻) : ant