Published: 2024-10-20 21:11

モードな違和感を細部に散りばめたメゾン マルジェラ──特集:ロングかショートか。2024-25年秋冬のアウター選びはどっちだ?



オーセンティックなシングルトレンチコートはレジンをコーティングし、ハンティングブルゾンは伸ばしてコートに変化するなど、メゾン マルジェラらしい遊び心発揮された今季のアウター。コートはかなり丈長で、モードな緊張感たっぷり表現。表はポケットを配し、裏はシンプルなフロントと、リバーシブルで着られるコートも登場盛り込みながらも、使い勝手に優れたアイテムが揃っている。









■マルジェラ ジャパン クライアントサービス TEL:0120-934-779

# 言葉 意味
4 そで (袖) : 1. sleeve 2. wing (of a stage, desk, gate, etc.)
3 はいする (配する) : 1. to distribute; to arrange; to allot (to a position of authority, etc.) 2. to arrange; to lay out (as in decorating)
3 かん (感) : 1. feeling; sensation; emotion; admiration; impression 2. interjection
2 うらじ (裏地) : 1. lining 2. land that does not adjoin to public or private roads
2 こんき (今季) : this season
2 ひょうげん (表現) : 1. expression; presentation 2. representation; notation
2 つかう (使う) : 1. to use (a thing, method, etc.); to make use of; to put to use 2. to use (a person, animal, puppet, etc.); to employ; to handle; to manage; to manipulate
2 かってに (勝手に) : arbitrarily; of its own accord; voluntarily; wilfully; willfully; as one pleases
2 すぐれる (優れる) : to surpass; to outstrip; to excel
2 おもてじ (表地) : outer material of a garment; shell of a jacket or coat; garment minus the lining
2 ぶぶん (部分) : portion; section; part
2 しあげる (仕上げる) : to finish up; to complete; to finish off; to get through; to polish off
2 りめん (裏面) : back; reverse; other side; inside; tails (of coins); background
2 つき (付き) : 1. furnished with; including 2. attached to
2 よる (因る) : 1. to be due to; to be caused by 2. to depend on; to turn on
2 しよう (使用) : use; application; employment; utilization; utilisation
2 えり (襟) : 1. collar; lapel; neckband; neck 2. nape of the neck; scruff of the neck
2 だけ (丈) : 1. only; just; merely; simply; no more than; nothing but; alone 2. as much as; to the extent of; enough to
1 さいぶ (細部) : details; particulars
1 あそぶ (遊ぶ) : 1. to play (games, sports); to enjoy oneself; to have a good time 2. to mess about (with alcohol, gambling, philandery, etc.)
1 がち (雅致) : artistry; good taste; elegance; grace
1 よそおい (装い) : dress; outfit; equipment; makeup; adornment; guise; get-up
1 あたえる (与える) : 1. to give (esp. to someone of lower status); to bestow; to grant; to confer; to present; to award 2. to provide; to afford; to offer; to supply
1 てんかい (展開) : 1. development; evolution; progression; unfolding; (plot) twist 2. expansion; spreading out; extending; deployment; building up
1 それぞれ (夫れ夫れ) : each; respectively
1 すそ (裾) : 1. hem; (trouser) cuff; shirttail; bottom (of a kimono); train (of a dress) 2. bottom part; bottom edge
1 のばす (伸ばす) : 1. to grow long (e.g. hair, nails) 2. to lengthen; to extend; to stretch
1 へんか (変化) : 1. change; variation; alteration; mutation; transition; transformation; transfiguration; metamorphosis 2. variety; diversity
1 らしい : 1. seeming ...; appearing ... 2. -ish; like a ...; typical of ...; appropriate for ...; becoming of ...; worthy of the name ...
1 あそびごころ (遊び心) : 1. playfulness; playful mood 2. imaginativeness
1 はっき (発揮) : show (of power, ability, etc.); exhibition; demonstration; display; manifestation
1 かなり (可也) : considerably; fairly; quite
1 たけなが (丈長) : tall
1 きんちょうかん (緊張感) : feeling of tension; air of tension; tension; nervousness
1 たっぷり : full; in plenty; ample
1 むね (胸) : 1. chest; breast 2. breasts; bosom; bust
1 とうじょう (登場) : 1. entry (on stage); appearance (on screen) 2. entrance; introduction (into a market)
1 しゅん (旬) : 1. season (e.g. fruit, fish) 2. in vogue; popular; fresh; up to date
1 もりこむ (盛り込む) : 1. to incorporate; to include 2. to fill (a vessel) with
1 そろう (揃う) : 1. to be complete; to be all present; to make a full set; to be satisfied (of conditions) 2. to be equal; to be uniform; to be even; to match; to agree
1 こうたく (光沢) : brilliance; polish; lustre; luster; glossy finish (of photographs)
1 くうきかん (空気感) : atmosphere (esp. of a place or person); mood; vibe; ambience
1 もつ (持つ) : 1. to hold (in one's hand); to take; to carry 2. to possess; to have; to own
1 ぜんたい (全体) : whole; entirety; whatever (is the matter)
1 はおる (羽織る) : to put on (coat, gown, etc.)
1 したてる (仕立てる) : 1. to tailor; to make (clothing) 2. to train; to bring up
1 きのうてき (機能的) : functional; efficient
1 ちょうせつ (調節) : regulation; adjustment; control
1 かのう (可能) : possible; potential; practicable; feasible
1 りょう (両) : 1. both (hands, parents, sides, etc.) 2. counter for carriages (e.g. in a train); counter for vehicles
1 おもて (面) : 1. face 2. surface
1 なめらか (滑らか) : 1. smooth (of a surface); glassy; velvety; soft 2. smooth (of an action, proceedings, etc.); fluent (speech); fluid; trouble-free
1 しつかん (質感) : feel (of a material); texture
1 とくちょう (特徴) : feature; trait; characteristic; peculiarity; distinction
1 そざい (素材) : 1. ingredient; (raw) material; resource 2. unprocessed timber; raw timber
1 かこう (加工) : manufacturing; processing; treatment; machining
1 ほどこす (施す) : 1. to give (time, money, goods); to donate 2. to do; to perform; to conduct
1 ひよく (比翼) : wings abreast; single garment made to look double
1 まえだて (前立て) : plume; crest
1 さいよう (採用) : 1. use; adoption; acceptance 2. appointment; employment; engagement; recruitment
1 えんしゅつ (演出) : production (e.g. play); direction
1 いっけん (一見) : 1. look; glimpse; glance 2. apparently; seemingly
1 とめる (止める) : 1. to stop; to turn off 2. to park
1 はずす (外す) : 1. to remove; to take off; to detach; to unfasten; to undo 2. to drop (e.g. from a team); to remove (from a position); to exclude; to expel
1 はいめん (背面) : rear; back; reverse
1 え (柄) : 1. handle; grip 2. stalk (of a mushroom, leaf, etc.)
1 きりかえる (切り替える) : to change; to exchange; to convert; to renew; to throw a switch; to replace; to switch over
1 きく (効く) : 1. to be effective; to take effect; to be good (for) 2. to work; to function well
1 しにせ (老舗) : long-established shop; shop of long standing; old shop
1 きじ (生地) : 1. cloth; fabric; material; texture 2. dough; batter