Published: 2024-09-11 08:00

第 21 回 情報セキュリティ文化賞候補者を募集、自薦・他薦問わず受付




募集開始:9月3日 応募締切:10月31日 受賞者:5名(予定) 発表:2025年1月中旬 候補者資格: (1) 自治体企業団体で、CISO(Chief Information Security Officer)として情報セキュリティ関し経営視点から先導役割を果たした個人 (2) 情報セキュリティ関わる学術法制度の研究、啓発普及あるいは人材育成などので社会的意義の高い貢献をした学識経験者 応募方法:Webからダウンロードした応募推薦用紙を記入し文化賞事務局まで送付

# 言葉 意味
6 じょうほうセキュリティ (情報セキュリティ) : information security
3 こうほしゃ (候補者) : candidate; applicant
3 など (等) : 1. et cetera; etc.; and the like; and so forth 2. or something
2 だい (第) : prefix for forming ordinal numbers
2 ぼしゅう (募集) : 1. recruitment; invitation; selection; advertisement; taking applications 2. raising (funds, donations, etc.); collection; subscription; solicitation
2 はっぴょう (発表) : announcement; publication; presenting; statement; communique; making known; breaking (news story); expressing (one's opinion); releasing; unveiling
2 こうけん (貢献) : contribution (furthering a goal or cause); services (to a cause)
2 こじん (個人) : individual; private person; personal; private
2 ひょうしょう (表彰) : public acknowledgment; public acknowledgement; public recognition; commendation; awarding
2 じゅしょうしゃ (受賞者) : prize-winner; recipient (of a prize, award, etc.)
2 てき (的) : 1. -ical; -ive; -al; -ic; -y 2. -like; -ish; -sort of; -kind of
1 じょうほうセキュリティだいがくいんだいがく (情報セキュリティ大学院大学) : Institute of Information Security (organization)
1 にほん (日本) : Japan
1 ぶんや (分野) : field; sphere; realm; division; branch
1 しんてん (進展) : progress; development
1 おおきく (大きく) : in a big way; on a grand scale
1 つうずる (通ずる) : 1. to be open (to traffic); to lead to; to communicate (with) 2. to flow (liquid, current); to pass; to get through to
1 こうどか (高度化) : increase in sophistication; enhancement of functionality; increase in speed; upgrading
1 きよ (寄与) : contribution; service
1 もくてき (目的) : purpose; goal; aim; objective; intention
1 せいてい (制定) : enactment; establishment; creation
1 かこ (過去) : 1. the past; bygone days 2. one's past (that one would prefer remained secret)
1 ごうけい (合計) : sum total; total amount
1 せんこう (選考) : selection; screening
1 あたる (当たる) : 1. to be hit; to strike 2. to touch; to be in contact; to be affixed
1 じせん (自薦) : self-recommendation
1 たせん (他薦) : recommendation
1 とう (問う) : 1. to ask; to inquire 2. to blame (someone) for; to accuse of; to pursue (question of responsibility); to charge with
1 かき (下記) : the following
1 ようりょう (要領) : 1. point; gist; essentials; tenets; outline 2. knack; trick; the ropes
1 こうぼ (公募) : public appeal (e.g. for contributions); public offering (of securities); public advertisement (of a post); open recruitment
1 かいし (開始) : start; commencement; beginning; initiation
1 しばしば (屡々) : often; again and again; frequently; repeatedly
1 ちゅうじゅん (中旬) : middle of a month; second third of a month; 11th to 20th day of a month
1 しかく (資格) : qualifications; requirements; capabilities
1 じちたい (自治体) : municipality; local government; self-governing body; autonomous body
1 きぎょう (企業) : enterprise; business; company; corporation
1 だんたい (団体) : organization; organisation; association
1 かんする (関する) : to concern; to be related
1 けいえい (経営) : management; administration; operation; running (business); conducting
1 してん (視点) : opinion; point of view; visual point
1 せんどう (先導) : guidance; leadership; leading the way
1 やくわり (役割) : part; assigning (allotment of) parts; role; duties
1 かかわる (関わる) : 1. to be affected; to be influenced 2. to be concerned with; to have to do with
1 がくじゅつ (学術) : science; learning; scholarship; arts and sciences; academic pursuits
1 ほうせいど (法制度) : legal system
1 けいはつ (啓発) : enlightenment; development; edification; public awareness; illumination; education; inspiration
1 ふきゅう (普及) : diffusion; spread; popularization; promulgation; familiarization
1 あるいは (或いは) : 1. or; either ... or 2. maybe; perhaps; possibly
1 じんざいいくせい (人材育成) : cultivation of human resources; development of human resources; fostering of human resources; human resource cultivation; human resource development; nurturing of human resources; personnel training; training of personnel
1 おもて (面) : 1. face 2. surface
1 がくしきけいけんしゃ (学識経験者) : person of learning and experience
1 おうぼ (応募) : application; subscription; entry (competition, raffle, etc.); enlistment
1 すいせん (推薦) : recommendation; referral; endorsement
1 きにゅう (記入) : entry (in a form, register, diary, etc.); filling in; filling out
1 じむきょく (事務局) : secretariat; executive office
1 そうふ (送付) : sending (esp. email attachments); forwarding; remitting