Published: 2023-01-17 12:03

CES 2023:最も注目すべき最新の自動車テクノロジー 16選 Part2

「CES 2023」では、自動車メーカーとテック企業緊密連携重要なテーマになっていた。日本発のEVからボディの色が変わるコンセプトカー、映画『トロン』にインスパイアされた電動バイクなど、会場で見つけ最も注目すべき16の自動車テクノロジーを紹介しよう。







このシステムはHTCの仮想現実(VR)ヘッドセット「VIVE Flow」を採用しており、クルマと接続すると車両動き模倣したバーチャル世界を創造する。アウディによると、これにより移動に「ファンタジーの世界をもたらす」VR体験もたらすという。






映画『トロン』からそのまま飛び出してきたかのような電動バイク「Verge TS」は、モーターのコアとマグネットリングを後輪のリムに格納し、中心部空洞のハブレスモーターが特徴的だ。

これによりモーターの出力とトルクが路面伝達される。新モデル「Verge TS Ultra」では、150kWの出力にわかには信じられない1,200Nmものトルクが生み出される。


Verge TS Ultraの価格は44,900ドル(593万円)で、ややパワーが落ちる「TS」と「TS Pro」はそれぞれ26,900ドル(355万円)、29,900ドル(395万円)だ。米国での納車は2023年後半を予定している。

ステランティス傘下のブランド「Ram(ラム)」のラインナップには、リヴィアンやフォード「F-150 Lightning」に匹敵する電動ピックアップトラックがまだ存在しない。だが、同社今回少なくとも、「Ram 1500 Revolution」と呼ぶ電動ピックアップトラックのコンセプトカーで手の内明かした。


24年に発売予定というラムの電動ピックアップトラックは、デュアルモーターで全輪駆動のプラットフォームと、低速での操縦容易にする全輪操舵装備している。このトラックは、400Vのアーキテクチャーを採用したフォード「F-150 Lightning」よりも優れる800Vの急速充電対応アーキテクチャーを採用しており、10分間航続距離を100マイル(161km)伸ばせると謳っている。ただし、しかるべく強力充電器つなぐ必要があることはもちろんだろう。ラムはバッテリー容量公表しておらず、性能不明だ。



# 言葉 意味
9 やく (約) : 1. approximately; about 2. promise; appointment; engagement
5 でんどう (電動) : electric
5 じゅうでん (充電) : 1. charging (electrically) 2. electrification
5 じゅうでんき (充電器) : (battery) charger; AC adapter
4 さいよう (採用) : 1. use; adoption; acceptance 2. appointment; employment; engagement; recruitment
4 しゃりょう (車両) : rolling stock; railroad cars; wheeled vehicles
4 ていし (停止) : 1. stoppage; coming to a stop; halt; standstill 2. ceasing (movement, activity, etc.); suspension (of operations); interruption (e.g. of electricity supply); cutting off
4 かのう (可能) : possible; potential; practicable; feasible
3 じどうしゃ (自動車) : car; automobile; motorcar; motor vehicle; auto
3 きぎょう (企業) : enterprise; business; company; corporation
3 はっぴょう (発表) : announcement; publication; presenting; statement; communique; making known; breaking (news story); expressing (one's opinion); releasing; unveiling
3 わずか (僅か) : 1. (a) little; (a) few; slight; small (amount); trifling; meagre; meager 2. only; just; merely
3 こうぞくきょり (航続距離) : cruising range; flying range
3 どうしゃ (同社) : the same firm
3 しくみ (仕組み) : 1. structure; construction; arrangement; contrivance; mechanism; workings 2. plan; plot; contrivance
3 べいこく (米国) : (United States of) America; USA; US
3 じそく (時速) : speed (per hour)
2 もっとも (最も) : most; extremely
2 かく (各) : each; every; all
2 せいひん (製品) : manufactured goods; finished goods; product
2 あたためる (温める) : to warm; to heat
2 そうちゃく (装着) : equipping; installing; fitting; mounting; putting on
2 きこう (機構) : mechanism; organization; organisation
2 じゅうらい (従来) : 1. up to now; so far 2. traditional; conventional; usual; existing
2 てんじ (展示) : exhibition; display
2 かいとう (回答) : reply; answer
2 かそうげんじつ (仮想現実) : VR; Virtual Reality
2 もたらす (齎す) : to bring; to take; to bring about
2 ひよこ (雛) : 1. young bird; chick; fledgling 2. greenhorn; fledgeling; novice; rookie
2 かしょ (箇所) : 1. place; point; part; spot; area; passage; portion 2. counter for places, parts, passages, etc.
2 こんかい (今回) : this time; now
2 きわ (際) : 1. edge; brink; verge; side 2. time; moment of
2 しえん (支援) : support; backing; aid; assistance
2 さいこう (最高) : 1. most; highest; maximum; uppermost; supreme 2. best; wonderful; finest
2 たいおう (対応) : 1. correspondence (to); equivalence 2. suitability; coordination; matching; being appropriate (for)
2 さいかい (再開) : reopening; resumption; restarting
2 しゅつりょく (出力) : output (electrical, signal, etc.)
2 ただし (但し) : but; however; provided that
2 りょうさん (量産) : mass production
2 そうび (装備) : equipment
2 とりはずし (取り外し) : removal; dismantling; detaching
1 きんみつ (緊密) : rigour; rigor; closeness; compactness; tightly knit
1 れんけい (連携) : cooperation; coordination; link
1 じゅうよう (重要) : important; momentous; essential; principal; major
1 にほん (日本) : Japan
1 みつける (見つける) : 1. to discover; to find (e.g. an error in a book); to come across; to detect; to spot 2. to locate; to find (e.g. something missing); to find fault
1 ちゅうもく (注目) : notice; attention; observation
1 がぞう (画像) : image; picture; portrait
1 しゃしつ (車室) : compartment (of a train); interior (of a car)
1 おんぷう (温風) : 1. warm air (e.g. from a heater) 2. spring breeze
1 ふきこむ (吹き込む) : 1. to blow into; to breathe into 2. to inspire; to indoctrinate
1 エネルギーこうりつ (エネルギー効率) : energy efficiency
1 はるか (遥か) : far; far away; distant; remote; far off
1 かたる (語る) : 1. to talk about; to speak of; to tell; to narrate 2. to recite; to chant
1 しる (知る) : 1. to be aware of; to know; to be conscious of; to cognize; to cognise 2. to notice; to feel
1 じどうしゃぶひん (自動車部品) : automobile component; automobile part
1 しゃれる (洒落る) : 1. to dress stylishly 2. to joke; to play on words
1 めいしょう (名称) : name; title
1 ぬのじ (布地) : cloth; fabric
1 でんせん (電線) : 1. electric line; electric cable; power cable 2. telephone line; telegraph wire
1 あみこむ (編み込む) : to weave within (hair, fabric, etc.); to braid
1 ひょうめん (表面) : 1. surface; face 2. outside; exterior
1 おんど (温度) : temperature
1 じつげん (実現) : implementation (e.g. of a system); materialization; materialisation; realization; realisation; actualization; actualisation
1 つうじょう (通常) : usual; ordinary; normal; regular; general; common
1 まきとり (巻き取り) : 1. taking up; winding 2. rolled paper
1 しょうげき (衝撃) : shock; impact; crash
1 まきとる (巻き取る) : to wind (thread, film, etc.)
1 あわせる (合わせる) : 1. to match (rhythm, speed, etc.) 2. to join together; to unite; to combine; to add up
1 さいだい (最大) : biggest; greatest; largest; maximum
1 そんざいかん (存在感) : presence (impressive quality)
1 おく (奥) : inner part; inside; interior; depths (e.g. of a forest); back (of a house, drawer, etc.); bottom (e.g. of one's heart); recesses; heart
1 はで (派手) : showy; loud; gay; flashy; gaudy
1 せんでん (宣伝) : publicity; advertisement; advertising; propaganda
1 いちぐん (一群) : 1. group; flock; crowd; herd 2. wide expanse (of flowers)
1 とる (撮る) : 1. to take (a photo) 2. to record (video, audio, etc.); to make (a film)
1 かわる (替わる) : 1. to succeed; to relieve; to replace 2. to take the place of; to substitute for; to take over for; to represent; to hand over (telephone)
1 じっさい (実際) : 1. reality; actuality; truth; fact; actual conditions 2. practice (as opposed to theory)
1 ぶもん (部門) : division (of a larger group); branch; field; class (subclass); group; category; department
1 しょうすう (少数) : small number; few; minority
1 かぶしき (株式) : share (in a company); stock
1 ほゆう (保有) : possession; retention; maintenance
1 どうめい (同名) : 1. same name 2. homonym
1 ずっと : 1. continuously in some state (for a long time, distance); throughout; all along; the whole time; all the way 2. much (better, etc.); by far; far and away
1 こうぶざせき (後部座席) : back seat (of a car); rear seat
1 きこえる (聞こえる) : 1. to be heard; to be audible 2. to be said to be; to be reputed
1 つく (着く) : 1. to arrive at; to reach 2. to sit on; to sit at (e.g. the table)
1 たいする (対する) : 1. to face (each other); to be facing 2. to be directed toward (the future, etc.); to be in response to; to be related to
1 せつぞく (接続) : 1. connection; attachment; union; join; joint; link 2. changing trains
1 うごき (動き) : 1. movement; move; motion 2. trend; development; change; fluctuation
1 もほう (模倣) : imitation; copying
1 そうぞう (創造) : creation
1 いどう (移動) : 1. movement; transfer; migration; removal; travel 2. mobile; moving; traveling; travelling; roving
1 たいけん (体験) : (practical) experience; personal experience; hands-on experience; first-hand experience
1 げんじつ (現実) : reality; actuality; hard fact
1 せかい (世界) : 1. the world; society; the universe 2. sphere; circle; world
1 おうだんほどう (横断歩道) : pedestrian crossing; crosswalk
1 とおりすぎる (通り過ぎる) : to go past; to pass; to pass by
1 とうじょう (搭乗) : embarkation; boarding (an aeroplane, airplane)
1 もつ (持つ) : 1. to hold (in one's hand); to take; to carry 2. to possess; to have; to own
1 うつ (撃つ) : 1. to shoot (at) 2. to attack; to defeat; to destroy; to avenge
1 ごと (毎) : each; every
1 とくてん (得点) : scoring; score; points made; marks obtained; goals; runs
1 かくとく (獲得) : acquisition; possession
1 じしゃ (自社) : 1. one's company; company one works for 2. in-house; belonging to the company
1 こうちく (構築) : construction; building; putting up; erecting; creation; formulation; architecture (systems, agreement, etc.)
1 めざす (目指す) : 1. to aim at (for, to do, to become); to try for; to have an eye on 2. to go toward; to head for
1 おうしゅう (欧州) : Europe
1 ちゅうごく (中国) : 1. China 2. Chūgoku region of western Honshu (incl. Okayama, Hiroshima, Shimane, Tottori and Yamaguchi prefectures)
1 かわきり (皮切り) : beginning; start
1 かっこく (各国) : 1. each nation 2. many nations; many countries
1 いちば (市場) : (town) market; (street) market; marketplace
1 きょてん (拠点) : position; location; base; point; site
1 せっち (設置) : 1. establishment; institution 2. installation (of a machine or equipment)
1 てらす (照らす) : 1. to shine on; to illuminate 2. to compare (with); to refer to
1 ほご (保護) : 1. protection; safeguard; guardianship; custody; patronage 2. preservation; conservation
1 せつび (設備) : equipment; facilities; installation; accommodations; conveniences; arrangements
1 そなわる (備わる) : 1. to be furnished with; to be provided with; to be equipped with 2. to be possessed of; to be endowed with; to be gifted with
1 いんしょく (飲食) : food and drink; eating and drinking
1 しせつ (施設) : 1. institution; establishment; facility 2. home (for elderly, orphans, etc.)
1 せいび (整備) : 1. maintenance; servicing 2. putting in place; establishment; development; preparation; provision; outfitting
1 けんせつ (建設) : construction; establishment
1 ただちに (直ちに) : 1. at once; immediately; right away; without delay 2. directly (face, lead to, etc.); automatically (mean, result in, etc.)
1 かいし (開始) : start; commencement; beginning; initiation
1 かんせい (完成) : 1. complete; completion 2. perfection; accomplishment
1 ほくべい (北米) : North America
1 じてん (時点) : point in time; occasion
1 もと (元) : 1. origin; source 2. base; basis; foundation; root
1 ていきょう (提供) : 1. offer; tender; providing; supplying; making available; donating (blood, organs, etc.) 2. sponsoring (a TV program)
1 さくせい (作成) : drawing up (e.g. legal document, contract, will, etc.); preparing; writing; framing; making; producing; creating; creation
1 くみこむ (組み込む) : to insert; to include; to incorporate; to cut in (printing)
1 じっそう (実装) : implementation (e.g. of a feature); installation (of equipment); mounting; packaging
1 とうちゃくよていじこく (到着予定時刻) : estimated time of arrival; ETA
1 きせい (規制) : regulation; (traffic) policing; control; restriction
1 とうきょく (当局) : 1. authorities; relevant authorities; authorities concerned 2. this office
1 うんてん (運転) : 1. operation (of a machine, etc.); operating; running; run 2. driving
1 しょうにん (承認) : recognition; acknowledgement; acknowledgment; approval; consent; agreement
1 うける (受ける) : 1. to receive; to get 2. to catch (e.g. a ball)
1 こえる (越える) : 1. to cross over; to cross; to pass through; to pass over (out of); to go beyond; to go past 2. to exceed; to surpass; to be more (than)
1 こんざつ (混雑) : 1. congestion; crush; crowding; jam 2. confusion; disorder
1 どうろ (道路) : road; highway
1 ほんしつてき (本質的) : essential; substantial; substantive; intrinsic
1 こうど (高度) : 1. altitude; height; elevation 2. high-degree; high-grade; advanced; sophisticated; strong
1 はっしん (発進) : departure; takeoff
1 くりかえす (繰り返す) : to repeat; to do something over again
1 じょうきょう (状況) : state of affairs (around you); situation; circumstances
1 かんし (監視) : monitoring; watching; observation; surveillance; guarding; supervision; lookout
1 なし (無し) : 1. without 2. unacceptable; not alright; unsatisfactory
1 そうさ (操作) : 1. operation; management; handling 2. manipulating (to one's benefit); manipulation; influencing
1 まかせる (任せる) : 1. to entrust (e.g. a task) to another; to leave to 2. to passively leave to someone else's facilities
1 たすけ (助け) : assistance; help; aid; support; reinforcement
1 もとめる (求める) : 1. to want; to wish for 2. to request; to demand; to require; to ask for
1 そのまま (其のまま) : 1. without change; as is 2. just like; extremely similar
1 とびだす (飛び出す) : 1. to jump out; to rush out; to fly out 2. to appear (suddenly)
1 かね (金) : 1. money 2. metal
1 こうりん (後輪) : 1. rear wheel 2. cantle
1 かくのう (格納) : 1. storage; housing for equipment and machines 2. putting into computer memory
1 ちゅうしんぶ (中心部) : central part; heart (of a city)
1 くうどう (空洞) : 1. cave; hollow; cavity 2. hollow
1 とくちょうてき (特徴的) : characteristic
1 なお (直) : 1. straight 2. ordinary; common
1 ろめん (路面) : road surface
1 でんたつ (伝達) : transmission (e.g. news, chemical signals, electricity); communication; delivery; conveyance; transfer; relay; propagation; conduction
1 にわか (俄) : 1. sudden; abrupt; unexpected; improvised; hasty; offhand 2. impromptu skit
1 しんずる (信ずる) : to believe; to believe in; to place trust in; to confide in; to have faith in
1 うみだす (生み出す) : 1. to create; to bring forth; to produce 2. to invent; to think up and bring into being
1 びょう (秒) : 1. second (unit of time) 2. arc second
1 ろうばい (狼狽) : confusion; dismay; consternation; panic
1 はやさ (速さ) : 1. speed; velocity; quickness; rapidity 2. earliness
1 かそく (加速) : acceleration; speeding up
1 でんし (電子) : 1. electron 2. electronic
1 せいぎょ (制御) : 1. control (of a machine, device, etc.) 2. control (over an opponent, one's emotions, etc.); governing; management; suppression; keeping in check
1 すいてい (推定) : 1. presumption; assumption 2. estimation
1 さいちょう (最長) : 1. longest 2. oldest
1 かかく (価格) : price; value; cost
1 やや (稍) : a little; partially; somewhat; slightly; semi-; -ish; on the ... side; a short time; a while
1 おちる (落ちる) : 1. to fall down; to drop; to fall (e.g. rain); to sink (e.g. sun or moon); to fall onto (e.g. light or one's gaze); to be used in a certain place (e.g. money) 2. to be omitted; to be missing
1 それぞれ (夫れ夫れ) : each; respectively
1 のうしゃ (納車) : delivery of a vehicle (to its new owner)
1 さんか (傘下) : affiliated with; under jurisdiction of; under the umbrella
1 ひってき (匹敵) : to be a match for; to rival; to equal; to compare with; to be equivalent to
1 そんざい (存在) : existence; being
1 てのうち (手の内) : 1. palm (of one's hand) 2. skill
1 あかす (明かす) : 1. to pass (the night); to spend 2. to reveal; to divulge; to disclose; to expose
1 たいせい (体制) : order; system; structure; set-up; organization; organisation
1 ととのう (整う) : 1. to be ready; to be prepared; to be arranged 2. to be in order; to be put in order; to be well-ordered; to be well-proportioned; to be harmonious
1 こうはん (後半) : second half; latter half
1 しめす (示す) : 1. to (take out and) show; to demonstrate; to tell; to exemplify; to make apparent 2. to point out (finger, clock hand, needle, etc.)
1 くどう (駆動) : driving force
1 ていそく (低速) : low speed; slow speed
1 いき (域) : region; limits; stage; level
1 そうじゅう (操縦) : 1. steering; piloting; flying; control; operation; handling 2. management; handling; control; manipulation
1 ようい (容易) : easy; simple; plain
1 そうだ (操舵) : steering (of a boat); steerage
1 すぐれる (優れる) : to surpass; to outstrip; to excel
1 きゅうそく (急速) : rapid (e.g. progress)
1 ふんかん (分間) : minutes (period of)
1 うたう (謳う) : 1. to extol; to sing the praises of; to celebrate 2. to declare; to stipulate; to express; to state; to insist
1 きょうりょく (強力) : powerful; strong
1 つなぐ (繋ぐ) : 1. to connect; to link together 2. to tie; to fasten; to restrain
1 ようりょう (容量) : 1. capacity; volume 2. capacitance
1 こうひょう (公表) : official announcement; proclamation
1 せいのう (性能) : ability; performance; efficiency
1 ふめい (不明) : 1. unclear; obscure; indistinct; uncertain; ambiguous 2. unknown; unidentified
1 しゃない (車内) : inside a car (train, bus, etc.)
1 とうさい (搭載) : 1. loading (on board); equipping 2. equipped (with); built-in
1 したがわ (下側) : underside
1 がめん (画面) : 1. screen (of a TV, computer, etc.) 2. image (on a screen); picture; scene
1 しよう (使用) : use; application; employment; utilization; utilisation
1 こうにゅうしゃ (購入者) : purchaser
1 きたい (期待) : 1. expectation; anticipation; hope 2. promising; rising; up-and-coming
1 せきさい (積載) : lading; loading; carrying
1 じつよう (実用) : practical use; utility
1 さが (性) : 1. one's nature; one's destiny 2. custom; tradition; habit; convention
1 あたえる (与える) : 1. to give (esp. to someone of lower status); to bestow; to grant; to confer; to present; to award 2. to provide; to afford; to offer; to supply
1 どうよう (同様) : same; similar; (just) like; equal
1 おりたたむ (折り畳む) : to fold up; to fold into layers
1 しき (式) : 1. equation; formula; expression 2. ceremony
1 ちゅうしゃ (駐車) : parking (e.g. car)
1 さぎょう (作業) : work; operation; manufacturing; fatigue duty
1 とくだい (特大) : extra-large; king-size
1 うんぱん (運搬) : transport; transportation; conveyance; carriage
1 かいほう (開放) : 1. opening (a door, window, etc.); leaving open 2. opening up (e.g. to the public); allowing (public) access
1 つらぬく (貫く) : 1. to go through; to pierce; to penetrate 2. to run through (e.g. a river through a city); to pass through
1 かくほ (確保) : 1. securing; obtaining; ensuring; guarantee; maintaining 2. belay; belaying