Published: 2025-03-11 07:35



















コスパ ★★★★☆ デザイン ★★★★☆ 着回し力 ★★★★★

# 言葉 意味
4 あわせる (合わせる) : 1. to match (rhythm, speed, etc.) 2. to join together; to unite; to combine; to add up
3 つかえる (使える) : to be usable; to be serviceable; to be useful
3 ねさげ (値下げ) : cut in price
3 もく (杢) : Moku (surname; given)
2 かかく (価格) : price; value; cost
2 いり (入り) : 1. entering 2. setting (of the Sun)
2 こんかい (今回) : this time; now
2 ひょうじょう (表情) : 1. facial expression; countenance 2. look; appearance; expression (vocal, etc.)
2 てんかい (展開) : 1. development; evolution; progression; unfolding; (plot) twist 2. expansion; spreading out; extending; deployment; building up
2 えらぶ (選ぶ) : to choose; to select
2 そざい (素材) : 1. ingredient; (raw) material; resource 2. unprocessed timber; raw timber
2 きごこち (着心地) : (good or bad) feel when wearing something
2 ふんいき (雰囲気) : 1. atmosphere; mood; ambience; ambiance; aura; feel 2. a certain air; presence; special aura; something (about someone)
1 ふだんぎ (普段着) : everyday clothes; ordinary clothes; casual wear; informal dress
1 ほうふ (豊富) : abundant; plentiful; rich; ample
1 そろえる (揃える) : 1. to collect; to gather; to get together; to complete (a collection) 2. to arrange; to put in order; to prepare; to get ready
1 げんざい (現在) : now; current; present; present time; as of
1 てごろ (手ごろ) : 1. handy; convenient 2. suitable; reasonable; moderate
1 ふだん (普段) : 1. usual; normal; everyday; habitual; ordinary 2. usually; normally; generally; habitually; always
1 つかう (使う) : 1. to use (a thing, method, etc.); to make use of; to put to use 2. to use (a person, animal, puppet, etc.); to employ; to handle; to manage; to manipulate
1 とく (得) : 1. profit; advantage; benefit; gain 2. rebirth in paradise, entering nirvana
1 がぞう (画像) : image; picture; portrait
1 どうが (動画) : 1. video; movie; moving picture 2. animation; animated cartoon
1 もともと (元々) : originally; by nature; from the start
1 すべて (全て) : 1. everything; all; the whole 2. entirely; completely; wholly; all
1 ぜいこみ (税込み) : tax included (e.g. price); before tax (e.g. salary)
1 むなもと (胸元) : 1. breast; chest 2. pit of the stomach; solar plexus; epigastrium
1 ふとめ (太め) : plump; somewhat large
1 ほそめ (細め) : thinnish; somewhat narrow
1 いる (入る) : to get in; to go in; to come in; to flow into; to set; to set in
1 かさねぎ (重ね着) : layering (clothing); wearing one garment over another
1 おすすめ (お勧め) : recommendation; advice; suggestion; encouragement
1 そのまま (其のまま) : 1. without change; as is 2. just like; extremely similar
1 すてき (素敵) : lovely; wonderful; nice; great; fantastic; superb; cool
1 ゆたか (豊か) : 1. abundant; wealthy; plentiful; rich; affluent 2. very; extremely; full of; great
1 おしゃれ (お洒落) : 1. smartly dressed; stylish; fashion-conscious 2. someone smartly dressed
1 しんちょう (身長) : height (of body); stature
1 そで (袖) : 1. sleeve 2. wing (of a stage, desk, gate, etc.)
1 しまる (絞まる) : to be strangled; to be constricted
1 にのうで (二の腕) : upper arm
1 こうか (効果) : 1. effect; effectiveness; efficacy; result 2. effects (e.g. sound effects, visual effects, special effects)
1 バッチリ : 1. perfectly; right on the mark; spot on; bang on 2. enough; sufficiently; thoroughly; completely
1 こし (腰) : 1. lower back; waist; hips; lumbar region 2. body (of hair, noodle, paper, etc.); resilience; spring
1 すっぽり : 1. entirely; completely 2. cleanly; snugly
1 おおう (覆う) : to cover; to hide; to conceal; to wrap; to disguise
1 さまざま (様々) : various; varied; diverse; all sorts of
1 きたけ (着丈) : dress length
1 あつみ (厚み) : 1. thickness 2. profundity; depth
1 きじ (生地) : 1. cloth; fabric; material; texture 2. dough; batter
1 はるさき (春先) : beginning of spring
1 こうしきサイト (公式サイト) : official website
1 にくい (憎い) : 1. hateful; abominable; poor-looking; detestable 2. amazing; fantastic; admirable; lovely; wonderful
1 すはだ (素肌) : bare (naked) body; complexion (e.g. face)
1 ちょくせつ (直接) : direct; immediate; personal; firsthand
1 あたる (当たる) : 1. to be hit; to strike 2. to touch; to be in contact; to be affixed
1 かいてき (快適) : pleasant; agreeable; comfortable
1 せんたくき (洗濯機) : washing machine (laundry)
1 らくチン (楽チン) : 1. easy-peasy; easy; simple 2. pleasant; comfortable; comfy
1 ありがたい (有難い) : grateful; thankful; welcome; appreciated; evoking gratitude
1 しだい (次第) : 1. depending on 2. as soon as; immediately after; upon
1 おきにいり (お気に入り) : 1. favorite; favourite; pet (e.g. teacher's pet) 2. bookmark (in web browser)
1 じょうひん (上品) : 1. elegant; refined; polished; stylish; sophisticated 2. high-quality goods; first-class article
1 ほどよく (程よく) : rightly; properly; moderately
1 くみあわせ (組み合わせ) : 1. combination; assortment; set 2. matching (in a contest); pairing
1 おちつく (落ち着く) : 1. to calm down; to compose oneself; to regain presence of mind 2. to calm down; to settle down; to die down; to become stable; to abate
1 いんしょう (印象) : impression
1 げいじゅつ (芸術) : (fine) art; the arts
1 たのしむ (楽しむ) : to enjoy (oneself)
1 はっぴょうかい (発表会) : 1. recital (i.e. of music, by a pupil) 2. presentation (e.g. product launch)
1 はれぎ (晴れ着) : (one's) Sunday best; (one's) best clothes; glad rags
1 おもう (思う) : 1. to think; to consider; to believe; to reckon 2. to think (of doing); to plan (to do)
1 きまわし (着回し) : mixing and matching (clothes, accessories, etc.); wearing of an item of clothing in many different combinations