Published: 2024-04-14 20:40

外苑前「CENSU TOKYO」──洗練されたエスニック料理がやってきた。特集「東京グルメトレンド」

アジアや中南米などの民族文化に由来する“エスニック”。フレンチや和食技法使い、エシカルやサステナブルの視点取り入れることで進化を続けている。今回外苑前新星、「CENSU TOKYO」について。

【写真を見る】CENSU TOKYOの料理をチェック!





■センス トーキョー

住:東京都渋谷区神宮前2-12-9 営:18:00~23:00(フード 22:00LO、ドリンク 22:30LO) 休:日・月曜、そのほか不定休あり詳細はInstagramを参照) TEL:03-6434-5883

# 言葉 意味
2 わしょく (和食) : Japanese food; Japanese-style meal; Japanese cuisine
2 ぎほう (技法) : technique
2 とりいれる (取り入れる) : 1. to harvest; to reap 2. to take in; to gather in
2 ホンコン (香港) : Hong Kong; Hongkong
2 にほん (日本) : Japan
2 みため (見た目) : appearance; (outward) looks; exterior appearance
1 ちゅうなんべい (中南米) : Central and South America
1 みんぞく (民族) : people; race; nation; ethnic group; ethnos
1 ゆらい (由来) : 1. origin; source; history; derivation 2. originally; from the start; by nature
1 つかう (使う) : 1. to use (a thing, method, etc.); to make use of; to put to use 2. to use (a person, animal, puppet, etc.); to employ; to handle; to manage; to manipulate
1 してん (視点) : opinion; point of view; visual point
1 しんか (進化) : evolution; progress
1 こんかい (今回) : this time; now
1 がいえんまえ (外苑前) : Gaienmae (place)
1 しんせい (新星) : 1. nova 2. new face; new star
1 しゅうち (周知) : common knowledge; being well-known; making (something) well-known
1 ぎょうれつ (行列) : 1. line; queue; procession; parade 2. matrix
1 たえる (絶える) : 1. to die out; to peter out; to become extinct 2. to cease; to be stopped; to be discontinued; to be cut off
1 がいせん (凱旋) : triumphal return
1 はつ (初) : first; new
1 でみせ (出店) : 1. food stand; food stall 2. branch store
1 しらき (白木) : plain wood; unfinished woodwork
1 こうし (格子) : lattice; latticework; window bars; grid; grating
1 のれん (暖簾) : 1. (short) curtain hung at shop entrance; split curtain used to divide spaces in a house 2. reputation (of a store); good name; credit
1 じゅん (純) : 1. innocent; chaste; naive 2. pure; unmixed; genuine; unalloyed
1 ふんいき (雰囲気) : 1. atmosphere; mood; ambience; ambiance; aura; feel 2. a certain air; presence; special aura; something (about someone)
1 おおきく (大きく) : in a big way; on a grand scale
1 うち (内) : 1. inside; within 2. while (e.g. one is young); during; within (e.g. a day); in the course of
1 とびかう (飛び交う) : to fly about; to flutter about; to flit about; to fly past each other
1 てんない (店内) : store interior; inside of a shop
1 しかも (然も) : 1. moreover; furthermore 2. nevertheless; and yet
1 おおきめ (大きめ) : largish; biggish; a little bit larger
1 おおく (多く) : 1. many; much; plenty; a lot 2. majority (of); greater part (of)
1 いっしゅん (一瞬) : instant; moment; for an instant
1 ふゆう (浮遊) : 1. floating; drifting; suspension 2. wandering (about)
1 かん (感) : 1. feeling; sensation; emotion; admiration; impression 2. interjection
1 ふしぎ (不思議) : 1. wonderful; marvelous; strange; incredible; amazing; curious; miraculous; mysterious 2. strangely enough; oddly enough; for some reason; curiously
1 くうかん (空間) : space; room; airspace
1 あくまで (飽くまで) : 1. to the end; to the bitter end; to the last; stubbornly; persistently; consistently; to the utmost 2. after all; it must be remembered; only; purely; simply
1 ほねぶと (骨太) : 1. big-boned; sturdily built; stout 2. solid (plan, storyline, etc.)
1 ほんかくてき (本格的) : 1. genuine; real; regular; normal; typical; standard; orthodox 2. full-scale; full-blown; all-out
1 かいがい (海外) : foreign; abroad; overseas
1 せいかつ (生活) : living; life (one's daily existence); livelihood
1 かなす (金須) : Kanasu (surname)
1 さち (幸) : 1. good luck; fortune; happiness 2. harvest; yield
1 かっこく (各国) : 1. each nation 2. many nations; many countries
1 ていあん (提案) : proposal; proposition; suggestion
1 はえ (栄え) : glory; splendour; honour
1 いしき (意識) : 1. consciousness 2. becoming aware (of); awareness; sense
1 あてみ (当て身) : blow to a vital point of a person's body; striking techniques (judo)
1 すじ (筋) : 1. muscle; tendon; sinew 2. vein; artery
1 かよう (通う) : 1. to go to and from (a place); to go back and forth between; to run between (e.g. bus, train, etc.); to ply between 2. to go to (school, work, etc.); to attend; to commute; to frequent
1 あじわい (味わい) : 1. flavour; flavor; taste 2. charm; appeal; interest; meaning; significance
1 うらぎる (裏切る) : to betray; to turn traitor to; to double-cross
1 ほたて (帆立) : Japanese scallop (Patinopecten yessoensis); Yesso scallop
1 だし (出し) : 1. dashi (Japanese soup stock made from fish and kelp) 2. pretext; excuse; pretense (pretence); dupe; front man
1 たく (炊く) : 1. to cook (grains, e.g. rice) 2. to boil; to simmer; to stew; to seethe
1 のせる (乗せる) : 1. to place on (something) 2. to give (someone) a ride; to give a lift; to pick up; to help on board
1 かいなん (海南) : island in the southern sea (esp. Shikoku)
1 はるまき (春巻き) : spring roll
1 たべる (食べる) : 1. to eat 2. to live on (e.g. a salary); to live off; to subsist on
1 おもう (思う) : 1. to think; to consider; to believe; to reckon 2. to think (of doing); to plan (to do)
1 しぜん (自然) : 1. nature 2. natural; spontaneous; automatic
1 かんせいど (完成度) : degree of perfection; level of completion; degree of completion
1 しばしば (屡々) : often; again and again; frequently; repeatedly
1 であう (出会う) : 1. to meet (by chance); to come across; to run across; to encounter; to happen upon 2. to meet (e.g. of rivers, highways, etc.)
1 かんがえる (考える) : 1. to think (about, of); to think over; to ponder; to contemplate; to reflect (on); to meditate (on) 2. to consider; to bear in mind; to allow for; to take into consideration
1 いっせん (一線) : line
1 かくす (画す) : 1. to draw (a line) 2. to demarcate; to mark; to divide; to map out
1 うまれる (生まれる) : to be born
1 きょうす (供す) : 1. to offer; to present; to submit; to supply 2. to serve (food and drink)
1 とうきょう (東京) : Tokyo
1 はまる (嵌まる) : 1. to fit; to get into; to go into; to be fitted with (e.g. door with a window) 2. to be fit for (a job, etc.); to be suited for; to satisfy (conditions)
1 いちや (一夜) : one night; all night; overnight; one evening
1 つくづく (熟) : 1. deeply; keenly; severely; completely; utterly 2. intently; carefully; closely; attentively
1 おもしろい (面白い) : 1. interesting; fascinating; intriguing; enthralling 2. amusing; funny; comical
1 とうきょうと (東京都) : Tokyo Metropolis (prefecture); Tokyo metropolitan area
1 しぶやく (渋谷区) : Shibuya Ward (place)
1 じんぐうまえ (神宮前) : Jinguumae (place)
1 げつよう (月曜) : Monday
1 ていきゅう (定休) : regular holiday; fixed day off; regular closing day
1 あり (蟻) : ant
1 しょうさい (詳細) : 1. details; particulars; specifics 2. detailed; specific; minute
1 さんしょう (参照) : reference; bibliographical reference; consultation; browsing (e.g. when selecting a file to upload on a computer); checking out