Published: 2024-10-17 22:20

【速報】新型ホンダN-BOX JOYに早速乗った! シリーズ第3弾が軽自動車の価値観を変える?

ホンダの「N-BOX」に追加された「JOY」に、小川フミオが早速乗った! 新しい軽自動車印象綴る

【写真を見る】新型N-BOX JOYの細部(18枚)これがの「ふらっとテラス」だ!

今も根強いオートキャンプ人気。ふたりで近場にデイキャンプなら、この選択はアリかも……と、思ったのはホンダが2024年9月、N-BOXシリーズに追加した「N-BOX JOY」だ。トールボーイタイプの軽自動車ならではの機能性追求しながら、キュートなデザインが特徴である。

自動車のことを“オートモビル”っていうけれど、語源には自分で動く(オート)家具(モビル)の意味。インテリアの居心地注力したといえるN-BOX JOYは、まさに“ジ・オートモビル”って言ってもいいんじゃないだろうか?




N-BOX JOYは、上記2台の姉妹車と基本スペックスが共通。2520mmのホイールベースをもつシャシー、全長3395mm、全幅1475mm、1790mm(4WDは1815mm)のボディ外寸もおなじ。







# 言葉 意味
3 やや (稍) : a little; partially; somewhat; slightly; semi-; -ish; on the ... side; a short time; a while
2 ついか (追加) : addition; supplement; appending; appendix
2 のる (乗る) : 1. to get on (train, plane, bus, ship, etc.); to get in; to board; to take; to embark 2. to get on (e.g. a footstool); to step on; to jump on; to sit on; to mount
2 けいじどうしゃ (軽自動車) : light motor vehicle (up to 660cc and 64bhp); k-car; kei car
2 いんしょう (印象) : impression
2 とくちょう (特徴) : feature; trait; characteristic; peculiarity; distinction
2 って : 1. you said; he said; she said; they said 2. if ... then
2 まさに (正に) : 1. exactly; surely; certainly; just 2. right then; just then; at that moment
2 さいだい (最大) : biggest; greatest; largest; maximum
2 え (柄) : 1. handle; grip 2. stalk (of a mushroom, leaf, etc.)
2 くうかん (空間) : space; room; airspace
2 ぜんご (前後) : 1. front and rear; front and back; before and behind; back and forth 2. before and after
2 かなり (可也) : considerably; fairly; quite
2 せってい (設定) : 1. establishment; creation; posing (a problem); setting (movie, novel, etc.); scene 2. options setting; preference settings; configuration; setup
2 しゅとこう (首都高) : (abbr) Tokyo Metropolitan Expressway; Shuto Expressway (place)
2 かんずる (感ずる) : to feel; to sense
2 えいきょう (影響) : 1. influence; effect 2. to influence; to affect; to have an influence on; to impact; to have an effect on
2 そくど (速度) : 1. speed; velocity; pace; rate 2. velocity
2 かんかく (感覚) : sense; sensation; feeling; intuition
1 おがわ (小川) : stream; brook; creek
1 さっそく (早速) : at once; immediately; without delay; promptly
1 つづる (綴る) : 1. to spell 2. to write; to compose; to frame
1 しんがた (新型) : new type; new style; new model; new strain (e.g. infectious disease)
1 さいぶ (細部) : details; particulars
1 うわさ (噂) : rumour; rumor; report; hearsay; gossip; common talk
1 ねづよい (根強い) : firmly rooted; deep-seated
1 にんき (人気) : 1. popularity; public favor 2. condition (e.g. market); tone; character; nature
1 ちかば (近場) : nearby place
1 せんたく (選択) : selection; choice; option
1 おもう (思う) : 1. to think; to consider; to believe; to reckon 2. to think (of doing); to plan (to do)
1 きのうせい (機能性) : functionality
1 ついきゅう (追求) : pursuit (of a goal, ideal, etc.); search; chase; seeking after
1 ごげん (語源) : origin of a word; derivation of a word; etymology
1 てき (的) : 1. -ical; -ive; -al; -ic; -y 2. -like; -ish; -sort of; -kind of
1 かぐ (家具) : furniture
1 いごこち (居心地) : comfort
1 ちゅうりょく (注力) : pouring one's energy into; focusing one's efforts on; concentrating on; committing oneself to
1 いえる (言える) : 1. to be possible to say; to be able to say 2. said; have said
1 いう (言う) : 1. to say; to utter; to declare 2. to name; to call
1 いわかん (違和感) : 1. uncomfortable feeling; feeling out of place; sense of discomfort 2. malaise; physical unease
1 いだく (抱く) : 1. to hold in one's arms (e.g. a baby); to embrace; to hug 2. to have (a thought or feeling); to hold; to harbour (suspicion, doubt, etc.); to harbor; to bear (a grudge, ill will, etc.); to entertain (hope, illusions, etc.); to cherish (e.g. an ambition)
1 ちゅうしん (中心) : 1. center; centre; middle; heart; core; focus; pivot; emphasis; balance 2. -centered; -centred; -focused; -oriented; centered on; focused on
1 しゃない (車内) : inside a car (train, bus, etc.)
1 ふんいき (雰囲気) : 1. atmosphere; mood; ambience; ambiance; aura; feel 2. a certain air; presence; special aura; something (about someone)
1 たよう (多様) : diverse; varied
1 きのう (機能) : function; facility; faculty; feature
1 もつ (持つ) : 1. to hold (in one's hand); to take; to carry 2. to possess; to have; to own
1 れつ (列) : 1. row; line; file; column; queue; rank; procession 2. company (of someone); group; ranks
1 みりょくてき (魅力的) : charming; fascinating; attractive
1 たたむ (畳む) : 1. to fold (clothes, umbrella) 2. to close (a shop, business)
1 あらわれる (現れる) : 1. to appear; to come in sight; to become visible; to come out; to embody; to materialize; to materialise 2. to be expressed (e.g. emotions); to become apparent (e.g. trends, effects)
1 ひろく (広く) : widely; far and wide; extensively; universally
1 ゆかめん (床面) : floor; floor surface
1 こし (腰) : 1. lower back; waist; hips; lumbar region 2. body (of hair, noodle, paper, etc.); resilience; spring
1 おろす (卸す) : 1. to sell wholesale 2. to grate (e.g. vegetables)
1 ぜんせき (前席) : front seat
1 もたれかかる (もたれ掛かる) : 1. to lean on; to recline on 2. to rely on; to depend on
1 あける (開ける) : 1. to open (a door, etc.); to unwrap (e.g. parcel, package); to unlock 2. to open (for business, etc.)
1 はつばい (発売) : sale; offering for sale; release (for sale); launch (product)
1 だいめ (代目) : counter for generations
1 および (及び) : and; as well as
1 さべつか (差別化) : differentiation
1 にんげんてき (人間的) : human; human-like; as a person
1 ひょうじょう (表情) : 1. facial expression; countenance 2. look; appearance; expression (vocal, etc.)
1 じょうき (上記) : above-mentioned; above-named; above
1 きほん (基本) : basics; fundamentals; basis; foundation
1 きょうつう (共通) : 1. common; shared; mutual 2. to be common (to); to be shared (by)
1 ぜんちょう (全長) : over-all length; span
1 ぜんぷく (全幅) : 1. full; wholehearted; utmost; all; every 2. overall width
1 がいすん (外寸) : external dimensions; outer size
1 きとう (気筒) : cylinder
1 きょうよう (共用) : common use; communal use; sharing
1 しよう (仕様) : 1. way; method; means; resource; remedy 2. (technical) specification
1 くどう (駆動) : driving force
1 ほうしき (方式) : form; method; system; formula
1 ぜんりんくどう (前輪駆動) : front-wheel drive
1 あるいは (或いは) : 1. or; either ... or 2. maybe; perhaps; possibly
1 こんかい (今回) : this time; now
1 はしり (走り) : 1. running 2. gliding
1 さいこう (最高) : 1. most; highest; maximum; uppermost; supreme 2. best; wonderful; finest
1 しゅつりょく (出力) : output (electrical, signal, etc.)
1 すうじ (数字) : numeral; figure; digit; numeric character
1 そうぞう (想像) : imagination; guess
1 とうきょう (東京) : Tokyo
1 しがいち (市街地) : town area; urban area; metropolitan area; built-up area
1 かんじ (感じ) : feeling; sense; impression
1 しつない (室内) : indoor; inside the room
1 そうおん (騒音) : noise; din
1 とくちょうてき (特徴的) : characteristic
1 ろめん (路面) : road surface
1 あれる (荒れる) : 1. to be stormy; to be rough 2. to be rough (of skin); to be chapped
1 じょういん (乗員) : crew
1 せいげん (制限) : restriction; restraint; limitation; limit
1 はしる (走る) : 1. to run 2. to run (of a vehicle); to drive; to travel; to move; to sail
1 このましい (好ましい) : nice; likeable; desirable
1 たかめ (高め) : 1. high (e.g. ball in baseball); highish; on the high side 2. on the expensive side; comparatively expensive
1 まがる (曲がる) : 1. to bend; to curve; to warp; to wind; to twist 2. to turn
1 しゃたい (車体) : body (of car); frame
1 そとがわ (外側) : exterior; outside; outer; external; lateral
1 しずむ (沈む) : 1. to sink; to go under; to submerge 2. to go down (e.g. sun); to set; to descend
1 おもえる (思える) : to seem; to appear likely
1 どくとく (独特) : 1. peculiarity; uniqueness; characteristic 2. understood only by oneself
1 うごかす (動かす) : 1. to move; to shift; to stir; to budge; to change position 2. to inspire; to rouse; to move (e.g. feeling); to influence
1 そうだ (操舵) : steering (of a boat); steerage
1 ふわり : softly; gently; lightly
1 しぜん (自然) : 1. nature 2. natural; spontaneous; automatic
1 ふとめ (太め) : plump; somewhat large
1 みち (道) : 1. road; path; street; lane; passage 2. route; way
1 かくど (角度) : angle
1 てきせい (適正) : reasonable; suitable
1 からだ (体) : 1. body 2. torso; trunk
1 あわせる (合わせる) : 1. to match (rhythm, speed, etc.) 2. to join together; to unite; to combine; to add up
1 ちょうせい (調整) : adjustment; regulation; coordination; reconciliation; tuning; fixing; tailoring
1 ちゃくざ (着座) : taking a seat
1 いち (位置) : place; situation; position; location
1 みえる (見える) : 1. to be seen; to be in sight 2. to look; to seem; to appear
1 ちゃんと : 1. diligently; seriously; earnestly; reliably; steadily; legitimately 2. perfectly; properly; exactly; orderly; punctually; regularly
1 こうせき (後席) : back seat; rear seat
1 きこう (機構) : mechanism; organization; organisation
1 そなわる (備わる) : 1. to be furnished with; to be provided with; to be equipped with 2. to be possessed of; to be endowed with; to be gifted with
1 あし (足) : 1. foot; paw; arm (of an octopus, squid, etc.) 2. leg
1 あまる (余る) : to remain; to be left over; to be in excess; to be too many
1 じたい (字体) : 1. form of a character (e.g. simplified, traditional) 2. type; typeface; font
1 かん (感) : 1. feeling; sensation; emotion; admiration; impression 2. interjection
1 すわりごこち (座り心地) : level of comfort (of objects you sit on)
1 そうこうちゅう (走行中) : while running; while moving; in motion
1 のりごこち (乗り心地) : one's feeling while riding; comfort (of a vehicle); ride quality