Published: 2025-01-11 16:04

山形 「寒鱈まつり」 冬の郷土料理味わう



山形市にある観光物産会館「ぐっと山形」で開かれている「寒鱈まつり」では、マダラの白子のほか、ネギと豆腐などが入っだらが1杯1200円で販売されています。 庄内地方の冬の郷土料理山形市で味わえるということで、会場には多くの人たちが集まりだら受け取ると、さっそく口に運び、10日まで降った雪で冷えた体を温めていました。



# 言葉 意味
5 かん (寒) : midwinter; cold season; coldest days of the year
5 しる (汁) : 1. juice; sap 2. soup; broth
4 やまがたし (山形市) : Yamagata (city) (place)
3 やまがた (山形) : 1. Yamagata (city, prefecture) 2. mountain shape; chevron; cone
3 まつり (祭り) : 1. festival; feast 2. harassment by an Internet pitchfork mob; online shaming; flaming
3 ひらく (開く) : 1. to open; to undo; to unseal; to unpack 2. to bloom; to unfold; to spread out
2 しょううち (庄内) : Shouuchi (surname)
2 ちほう (地方) : 1. district; region; area; locality 2. the country; countryside; the provinces; rural area
2 きょうどりょうり (郷土料理) : regional cuisine; local cuisine
2 いる (入る) : to get in; to go in; to come in; to flow into; to set; to set in
1 にほん (日本) : Japan
1 とれる (取れる) : 1. to come off; to be removed 2. to disappear (of pain, a fever, etc.)
1 あます (余す) : to save; to leave over; to spare
1 したて (仕立て) : tailoring; dressmaking; sewing; making; preparation
1 にこむ (煮込む) : 1. to boil well; to stew; to simmer (for a long time) 2. to cook (various ingredients) together
1 ぎょぎょうしゃ (漁業者) : fisherman
1 したしむ (親しむ) : to be intimate with; to befriend
1 けん (県) : prefecture (Japan); county (China, Taiwan, Norway, etc.); department (France); province (Italy, Spain, etc.)
1 かんこう (観光) : sightseeing; tourism
1 ぶっさん (物産) : product
1 かいかん (会館) : meeting hall; assembly hall
1 み (身) : 1. body 2. oneself
1 しらこ (白子) : 1. soft roe; milt 2. albino
1 とうふ (豆腐) : tofu; bean curd; beancurd
1 はんばい (販売) : sales; selling; marketing
1 おおく (多く) : 1. many; much; plenty; a lot 2. majority (of); greater part (of)
1 あつまる (集まる) : to gather; to collect; to assemble
1 うけとる (受け取る) : 1. to receive; to get; to accept 2. to take; to interpret; to understand
1 さっそく (早速) : at once; immediately; without delay; promptly
1 はこぶ (運ぶ) : 1. to carry; to transport; to move; to convey 2. to come; to go
1 くだる (下る) : 1. to descend; to go down; to come down 2. to be handed down (of an order, judgment, etc.)
1 ひえる (冷える) : to grow cold (from room temperature, e.g. in refrigerator); to get chilly; to cool down
1 あたためる (温める) : to warm; to heat
1 おとずれる (訪れる) : 1. to visit; to call on 2. to arrive (season, time, situation, etc.); to come; to appear
1 ぐ (具) : 1. tool; means 2. ingredients (added to soup, rice, etc.)
1 あたたまる (温まる) : to warm oneself; to sun oneself; to warm up; to get warm
1 ほんば (本場) : 1. home (of something); place famous for its ...; center (e.g. of manufacture); best place (for) 2. place of origin; birthplace; cradle
1 はなす (話す) : 1. to talk; to speak; to converse; to chat 2. to tell; to explain; to narrate; to mention; to describe; to discuss