Published: 2025-03-04 13:12











# 言葉 意味
12 けいさんき (計算機) : 1. calculator 2. computer
12 りょうし (量子) : quantum
10 けいさん (計算) : 1. calculation; reckoning; count 2. forecast
8 かた (型) : 1. model; type (e.g. of machine, goods, etc.) 2. type; style; pattern
8 ほうしき (方式) : form; method; system; formula
4 じゅうらい (従来) : 1. up to now; so far 2. traditional; conventional; usual; existing
4 ほじ (保持) : retention; maintenance; preservation
4 ふごう (符号) : 1. sign; mark; symbol; code 2. sign (e.g. positive, negative)
3 ていあん (提案) : proposal; proposition; suggestion
3 かのう (可能) : possible; potential; practicable; feasible
3 りょうしコンピュータ (量子コンピュータ) : quantum computer
3 かいろ (回路) : 1. circuit (electric) 2. cycle (e.g. Krebs cycle)
3 てき (的) : 1. -ical; -ive; -al; -ic; -y 2. -like; -ish; -sort of; -kind of
3 おこなう (行う) : to perform; to do; to conduct oneself; to carry out
2 とうきょうだいがく (東京大学) : Tokyo University (organization)
2 りかがくけんきゅうじょ (理化学研究所) : Rikagakukenkyuujo (place)
2 きゅうしゅうだいがく (九州大学) : Kyuushuu University (organization)
2 こうせい (構成) : composition; construction; formation; makeup; structure; organization; organisation
2 かんがえかた (考え方) : way of thinking
2 あやまり (誤り) : error; mistake; slip; bug
2 たいせい (耐性) : resistance (e.g. to antibiotics); tolerance (e.g. drug tolerance)
2 いしょくせい (移植性) : portability
2 じつげん (実現) : implementation (e.g. of a system); materialization; materialisation; realization; realisation; actualization; actualisation
2 よぶ (呼ぶ) : 1. to call out (to); to call; to invoke 2. to summon (a doctor, etc.)
2 せっけい (設計) : plan; design; layout
2 すべて (全て) : 1. everything; all; the whole 2. entirely; completely; wholly; all
2 あやまりていせい (誤り訂正) : error correction
2 こんなん (困難) : 1. difficulty; hardship; trouble; distress 2. infeasibility; inability (to carry out)
2 もちいる (用いる) : to use; to make use of; to utilize; to utilise
2 ほじょ (補助) : 1. assistance; support; aid; help 2. subsidy; supplement; subvention; grant-in-aid
2 りつ (率) : rate; ratio; proportion; percentage
2 こんかい (今回) : this time; now
2 せいか (成果) : (good) result; outcome; fruits (of one's labors); product; accomplishment
2 げんだい (現代) : nowadays; modern era; modern times; present-day
2 やりとり (やり取り) : giving and taking; exchange (of letters); arguing back and forth; (conversational) exchange
2 きのう (機能) : function; facility; faculty; feature
2 やく (約) : 1. approximately; about 2. promise; appointment; engagement
2 ぶんや (分野) : field; sphere; realm; division; branch
2 ひょうか (評価) : 1. valuation; appraisal; evaluation; assessment; estimation; rating; judging 2. appreciation; recognition; acknowledgement; rating highly; praising
1 けんきゅういん (研究員) : researcher; lab worker
1 けんきゅうグループ (研究グループ) : research group
1 きほんせっけい (基本設計) : baseline design; preliminary design; basic design
1 てきよう (適用) : applying (e.g. a technology); adoption
1 あらた (新た) : new; fresh; novel
1 ほか (他) : 1. other (place, thing, person); the rest 2. outside; beyond
1 かんきょう (環境) : environment; circumstance
1 いこう (移行) : switching over to; migration; transition
1 やす (安) : 1. cheap 2. rash; thoughtless; careless; indiscreet; frivolous
1 こうりつ (効率) : efficiency
1 かつよう (活用) : 1. practical use; application 2. conjugation; inflection
1 ゆうよう (有用) : useful; helpful
1 そうき (早期) : early stage
1 かそく (加速) : acceleration; speeding up
1 きたい (期待) : 1. expectation; anticipation; hope 2. promising; rising; up-and-coming
1 きじ (記事) : article; news story; report; account
1 かんする (関する) : to concern; to be related
1 がぞう (画像) : image; picture; portrait
1 りょういき (領域) : area; domain; territory; field; range; region; regime
1 きおくそうち (記憶装置) : storage (device); memory
1 けいしき (形式) : 1. form (as opposed to substance); formality 2. method; system; style
1 ひょうげん (表現) : 1. expression; presentation 2. representation; notation
1 したがう (従う) : 1. to obey (an order, law, etc.); to abide by (a rule, custom, etc.); to follow; to observe; to conform to; to yield to 2. to follow (a person); to accompany; to go with
1 じっこう (実行) : execution (e.g. of a plan); carrying out; practice; action; implementation; fulfillment; realization
1 ちょっかんてき (直感的) : intuitive
1 りかい (理解) : understanding; comprehension; appreciation; sympathy
1 りてん (利点) : advantage; point in favor; point in favour
1 かくちょう (拡張) : 1. expansion; extension; enlargement 2. escape; ESC
1 じたい (自体) : 1. itself 2. one's own body; oneself
1 おおきく (大きく) : in a big way; on a grand scale
1 かだい (課題) : 1. subject; theme; issue; matter 2. homework; assignment
1 とっか (特化) : specialization; specialisation
1 さいてきか (最適化) : optimization; optimisation
1 へんか (変化) : 1. change; variation; alteration; mutation; transition; transformation; transfiguration; metamorphosis 2. variety; diversity
1 じっこうファイル (実行ファイル) : executable file
1 いしょく (移植) : 1. transplanting (plants, organs, culture, etc.); transplant; grafting 2. porting (software)
1 しゅりゅう (主流) : 1. mainstream; commonplace 2. main course (of a river); main stream
1 にじげん (二次元) : 1. two dimensions 2. fictional world of anime, manga, video games, etc.
1 ならべる (並べる) : 1. to line up; to set up; to arrange in a line 2. to enumerate; to itemize
1 りょうしビット (量子ビット) : quantum bit; qubit
1 ひょうめん (表面) : 1. surface; face 2. outside; exterior
1 ふごうか (符号化) : encoding; coding
1 たんい (単位) : 1. unit; denomination 2. credit (in school)
1 きわ (際) : 1. edge; brink; verge; side 2. time; moment of
1 えんざん (演算) : operation; calculation
1 もとづく (基づく) : to be grounded on; to be based on; to be due to; to originate from
1 にんい (任意) : 1. optional; voluntary; arbitrary; random; discretionary; facultative; spontaneous; any 2. arbitrary
1 ごと (毎) : each; every
1 ついか (追加) : addition; supplement; appending; appendix
1 りんせつ (隣接) : adjacency; contiguity; being adjoined
1 つかえる (使える) : to be usable; to be serviceable; to be useful
1 じっさい (実際) : 1. reality; actuality; truth; fact; actual conditions 2. practice (as opposed to theory)
1 てんけいてき (典型的) : typical; representative; archetypal; quintessential; stereotypical; model
1 げんかい (限界) : limit; bound
1 じっこう (実効) : practical effect; efficacy; efficiency
1 てい (低) : low (level, value, price, etc.)
1 しゅよう (主要) : chief; main; principal; major
1 かかえる (抱える) : 1. to hold or carry under or in the arms 2. to have (esp. problems, debts, etc.)
1 かいけつ (解決) : settlement; solution; resolution
1 わける (分ける) : 1. to divide (into); to split (into); to part; to separate; to divide up; to classify; to sort out; to divide out 2. to share; to distribute; to deal out; to dish out
1 ひょうじゅんてき (標準的) : standard; standardized; average; normal; ordinary
1 いどう (移動) : 1. movement; transfer; migration; removal; travel 2. mobile; moving; traveling; travelling; roving
1 ちゅうしょうか (抽象化) : abstraction
1 めいれい (命令) : 1. order; command; decree; directive 2. (software) instruction; statement
1 ぐたいてき (具体的) : concrete; definite; specific; material; substantial
1 こうぞう (構造) : structure; construction; makeup; framework; organization; pattern
1 いぞん (依存) : dependence; reliance
1 こうちく (構築) : construction; building; putting up; erecting; creation; formulation; architecture (systems, agreement, etc.)
1 ようきゅう (要求) : demand; firm request; requisition; requirement; desire
1 ひかく (比較) : comparison
1 ぞうか (増加) : increase; rise; growth; addition; increment
1 けいげん (軽減) : abatement; reduction
1 きぼ (規模) : scale; scope; plan; structure
1 さくげん (削減) : cut; reduction; curtailment
1 おく (奥) : inner part; inside; interior; depths (e.g. of a forest); back (of a house, drawer, etc.); bottom (e.g. of one's heart); recesses; heart
1 ゆうこう (有効) : 1. valid; effective 2. yuko (judo)
1 しょうめい (証明) : proof; testimony; demonstration; verification; certification
1 どうにゅう (導入) : introduction; bringing in; leading in; installation
1 わくぐみ (枠組み) : 1. frame 2. framework; outline
1 せいのう (性能) : ability; performance; efficiency
1 すうちてき (数値的) : numeric; numerical
1 めいれいセット (命令セット) : instruction set
1 せいび (整備) : 1. maintenance; servicing 2. putting in place; establishment; development; preparation; provision; outfitting
1 しゅほう (手法) : technique; method
1 ちみつ (緻密) : minute; fine; delicate; accurate; precise; elaborate
1 か (化) : action of making something; -ification
1 たんとう (担当) : being in charge (of an area of responsibility); being responsible (for a work role, etc.)