Published: 2024-10-15 23:37

千葉 市川 あおり運転でバイクを転倒させたか 18歳容疑者逮捕








# 言葉 意味
4 たいする (対する) : 1. to face (each other); to be facing 2. to be directed toward (the future, etc.); to be in response to; to be related to
3 ようぎしゃ (容疑者) : suspect (person)
2 ちばけん (千葉県) : Chiba prefecture (Kanto area)
2 いちかわし (市川市) : Ichikawa (city) (place)
2 はしる (走る) : 1. to run 2. to run (of a vehicle); to drive; to travel; to move; to sail
2 ほうていそくど (法定速度) : legally permitted speed; national speed limit
2 こえる (越える) : 1. to cross over; to cross; to pass through; to pass over (out of); to go beyond; to go past 2. to exceed; to surpass; to be more (than)
2 せっきん (接近) : 1. getting closer; drawing nearer; approaching 2. being not much different; being near (age, skill, etc.)
2 あおりうんてん (あおり運転) : road rage; tailgating
2 おこなう (行う) : to perform; to do; to conduct oneself; to carry out
2 てんとう (転倒) : 1. falling down; tumbling; overturning; turning over 2. reversing; inverting; inversion
2 きけんうんてん (危険運転) : dangerous driving; reckless driving
2 うたがい (疑い) : doubt; question; uncertainty; skepticism; scepticism; suspicion; distrust
2 たいほ (逮捕) : arrest; apprehension; capture
2 しらべ (調べ) : 1. investigation; inspection; examination 2. tune; note; melody
2 ようぎ (容疑) : suspicion; charge
2 ひにん (否認) : denial; negation; repudiation; disapproval
2 もつ (持つ) : 1. to hold (in one's hand); to take; to carry 2. to possess; to have; to own
2 ひがいしゃ (被害者) : victim; injured party; sufferer
1 しょうがい (傷害) : 1. wound; injury; accident; casualty 2. assault; inflicting bodily injury
1 じしょう (自称) : 1. self-proclaimed; self-professed; self-styled; would-be 2. professing oneself to be; calling oneself; describing oneself as
1 むしょく (無職) : without an occupation; unemployed; jobless
1 そのまま (其のまま) : 1. without change; as is 2. just like; extremely similar
1 にげる (逃げる) : to escape; to run away
1 ちしょう (致傷) : inflicting injury (criminally)
1 ひきにげ (ひき逃げ) : hit-and-run (causing personal injury)
1 げんざい (現在) : now; current; present; present time; as of
1 いしきふめい (意識不明) : unconscious; senseless
1 じゅうたい (重体) : serious condition; critical condition
1 げんば (現場) : 1. actual spot; scene; scene of the crime; site; location; setting 2. shop floor; factory floor; (on) site
1 ふきん (付近) : 1. neighborhood; vicinity; environs; district 2. approaching
1 ぼうはんカメラ (防犯カメラ) : security camera
1 あおる (煽る) : 1. to fan (oneself, flames, etc.) 2. to flap (in the wind)
1 ようす (様子) : 1. state; state of affairs; situation; circumstances 2. appearance; look; aspect
1 うつる (映る) : to be reflected; to harmonize with (harmonise); to come out (photo); to be projected; to be displayed (on a screen)
1 めんきょ (免許) : license; permit; licence; certificate
1 かいふく (回復) : 1. restoration; rehabilitation; recovery; return; replevin; improvement 2. recovery (from an illness); recuperation; convalescence
1 まつ (待つ) : 1. to wait 2. to await; to look forward to; to anticipate
1 きく (聞く) : 1. to hear 2. to listen (e.g. to music)
1 くわしい (詳しい) : 1. detailed; full; minute 2. knowing very well; knowledgeable (about); well-acquainted (with); well-informed (about); familiar (with)
1 じょうきょう (状況) : state of affairs (around you); situation; circumstances