Published: 2024-10-22 06:10

衆院選 各党が選挙区絞り込み 重点的に応援へ 支持拡大に全力
















# 言葉 意味
10 せんきょく (選挙区) : electoral district; precinct
10 しじ (支持) : 1. support; backing; endorsement; approval 2. support; holding up; propping
8 かんぶ (幹部) : management; (executive) staff; leaders; leadership; top brass; upper echelons
7 かくだい (拡大) : magnification; enlargement; expansion; amplification
6 だいひょう (代表) : 1. representative; representation; delegation; type; example; model 2. switchboard number; main number
5 めざす (目指す) : 1. to aim at (for, to do, to become); to try for; to have an eye on 2. to go toward; to head for
5 ひれいだいひょう (比例代表) : proportional representation
4 おうえん (応援) : 1. aid; assistance; help; support; reinforcement 2. cheering; rooting (for); support
4 ぎせき (議席) : parliamentary seat
4 おこなう (行う) : to perform; to do; to conduct oneself; to carry out
3 じょうせい (情勢) : state of things; state of affairs; condition; situation; circumstances
3 ぶんせき (分析) : analysis
3 ほうしん (方針) : 1. policy; course; plan (of action); principle 2. magnetic needle
3 かくにん (確認) : confirmation; verification; validation; review; check; affirmation; identification
3 はかる (図る) : 1. to plan; to attempt; to devise 2. to plot; to conspire; to scheme
3 おおさか (大阪) : 1. Osaka (city, prefecture) 2. large hill
3 かつどう (活動) : 1. activity (of a person, organization, animal, volcano, etc.); action 2. movie (esp. during the silent movie period)
2 のこり (残り) : remnant; residue; remaining; left-over
2 ひあい (日間) : 1. number of days; period of days 2. daily interest rate
2 せんきょせん (選挙戦) : election campaign
2 ぜんりょく (全力) : all one's power (strength, energy, efforts); one's utmost
2 いしば (石破) : Ishiba (surname)
2 そうりだいじん (総理大臣) : prime minister (as the head of a cabinet government); premier
2 むける (向ける) : to turn towards; to point
2 いいんちょう (委員長) : (committee) chairman; president
2 せりあい (競り合い) : competition
2 こんご (今後) : from now on; hereafter
2 せっせん (接戦) : close combat; close contest
2 がいとうえんぜつ (街頭演説) : street oratory; soapbox speech
2 しょうり (勝利) : victory; triumph; conquest; success; win
2 とも (供) : companion; follower; attendant; retinue
2 とうほく (東北) : 1. north-east 2. Tōhoku (northernmost six prefectures of Honshu); Tohoku
2 とうかい (東海) : 1. region south of Tokyo on Pacific Ocean side of Japan; eastern sea 2. East Sea (Korean name for Sea of Japan)
2 きゅうしゅう (九州) : Kyūshū (southernmost of the four main islands of Japan)
2 てわけ (手分け) : division of labour; division of labor; splitting into groups (e.g. to search)
2 うわづみ (上積み) : 1. deck cargo; upper layer of goods 2. extra
2 ひらく (開く) : 1. to open; to undo; to unseal; to unpack 2. to bloom; to unfold; to spread out
2 こうほしゃ (候補者) : candidate; applicant
2 ようりつ (擁立) : backing (for a position); giving support to; helping (someone) to a position
2 とくひょう (得票) : number of votes polled; poll votes
2 おきなわ (沖縄) : Okinawa (city, prefecture)
2 えんぜつ (演説) : speech; address
2 うったえる (訴える) : 1. to raise; to bring to (someone's attention) 2. to appeal to (reason, emotions, etc.); to work on (one's emotions); to play on (one's sympathies)
2 とうきょう (東京) : Tokyo
2 ちゅうしん (中心) : 1. center; centre; middle; heart; core; focus; pivot; emphasis; balance 2. -centered; -centred; -focused; -oriented; centered on; focused on
2 じゅうてん (重点) : 1. important point; emphasis; stress; importance; priority 2. iteration mark
2 としぶ (都市部) : urban area; urban district
1 とうしゅ (党首) : party leader
1 じゅうてんてき (重点的) : prioritized; focused; concentrated; predominant
1 しぼりこむ (絞り込む) : 1. to squeeze; to wring out 2. to narrow down; to refine
1 じみんとう (自民党) : Liberal Democratic Party; LDP
1 しょうはい (勝敗) : victory or defeat; issue (of battle); outcome
1 じみん (自民) : Liberal Democratic Party; LDP
1 こうめい (公明) : 1. fairness; openness; impartiality 2. Komeito (Japanese political party)
1 りょうとう (両党) : both political parties
1 かはんすう (過半数) : majority
1 かくほ (確保) : 1. securing; obtaining; ensuring; guarantee; maintaining 2. belay; belaying
1 さらなる (更なる) : even more; still more; further
1 にんしき (認識) : recognition; awareness; perception; understanding; knowledge; cognition; cognizance; cognisance
1 いっち (一致) : 1. coincidence; agreement; union; match 2. conformity; consistency
1 おいずみ (小泉) : Oizumi (unclass)
1 せんきょたいさく (選挙対策) : election campaign strategy; election tactics
1 しゅうちゅうてき (集中的) : intensive; concentrated; focused
1 りっけんみんしゅとう (立憲民主党) : 1. Constitutional Democratic Party of Japan (2017-) 2. Constitutional Democratic Party (Russia, 1905-1917)
1 かくしゅ (各種) : every kind; all sorts
1 ほうどう (報道) : report (of news); reporting; news; information; (media) coverage
1 せんきょ (選挙) : election
1 のばす (伸ばす) : 1. to grow long (e.g. hair, nails) 2. to lengthen; to extend; to stretch
1 つたえる (伝える) : to convey; to report; to transmit; to communicate; to tell; to impart; to propagate; to teach; to bequeath
1 らっかん (楽観) : optimism; taking an optimistic view
1 のた (野田) : Nota (place; surname)
1 つじもと (辻元) : Tsujimoto (surname)
1 だいひょうだいこう (代表代行) : acting leader (usu. of a party)
1 よそう (予想) : expectation; anticipation; prediction; forecast; conjecture
1 むとうはそう (無党派層) : unaffiliated voters; floating voters; swinging voters
1 とりこみ (取り込み) : 1. taking in; bringing in 2. capturing (e.g. customers); attracting; winning over; pleasing
1 にっぽんいしんのかい (日本維新の会) : Nippon Ishin no Kai; Japan Innovation Party
1 じばん (地盤) : 1. ground; crust (earth); bed (gravel, river, etc.) 2. foundation (building, etc.); base
1 ちゃくじつ (着実) : steady; sound; solid; reliable; trustworthy
1 かんさい (関西) : 1. Kansai; region consisting of Osaka, Kobe, Kyoto and surrounding prefectures 2. Kansai; south-western half of Japan (during the feudal era)
1 ばば (馬場) : horse-riding ground
1 こうめいとう (公明党) : Komeito (Japanese political party)
1 けいしき (形式) : 1. form (as opposed to substance); formality 2. method; system; style
1 かいごう (会合) : 1. meeting; assembly; gathering 2. association
1 すべて (全て) : 1. everything; all; the whole 2. entirely; completely; wholly; all
1 いしい (石井) : Ishii (place; surname; fem)
1 すすめる (進める) : 1. to advance; to move forward; to put (a clock, watch) forward 2. to carry forward (plans, work, etc.); to proceed with; to make progress in; to further; to advance; to hasten; to speed up
1 きょうさんとう (共産党) : Communist Party
1 じょうにん (常任) : standing; regular; permanent
1 いじ (維持) : maintenance; preservation; improvement
1 えりりん (田村) : Eririn (fem)
1 さいたま (埼玉) : Saitama (city, prefecture)
1 ながの (長野) : Nagano (city, prefecture)
1 かくち (各地) : every place; various places
1 こくみん (国民) : people (of a country); nation; citizen; national
1 みんしゅとう (民主党) : 1. Democratic Party (esp. DPJ or US Democratic Party) 2. Constitutional Democratic Party of Japan
1 たまき (玉木) : Tamaki (place; surname)
1 けっか (結果) : 1. result; consequence; outcome; effect 2. coming to fruition; bearing fruit
1 よとう (与党) : ruling party; government party; party in power; government
1 ふくすう (複数) : plural; multiple; several
1 いる (入る) : to get in; to go in; to come in; to flow into; to set; to set in
1 れいわしんせんぐみ (れいわ新選組) : Reiwa Shinsengumi (political party)
1 やまもと (山元) : 1. foot of a mountain; base of a mountain 2. mine; colliery
1 ゆう (結う) : 1. to do up (hair); to dress; to arrange 2. to tie; to bind; to fasten; to make (a fence)
1 だいとし (大都市) : metropolis; large city
1 せいさく (政策) : political measures; policy
1 てんかい (展開) : 1. development; evolution; progression; unfolding; (plot) twist 2. expansion; spreading out; extending; deployment; building up
1 ひきつづく (引き続く) : to continue (for a long time); to occur in succession; to come next (e.g. on TV)
1 はっしん (発信) : 1. dispatch; despatch; transmission; submission 2. informing (e.g. of opinion); sharing (thoughts, etc.); telling
1 きょうか (強化) : strengthening; intensifying; reinforcement; enhancement; solidification
1 しゃみんとう (社民党) : Social Democratic Party
1 しゅうばん (終盤) : endgame; final stage
1 さんせい (参政) : participation in government
1 とう (党) : 1. party (political) 2. person who is fond of; fan of
1 しゅとけん (首都圏) : the capital city (often Tokyo) area (typically within 50 km of city's centre) (center)
1 きんき (近畿) : Kinki (region around Osaka, Kyoto, Nara)
1 かしや (神谷) : Kashiya (surname)
1 こうはん (後半) : second half; latter half
1 とうひょうび (投票日) : election day