Published: 2024-10-16 06:14

長野 国の天然記念物 八島湿原で「草紅葉」が見頃




訪れた人たちは湿原囲む山々背景広がる豊かな景色を、遊歩道から眺めたり写真に収めたりして楽しんでいました。 香川県から家族で訪れた男性は「毎年、この季節の湿原の景色を楽しみに来ています。紅葉やススキを見て秋らしさを感じています」と話していました。


# 言葉 意味
6 しつげん (湿原) : marshy grassland; wetlands
4 やしま (八洲) : Japan
3 しょくぶつ (植物) : plant; vegetation
3 おとずれる (訪れる) : 1. to visit; to call on 2. to arrive (season, time, situation, etc.); to come; to appear
3 ひろがる (広がる) : to spread (out); to extend; to stretch; to reach to; to get around; to fill (e.g. a space)
2 てんねんきねんぶつ (天然記念物) : 1. natural monument 2. protected species (animal, habitat, etc.)
2 してい (指定) : designation; specification; assignment; appointment; pointing at
2 しもすわまち (下諏訪町) : Shimosuwamachi (place)
2 みごろ (見頃) : best time to see
2 むかえる (迎える) : 1. to go out to meet 2. to receive; to welcome; to greet; to salute; to hail; to reach; to approach; to enter (a phase, era, etc.)
2 おおく (多く) : 1. many; much; plenty; a lot 2. majority (of); greater part (of)
2 たのしめる (楽しめる) : to be able to enjoy
2 たり : 1. -ing and -ing (e.g. "coming and going") 2. doing such things as...
1 ながのけん (長野県) : Nagano prefecture (Chūbu area)
1 とも (供) : companion; follower; attendant; retinue
1 いろづく (色づく) : 1. to change color (esp. leaves, fruit, flowers) (colour) 2. to turn crimson (e.g. leaves in autumn); to begin to redden
1 ひょうこう (標高) : elevation; height above sea level
1 あまり (余り) : 1. remainder; remnant; rest; balance; surplus; remains (of a meal); leftovers 2. (not) very; (not) much
1 ちてん (地点) : site; point on a map; spot
1 およそ (凡そ) : 1. about; roughly; approximately 2. generally; on the whole; as a rule
1 そうげん (草原) : 1. grassy field; grassland; meadow 2. grass-covered plain; savannah; prairie; steppe
1 くさばな (草花) : flower; flowering plant
1 ほうこ (宝庫) : 1. treasury; treasure house; storehouse; repository 2. treasure trove; rich source (of)
1 しる (知る) : 1. to be aware of; to know; to be conscious of; to cognize; to cognise 2. to notice; to feel
1 ざんしょ (残暑) : late summer heat; lingering summer heat
1 えいきょう (影響) : 1. influence; effect 2. to influence; to affect; to have an influence on; to impact; to have an effect on
1 つき (付き) : 1. furnished with; including 2. attached to
1 いる (入る) : to get in; to go in; to come in; to flow into; to set; to set in
1 るい (類) : 1. kind; sort; type; class; genus; order; family 2. similar example; parallel; the like
1 こがねいろ (黄金色) : golden; gold-colored; gold-coloured; honey-colour
1 そまる (染まる) : 1. to be dyed 2. to be tainted; to be infected; to be stained; to be steeped
1 かこむ (囲む) : 1. to surround; to encircle; to enclose; to fence; to wall in 2. to besiege; to lay siege to
1 やまやま (山々) : 1. (many) mountains 2. very much (esp. wanting to do something one cannot); greatly; really
1 はいけい (背景) : 1. background; scenery; backdrop; setting 2. background (of an incident, situation, etc.); circumstances; context
1 ゆたか (豊か) : 1. abundant; wealthy; plentiful; rich; affluent 2. very; extremely; full of; great
1 ゆうほどう (遊歩道) : promenade; esplanade
1 ながめる (眺める) : 1. to look at; to gaze at; to watch; to stare at 2. to look out over; to get a view of; to admire (e.g. the scenery)
1 おさめる (収める) : 1. to dedicate; to make an offering; to pay (fees) 2. to supply
1 たのしむ (楽しむ) : to enjoy (oneself)
1 かがわけん (香川県) : Kagawa prefecture (Shikoku)
1 こうよう (紅葉) : 1. autumn colours; fall colors; leaves changing color (colour) 2. leaves turning red; red leaves
1 ねじ (螺子) : 1. screw 2. key (of a clock, watch, etc.); spring (of a clock, watch, etc.)
1 かんずる (感ずる) : to feel; to sense
1 はなす (話す) : 1. to talk; to speak; to converse; to chat 2. to tell; to explain; to narrate; to mention; to describe; to discuss
1 げんち (現地) : actual place; local; on-site
1 げじゅん (下旬) : last third of a month; 21st to the last day of a month