Published: 2024-10-18 13:24

送金大手のWise、全銀システムへの参加が承認 資金移動業初




Wiseはすでに英国欧州、ハンガリー、シンガポール、オーストラリアの5つの国内資金決済システムと直接接続しており、Wiseは海外送金60%を20未満処理し、平均手数料は0.65%に抑えているほか、日本GMOあおぞらネット銀行などの銀行や企業向けに「Wise Platform」による効率的国際送金サービスを提供している。

今回全銀システム参加承認により、Wiseのネットワークを強化するほか、Wise Platformのパートナーにも、日本とのより速く安価透明性の高い送金サービスを可能にするという。


# 言葉 意味
8 ぜんぎんシステム (全銀システム) : interbank payments system
7 にほん (日本) : Japan
4 かいがいそうきん (海外送金) : overseas remittance
4 さんか (参加) : participation; joining; entry; adherence
4 しょうにん (承認) : recognition; acknowledgement; acknowledgment; approval; consent; agreement
4 しきん (資金) : funds; capital
4 せつぞく (接続) : 1. connection; attachment; union; join; joint; link 2. changing trains
3 いどう (移動) : 1. movement; transfer; migration; removal; travel 2. mobile; moving; traveling; travelling; roving
3 きんゆうきかん (金融機関) : financial institutions; banking facilities
3 そうきん (送金) : remittance; sending money
3 かくしゅ (各種) : every kind; all sorts
3 かのう (可能) : possible; potential; practicable; feasible
3 こんかい (今回) : this time; now
3 むける (向ける) : to turn towards; to point
2 けっさい (決済) : settlement; payment of account
2 ほうじん (法人) : corporate body; corporation; (legal) person; (juridical) person
2 しんせい (申請) : application; request; petition
2 そうご (相互) : mutual; reciprocal
2 だい (第) : prefix for forming ordinal numbers
2 たいおう (対応) : 1. correspondence (to); equivalence 2. suitability; coordination; matching; being appropriate (for)
2 うけとり (受取り) : receiving; receipt
2 びょう (秒) : 1. second (unit of time) 2. arc second
2 みまん (未満) : less than; under; below
2 こくない (国内) : internal; domestic
2 しょり (処理) : processing; dealing with; treatment; disposition; disposal
2 さんかしかく (参加資格) : entry qualifications; joining qualifications
2 ていきょう (提供) : 1. offer; tender; providing; supplying; making available; donating (blood, organs, etc.) 2. sponsoring (a TV program)
2 つうか (通貨) : currency
2 ふくむ (含む) : 1. to contain; to comprise; to have; to hold; to include; to embrace 2. to hold in the mouth
1 てんかい (展開) : 1. development; evolution; progression; unfolding; (plot) twist 2. expansion; spreading out; extending; deployment; building up
1 ぜんこく (全国) : the whole country
1 ぎんこう (銀行) : bank; banking institution
1 データつうしん (データ通信) : data communication
1 にほんこくない (日本国内) : Japanese domestic
1 ちゅうかいしゃ (仲介者) : mediator; go-between; middleman
1 けいゆ (経由) : going through; going via; going by way of
1 など (等) : 1. et cetera; etc.; and the like; and so forth 2. or something
1 おこなう (行う) : to perform; to do; to conduct oneself; to carry out
1 かんりょう (完了) : 1. completion; conclusion 2. perfect (tense, form, aspect)
1 むけ (向け) : intended for ...; oriented towards ...; aimed at ...
1 とりひき (取引) : transactions; dealings; business
1 じつげん (実現) : implementation (e.g. of a system); materialization; materialisation; realization; realisation; actualization; actualisation
1 みこみ (見込み) : 1. hope; promise; possibility; chance; probability; likelihood 2. expectation; anticipation; forecast; estimate
1 ふりこみ (振込) : 1. payment made via bank deposit transfer 2. discarding a tile that becomes another player's winning tile
1 かわせとりひき (為替取引) : currency trading (usu. foreign); exchange dealing; exchange transaction
1 よきん (預金) : deposit; bank account
1 とりあつかい (取り扱い) : treatment; service; handling; management
1 げんてい (限定) : limit; restriction
1 かくだい (拡大) : magnification; enlargement; expansion; amplification
1 けってい (決定) : decision; determination
1 ひらく (開く) : 1. to open; to undo; to unseal; to unpack 2. to bloom; to unfold; to spread out
1 すでに (既に) : already; too late
1 えいこく (英国) : United Kingdom; Britain; Great Britain
1 おうしゅう (欧州) : Europe
1 ちょくせつ (直接) : direct; immediate; personal; firsthand
1 やく (約) : 1. approximately; about 2. promise; appointment; engagement
1 へいきん (平均) : 1. average; mean 2. balance; equilibrium
1 てすうりょう (手数料) : (handling) fee; charge (e.g. for a cancellation); commission; brokerage
1 おさえる (抑える) : 1. to keep within limits (e.g. spending); to restrain (e.g. emotions); to control; to curb; to hold in check 2. to hold back (e.g. an enemy); to check; to curb; to contain; to quell; to subdue; to suppress; to repress
1 ジーエムオー (GMO) : genetically modified organism; GMO
1 あおぞら (青空) : blue sky
1 こうりつてき (効率的) : efficient
1 こくさいそうきん (国際送金) : international money transfer; overseas remittance
1 きょうか (強化) : strengthening; intensifying; reinforcement; enhancement; solidification
1 はやく (早く) : 1. early; soon 2. quickly; swiftly; rapidly; fast
1 あんか (安価) : 1. low-priced; cheap; inexpensive 2. shallow (e.g. sympathy); superficial; cheap (e.g. government)
1 とうめいせい (透明性) : transparency
1 しゅ (種) : 1. kind; variety 2. (biological) species
1 にんか (認可) : approval; license; licence; permission
1 とりえ (取り柄) : worth; merit; value; good point; redeeming feature; saving grace
1 しゅよう (主要) : chief; main; principal; major
1 てきよう (適用) : applying (e.g. a technology); adoption
1 さいだい (最大) : biggest; greatest; largest; maximum
1 こじん (個人) : individual; private person; personal; private
1 こきゃく (顧客) : customer; client; patron
1 はやく (早く) : 1. early; soon 2. quickly; swiftly; rapidly; fast
1 やすく (安く) : inexpensively
1 めざす (目指す) : 1. to aim at (for, to do, to become); to try for; to have an eye on 2. to go toward; to head for
1 こんご (今後) : from now on; hereafter
1 ぎょうむ (業務) : business; affairs; duties; work; procedure; task; action; function; (business) operations; operational
1 ほうほう (方法) : method; process; manner; way; means; technique
1 さだめる (定める) : 1. to decide; to determine 2. to establish; to lay down; to prescribe; to provide; to stipulate
1 かめい (加盟) : joining (an association, agreement, etc.); participation; affiliation; accession
1 じょうけん (条件) : condition; term; requirement; qualification; prerequisite
1 じゅうそく (充足) : sufficiency
1 すすめる (進める) : 1. to advance; to move forward; to put (a clock, watch) forward 2. to carry forward (plans, work, etc.); to proceed with; to make progress in; to further; to advance; to hasten; to speed up