# | 言葉 | 意味 |
3 | 住宅 | じゅうたく (住宅) : residence; housing; residential building |
3 | 遺体 | いたい (遺体) : corpse; remains |
3 | 別府 | びゅう (別府) : Byuu (place) |
2 | 横浜市南区 | よこはましみなみく (横浜市南区) : Yokohamashiminamiku (place) |
2 | 棟 | とう (棟) : 1. large building; building with a long roof 2. counter for buildings, apartments, etc. |
2 | 焼け跡 | やけあと (焼け跡) : ruins of a fire; fire-devastated area |
2 | 見つかる | みつかる (見つかる) : to be found; to be discovered |
2 | 身元 | みもと (身元) : person's identity; ID; past; background |
2 | 確認 | かくにん (確認) : confirmation; verification; validation; review; check; affirmation; identification |
2 | 進める | すすめる (進める) : 1. to advance; to move forward; to put (a clock, watch) forward 2. to carry forward (plans, work, etc.); to proceed with; to make progress in; to further; to advance; to hasten; to speed up |
2 | とも | とも (供) : companion; follower; attendant; retinue |
2 | 調べる | しらべる (調べる) : to examine; to look up; to investigate; to check up; to sense; to study; to inquire; to search |
1 | 夜遅く | よるおそく (夜遅く) : late at night; at a late hour |
1 | 中村町 | なかむらちょう (中村町) : Nakamurachō (place) |
1 | 通報 | つうほう (通報) : 1. report; notification; tip; bulletin 2. message (in information and communication theory) |
1 | 消防車 | しょうぼうしゃ (消防車) : fire engine; fire truck |
1 | 消火 | しょうか (消火) : fire fighting; extinguishing a fire |
1 | あたる | あたる (当たる) : 1. to be hit; to strike 2. to touch; to be in contact; to be affixed |
1 | 結果 | けっか (結果) : 1. result; consequence; outcome; effect 2. coming to fruition; bearing fruit |
1 | およそ | およそ (凡そ) : 1. about; roughly; approximately 2. generally; on the whole; as a rule |
1 | 消し止める | けしとめる (消し止める) : to put out; to extinguish |
1 | 木造 | もくぞう (木造) : wooden; made of wood; wooden construction |
1 | 建て | だて (建て) : 1. indicates storeys, structures, or materials used in a building 2. indicates denomination |
1 | 全焼 | ぜんしょう (全焼) : burned down; entirely destroyed |
1 | 消防 | しょうぼう (消防) : 1. fire fighting 2. fire department; fire brigade |
1 | 助け出す | たすけだす (助け出す) : to help out of (trouble); to extricate |
1 | やけど | やけど (火傷) : burn; scald |
1 | 手当て | てあて (手当) : 1. salary; pay; compensation; allowance (e.g. housing allowance); benefit; bonus 2. medical care; treatment |
1 | 受ける | うける (受ける) : 1. to receive; to get 2. to catch (e.g. a ball) |
1 | 夫婦 | ふうふ (夫婦) : 1. married couple; husband and wife; man and wife 2. his and hers; pair of objects, one larger (for man), one smaller (for woman) |
1 | 同居 | どうきょ (同居) : coexistence; living together |
1 | 取れる | とれる (取れる) : 1. to come off; to be removed 2. to disappear (of pain, a fever, etc.) |
1 | 現場 | げんば (現場) : 1. actual spot; scene; scene of the crime; site; location; setting 2. shop floor; factory floor; (on) site |
1 | 横浜市 | よこはまし (横浜市) : Yokohama (city) (place) |
1 | 中心部 | ちゅうしんぶ (中心部) : central part; heart (of a city) |
1 | 石川町駅 | いしかわちょうえき (石川町駅) : Ishikawachō Station (station) |
1 | 離れる | はなれる (離れる) : 1. to be separated; to be apart; to be distant 2. to leave; to go away |
1 | 住宅街 | じゅうたくがい (住宅街) : residential area |