だから今回、ボルボが雪国で試乗会を開催してくれたのは、雪道とBEVの相性を確かめるいい機会になった。しかも試乗するのは 後輪駆動のボルボEX30。一般に、滑りやすい路面では前輪駆動に比べて後輪駆動は不利だとされているから、そのあたりも確認できる。
話を戻すと、JRの上越妙高駅で対面したボルボ EX30 Ultra Single Motor Extended Rangeは「クラウドブルーソリッド」というボディカラーで、無駄のないミニマルなデザインとあいまって、灰色の雪雲と雪山の景色にぴったりマッチしていた。北欧デザイン、という言葉が頭に浮かぶ。
除雪が行き届いているとはいえ、路面には轍が残り、舗装が荒れた箇所も多い。そんな道を、ボルボ EX30は粛々と走る。乗り心地は快適だし、凸凹路面を涼しい顔で突破するあたり、ボディ剛性がすこぶる高いことも伝わってくる。雪道がどうのという前に、クルマとしてよくできている。
# | 言葉 | 意味 |
5 | 雪道 | ゆきみち (雪道) : snow-covered road |
5 | 試乗 | しじょう (試乗) : test drive; test ride; trial ride |
5 | 駆動 | くどう (駆動) : driving force |
4 | 路面 | ろめん (路面) : road surface |
3 | 調整 | ちょうせい (調整) : adjustment; regulation; coordination; reconciliation; tuning; fixing; tailoring |
3 | 横滑り | よこすべり (横滑り) : 1. sideslip; skid; sliding sideways 2. shifting to another post (at the same level); sideways move (at a company) |
2 | 式 | しき (式) : 1. equation; formula; expression 2. ceremony |
2 | 積もる | つもる (積もる) : 1. to pile up; to accumulate 2. to estimate |
2 | 充電 | じゅうでん (充電) : 1. charging (electrically) 2. electrification |
2 | にくい | にくい (憎い) : 1. hateful; abominable; poor-looking; detestable 2. amazing; fantastic; admirable; lovely; wonderful |
2 | 相性 | あいしょう (相性) : affinity; compatibility; chemistry (between people) |
2 | あたり | あたり (当たり) : 1. hit 2. success |
2 | 輪 | りん (輪) : counter for wheels and flowers |
2 | 持つ | もつ (持つ) : 1. to hold (in one's hand); to take; to carry 2. to possess; to have; to own |
2 | 自動 | じどう (自動) : 1. automatic 2. intransitive verb |
2 | 除雪 | じょせつ (除雪) : snow removal |
2 | 行き届く | いきとどく (行き届く) : to be scrupulous; to be attentive; to be prudent; to be complete; to be thorough |
2 | 箇所 | かしょ (箇所) : 1. place; point; part; spot; area; passage; portion 2. counter for places, parts, passages, etc. |
2 | 状態 | じょうたい (状態) : state; condition; situation; appearance; circumstances |
2 | 防止 | ぼうし (防止) : prevention; check |
2 | 装置 | そうち (装置) : 1. equipment; device; installation; apparatus 2. stage setting |
2 | 瞬間 | しゅんかん (瞬間) : moment; second; instant |
2 | たり | たり : 1. -ing and -ing (e.g. "coming and going") 2. doing such things as... |
1 | 電気自動車 | でんきじどうしゃ (電気自動車) : electric car; electric vehicle |
1 | 新型 | しんがた (新型) : new type; new style; new model; new strain (e.g. infectious disease) |
1 | 細部 | さいぶ (細部) : details; particulars |
1 | 職業柄 | しょくぎょうがら (職業柄) : due to the nature of one's job; because of one's line of work |
1 | 種類 | しゅるい (種類) : 1. variety; kind; type; category 2. counter for kinds, species, etc. |
1 | 参加 | さんか (参加) : participation; joining; entry; adherence |
1 | 減る | へる (減る) : to decrease (in size or number); to diminish; to abate |
1 | 地域 | ちいき (地域) : area; region |
1 | 整う | ととのう (整う) : 1. to be ready; to be prepared; to be arranged 2. to be in order; to be put in order; to be well-ordered; to be well-proportioned; to be harmonious |
1 | 企画 | きかく (企画) : planning; project; plan; design |
1 | しれる | しれる (知れる) : 1. to become known; to come to light; to be discovered 2. to be known; to be understood |
1 | 今回 | こんかい (今回) : this time; now |
1 | 雪国 | ゆきぐに (雪国) : snow country |
1 | 開催 | かいさい (開催) : holding (a conference, exhibition, etc.); opening; hosting (e.g. the Olympics) |
1 | 確かめる | たしかめる (確かめる) : to ascertain; to check; to make sure |
1 | しかも | しかも (然も) : 1. moreover; furthermore 2. nevertheless; and yet |
1 | 一般 | いっぱん (一般) : 1. general; universal 2. ordinary; average; common; non-celebrity |
1 | 滑る | すべる (滑る) : 1. to glide; to slide (e.g. on skis); to slip 2. to fail (an examination); to bomb (when telling a joke) |
1 | 前輪駆動 | ぜんりんくどう (前輪駆動) : front-wheel drive |
1 | 比べる | くらべる (比べる) : 1. to compare; to make a comparison 2. to compete; to vie |
1 | 不利 | ふり (不利) : disadvantage; handicap; unfavorable position |
1 | 確認 | かくにん (確認) : confirmation; verification; validation; review; check; affirmation; identification |
1 | 横道 | よこみち (横道) : 1. byway; side street; cross street 2. wrong way; digression |
1 | それる | それる (逸れる) : 1. to turn away; to bear off; to veer away; to swerve from; to miss (e.g. a target) 2. to deviate (e.g. of a conversation); to digress; to go astray; to wander |
1 | 限る | かぎる (限る) : 1. to restrict; to limit; to confine 2. to be restricted to; to be limited to; to be confined to |
1 | 基 | もと (元) : 1. origin; source 2. base; basis; foundation; root |
1 | 積む | つむ (積む) : 1. to pile up; to stack 2. to load (car, ship, etc.); to pack |
1 | つまり | つまり (詰まり) : 1. that is to say; that is; in other words; I mean; that (this, it) means 2. in short; in brief; to sum up; ultimately; in the end; in the long run; when all is said and done; what it all comes down to; when you get right down to it; basically |
1 | 採用 | さいよう (採用) : 1. use; adoption; acceptance 2. appointment; employment; engagement; recruitment |
1 | 後輪 | こうりん (後輪) : 1. rear wheel 2. cantle |
1 | 重たい | おもたい (重たい) : 1. heavy; weighty 2. heavy (feeling, atmosphere, etc.); serious; gloomy; depressing |
1 | 付近 | ふきん (付近) : 1. neighborhood; vicinity; environs; district 2. approaching |
1 | 設置 | せっち (設置) : 1. establishment; institution 2. installation (of a machine or equipment) |
1 | 不要 | ふよう (不要) : unnecessary; unneeded |
1 | 前輪 | ぜんりん (前輪) : 1. front wheel 2. saddle fork |
1 | 操舵 | そうだ (操舵) : steering (of a boat); steerage |
1 | 役 | えき (役) : 1. war; campaign; battle 2. unpaid work (ritsuryo system); forced labor |
1 | 担う | になう (担う) : 1. to carry on one's shoulder; to shoulder; to bear 2. to bear (burden, responsibility, etc.); to take upon oneself |
1 | 酷使 | こくし (酷使) : exploitation; overuse; abuse |
1 | 前後 | ぜんご (前後) : 1. front and rear; front and back; before and behind; back and forth 2. before and after |
1 | 役割 | やくわり (役割) : part; assigning (allotment of) parts; role; duties |
1 | 分担 | ぶんたん (分担) : taking on one's share (e.g. of work); dividing (work, expenses, etc.) between; apportionment; allotment; allocation; assignment |
1 | 効率的 | こうりつてき (効率的) : efficient |
1 | 小回り | こまわり (小回り) : 1. tight turn 2. adaptability; flexibility; maneuverability |
1 | 利く | きく (効く) : 1. to be effective; to take effect; to be good (for) 2. to work; to function well |
1 | 再び | ふたたび (再び) : again; once more; a second time |
1 | 主役 | しゅやく (主役) : leading part; leading actor; leading actress |
1 | 戻す | もどす (戻す) : 1. to put back; to return; to give back; to restore (to a previous state, e.g. defrosting, reconstituting, reconciling); to turn back (e.g. clock hand) 2. to vomit; to throw up |
1 | 上越 | じょうえつ (上越) : area on Japan Sea side of Japan, including Niigata |
1 | 妙 | みょう (妙) : 1. strange; weird; odd; curious 2. wonder; mystery; miracle; excellence |
1 | 高駅 | たかえき (高駅) : Taka Station (station) |
1 | 対面 | たいめん (対面) : 1. meeting face-to-face; seeing in person 2. facing (each other); opposing (traffic, etc.); confronting |
1 | 無駄 | むだ (無駄) : futility; waste; uselessness; pointlessness; idleness |
1 | あい | あい (愛) : 1. love; affection; care 2. attachment; craving; desire |
1 | まつ | まつ (松) : 1. pine tree (Pinus spp.) 2. highest (of a three-tier ranking system) |
1 | 灰色 | はいいろ (灰色) : grey; gray; ashen |
1 | 雪雲 | ゆきぐも (雪雲) : snow-laden clouds |
1 | 雪山 | ゆきやま (雪山) : 1. snowy mountain; permanently snow-covered mountain 2. pile of snow |
1 | ぴったり | ぴったり : 1. tightly; closely 2. exactly; precisely |
1 | 北欧デザイン | ほくおうデザイン (北欧デザイン) : Scandinavian design |
1 | 浮かぶ | うかぶ (浮かぶ) : 1. to float; to be suspended 2. to rise to the surface; to appear; to emerge; to show up; to loom (up) |
1 | 乗り込む | のりこむ (乗り込む) : 1. to board; to embark on; to get into (a car); to man (a ship); to help (someone) into 2. to march into; to enter |
1 | 起動 | きどう (起動) : startup; booting up; activation; starting (e.g. engine, computer); launch |
1 | あるいは | あるいは (或いは) : 1. or; either ... or 2. maybe; perhaps; possibly |
1 | 用いる | もちいる (用いる) : to use; to make use of; to utilize; to utilise |
1 | 面食らう | めんくらう (面食らう) : to be confused; to be bewildered; to be taken aback |
1 | 使える | つかえる (使える) : to be usable; to be serviceable; to be useful |
1 | 話しかける | はなしかける (話しかける) : 1. to address (someone); to accost a person; to talk (to someone) 2. to begin to talk; to start a conversation |
1 | 目的地 | もくてきち (目的地) : place of destination |
1 | 設定 | せってい (設定) : 1. establishment; creation; posing (a problem); setting (movie, novel, etc.); scene 2. options setting; preference settings; configuration; setup |
1 | 周辺 | しゅうへん (周辺) : 1. circumference; outskirts; environs; around; in the area of; in the vicinity of 2. (computer) peripheral |
1 | 妙高山 | みょうこうさん (妙高山) : Myoukousan (unclass) |
1 | 方面 | ほうめん (方面) : 1. direction; district; area 2. field (e.g. of study); sphere; quarter; aspect; angle |
1 | 目指す | めざす (目指す) : 1. to aim at (for, to do, to become); to try for; to have an eye on 2. to go toward; to head for |
1 | ちなみ | ちなみ (因み) : 1. association; link; connection 2. pledge (esp. for marriage); promise |
1 | ラジオ局 | ラジオきょく (ラジオ局) : radio station |
1 | 音声 | おんせい (音声) : 1. voice; speech; sound of a voice 2. sound (e.g. of a TV) |
1 | 操作 | そうさ (操作) : 1. operation; management; handling 2. manipulating (to one's benefit); manipulation; influencing |
1 | 万能 | ばんのう (万能) : 1. all-purpose; utility; universal 2. all-powerful; almighty; omnipotent; all-round (e.g. athlete) |
1 | 轍 | わだち (轍) : rut; wheel track; furrow |
1 | 残る | のこる (残る) : to remain; to be left |
1 | 舗装 | ほそう (舗装) : paving (a road); surfacing (with asphalt, concrete, etc.); pavement |
1 | 荒れる | あれる (荒れる) : 1. to be stormy; to be rough 2. to be rough (of skin); to be chapped |
1 | 粛々 | しゅくしゅく (粛々) : silent; solemn; quiet |
1 | 乗り心地 | のりごこち (乗り心地) : one's feeling while riding; comfort (of a vehicle); ride quality |
1 | 快適 | かいてき (快適) : pleasant; agreeable; comfortable |
1 | 凸凹 | でこぼこ (凸凹) : 1. unevenness; roughness; ruggedness; bumpiness 2. inequality; imbalance; unevenness; difference |
1 | 涼しい顔 | すずしいかお (涼しい顔) : nonchalant air; unruffled air |
1 | 突破 | とっぱ (突破) : 1. breaking through; breakthrough; penetration 2. surmounting; overcoming |
1 | 剛性 | ごうせい (剛性) : hardness; rigidity |
1 | すこぶる | すこぶる (頗る) : extremely; very much |
1 | 伝わる | つたわる (伝わる) : to be handed down; to be introduced; to be transmitted; to be circulated; to go along; to walk along |
1 | 標高 | ひょうこう (標高) : elevation; height above sea level |
1 | 上がる | あがる (上がる) : 1. to rise; to go up; to come up; to ascend; to be raised 2. to enter (esp. from outdoors); to come in; to go in |
1 | つれる | つれる (連れる) : to take (someone) with one; to bring along; to go with; to be accompanied by |
1 | 降雪 | こうせつ (降雪) : snowfall; snow |
1 | 増す | ます (増す) : to increase; to grow |
1 | よる | よる (因る) : 1. to be due to; to be caused by 2. to depend on; to turn on |
1 | 視界 | しかい (視界) : field of vision; visibility; view; visual field; (one's) ken |
1 | 確保 | かくほ (確保) : 1. securing; obtaining; ensuring; guarantee; maintaining 2. belay; belaying |
1 | 陥る | おちいる (陥る) : 1. to fall into (e.g. a hole) 2. to fall into (chaos, depression, dilemma, illness, etc.) |
1 | 履く | はく (履く) : 1. to put on (lower-body clothing, e.g. pants, skirt, footwear); to wear 2. to affix (a sword to one's hip) |
1 | 何事 | なにごと (何事) : 1. what; what sort of thing 2. everything; anything |
1 | 電子 | でんし (電子) : 1. electron 2. electronic |
1 | 制御 | せいぎょ (制御) : 1. control (of a machine, device, etc.) 2. control (over an opponent, one's emotions, etc.); governing; management; suppression; keeping in check |
1 | 作動 | さどう (作動) : operation; functioning; running |
1 | 不安定 | ふあんてい (不安定) : instability; insecurity; crankiness |
1 | 収まる | おさまる (収まる) : 1. to fit into (a box, frame, category, etc.); to be contained within; to fall within (e.g. a budget) 2. to settle down (into); to be installed (in one's rightful place); to be returned (to one's original position) |
1 | 備わる | そなわる (備わる) : 1. to be furnished with; to be provided with; to be equipped with 2. to be possessed of; to be endowed with; to be gifted with |
1 | 左右 | さゆう (左右) : 1. left and right; right and left 2. (asserting) control; influence; domination |
1 | 微妙 | びみょう (微妙) : 1. subtle; delicate; fine 2. difficult; complex; tricky; delicate (situation, position, etc.); close (e.g. decision) |
1 | 介入 | かいにゅう (介入) : intervention |
1 | 抑える | おさえる (抑える) : 1. to keep within limits (e.g. spending); to restrain (e.g. emotions); to control; to curb; to hold in check 2. to hold back (e.g. an enemy); to check; to curb; to contain; to quell; to subdue; to suppress; to repress |
1 | 安全装置 | あんぜんそうち (安全装置) : safety device |
1 | 体感 | たいかん (体感) : bodily sensation; sense; experience |
1 | 調節 | ちょうせつ (調節) : regulation; adjustment; control |
1 | はるか | はるか (遥か) : far; far away; distant; remote; far off |
1 | 素早い | すばやい (素早い) : 1. quick; swift; nimble; agile 2. quick (understanding, judgement, etc.); alert; prompt |
1 | 印象 | いんしょう (印象) : impression |
1 | 思う | おもう (思う) : 1. to think; to consider; to believe; to reckon 2. to think (of doing); to plan (to do) |
1 | 先回り | さきまわり (先回り) : going on ahead; forestalling; anticipating; arrival before another |
1 | 空転 | くうてん (空転) : 1. racing (an engine); idling (an engine) 2. going in circles (esp. argument, discussion, etc.); spinning one's wheels |
1 | 止める | とめる (止める) : 1. to stop; to turn off 2. to park |
1 | 感じる | かんじる (感じる) : to feel; to sense; to experience |
1 | 道理 | どうり (道理) : reason; logic; sense; truth; right |
1 | 燃やす | もやす (燃やす) : 1. to burn 2. to burn with (emotion, feeling); to be fired up |
1 | 垂直 | すいちょく (垂直) : 1. vertical 2. perpendicular |
1 | 回転 | かいてん (回転) : rotation (usu. around something); revolution; turning |
1 | 変換 | へんかん (変換) : 1. change; conversion; transformation 2. transformation |
1 | 流す | ながす (流す) : 1. to drain; to pour; to spill; to shed (blood, tears) 2. to wash away |
1 | 絞る | しぼる (絞る) : 1. to wring (towel, rag); to squeeze 2. to squeeze (fruit to extract juice); to press; to extract; to milk; to express milk |
1 | 優れる | すぐれる (優れる) : to surpass; to outstrip; to excel |
1 | 決まる | きまる (決まる) : 1. to be decided; to be settled; to be fixed; to be arranged 2. to be unchanging; to be the same (as always); to be fixed; to be set |
1 | 結論 | けつろん (結論) : conclusion |
1 | 一般道 | いっぱんどう (一般道) : public highway; local street; open road; ordinary road |
1 | 起こる | おこる (起こる) : to occur; to happen |
1 | 広場 | ひろば (広場) : 1. public square; square; plaza; piazza; forum 2. open space; clearing |
1 | 見つける | みつける (見つける) : 1. to discover; to find (e.g. an error in a book); to come across; to detect; to spot 2. to locate; to find (e.g. something missing); to find fault |
1 | もう少し | もうすこし (もう少し) : a bit more; a bit longer |
1 | 踏み込む | ふみこむ (踏み込む) : 1. to step into (e.g. someone else's territory); to break into; to raid 2. to come to grips with; to get to the core of |
1 | さすが | さすが (流石) : 1. as one would expect; just as you'd expect (from); just like (someone) 2. still; all the same; after all |
1 | 最高 | さいこう (最高) : 1. most; highest; maximum; uppermost; supreme 2. best; wonderful; finest |
1 | 出力 | しゅつりょく (出力) : output (electrical, signal, etc.) |
1 | 一瞬 | いっしゅん (一瞬) : instant; moment; for an instant |
1 | 平和 | へいわ (平和) : peace; harmony |
1 | 戻る | もどる (戻る) : 1. to turn back (e.g. half-way) 2. to return; to go back |
1 | 冒頭 | ぼうとう (冒頭) : beginning; start; outset |
1 | 記す | しるす (記す) : 1. to write down; to note; to jot down 2. to remember |
1 | 電力消費 | でんりょくしょうひ (電力消費) : electricity consumption |
1 | 施設 | しせつ (施設) : 1. institution; establishment; facility 2. home (for elderly, orphans, etc.) |
1 | 走行 | そうこう (走行) : 1. running (of a car, bus, etc.); traveling; travelling 2. running (of a program) |
1 | 安定性 | あんていせい (安定性) : stability; security; equilibrium |
1 | 関する | かんする (関する) : to concern; to be related |
1 | こそ | こそ : 1. it is ... that ...; precisely; in particular; definitely; for sure; only (when, after, because, etc.) 2. although; while; it is the case that ... but |
1 | 北欧 | ほくおう (北欧) : Northern Europe; Nordic countries; Scandinavia |
1 | 出身 | しゅっしん (出身) : person's origin (e.g. city, country, parentage, school) |
1 | 対応 | たいおう (対応) : 1. correspondence (to); equivalence 2. suitability; coordination; matching; being appropriate (for) |
1 | 独自 | どくじ (独自) : 1. original; unique; distinctive; characteristic; peculiar 2. independent; one's own; personal |
1 | 加味 | かみ (加味) : 1. seasoning; flavoring; flavouring 2. addition; inclusion; taking into account |
1 | とにかく | とにかく (兎に角) : anyhow; at any rate; anyway; somehow or other; generally speaking; in any case; at least |