Published: 2025-03-12 05:26

年金制度改革の関連法案 協議か審議か 与野党の調整続く




このため、自民党への協力を得るため協議呼びかけていた立憲民主党対し政府による法案提出めどとなっている14日までに対応を決めるのは難しいという意向伝えました。 立憲民主党野田代表は「重要提出されるかされないか分からないというのは、前代未聞だ。厚生労働大臣などの責任極めて重く緊急事態になってきた」と述べました。




# 言葉 意味
4 じみんとう (自民党) : Liberal Democratic Party; LDP
4 きょうぎ (協議) : conference; consultation; discussion; negotiation
4 こっかい (国会) : 1. National Diet; legislative assembly of Japan (1947-) 2. Imperial Diet; legislative assembly of Japan (1889-1947)
4 しんぎ (審議) : deliberation
4 もとめる (求める) : 1. to want; to wish for 2. to request; to demand; to require; to ask for
3 りっけんみんしゅとう (立憲民主党) : 1. Constitutional Democratic Party of Japan (2017-) 2. Constitutional Democratic Party (Russia, 1905-1917)
3 やとう (野党) : opposition party; political opposition; opposition
3 よやとう (与野党) : ruling and opposition parties; parties in and out of power
3 ちょうせい (調整) : adjustment; regulation; coordination; reconciliation; tuning; fixing; tailoring
3 せいふ (政府) : government; administration
3 ていしゅつ (提出) : presentation (of documents); submission (of an application, report, etc.); production (e.g. of evidence); introduction (e.g. of a bill); filing; turning in
3 ほう (法) : 1. law; act; principle 2. method
3 あん (案) : 1. idea; plan; proposal; suggestion; (government) bill 2. draft; rough copy
2 ねんきんせいど (年金制度) : pension system (scheme)
2 かいかく (改革) : reform; reformation; reorganization
2 かんれんほうあん (関連法案) : related bill
2 よびかける (呼びかける) : 1. to call out to; to hail; to address 2. to appeal
2 じぜん (事前) : prior; beforehand; in advance; before the fact; ex ante
2 おうずる (応ずる) : 1. to answer; to respond; to meet 2. to satisfy; to accept
2 こうせいねんきん (厚生年金) : welfare pension
2 きぎょう (企業) : enterprise; business; company; corporation
2 いっぽう (一方) : 1. one (esp. of two); the other; one way; the other way; one direction; the other direction; one side; the other side; one party; the other party 2. on the one hand; on the other hand
2 ふたん (負担) : 1. burden; load; responsibility 2. bearing (a cost, responsibility, etc.); shouldering
2 ひきあげ (引き上げ) : 1. pulling up; drawing up; salvage; re-flotation 2. raising; increase; upward revision
2 みおくる (見送る) : 1. to see someone off (at a station, an airport, etc.); to escort (e.g. home) 2. to follow something with one's eyes until it is out of sight
1 かにゅう (加入) : joining (a club, organization, etc.); becoming a member; entry; admission; subscription; affiliation; signing (e.g. a treaty); taking out (insurance)
1 ようけん (要件) : 1. important matter 2. requirement; requisite; necessary condition; sine qua non
1 てっぱい (撤廃) : annulment; abolition; repeal; rescission
1 きそねんきん (基礎年金) : basic pension
1 そこあげ (底上げ) : raising (the standard)
1 はかる (図る) : 1. to plan; to attempt; to devise 2. to plot; to conspire; to scheme
1 おさえる (抑える) : 1. to keep within limits (e.g. spending); to restrain (e.g. emotions); to control; to curb; to hold in check 2. to hold back (e.g. an enemy); to check; to curb; to contain; to quell; to subdue; to suppress; to repress
1 きかん (期間) : period; term; interval
1 たんしゅく (短縮) : shortening; contraction; reduction; curtailment; abbreviation
1 もりこむ (盛り込む) : 1. to incorporate; to include 2. to fill (a vessel) with
1 みとおし (見通し) : 1. unobstructed view; perspective; visibility; vista 2. forecast; outlook; prospect; prediction
1 うち (内) : 1. inside; within 2. while (e.g. one is young); during; within (e.g. a day); in the course of
1 てきよう (適用) : applying (e.g. a technology); adoption
1 かくだい (拡大) : magnification; enlargement; expansion; amplification
1 せいりつ (成立) : 1. formation; establishment; materialization; coming into existence 2. conclusion (e.g. of a deal); reaching (e.g. an agreement); approval; completion; closing; enacting; arrangement
1 めざす (目指す) : 1. to aim at (for, to do, to become); to try for; to have an eye on 2. to go toward; to head for
1 ます (増す) : to increase; to grow
1 ないよう (内容) : contents; content; substance; matter; detail; import
1 ふくむ (含む) : 1. to contain; to comprise; to have; to hold; to include; to embrace 2. to hold in the mouth
1 さんぎいんせんきょ (参議院選挙) : House of Councillors election
1 えいきょう (影響) : 1. influence; effect 2. to influence; to affect; to have an influence on; to impact; to have an effect on
1 けねん (懸念) : worry; fear; anxiety; concern
1 へだたり (隔たり) : distance; interval; gap; difference; estrangement
1 うまる (埋まる) : 1. to be buried; to be covered; to be surrounded 2. to overflow; to be crowded; to be filled
1 きょうりょく (協力) : cooperation; collaboration
1 たいする (対する) : 1. to face (each other); to be facing 2. to be directed toward (the future, etc.); to be in response to; to be related to
1 ほうあんていしゅつ (法案提出) : presentation of a draft bill (to parliament, diet, etc.)
1 めど (目処) : 1. aim; goal 2. prospect; outlook
1 とう (党) : 1. party (political) 2. person who is fond of; fan of
1 たいおう (対応) : 1. correspondence (to); equivalence 2. suitability; coordination; matching; being appropriate (for)
1 いこう (意向) : intention; idea; inclination; wish
1 つたえる (伝える) : to convey; to report; to transmit; to communicate; to tell; to impart; to propagate; to teach; to bequeath
1 のた (野田) : Nota (place; surname)
1 だいひょう (代表) : 1. representative; representation; delegation; type; example; model 2. switchboard number; main number
1 じゅうよう (重要) : important; momentous; essential; principal; major
1 わかる (分かる) : 1. to understand; to comprehend; to grasp; to see; to get; to follow 2. to become clear; to be known; to be discovered; to be realized; to be realised; to be found out
1 ぜんだいみもん (前代未聞) : unheard-of; unprecedented; unparalleled in history (unparallelled); record-breaking
1 こうせいろうどうだいじん (厚生労働大臣) : Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare
1 せきにん (責任) : 1. duty; responsibility (incl. supervision of staff) 2. liability; onus
1 きわめて (極めて) : exceedingly; extremely; decisively
1 きんきゅうじたい (緊急事態) : state of emergency; emergency; crisis
1 のべる (述べる) : to state; to express; to mention
1 すみやか (速やか) : quick; speedy; prompt; rapid; swift
1 うける (受ける) : 1. to receive; to get 2. to catch (e.g. a ball)
1 よとう (与党) : ruling party; government party; party in power; government
1 およそ (凡そ) : 1. about; roughly; approximately 2. generally; on the whole; as a rule
1 ひよう (費用) : cost; expense
1 さんぎいん (参議院) : House of Councillors (upper house of the National Diet of Japan)
1 よさんあん (予算案) : draft budget
1 ふたたび (再び) : again; once more; a second time
1 しゅうせい (修正) : amendment; correction; revision; modification; alteration; retouching; update; fix
1 ほうしん (方針) : 1. policy; course; plan (of action); principle 2. magnetic needle
1 いしば (石破) : Ishiba (surname)
1 そうりだいじん (総理大臣) : prime minister (as the head of a cabinet government); premier
1 しゅうぎいん (衆議院) : House of Representatives (lower house of the National Diet of Japan)
1 よさんいいんかい (予算委員会) : 1. Budget Committee (of the Upper and Lower Houses of the Diet) 2. budget committee
1 ひらく (開く) : 1. to open; to undo; to unseal; to unpack 2. to bloom; to unfold; to spread out
1 いちれん (一連) : 1. series; chain; sequence 2. two reams (i.e. 1000 sheets of paper)
1 いきさつ (経緯) : 1. details; particulars; whole story; sequence of events; chronology; circumstances; how it started; how things got this way 2. longitude and latitude
1 ほうこう (方向) : 1. direction; orientation; bearing; way 2. course (e.g. of action)