3月5日(現地時間)、パリ・ファッションウィークにてトム フォードの最新コレクションが発表された。創業者直々に指名された新クリエイティブ・ディレクター、ハイダー・アッカーマンはブランドの官能性に新たなひねりを加えた。
【写真24枚】ハイダー・アッカーマンによるトム フォード2025-26年秋冬コレクション・メンズルックをチェック
昨年9月、ハイダー・アッカーマンがトム フォードのクリエイティブ・ディレクターに就任したというニュースは、ファッション界で独創性と創造性が勝利した証として広く祝福された。アッカーマンは真の冒険家であり、それは彼の軽妙かつ洗練されたメンズウェアに表れている。
トム・フォードは2022年に自身のブランドをゼニアに売却し、その翌年には映画製作に専念するためにファッションデザイナーを引退したが、ブランド「トム フォード」の世界ではいまだにフォードその人が大きな存在感を放っている。
自身のレガシーを守るべく、フォードは昨年9月、アッカーマンを自ら指名した。彼の後任のピーター・ホーキングスはフォードに気に入られず、わずか1年で退任した。アッカーマンが目指したのは、人々が自身を最もグラマラスに見せたいときに頼るブランドというトム フォードのステータスを維持しつつ、そこに新しい方向性を加えるという繊細な離れ業だ。
しかし、トム フォードでの彼のスーツはそれとはまったく違う。率直に言って、私は目を見張った。80年代のウォール街を彷彿とさせるクレリックシャツに、スリムでやや短めのダブルブレストジャケットを、緩やかでほとんどフェミニンなカットのパンツが中和していた。
重役室のやり手のイメージはトム フォードの中核をなすキャラクターであり、今回もメンズウェアの至るところで参照されている。しかし、アッカーマンのピンストライプスーツはまったく新鮮で、80年代のような過剰な文化状況を迎える今の時代の絶妙なユニフォームに感じられた。
「ミスター・フォードと言えば、スーツとレッドカーペットが思い浮かびますが、彼にも日常生活があります。私はそういった瞬間を大切にしたいと思いました」と、アッカーマンは言う。彼のトム フォード初のティーザーキャンペーンを撮影したイーサン・ジェームズ・グリーンは、自身もリッツ・カールトンのベッドシーツのように真っ白なカシミアのオーバーコートを着てモデルを務めた。ジャケットの一着はモコモコのモヘアで編まれたもので、ある夜の一線を越えるときにも、翌朝のコーヒータイムにも違和感のないアイテムだ。
シャラメがすでに次のプレスツアーのために目を付けたに違いない、スパンコールのスーツが3着登場した後、アッカーマンは盛大な拍手の中、挨拶に現れた。今シーズン、彼はトム フォードでのデビューを成功させた。メンズウェア界とアッカーマンとの間に新たな関係が始まったに違いない、忘れられない夜となった。
By Samuel Hine
Translated and Adapted by Yuzuru Todayama
# | 言葉 | 意味 |
8 | 自身 | じしん (自身) : (one's) self; oneself |
5 | 言う | いう (言う) : 1. to say; to utter; to declare 2. to name; to call |
4 | 新た | あらた (新た) : new; fresh; novel |
4 | 感ずる | かんずる (感ずる) : to feel; to sense |
3 | 性 | さが (性) : 1. one's nature; one's destiny 2. custom; tradition; habit; convention |
3 | 方向性 | ほうこうせい (方向性) : 1. trend; course of action; direction 2. directionality; directivity; orientation |
3 | 成功 | せいこう (成功) : success; hit |
3 | 挨拶 | あいさつ (挨拶) : 1. greeting; greetings; salutation; salute; condolences; congratulations 2. speech (congratulatory or appreciative); address |
3 | 向ける | むける (向ける) : to turn towards; to point |
3 | 思う | おもう (思う) : 1. to think; to consider; to believe; to reckon 2. to think (of doing); to plan (to do) |
3 | 瞬間 | しゅんかん (瞬間) : moment; second; instant |
2 | 指名 | しめい (指名) : 1. naming; nominating; designating 2. calling on; asking for; requesting |
2 | 加える | くわえる (加える) : 1. to add; to add up; to sum up; to append; to annex 2. to increase; to gather (e.g. speed); to pick up |
2 | 昨年 | さくねん (昨年) : last year |
2 | 最も | もっとも (最も) : most; extremely |
2 | 漂う | ただよう (漂う) : 1. to drift; to float 2. to waft (e.g. a scent); to hang in the air |
2 | 現れる | あらわれる (現れる) : 1. to appear; to come in sight; to become visible; to come out; to embody; to materialize; to materialise 2. to be expressed (e.g. emotions); to become apparent (e.g. trends, effects) |
2 | 守る | まもる (守る) : 1. to protect; to guard; to defend 2. to keep (i.e. a promise); to abide (by the rules); to observe; to obey; to follow |
2 | 感覚 | かんかく (感覚) : sense; sensation; feeling; intuition |
2 | 素晴らしい | すばらしい (素晴らしい) : wonderful; splendid; magnificent |
2 | 官能的 | かんのうてき (官能的) : sensual; voluptuous; sexy; arousing |
2 | 的 | てき (的) : 1. -ical; -ive; -al; -ic; -y 2. -like; -ish; -sort of; -kind of |
2 | 人々 | ひとびと (人々) : 1. people; men and women 2. each person; everybody |
2 | 今回 | こんかい (今回) : this time; now |
2 | まったく | まったく (全く) : 1. really; truly; entirely; completely; wholly; perfectly 2. indeed |
2 | 様子 | ようす (様子) : 1. state; state of affairs; situation; circumstances 2. appearance; look; aspect |
2 | 世代 | せだい (世代) : generation; the world; the age |
2 | 威厳 | いげん (威厳) : dignity; majesty; solemnity; gravity |
2 | 人生 | じんせい (人生) : (human) life (i.e. conception to death) |
2 | 語る | かたる (語る) : 1. to talk about; to speak of; to tell; to narrate 2. to recite; to chant |
2 | 虚栄心 | きょえいしん (虚栄心) : vanity |
2 | 翌朝 | よくあさ (翌朝) : next morning |
2 | お揃い | おそろい (お揃い) : 1. being together; going together 2. matching (clothing); going together |
2 | 色彩 | しきさい (色彩) : colour; color; hue; tints |
2 | 違い | ちがい (違い) : 1. difference; distinction; discrepancy 2. mistake; error |
1 | 現地時間 | げんちじかん (現地時間) : local time |
1 | にて | で : 1. at; in 2. at; when |
1 | 最新 | さいしん (最新) : latest; newest; late-breaking (news) |
1 | 発表 | はっぴょう (発表) : announcement; publication; presenting; statement; communique; making known; breaking (news story); expressing (one's opinion); releasing; unveiling |
1 | 創業者 | そうぎょうしゃ (創業者) : founder (of a company) |
1 | 直々 | じきじき (直々) : in person; personally; directly |
1 | 官能 | かんのう (官能) : 1. the senses 2. sensuality; carnality |
1 | ひねり | ひねり (捻り) : 1. twist; spin 2. ingenuity; sophistication (e.g. of writing style) |
1 | 就任 | しゅうにん (就任) : assumption (of office); taking up (a post); inauguration; installation |
1 | 独創性 | どくそうせい (独創性) : creativity; ingenuity |
1 | 創造性 | そうぞうせい (創造性) : creativity |
1 | 勝利 | しょうり (勝利) : victory; triumph; conquest; success; win |
1 | 証 | しるし (印) : 1. mark; sign 2. symbol; emblem |
1 | 広く | ひろく (広く) : widely; far and wide; extensively; universally |
1 | 祝福 | しゅくふく (祝福) : blessing |
1 | 冒険家 | ぼうけんか (冒険家) : adventurer |
1 | 軽妙 | けいみょう (軽妙) : light and easy; lambent; clever; witty; smart |
1 | 洗練 | せんれん (洗練) : polish; refinement |
1 | 表れる | あらわれる (現れる) : 1. to appear; to come in sight; to become visible; to come out; to embody; to materialize; to materialise 2. to be expressed (e.g. emotions); to become apparent (e.g. trends, effects) |
1 | 破天荒 | はてんこう (破天荒) : unheard-of; unprecedented |
1 | 惹く | ひく (惹く) : to draw (attention, sympathy, etc.); to attract (e.g. interest) |
1 | 追う | おう (追う) : 1. to chase; to run after; to pursue; to follow after 2. to follow (a set order, a trend, etc.) |
1 | 業界 | ぎょうかい (業界) : business world; business circles; (the) industry |
1 | 好く | すく (好く) : to like; to love; to be fond of |
1 | 人物 | じんぶつ (人物) : 1. person; character; figure; personage; man; woman 2. one's character; one's personality |
1 | 紛れ | まぐれ (紛れ) : fluke; chance; pure luck |
1 | 直前 | ちょくぜん (直前) : just before |
1 | 緊張 | きんちょう (緊張) : tension; mental strain; nervousness |
1 | 期待感 | きたいかん (期待感) : feeling of expectation |
1 | 香り | かおり (香り) : aroma; fragrance; scent; smell |
1 | 濃厚 | のうこう (濃厚) : 1. rich (in flavor, color, smell, etc.); thick; dense; strong 2. very likely; highly possible |
1 | 広場 | ひろば (広場) : 1. public square; square; plaza; piazza; forum 2. open space; clearing |
1 | 早く | はやく (早く) : 1. early; soon 2. quickly; swiftly; rapidly; fast |
1 | 到着 | とうちゃく (到着) : arrival |
1 | まるで | まるで (丸で) : 1. quite; entirely; completely; at all 2. as if; as though; just like |
1 | 相手 | あいて (相手) : 1. companion; partner; company 2. other party; addressee |
1 | 待つ | まつ (待つ) : 1. to wait 2. to await; to look forward to; to anticipate |
1 | そわそわ | そわそわ : restlessly; nervously; uneasily; in a fidget |
1 | 歩き回る | あるきまわる (歩き回る) : to walk about; to walk to and fro; to pace around |
1 | どきどき | ドキドキ : 1. thump-thump; bang-bang; pit-a-pat; pitapat; pitter-patter 2. to beat fast (of one's heart); to throb; to pound; to palpitate |
1 | 落ち着く | おちつく (落ち着く) : 1. to calm down; to compose oneself; to regain presence of mind 2. to calm down; to settle down; to die down; to become stable; to abate |
1 | 久々 | ひさびさ (久々) : (in a) long time; long time (ago); while (ago); long ago; long while (ago); (in a) long while |
1 | 仕方ない | しかたない (仕方ない) : 1. there's no (other) way 2. cannot be helped; unavoidable; inevitable; (there's) nothing one can do; having no choice |
1 | なんて | なんて (何て) : 1. how ...!; what ...! 2. what?; what's that? |
1 | 同意 | どうい (同意) : 1. agreement; consent; approval; assent 2. same opinion; same view |
1 | 伝統的 | でんとうてき (伝統的) : traditional; conventional |
1 | 方向 | ほうこう (方向) : 1. direction; orientation; bearing; way 2. course (e.g. of action) |
1 | 転がる | ころがる (転がる) : 1. to roll; to tumble 2. to fall over; to roll over |
1 | 雰囲気 | ふんいき (雰囲気) : 1. atmosphere; mood; ambience; ambiance; aura; feel 2. a certain air; presence; special aura; something (about someone) |
1 | 向かう | むかう (向かう) : 1. to face 2. to go towards; to head towards |
1 | 指示 | しじ (指示) : 1. indication; denotation; designation 2. instructions; directions |
1 | 味わう | あじわう (味わう) : 1. to taste; to savor; to savour; to relish 2. to appreciate; to enjoy; to relish; to digest |
1 | 望む | のぞむ (望む) : 1. to desire 2. to wish for; to expect |
1 | 非 | ひ (非) : 1. fault; error; mistake 2. going poorly; being disadvantageous; being unfavorable |
1 | 打ちどころ | うちどころ (打ち所) : spot (where one was hit) |
1 | 取る | とる (取る) : 1. to take; to pick up; to grab; to catch 2. to pass; to hand; to give |
1 | 空間 | くうかん (空間) : space; room; airspace |
1 | 並べる | ならべる (並べる) : 1. to line up; to set up; to arrange in a line 2. to enumerate; to itemize |
1 | 座る | すわる (座る) : 1. to sit; to squat 2. to assume (a position) |
1 | くすむ | くすむ : 1. to be dark; to be dull 2. to be unassuming; to be inconspicuous; to not stand out |
1 | 施す | ほどこす (施す) : 1. to give (time, money, goods); to donate 2. to do; to perform; to conduct |
1 | 片手 | かたて (片手) : one hand |
1 | 着く | つく (着く) : 1. to arrive at; to reach 2. to sit on; to sit at (e.g. the table) |
1 | 光沢 | こうたく (光沢) : brilliance; polish; lustre; luster; glossy finish (of photographs) |
1 | はめる | はめる (嵌める) : 1. to insert; to put in (such that there is a snug fit); to button; to put on (something that envelops, e.g. gloves, ring) 2. to have sex; to fuck |
1 | 私たち | わたしたち (私たち) : we; us |
1 | 一手 | いって (一手) : 1. one move (in go, shogi, etc.) 2. only way; only means |
1 | 固唾 | かたず (固唾) : saliva held in one's mouth during times of tension |
1 | 呑む | のむ (飲む) : 1. to drink; to gulp; to swallow; to take (medicine) 2. to smoke (tobacco) |
1 | 応援 | おうえん (応援) : 1. aid; assistance; help; support; reinforcement 2. cheering; rooting (for); support |
1 | 過言 | かごん (過言) : 1. exaggeration; overstatement; saying too much 2. misstatement; slip of the tongue; gaffe |
1 | 短期間 | たんきかん (短期間) : short term; short time |
1 | 能力 | のうりょく (能力) : ability; faculty |
1 | 持つ | もつ (持つ) : 1. to hold (in one's hand); to take; to carry 2. to possess; to have; to own |
1 | 証明 | しょうめい (証明) : proof; testimony; demonstration; verification; certification |
1 | 売却 | ばいきゃく (売却) : selling off; disposal by sale; sale |
1 | 翌年 | よくねん (翌年) : following year |
1 | 製作 | せいさく (製作) : manufacture; production |
1 | 専念 | せんねん (専念) : absorption; giving undivided attention; devoting oneself (to) |
1 | 引退 | いんたい (引退) : retirement |
1 | いまだ | まだ (未だ) : 1. still; as yet; only 2. (not) yet |
1 | 存在感 | そんざいかん (存在感) : presence (impressive quality) |
1 | 放つ | はなつ (放つ) : 1. to fire (gun, arrow, questions, etc.); to shoot; to hit (e.g. baseball); to break wind 2. to set free; to release; to let loose |
1 | 伊達男 | だておとこ (伊達男) : 1. dandy; handsome and fashionable man; fop 2. chivalrous man |
1 | ぶり | ぶり (振り) : 1. style; manner; way 2. after (period of time) again (e.g. meeting again after a year); for the first time in (period of time) |
1 | おく | おく (奥) : inner part; inside; interior; depths (e.g. of a forest); back (of a house, drawer, etc.); bottom (e.g. of one's heart); recesses; heart |
1 | 独占 | どくせん (独占) : 1. monopoly; monopolization; exclusivity 2. hogging; keeping to oneself |
1 | 地位 | ちい (地位) : (social) position; status |
1 | 占める | しめる (占める) : 1. to occupy; to hold 2. to account for; to make up; to take up |
1 | 就いて | ついて (就いて) : about; concerning; as to; regarding |
1 | 以来 | いらい (以来) : since; henceforth |
1 | 冠する | かんする (冠する) : 1. to crown; to cap 2. to prefix with; to start with; to begin with |
1 | 過程 | かてい (過程) : process; course; mechanism |
1 | 彼自身 | かれじしん (彼自身) : himself; he himself |
1 | 揺るぎない | ゆるぎない (揺るぎ無い) : solid; firm; steady; unshakeable; unwavering |
1 | 優雅 | ゆうが (優雅) : 1. elegant; graceful; refined 2. leisurely; comfortable; easy; carefree |
1 | 規律 | きりつ (規律) : 1. order; observance; discipline 2. rules; law; regulations |
1 | 作法 | さほう (作法) : 1. manners; etiquette; propriety 2. manner of production (esp. of prose, poetry, etc.); way of making |
1 | 変える | かえる (変える) : 1. to change; to alter; to transform; to convert; to turn; to vary 2. to reform; to revise; to amend |
1 | たび | たび (足袋) : tabi; Japanese socks (with split toe) |
1 | 志 | こころざし (志) : 1. will; resolution; intention; ambition; aim; goal 2. kindness; goodwill; kind offer |
1 | 名言 | めいげん (名言) : wise saying; famous saying |
1 | 飛び出す | とびだす (飛び出す) : 1. to jump out; to rush out; to fly out 2. to appear (suddenly) |
1 | 映え | はえ (栄え) : glory; splendour; honour |
1 | 微笑む | ほほえむ (微笑む) : to smile |
1 | 自ら | おのずから (自ずから) : naturally; in due course; by itself; of its own accord |
1 | 後任 | こうにん (後任) : successor |
1 | 入る | いる (入る) : to get in; to go in; to come in; to flow into; to set; to set in |
1 | わずか | わずか (僅か) : 1. (a) little; (a) few; slight; small (amount); trifling; meagre; meager 2. only; just; merely |
1 | 退任 | たいにん (退任) : retirement; resignation; stepping down |
1 | 目指す | めざす (目指す) : 1. to aim at (for, to do, to become); to try for; to have an eye on 2. to go toward; to head for |
1 | 頼る | たよる (頼る) : to rely on; to depend on; to count on; to turn to (for help) |
1 | 維持 | いじ (維持) : maintenance; preservation; improvement |
1 | 繊細 | せんさい (繊細) : 1. dainty; delicate (e.g. fingers); fine; slim 2. sensitive; delicate (feelings, sense, etc.); subtle |
1 | 離れ業 | はなれわざ (離れ業) : stunt; feat |
1 | 見つける | みつける (見つける) : 1. to discover; to find (e.g. an error in a book); to come across; to detect; to spot 2. to locate; to find (e.g. something missing); to find fault |
1 | 新機軸 | しんきじく (新機軸) : innovation; new departure; milestone; breakthrough |
1 | 技巧 | ぎこう (技巧) : technique; finesse |
1 | 学ぶ | まなぶ (学ぶ) : to study (in depth); to learn; to take lessons in |
1 | わかる | わかる (分かる) : 1. to understand; to comprehend; to grasp; to see; to get; to follow 2. to become clear; to be known; to be discovered; to be realized; to be realised; to be found out |
1 | 生地 | きじ (生地) : 1. cloth; fabric; material; texture 2. dough; batter |
1 | 仕立てる | したてる (仕立てる) : 1. to tailor; to make (clothing) 2. to train; to bring up |
1 | 率直 | そっちょく (率直) : frank; candid; straightforward; openhearted; direct; outspoken |
1 | 見張る | みはる (見張る) : 1. to stand watch; to stand guard; to look out 2. to open (one's eyes) wide |
1 | ウォール街 | ウォールがい (ウォール街) : Wall Street |
1 | 彷彿 | ほうふつ (彷彿) : 1. (bearing a) close resemblance; vivid reminder (e.g. of the past) 2. dim; faint; vague; blurred |
1 | やや | やや (稍) : a little; partially; somewhat; slightly; semi-; -ish; on the ... side; a short time; a while |
1 | 短め | みじかめ (短め) : shortish; rather short; somewhat short |
1 | 緩やか | ゆるやか (緩やか) : 1. loose; slack 2. gentle (slope, curve); slow (speed) |
1 | 中和 | ちゅうわ (中和) : neutralization; neutralisation; counteraction |
1 | 重役室 | じゅうやくしつ (重役室) : executive suite |
1 | やり手 | やりて (やり手) : 1. skilled person; capable person; shrewd person; go-getter; hotshot 2. doer; performer; agent |
1 | 中核 | ちゅうかく (中核) : kernel; core; nucleus; center; centre |
1 | なす | なす (為す) : 1. to build up; to establish 2. to form; to become (a state) |
1 | 至る | いたる (至る) : 1. to arrive at (e.g. a decision); to reach (a stage); to attain 2. to lead to (a place); to get to |
1 | 参照 | さんしょう (参照) : reference; bibliographical reference; consultation; browsing (e.g. when selecting a file to upload on a computer); checking out |
1 | 新鮮 | しんせん (新鮮) : fresh |
1 | 過剰 | かじょう (過剰) : excess; surplus; superabundance; overabundance |
1 | 状況 | じょうきょう (状況) : state of affairs (around you); situation; circumstances |
1 | 絶妙 | ぜつみょう (絶妙) : exquisite; superb; perfect; miraculous |
1 | 側面 | そくめん (側面) : 1. side; flank; profile; sidelight; lateral 2. aspect; dimension |
1 | 潜む | ひそむ (潜む) : to lurk; to be hidden; to be concealed; to lie dormant; to be latent |
1 | 外す | はずす (外す) : 1. to remove; to take off; to detach; to unfasten; to undo 2. to drop (e.g. from a team); to remove (from a position); to exclude; to expel |
1 | 覗く | のぞく (覗く) : 1. to peek (through a keyhole, gap, etc.) 2. to look down into (a ravine, etc.) |
1 | 多く | おおく (多く) : 1. many; much; plenty; a lot 2. majority (of); greater part (of) |
1 | 不気味 | ぶきみ (不気味) : weird; ominous; eerie; uncanny; ghastly |
1 | 浮かぶ | うかぶ (浮かぶ) : 1. to float; to be suspended 2. to rise to the surface; to appear; to emerge; to show up; to loom (up) |
1 | 引用 | いんよう (引用) : quotation; citation; reference |
1 | 問う | とう (問う) : 1. to ask; to inquire 2. to blame (someone) for; to accuse of; to pursue (question of responsibility); to charge with |
1 | 驚く | おどろく (驚く) : to be surprised; to be astonished |
1 | 聞く | きく (聞く) : 1. to hear 2. to listen (e.g. to music) |
1 | やら | やら : 1. denotes uncertainty 2. such things as A and B; A and B and so on; A and B and the like; A and B and whatnot |
1 | 同作 | どうさく (同作) : 1. work by the same author (artist, etc.) 2. work in the same style; same way of making |
1 | 話す | はなす (話す) : 1. to talk; to speak; to converse; to chat 2. to tell; to explain; to narrate; to mention; to describe; to discuss |
1 | 悪魔 | あくま (悪魔) : 1. devil; demon; fiend 2. Satan; the Devil |
1 | 履く | はく (履く) : 1. to put on (lower-body clothing, e.g. pants, skirt, footwear); to wear 2. to affix (a sword to one's hip) |
1 | 容易 | ようい (容易) : easy; simple; plain |
1 | 想像 | そうぞう (想像) : imagination; guess |
1 | 人柄 | ひとがら (人柄) : personality; character; personal appearance; gentility |
1 | 魅了 | みりょう (魅了) : 1. fascination 2. to charm; to fascinate; to mesmerize |
1 | 付け加える | つけくわえる (付け加える) : to add (one thing to another); to add (a few more words, an explanation, etc.) |
1 | 真っ直ぐ | まっすぐ (真っ直ぐ) : 1. straight (ahead); direct; upright; erect 2. straightforward; honest; frank |
1 | 向き合う | むきあう (向き合う) : 1. to be opposite; to face each other 2. to confront (an issue); to face |
1 | 考える | かんがえる (考える) : 1. to think (about, of); to think over; to ponder; to contemplate; to reflect (on); to meditate (on) 2. to consider; to bear in mind; to allow for; to take into consideration |
1 | 姿勢 | しせい (姿勢) : 1. posture; pose; position; stance; carriage (of the body) 2. attitude; approach; stance |
1 | 会う | あう (会う) : 1. to meet; to encounter; to see 2. to have an accident; to have a bad experience |
1 | 敬意 | けいい (敬意) : respect; honour; honor |
1 | 華やか | はなやか (華やか) : showy; brilliant; gorgeous; florid; gay |
1 | 場面 | ばめん (場面) : 1. scene; setting; place (where something happens); scenario; case 2. scene (in a movie, play); shot |
1 | 装い | よそおい (装い) : dress; outfit; equipment; makeup; adornment; guise; get-up |
1 | 関する | かんする (関する) : to concern; to be related |
1 | 迷走 | めいそう (迷走) : straying; wandering off course |
1 | 酒 | さけ (酒) : alcohol; sake |
1 | 単位 | たんい (単位) : 1. unit; denomination 2. credit (in school) |
1 | 注文 | ちゅうもん (注文) : 1. order (for an item) 2. request; demand; condition |
1 | 眩む | くらむ (眩む) : 1. to be dazzled by; to be dizzied by; to be disoriented by 2. to be lost in (greed, lust, etc.) |
1 | 有り余る | ありあまる (有り余る) : to be superfluous; to be in excess; to be more than enough |
1 | 求める | もとめる (求める) : 1. to want; to wish for 2. to request; to demand; to require; to ask for |
1 | さも | さも (然も) : 1. really (seem, appear, etc.); truly; evidently 2. in that way |
1 | 情熱 | じょうねつ (情熱) : passion; enthusiasm; zeal |
1 | 堅い | かたい (硬い) : 1. hard; solid; tough 2. stiff; tight; wooden; unpolished (e.g. writing) |
1 | 手がける | てがける (手がける) : 1. to handle; to manage; to deal with; to work with; to have experience with 2. to rear; to look after |
1 | 一方 | いっぽう (一方) : 1. one (esp. of two); the other; one way; the other way; one direction; the other direction; one side; the other side; one party; the other party 2. on the one hand; on the other hand |
1 | 作風 | さくふう (作風) : style (of a work, author, artist, etc.); characteristics |
1 | 知る | しる (知る) : 1. to be aware of; to know; to be conscious of; to cognize; to cognise 2. to notice; to feel |
1 | 出会い | であい (出会い) : 1. meeting; rendezvous; encounter 2. confluence |
1 | 呼び起こす | よびおこす (呼び起こす) : 1. to wake (someone) up (by calling for them); to awaken 2. to call (to mind); to bring back (memories); to evoke; to arouse (e.g. interest) |
1 | 輝く | かがやく (輝く) : to shine; to glitter; to sparkle |
1 | 貫く | つらぬく (貫く) : 1. to go through; to pierce; to penetrate 2. to run through (e.g. a river through a city); to pass through |
1 | 柔らかみ | やわらかみ (柔らかみ) : (touch of) softness |
1 | 激しい | はげしい (激しい) : 1. violent; furious; tempestuous 2. extreme; intense; fierce; strong |
1 | 過ごす | すごす (過ごす) : 1. to pass (time); to spend 2. to overdo (esp. of one's alcohol consumption); to drink (alcohol) |
1 | 満足 | まんぞく (満足) : 1. satisfaction; contentment; gratification 2. sufficient; satisfactory; enough; adequate; proper; decent |
1 | げ | げ (気) : seeming; giving the appearance of; giving one the feeling of |
1 | 静けさ | しずけさ (静けさ) : stillness; silence; hush; calm; serenity |
1 | 親密 | しんみつ (親密) : intimacy; friendship |
1 | 思い浮かぶ | おもいうかぶ (思い浮かぶ) : to occur to; to remind of; to come to mind |
1 | 日常生活 | にちじょうせいかつ (日常生活) : everyday life; daily life |
1 | いう | ゆう (結う) : 1. to do up (hair); to dress; to arrange 2. to tie; to bind; to fasten; to make (a fence) |
1 | 初 | はつ (初) : first; new |
1 | 撮影 | さつえい (撮影) : photography (still or motion); photographing; filming; shooting; (video) recording |
1 | 真っ白 | まっしろ (真っ白) : 1. pure white 2. blank (e.g. mind, paper) |
1 | 務める | つとめる (勤める) : 1. to work (for); to be employed (at); to serve (in) 2. to serve (as); to act (as); to fill (the position of); to play the role (of) |
1 | 編む | あむ (編む) : 1. to knit; to plait; to braid 2. to compile (anthology, dictionary, etc.); to edit |
1 | 一線 | いっせん (一線) : line |
1 | 越える | こえる (越える) : 1. to cross over; to cross; to pass through; to pass over (out of); to go beyond; to go past 2. to exceed; to surpass; to be more (than) |
1 | 違和感 | いわかん (違和感) : 1. uncomfortable feeling; feeling out of place; sense of discomfort 2. malaise; physical unease |
1 | 作家 | さっか (作家) : author; writer; novelist; artist |
1 | 本質 | ほんしつ (本質) : essence; true nature; substance; reality |
1 | 虚飾 | きょしょく (虚飾) : ostentation; show; affectation |
1 | 見失う | みうしなう (見失う) : to lose sight of; to miss |
1 | すべて | すべて (全て) : 1. everything; all; the whole 2. entirely; completely; wholly; all |
1 | 利己的 | りこてき (利己的) : selfish; egoistic; self-serving; self-interested |
1 | 非常 | ひじょう (非常) : 1. emergency 2. extraordinary; unusual |
1 | 派手 | はで (派手) : showy; loud; gay; flashy; gaudy |
1 | 軽やか | かろやか (軽やか) : light; easy; non-serious; minor |
1 | 抑える | おさえる (抑える) : 1. to keep within limits (e.g. spending); to restrain (e.g. emotions); to control; to curb; to hold in check 2. to hold back (e.g. an enemy); to check; to curb; to contain; to quell; to subdue; to suppress; to repress |
1 | つれる | つれる (連れる) : to take (someone) with one; to bring along; to go with; to be accompanied by |
1 | 衣装 | いしょう (衣装) : clothing; costume; outfit; garment; dress |
1 | 効果的 | こうかてき (効果的) : effective; successful |
1 | 使う | つかう (使う) : 1. to use (a thing, method, etc.); to make use of; to put to use 2. to use (a person, animal, puppet, etc.); to employ; to handle; to manage; to manipulate |
1 | 生気 | せいき (生気) : life; vitality; verve; vigor; vigour; animation; spirit |
1 | 帯びる | おびる (帯びる) : 1. to wear (sword, decoration, etc.); to carry 2. to be entrusted (e.g. with a mission); to take on |
1 | 面 | おもて (面) : 1. face 2. surface |
1 | 模索 | もさく (模索) : groping (for); fumbling around (for); searching (for an answer, solution, etc.); trying to find |
1 | すでに | すでに (既に) : already; too late |
1 | 登場 | とうじょう (登場) : 1. entry (on stage); appearance (on screen) 2. entrance; introduction (into a market) |
1 | 盛大 | せいだい (盛大) : 1. grand; magnificent; lavish; large scale; prosperous; thriving; lively 2. forceful; powerful; vigorous |
1 | 拍手 | はくしゅ (拍手) : clapping hands; applause |
1 | 始まる | はじまる (始まる) : 1. to begin; to start; to commence 2. to happen (again); to begin (anew) |
1 | 抱きしめる | だきしめる (抱きしめる) : to hug someone close; to hold someone tight; to embrace closely |
1 | 明らか | あきらか (明らか) : 1. clear; obvious; evident; plain; definite 2. bright; light |
1 | 興奮 | こうふん (興奮) : excitement; stimulation; agitation; arousal |
1 | 報道陣 | ほうどうじん (報道陣) : press corps |
1 | 感激 | かんげき (感激) : deep emotion; impression; inspiration |
1 | 赤らめる | あからめる (赤らめる) : to blush; to redden |
1 | 誘惑 | ゆうわく (誘惑) : temptation; allurement; lure; enticement; seduction |