Published: 2025-03-12 18:35





















# 言葉 意味
5 ぎょかい (魚介) : marine products; seafood; fish and shellfish
2 しゅ (種) : 1. kind; variety 2. (biological) species
2 たのしめる (楽しめる) : to be able to enjoy
2 かおり (香り) : aroma; fragrance; scent; smell
2 いる (入る) : to get in; to go in; to come in; to flow into; to set; to set in
2 たべごたえ (食べ応え) : substantiality (of a meal); fillingness; solidity
2 たまる (溜まる) : to collect; to gather; to save; to accumulate; to pile up
2 だんりょく (弾力) : elasticity; flexibility
2 おおきめ (大きめ) : largish; biggish; a little bit larger
1 しょくひん (食品) : food; food products; foodstuffs
1 ようひん (用品) : articles; supplies; parts
1 はばひろい (幅広い) : extensive; wide; broad
1 しょうひん (商品) : commodity; article of commerce; goods; stock; merchandise
1 とりそろえる (取り揃える) : to assemble (e.g. goods into a set); to gather; to put together
1 おもえる (思える) : to seem; to appear likely
1 ぞくぞく (続々) : successively; one after another
1 はんばい (販売) : sales; selling; marketing
1 どうが (動画) : 1. video; movie; moving picture 2. animation; animated cartoon
1 がぞう (画像) : image; picture; portrait
1 こんかい (今回) : this time; now
1 かかく (価格) : price; value; cost
1 すべて (全て) : 1. everything; all; the whole 2. entirely; completely; wholly; all
1 ぜいこみ (税込み) : tax included (e.g. price); before tax (e.g. salary)
1 ぎょかいるい (魚介類) : marine products; seafood; fish and shellfish
1 つかう (使う) : 1. to use (a thing, method, etc.); to make use of; to put to use 2. to use (a person, animal, puppet, etc.); to employ; to handle; to manage; to manipulate
1 こうしきサイト (公式サイト) : official website
1 じっくり : deliberately; carefully; thoroughly; without rushing
1 いためる (炒める) : to fry; to saute; to stir-fry
1 さんみ (酸味) : sourness; acidity
1 うまみ (旨み) : 1. good flavor (flavour); good taste; deliciousness 2. umami (fifth category of taste in food)
1 かんそう (感想) : impressions; thoughts; feelings; reactions
1 おおく (多く) : 1. many; much; plenty; a lot 2. majority (of); greater part (of)
1 おきにいり (お気に入り) : 1. favorite; favourite; pet (e.g. teacher's pet) 2. bookmark (in web browser)
1 それぞれ (夫れ夫れ) : each; respectively
1 いきる (生きる) : 1. to live; to exist 2. to make a living; to subsist
1 からめる (絡める) : 1. to entwine; to twine around; to mix together 2. to coordinate (with)
1 たんぴん (単品) : 1. individual item (i.e. not part of a set); single article 2. single item out of a set; one item from a set
1 さち (幸) : 1. good luck; fortune; happiness 2. harvest; yield
1 かんかく (感覚) : sense; sensation; feeling; intuition
1 ほんとう (本当) : 1. truth; reality; actuality; fact 2. proper; right; correct; official
1 ぜいたく (贅沢) : 1. luxury; extravagance 2. to live in luxury; to indulge oneself
1 なんて (何て) : 1. how ...!; what ...! 2. what?; what's that?
1 じんせい (人生) : (human) life (i.e. conception to death)
1 ゆたか (豊か) : 1. abundant; wealthy; plentiful; rich; affluent 2. very; extremely; full of; great
1 しゅんかん (瞬間) : moment; second; instant
1 ゆう (結う) : 1. to do up (hair); to dress; to arrange 2. to tie; to bind; to fasten; to make (a fence)
1 かう (買う) : 1. to buy; to purchase 2. to value; to have a high opinion
1 さっそく (早速) : at once; immediately; without delay; promptly
1 でんしレンジ (電子レンジ) : microwave oven
1 あたためる (温める) : to warm; to heat
1 ただよう (漂う) : 1. to drift; to float 2. to waft (e.g. a scent); to hang in the air
1 しょくよく (食欲) : appetite (for food)
1 しげき (刺激) : stimulus; impetus; incentive; encouragement; motivation; provocation; excitement; thrill
1 あざやか (鮮やか) : 1. vivid; bright; brilliant; clear; fresh; vibrant 2. skillful; skilful; adept; adroit; deft; brilliant; beautiful; fine; excellent
1 おいし (越石) : Oishi (surname)
1 ぐざい (具材) : material; ingredient
1 あさり (漁り) : 1. searching; rummaging 2. fishing; collecting shells
1 おおぶり (大振り) : 1. somewhat large; of a larger size; on the large size 2. large swing (bat, racquet, etc.); long sweeping stroke
1 ひとくち (一口) : 1. mouthful; morsel; bite 2. gulp; sip; draft; draught
1 うまみ (旨み) : 1. good flavor (flavour); good taste; deliciousness 2. umami (fifth category of taste in food)
1 ひろがる (広がる) : to spread (out); to extend; to stretch; to reach to; to get around; to fill (e.g. a space)
1 はぎれ (歯切れ) : 1. feel when biting 2. manner of enunciation
1 たべる (食べる) : 1. to eat 2. to live on (e.g. a salary); to live off; to subsist on
1 こじんてき (個人的) : personal; individual; private
1 もちもち : springy (texture); doughy; elastic
1 このみ (好み) : liking; taste; choice
1 ほんかくてき (本格的) : 1. genuine; real; regular; normal; typical; standard; orthodox 2. full-scale; full-blown; all-out
1 しょっかん (食感) : food texture; mouthfeel
1 たび (足袋) : tabi; Japanese socks (with split toe)