Published: 2024-12-17 21:10

わがGクラス、オフロードを走る!!! 実際に愛車で走ったからこそわかった走破性能とは?──34歳、ゲレンデを買う

29歳で人生のフェラーリを購入した『GQ JAPAN』の編集部員のイナガキが、ひょんなことからメルセデスの“ゲレンデ(Gクラス)”を購入することに。はたして、“跳ね”の次はいかに




それではいかん! と、思っ矢先、輸入元であるメルセデス・ベンツ日本が、新型Gクラスの試乗会を「富士ヶ嶺オフロードコース」(山梨県)で、開催するという。これはチャンス! 図々しくも、メルセデス・ベンツ日本広報に「わがGクラスもオフロードコースを走らせてもらえないでしょうか?」と、依頼すると、快く許可をいただいた。


コースに入る前、インパネ上部のデフロックスイッチをオンにし、シフトレバー近くにある「LOW RANGE」のスイッチを押す。通常のハイレンジと比べ2倍もの駆動力が得られるため、悪路での駆動力が大幅高まる

大きなコブ山を、低速で進む様相まさに本格オフローダー。サスペンションがよく働いているのが体感できる。こんなにもストロークするのか! と、感心ちなみに、G350ブルーテックのアプローチアングルは36度、デパーチャーアングルは27度、最低地上高は235mm。つまり、ロードクリアランスはしっかり確保されているのだ。


その先にある急坂難なくクリア。すり鉢のバケツセクションでは、わがGクラスはしっかりと斜面掴み進んでいく。低速トルクの豊かなディーゼルエンジンとLOW RANGEがまって、安心感バツグン!





ちなみ今回は、最新のG450dと、BEV(バッテリー電気自動車)のG580 with EQ Technologyにも乗って同オフロードコースを走った。

結論から言うと、わがG350ブルーテックよりも悪路走破優れていた。とくにG580 with EQ Technologyは頭抜けていて、その場でクルッと1回転してしまう「G-TUNN」や、小回り劇的高める「G-STEERING」など、高度電子制御よって、今まで考えられなかったような新た走破性能加えられている。渡河性能も、G450dよりプラス100mmの、850mmも確保しているのだから「電気って凄い!」と、思わ唸ってしまった。


個人的にこれは便利だ! と、思ったのは、「トランスペアレントボンネット」。ボディ下部路面状況をモニターに映し出すことで、大きななどを避けられる。ちなみわがG350ブルーテックで岩場走らなかったのは、本機能がないため、ホイールなどをぶつけてしまうリスクがあったからだ。


# 言葉 意味
8 はしる (走る) : 1. to run 2. to run (of a vehicle); to drive; to travel; to move; to sail
7 わが (我が) : my; our; one's own
5 おもう (思う) : 1. to think; to consider; to believe; to reckon 2. to think (of doing); to plan (to do)
5 せいのう (性能) : ability; performance; efficiency
4 やく (約) : 1. approximately; about 2. promise; appointment; engagement
3 こうにゅう (購入) : purchase; buy
3 ちなみ (因み) : 1. association; link; connection 2. pledge (esp. for marriage); promise
3 きゅうはん (急坂) : steep slope; steep gradient
3 さいしん (最新) : latest; newest; late-breaking (news)
3 みきり (見切り) : 1. abandonment; giving up; forsaking 2. bargain sale; selling off cheaply
2 じっさい (実際) : 1. reality; actuality; truth; fact; actual conditions 2. practice (as opposed to theory)
2 さける (避ける) : 1. to avoid (physical contact with) 2. to avoid (situation)
2 つかう (使う) : 1. to use (a thing, method, etc.); to make use of; to put to use 2. to use (a person, animal, puppet, etc.); to employ; to handle; to manage; to manipulate
2 にほん (日本) : Japan
2 ふじがね (富士ヶ嶺) : Fujigane (place)
2 くどう (駆動) : driving force
2 あくろ (悪路) : bad road
2 ていそく (低速) : low speed; slow speed
2 たいかん (体感) : bodily sensation; sense; experience
2 かくほ (確保) : 1. securing; obtaining; ensuring; guarantee; maintaining 2. belay; belaying
2 ふあん (不安) : anxiety; uneasiness; worry; apprehension; fear; insecurity; suspense
2 なんなく (難なく) : easily
2 とか (渡河) : crossing a river
2 こんかい (今回) : this time; now
2 りんどう (林道) : 1. path through forest; woodland path 2. logging road
2 ろめん (路面) : road surface
2 とらえる (捉える) : 1. to catch; to capture; to seize; to arrest; to grab; to catch hold of 2. to grasp (e.g. meaning); to perceive; to capture (e.g. features)
2 すぐれる (優れる) : to surpass; to outstrip; to excel
2 そうは (走破) : running the whole distance
2 さが (性) : 1. one's nature; one's destiny 2. custom; tradition; habit; convention
2 でんし (電子) : 1. electron 2. electronic
2 せいぎょ (制御) : 1. control (of a machine, device, etc.) 2. control (over an opponent, one's emotions, etc.); governing; management; suppression; keeping in check
2 くわえる (加える) : 1. to add; to add up; to sum up; to append; to annex 2. to increase; to gather (e.g. speed); to pick up
1 じんせい (人生) : (human) life (i.e. conception to death)
1 はつ (初) : first; new
1 へんしゅうぶ (編集部) : editorial department
1 ひょんな : strange; unexpected; (by) chance; unusual; curious
1 はたして (果たして) : 1. as was expected; just as one thought; sure enough 2. really; actually; ever
1 はね (跳ね) : 1. (a) jump 2. splashes (usu. of mud)
1 うま (馬) : 1. horse 2. horse racing
1 いかに (如何に) : 1. how; in what way 2. how (much); to what extent
1 いき (意気) : spirit; heart; disposition
1 しょゆう (所有) : one's possessions; ownership
1 しょうしん (小心) : 1. timidity; cowardice 2. prudence; pedantry
1 ちゅうちょ (躊躇) : hesitation; indecision; vacillation
1 こわれる (壊れる) : 1. to be broken; to break 2. to fall through; to come to nothing
1 きず (傷) : 1. wound; injury; cut; gash; bruise; scratch; scrape; scar 2. chip; crack; scratch; nick
1 けっか (結果) : 1. result; consequence; outcome; effect 2. coming to fruition; bearing fruit
1 やさき (矢先) : 1. arrowhead 2. target of a flying arrow; brunt (of an attack)
1 しんがた (新型) : new type; new style; new model; new strain (e.g. infectious disease)
1 しじょう (試乗) : test drive; test ride; trial ride
1 やまなしけん (山梨県) : Yamanashi prefecture (Chūbu area)
1 かいさい (開催) : holding (a conference, exhibition, etc.); opening; hosting (e.g. the Olympics)
1 こうほう (広報) : 1. public relations; PR; publicity; public information 2. publicizing
1 ぶ (部) : 1. department (in an organization); division; bureau 2. club
1 いらい (依頼) : 1. request; commission; entrusting (with a matter) 2. dependence; reliance
1 こころよく (快く) : 1. comfortably; pleasantly; cheerfully 2. willingly; gladly; readily; with pleasure; with good grace
1 きょか (許可) : 1. permission; approval; authorization; license 2. to permit; to authorize
1 じょうじゅん (上旬) : first 10 days of month
1 いどむ (挑む) : 1. to challenge to (a fight, game, etc.); to throw down the gauntlet; to contend for 2. to tackle (e.g. a problem); to attempt; to go after (a prize, record, etc.)
1 じょうぶ (上部) : top part; surface
1 つうじょう (通常) : usual; ordinary; normal; regular; general; common
1 くらべる (比べる) : 1. to compare; to make a comparison 2. to compete; to vie
1 おおはば (大幅) : 1. big; large; drastic; substantial 2. full-width cloth (approx. 72 cm wide for traditional Japanese clothing; approx. 140 cm wide for Western clothing)
1 たかまる (高まる) : to rise; to swell; to be promoted
1 ごく (極) : 1. quite; very 2. 10^48; quindecillion
1 ようそう (様相) : 1. aspect; phase; condition 2. modality (philosophy)
1 まさに (正に) : 1. exactly; surely; certainly; just 2. right then; just then; at that moment
1 ほんかく (本格) : 1. original method or procedure 2. serious; orthodox; classical; genuine
1 はたらく (働く) : 1. to work; to labor; to labour 2. to function; to operate; to be effective; to work (i.e. ... works); to come into play
1 かんしん (感心) : 1. admiration; being impressed 2. admirable; praiseworthy
1 さいてい (最低) : 1. least; lowest; minimum 2. worst
1 ちじょう (地上) : 1. above ground; surface; overground 2. earth; world
1 つまり (詰まり) : 1. that is to say; that is; in other words; I mean; that (this, it) means 2. in short; in brief; to sum up; ultimately; in the end; in the long run; when all is said and done; what it all comes down to; when you get right down to it; basically
1 とうしょ (当初) : 1. beginning; start; outset 2. at first; at the beginning; initially; originally
1 やら : 1. denotes uncertainty 2. such things as A and B; A and B and so on; A and B and the like; A and B and whatnot
1 たくみ (匠) : 1. workman; artisan; mechanic; carpenter 2. craft; skill
1 えみ (笑み) : smile
1 こぼれる (零れる) : 1. to spill; to fall out of; to overflow 2. to peek through; to become visible (although normally not)
1 ちょう (超) : 1. super-; ultra-; hyper-; extreme 2. extremely; really; totally; absolutely
1 すりばち (すり鉢) : (earthenware) mortar (for grinding)
1 じょう (状) : 1. form; shape; appearance 2. state; condition; circumstances
1 みち (道) : 1. road; path; street; lane; passage 2. route; way
1 しゃめん (斜面) : slope; slanting surface; bevel
1 つかむ (掴む) : 1. to seize; to catch; to grasp; to grip; to grab; to clutch; to hold; to catch hold of; to lay one's hands on 2. to obtain; to acquire; to get; to win; to capture
1 すすむ (進む) : 1. to advance; to go forward 2. to precede; to go ahead (of)
1 ゆたか (豊か) : 1. abundant; wealthy; plentiful; rich; affluent 2. very; extremely; full of; great
1 さが (性) : 1. one's nature; one's destiny 2. custom; tradition; habit; convention
1 まつ (松) : 1. pine tree (Pinus spp.) 2. highest (of a three-tier ranking system)
1 あんしんかん (安心感) : sense of security
1 みずば (水場) : watering hole; watering place
1 さいしょう (最小) : smallest (in size, degree, etc.); least; minimum; minimal
1 くだりざか (下り坂) : 1. downhill; downward slope; descent 2. decline; waning; ebb; (going) downhill
1 さがる (下がる) : 1. to come down; to go down; to fall; to drop; to sink; to get lower 2. to hang; to dangle
1 かた (型) : 1. model; type (e.g. of machine, goods, etc.) 2. type; style; pattern
1 ちがう (違う) : 1. to differ (from); to vary 2. to not be in the usual condition
1 とうさい (搭載) : 1. loading (on board); equipping 2. equipped (with); built-in
1 おのずから (自ずから) : naturally; in due course; by itself; of its own accord
1 せんさい (繊細) : 1. dainty; delicate (e.g. fingers); fine; slim 2. sensitive; delicate (feelings, sense, etc.); subtle
1 そう (沿う) : 1. to run along; to run beside; to stick to (a line) 2. to follow (a policy, plan, etc.); to act in accordance with; to align with
1 かのう (可能) : possible; potential; practicable; feasible
1 そうぞう (想像) : imagination; guess
1 ずっと : 1. continuously in some state (for a long time, distance); throughout; all along; the whole time; all the way 2. much (better, etc.); by far; far and away
1 すむ (済む) : 1. to finish; to end; to be completed 2. to merely result in something less severe than expected
1 かけあがる (駆け上がる) : to run up (a hill, stairs etc.); to dash up; to rush up
1 くうてん (空転) : 1. racing (an engine); idling (an engine) 2. going in circles (esp. argument, discussion, etc.); spinning one's wheels
1 いっさい (一切) : 1. all; everything; entirety; the whole 2. absolutely (not); (not) at all; (none) whatsoever; without exception
1 おそる (恐る) : to fear; to be afraid
1 きづく (気づく) : to notice; to recognize; to recognise; to become aware of; to perceive; to realize; to realise
1 としんぶ (都心部) : inner-city area; city center
1 とりまわし (取り回し) : 1. (ease of) handling; operation; maneuverability 2. arrangement (of pipes, wires, etc.); layout; routing (of cables); wiring
1 じっかん (実感) : 1. real feeling; actual feeling 2. to actually feel; to have a real feeling (that ...); to experience personally
1 はば (幅) : 1. width; breadth 2. freedom (e.g. of thought); latitude
1 たすける (助ける) : 1. to save; to rescue 2. to help; to assist
1 しき (式) : 1. equation; formula; expression 2. ceremony
1 でんきじどうしゃ (電気自動車) : electric car; electric vehicle
1 のる (乗る) : 1. to get on (train, plane, bus, ship, etc.); to get in; to board; to take; to embark 2. to get on (e.g. a footstool); to step on; to jump on; to sit on; to mount
1 けつろん (結論) : conclusion
1 ずぬける (図抜ける) : to tower above; to stand out
1 かいてん (回転) : rotation (usu. around something); revolution; turning
1 こまわり (小回り) : 1. tight turn 2. adaptability; flexibility; maneuverability
1 げきてき (劇的) : 1. dramatic; exciting; touching 2. extreme
1 たかめる (高める) : to raise; to lift; to boost; to enhance
1 こうど (高度) : 1. altitude; height; elevation 2. high-degree; high-grade; advanced; sophisticated; strong
1 よる (因る) : 1. to be due to; to be caused by 2. to depend on; to turn on
1 いままで (今まで) : until now; so far; up to the present
1 かんがえる (考える) : 1. to think (about, of); to think over; to ponder; to contemplate; to reflect (on); to meditate (on) 2. to consider; to bear in mind; to allow for; to take into consideration
1 あらた (新た) : new; fresh; novel
1 って : 1. you said; he said; she said; they said 2. if ... then
1 うなる (唸る) : 1. to groan; to moan 2. to roar; to howl; to growl
1 えき (易) : 1. type of cleromancy divination (described in the Book of Changes) performed with long sticks 2. The Book of Changes; Yijing; I Ching
1 いんしょうてき (印象的) : impressive; striking; memorable; impactful
1 そなわる (備わる) : 1. to be furnished with; to be provided with; to be equipped with 2. to be possessed of; to be endowed with; to be gifted with
1 のりごこち (乗り心地) : one's feeling while riding; comfort (of a vehicle); ride quality
1 ざつみ (雑味) : off-flavor; odd taste
1 すっきり : 1. refreshingly; with a feeling of relief; pleasantly; (a weight) off one's shoulder 2. shapely; neatly; refinedly
1 かん (勘) : perception; intuition; the sixth sense
1 しゅしゃ (取捨) : adoption or rejection; selection; choice; option
1 せんたく (選択) : selection; choice; option
1 てきかく (的確) : precise; accurate; appropriate; exactly the right
1 じょうほう (情報) : 1. information; news; intelligence; advices 2. information; data contained in characters, signals, code, etc.
1 つたえる (伝える) : to convey; to report; to transmit; to communicate; to tell; to impart; to propagate; to teach; to bequeath
1 いんしょう (印象) : impression
1 そうこう (走行) : 1. running (of a car, bus, etc.); traveling; travelling 2. running (of a program)
1 じつ (実) : 1. truth; reality 2. sincerity; honesty; fidelity
1 たりる (足りる) : 1. to be sufficient; to be enough 2. to be worth doing; to be worthy of; to deserve
1 かんじる (感じる) : to feel; to sense; to experience
1 それぞれ (夫れ夫れ) : each; respectively
1 しれる (知れる) : 1. to become known; to come to light; to be discovered 2. to be known; to be understood
1 こじんてき (個人的) : personal; individual; private
1 かぶ (下部) : 1. lower part; substructure 2. subordinate (office); good and faithful servant
1 じょうきょう (状況) : state of affairs (around you); situation; circumstances
1 うつしだす (映し出す) : 1. to project; to show 2. to portray; to depict; to describe; to reflect
1 いわ (岩) : 1. rock; boulder 2. crag; cliff
1 いわば (岩場) : rocky area; rocky tract; rocky stretch (of a climb); wall (of rock)
1 きのう (機能) : function; facility; faculty; feature
1 ぶつける (打付ける) : 1. to hit (e.g. one's head); to strike; to crash into 2. to throw (e.g. a ball, a question, a demand)
1 しんきゅう (新旧) : new and old; incoming and outgoing
1 うさぎ (兎) : rabbit; hare; coney; cony; lagomorph (esp. leporids)
1 よくよく (翌々) : the one after next
1 わかる (分かる) : 1. to understand; to comprehend; to grasp; to see; to get; to follow 2. to become clear; to be known; to be discovered; to be realized; to be realised; to be found out
1 ゆうき (勇気) : courage; bravery; valour; valor; nerve; boldness
1 もつ (持つ) : 1. to hold (in one's hand); to take; to carry 2. to possess; to have; to own
1 あいしゃ (愛車) : (one's) beloved car (or motorcycle, bicycle, etc.); (one's) wheels