Published: 2023-02-21 16:23










その点ではまだやるべきことが山積みだ。しかし、Khronos Group、Realtime Conference、Metaverse Standards Forumのような団体は、テック企業、ハードウェアメーカー、小売業者集めて、メタバースのコンテンツに適用するオープンな標準規格策定取り組んでいる。策定中の規格のひとつが、メタバースのHTMLとして知られるUSDだ。さまざま没入体験のなかで3D資産共有し、提供できるようにするための基盤である。さらに、3DのJPEGとも言えるglTFは、3Dコンテンツのファイルを効率的送信できるサイズに圧縮することができる。




アドビのCreative Cloud担当エグゼクティブバイスプレジデントCPO(最高製品責任者)。2006年にクリエイターコミュニティ「Behance」を共同設立し、12年に同社がアドビに買収されるまでCEOを6年間勤めた。Creative CloudとDocument CloudのUI/UXデザインを担当するチームの監督者であるほか、多く大手企業機関にデザインと製品管理関する助言をしている。

# 言葉 意味
9 たいけん (体験) : (practical) experience; personal experience; hands-on experience; first-hand experience
9 せいさく (制作) : 1. work (film, book) 2. production; creation; turning (something) out; development
7 きぎょう (企業) : enterprise; business; company; corporation
5 すでに (既に) : already; too late
5 おおく (多く) : 1. many; much; plenty; a lot 2. majority (of); greater part (of)
5 しょうひん (商品) : commodity; article of commerce; goods; stock; merchandise
4 せいこう (成功) : success; hit
3 じつげん (実現) : implementation (e.g. of a system); materialization; materialisation; realization; realisation; actualization; actualisation
3 たり : 1. -ing and -ing (e.g. "coming and going") 2. doing such things as...
3 しょうとりひき (商取引) : business transaction
3 ゆう (結う) : 1. to do up (hair); to dress; to arrange 2. to tie; to bind; to fasten; to make (a fence)
3 がぞう (画像) : image; picture; portrait
3 ほうほう (方法) : method; process; manner; way; means; technique
3 きかん (期間) : period; term; interval
3 たんしゅく (短縮) : shortening; contraction; reduction; curtailment; abbreviation
3 じゅうよう (重要) : important; momentous; essential; principal; major
2 ほんとう (本当) : 1. truth; reality; actuality; fact 2. proper; right; correct; official
2 いえる (言える) : 1. to be possible to say; to be able to say 2. said; have said
2 ぼつにゅう (没入) : immersion; being absorbed in
2 かのう (可能) : possible; potential; practicable; feasible
2 わたしたち (私たち) : we; us
2 げんざい (現在) : now; current; present; present time; as of
2 かのうせい (可能性) : potentiality; likelihood; possibility; availability
2 しる (知る) : 1. to be aware of; to know; to be conscious of; to cognize; to cognise 2. to notice; to feel
2 じっけん (実験) : experiment
2 ひよう (費用) : cost; expense
2 かつよう (活用) : 1. practical use; application 2. conjugation; inflection
2 うまく (上手く) : 1. skilfully; skillfully; well; aptly; cleverly 2. successfully; smoothly
2 どうしゃ (同社) : the same firm
2 さまざま (様々) : various; varied; diverse; all sorts of
2 さらに (更に) : furthermore; again; after all; more and more; moreover; even more
2 ひょうじ (表示) : 1. indication; expression; showing; manifestation; demonstration 2. display; displaying
2 うごかす (動かす) : 1. to move; to shift; to stir; to budge; to change position 2. to inspire; to rouse; to move (e.g. feeling); to influence
2 さくてい (策定) : formulation (of a plan, policy, etc.); decision; settling on
2 こうにゅう (購入) : purchase; buy
2 ぶつりてき (物理的) : physical
2 つうずる (通ずる) : 1. to be open (to traffic); to lead to; to communicate (with) 2. to flow (liquid, current); to pass; to get through to
2 にんげん (人間) : 1. human being; human; person; man; mankind; humankind 2. character (of a person)
2 たんとう (担当) : being in charge (of an area of responsibility); being responsible (for a work role, etc.)
2 せいひん (製品) : manufactured goods; finished goods; product
1 けつろん (結論) : conclusion
1 くだす (下す) : 1. to make a decision; to draw a conclusion 2. to give a judgement; to hand down a verdict; to pass a sentence; to give an order
1 しゅちょう (主張) : claim; insistence; assertion; advocacy; emphasis; contention; opinion; tenet
1 とうぜん (当然) : 1. natural; right; proper; just; reasonable; appropriate; deserved 2. naturally; as a matter of course; rightly; deservedly; justly; of course
1 いっぱんしみん (一般市民) : ordinary citizen; the general public
1 おもう (思う) : 1. to think; to consider; to believe; to reckon 2. to think (of doing); to plan (to do)
1 かん (感) : 1. feeling; sensation; emotion; admiration; impression 2. interjection
1 おもいえがく (思い描く) : to imagine; to picture; to figure; to see
1 せかいじゅう (世界中) : around the world; throughout the world
1 ともだち (友達) : friend; companion
1 であう (出会う) : 1. to meet (by chance); to come across; to run across; to encounter; to happen upon 2. to meet (e.g. of rivers, highways, etc.)
1 あそぶ (遊ぶ) : 1. to play (games, sports); to enjoy oneself; to have a good time 2. to mess about (with alcohol, gambling, philandery, etc.)
1 たり : 1. -ing and -ing (e.g. "coming and going") 2. doing such things as...
1 たんけん (探検) : exploration; expedition
1 こうりゅう (交流) : 1. exchange (e.g. cultural); interchange; interaction; mingling; mixing; coming together 2. alternating current; AC
1 ことなる (異なる) : to differ; to vary; to disagree
1 ひょうじゅんか (標準化) : standardization; standardisation
1 ぶんや (分野) : field; sphere; realm; division; branch
1 わかる (分かる) : 1. to understand; to comprehend; to grasp; to see; to get; to follow 2. to become clear; to be known; to be discovered; to be realized; to be realised; to be found out
1 ゆたか (豊か) : 1. abundant; wealthy; plentiful; rich; affluent 2. very; extremely; full of; great
1 みりょくてき (魅力的) : charming; fascinating; attractive
1 あつまる (集まる) : to gather; to collect; to assemble
1 こそ : 1. it is ... that ...; precisely; in particular; definitely; for sure; only (when, after, because, etc.) 2. although; while; it is the case that ... but
1 いれる (入れる) : 1. to put in; to let in; to take in; to bring in; to insert; to install (e.g. software); to set (a jewel, etc.); to ink in (e.g. tattoo) 2. to admit; to accept; to employ; to hire
1 むける (向ける) : to turn towards; to point
1 げんじょう (現状) : present condition; existing state; status quo; current state
1 かいけつ (解決) : settlement; solution; resolution
1 たすけ (助け) : assistance; help; aid; support; reinforcement
1 つかう (使う) : 1. to use (a thing, method, etc.); to make use of; to put to use 2. to use (a person, animal, puppet, etc.); to employ; to handle; to manage; to manipulate
1 こうこく (広告) : 1. advertisement; advertising 2. announcement; notice
1 じゅうらい (従来) : 1. up to now; so far 2. traditional; conventional; usual; existing
1 じんそく (迅速) : quick; fast; rapid; swift; prompt; streamlined; expedited; expeditious
1 あんか (安価) : 1. low-priced; cheap; inexpensive 2. shallow (e.g. sympathy); superficial; cheap (e.g. government)
1 おもて (面) : 1. face 2. surface
1 ゆうり (有利) : 1. advantageous; favourable; better; stronger 2. profitable; lucrative; gainful; paying
1 けいさい (掲載) : publication (e.g. of an article in a newspaper); carrying (e.g. a story); running (e.g. a serial); insertion (e.g. of an advertisement); printing; posting (e.g. on the web)
1 つくる (作る) : 1. to make; to produce; to manufacture; to build; to construct 2. to prepare (food); to brew (alcohol)
1 すうしゅうかん (数週間) : several weeks; a few weeks
1 うみだす (生み出す) : 1. to create; to bring forth; to produce 2. to invent; to think up and bring into being
1 おおはば (大幅) : 1. big; large; drastic; substantial 2. full-width cloth (approx. 72 cm wide for traditional Japanese clothing; approx. 140 cm wide for Western clothing)
1 さくげん (削減) : cut; reduction; curtailment
1 しんせいひん (新製品) : new product; new line (of products)
1 もちいる (用いる) : to use; to make use of; to utilize; to utilise
1 しさくひん (試作品) : trial product; prototype model
1 さいだい (最大) : biggest; greatest; largest; maximum
1 はっけん (発見) : discovery; detection; finding
1 あらゆる (有らゆる) : all; every
1 てぢか (手近) : 1. near; close by; within reach; handy 2. familiar
1 がいねん (概念) : general idea; concept; notion
1 やりかた (やり方) : way (of doing); manner; method; means
1 ためす (試す) : to attempt; to test; to try out
1 ていけい (提携) : cooperation; tie-up; joint business; partnership; alliance; sponsorship
1 みきわめる (見極める) : to ascertain; to make sure of; to determine; to probe; to get to the bottom (of something)
1 れい (例) : 1. custom; practice; habit; usual 2. said; aforementioned
1 かくちょうげんじつ (拡張現実) : augmented reality; AR
1 か (化) : action of making something; -ification
1 じたく (自宅) : one's home; one's house
1 はいち (配置) : arrangement (of resources); deployment; stationing; posting; disposition; configuration; layout
1 おこなう (行う) : to perform; to do; to conduct oneself; to carry out
1 せいかく (正確) : accurate; correct; precise; exact
1 りかい (理解) : understanding; comprehension; appreciation; sympathy
1 おそらく (恐らく) : perhaps; likely; probably; I dare say
1 しこうさくご (試行錯誤) : trial and error
1 すすむ (進む) : 1. to advance; to go forward 2. to precede; to go ahead (of)
1 ほうふ (豊富) : abundant; plentiful; rich; ample
1 ほゆう (保有) : possession; retention; maintenance
1 こころみ (試み) : 1. attempt; trial; experiment 2. endeavour (endeavor); effort; venture; initiative
1 じっし (実施) : enforcement; implementation; putting into practice; carrying out; operation; working (e.g. working parameters); enactment
1 あらた (新た) : new; fresh; novel
1 ばいたい (媒体) : medium; media
1 せっけい (設計) : plan; design; layout
1 やくわり (役割) : part; assigning (allotment of) parts; role; duties
1 ひょうじゅん (標準) : standard; level; norm
1 きかくか (規格化) : standardization; standardisation; normalization (e.g. in maths)
1 ようそ (要素) : 1. component; factor; item (e.g. in list) 2. element (e.g. in array); member (e.g. data structure)
1 すべて (全て) : 1. everything; all; the whole 2. entirely; completely; wholly; all
1 はってん (発展) : 1. development; growth; expansion; extension; flourishing 2. development (of a situation, story, etc.); advancement; progression; unfolding
1 こうけん (貢献) : contribution (furthering a goal or cause); services (to a cause)
1 どうよう (同様) : same; similar; (just) like; equal
1 こうかい (公開) : opening to the public; making available to the public; putting on display; exhibiting; showing (play, movie, etc.); holding (interview, etc.); open; public
1 おもい (思い) : 1. thought 2. imagination; mind; heart
1 どおり (通り) : 1. in accordance with; following 2. roughly; about
1 こじん (個人) : individual; private person; personal; private
1 やまづみ (山積み) : huge mound; heap; pile
1 だんたい (団体) : organization; organisation; association
1 こうり (小売) : retail
1 ぎょうしゃ (業者) : 1. trader; dealer; businessman; vendor; supplier; manufacturer 2. fellow trader; people in the same trade
1 あつめる (集める) : to collect; to assemble; to gather
1 てきよう (適用) : applying (e.g. a technology); adoption
1 ひょうじゅんきかく (標準規格) : standard; standard specification
1 とりくむ (取り組む) : 1. to grapple with; to wrestle with; to engage in a bout; to be matched against 2. to tackle (e.g. a problem); to come to grips with; to work hard on
1 きかく (規格) : standard; norm
1 かた (型) : 1. model; type (e.g. of machine, goods, etc.) 2. type; style; pattern
1 しさん (資産) : property; fortune; means; assets
1 きょうゆう (共有) : 1. joint ownership; co-ownership; sharing (e.g. a viewpoint) 2. sharing (files, devices on a network, posts on social media, etc.)
1 ていきょう (提供) : 1. offer; tender; providing; supplying; making available; donating (blood, organs, etc.) 2. sponsoring (a TV program)
1 きばん (基盤) : 1. foundation; basis; base; footing; infrastructure 2. bedrock
1 こうりつてき (効率的) : efficient
1 そうしん (送信) : transmission; sending
1 あっしゅく (圧縮) : compression; condensation; constriction; compaction
1 しはらう (支払う) : to pay
1 きのう (機能) : function; facility; faculty; feature
1 たんに (単に) : simply; merely; only; solely
1 ひとびと (人々) : 1. people; men and women 2. each person; everybody
1 さくせい (作成) : drawing up (e.g. legal document, contract, will, etc.); preparing; writing; framing; making; producing; creating; creation
1 ぶんしん (分身) : 1. other self; alter ego; part of oneself (in someone or something else); representation of oneself 2. incarnations of Buddha
1 ばいばい (売買) : trade; buying and selling; trafficking (e.g. of humans, arms, drugs); dealing
1 みえる (見える) : 1. to be seen; to be in sight 2. to look; to seem; to appear
1 とりひき (取引) : transactions; dealings; business
1 あきらか (明らか) : 1. clear; obvious; evident; plain; definite 2. bright; light
1 かち (価値) : value; worth; merit
1 かはんせい (可搬性) : portability
1 すぐれる (優れる) : to surpass; to outstrip; to excel
1 つまり (詰まり) : 1. that is to say; that is; in other words; I mean; that (this, it) means 2. in short; in brief; to sum up; ultimately; in the end; in the long run; when all is said and done; what it all comes down to; when you get right down to it; basically
1 ほかん (保管) : charge; custody; safekeeping; deposit; storage
1 いどう (移動) : 1. movement; transfer; migration; removal; travel 2. mobile; moving; traveling; travelling; roving
1 ぜんたい (全体) : whole; entirety; whatever (is the matter)
1 こうちく (構築) : construction; building; putting up; erecting; creation; formulation; architecture (systems, agreement, etc.)
1 もっとも (最も) : most; extremely
1 きぼ (規模) : scale; scope; plan; structure
1 さいげん (再現) : 1. reappearance; reemergence; return; revival 2. reproduction; reenactment; recreation
1 つうじあう (通じ合う) : 1. to be understood by each other (of thoughts, feelings, etc.); to be comprehended 2. to exchange with each other (thoughts, feelings, etc.); to express to each other (e.g. intentions); to communicate with each other
1 かんずる (感ずる) : to feel; to sense
1 のぞむ (望む) : 1. to desire 2. to wish for; to expect
1 しんらい (信頼) : reliance; trust; faith; confidence
1 きずく (築く) : 1. to build; to construct; to erect 2. to amass (e.g. fortune); to pile up
1 せいやく (制約) : limitation; restriction; condition; constraints
1 うける (受ける) : 1. to receive; to get 2. to catch (e.g. a ball)
1 ほんしつてき (本質的) : essential; substantial; substantive; intrinsic
1 まちがい (間違い) : 1. mistake; error; blunder 2. accident; mishap; trouble
1 けん (兼) : cum (e.g. bedroom-cum-study); holding both roles (e.g. Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs); and; in addition; concurrently; at the same time
1 さいこう (最高) : 1. most; highest; maximum; uppermost; supreme 2. best; wonderful; finest
1 せきにんしゃ (責任者) : person in charge (including a supervisory role for other staff); person responsible for ...; responsible party; supervisor; manager
1 きょうどう (共同) : doing together (as equals); sharing; common (land, etc.); joint (statement, etc.); cooperation; co-operation; collaboration; association
1 せつりつ (設立) : 1. establishment; founding 2. incorporation (of a business)
1 ばいしゅう (買収) : 1. acquisition (esp. corporate); buy-out; takeover; purchase 2. bribery; buying off; corruption
1 ねんかん (年間) : 1. (period of) a year 2. during an era
1 つとめる (勤める) : 1. to work (for); to be employed (at); to serve (in) 2. to serve (as); to act (as); to fill (the position of); to play the role (of)
1 かんとくしゃ (監督者) : superintendent; supervisor; warden
1 おおてきぎょう (大手企業) : big corporation; major firm; leading company
1 からくり (絡繰り) : 1. mechanism; machinery; contrivance; device 2. trick; dodge
1 かんり (管理) : control; management (e.g. of a business)
1 かんする (関する) : to concern; to be related
1 じょげん (助言) : advice; counsel; suggestion; tip; hint