また、「音楽教育を守る会」の大池真人 会長は「音楽教育を守るためにも会の総意としては新しい規定での使用料は十分に納得できる内容だと感じている」と話していました。
# | 言葉 | 意味 |
7 | 音楽 | おんがく (音楽) : music |
7 | 教室 | きょうしつ (教室) : 1. classroom 2. department; laboratory |
6 | 使用料 | しようりょう (使用料) : use fee; rent |
5 | 演奏 | えんそう (演奏) : musical performance |
4 | 規定 | きてい (規定) : stipulation; prescription; provision; regulation; rule |
4 | 音楽教育 | おんがくきょういく (音楽教育) : music education |
4 | 守る | まもる (守る) : 1. to protect; to guard; to defend 2. to keep (i.e. a promise); to abide (by the rules); to observe; to obey; to follow |
4 | 話す | はなす (話す) : 1. to talk; to speak; to converse; to chat 2. to tell; to explain; to narrate; to mention; to describe; to discuss |
3 | 楽曲 | がっきょく (楽曲) : musical composition; tune |
3 | 合意 | ごうい (合意) : (coming to an) agreement; consent; mutual understanding; accord; consensus |
3 | 至る | いたる (至る) : 1. to arrive at (e.g. a decision); to reach (a stage); to attain 2. to lead to (a place); to get to |
3 | 発表 | はっぴょう (発表) : announcement; publication; presenting; statement; communique; making known; breaking (news story); expressing (one's opinion); releasing; unveiling |
3 | 小林 | おはやし (小林) : Ohayashi (place; surname) |
2 | 運営 | うんえい (運営) : management; administration; operation |
2 | 年間 | ねんかん (年間) : 1. (period of) a year 2. during an era |
2 | 中学生 | ちゅうがくせい (中学生) : junior high school student; middle school pupil |
2 | 子ども | こども (子供) : child |
2 | 対象 | たいしょう (対象) : target; object (of worship, study, etc.); subject (of taxation, etc.) |
2 | ごと | ごと (毎) : each; every |
2 | 支払う | しはらう (支払う) : to pay |
2 | 運用 | うんよう (運用) : 1. making use of; application; practical use; effective management (e.g. of funds) 2. operation; handling; steering (esp. a boat) |
2 | 立つ | たつ (立つ) : 1. to stand; to rise; to stand up 2. to find oneself (e.g. in a difficult position) |
2 | 思う | おもう (思う) : 1. to think; to consider; to believe; to reckon 2. to think (of doing); to plan (to do) |
2 | 改善 | かいぜん (改善) : 1. betterment; improvement 2. kaizen (Japanese business philosophy of continuous improvement) |
1 | 著作権使用料 | ちょさくけんしようりょう (著作権使用料) : royalties |
1 | 団体 | だんたい (団体) : organization; organisation; association |
1 | めぐる | めぐる (巡る) : 1. to go around 2. to return |
1 | 余り | あまり (余り) : 1. remainder; remnant; rest; balance; surplus; remains (of a meal); leftovers 2. (not) very; (not) much |
1 | 裁判 | さいばん (裁判) : trial; judgement; judgment |
1 | 争う | あらそう (争う) : 1. to compete; to contest; to contend 2. to quarrel; to argue; to dispute; to be at variance; to oppose |
1 | 一方 | いっぽう (一方) : 1. one (esp. of two); the other; one way; the other way; one direction; the other direction; one side; the other side; one party; the other party 2. on the one hand; on the other hand |
1 | 判断 | はんだん (判断) : 1. judgment; judgement; decision; conclusion; adjudication 2. divination |
1 | 最高裁判所 | さいこうさいばんしょ (最高裁判所) : Supreme Court |
1 | 判決 | はんけつ (判決) : judicial decision; judgement; judgment; sentence; decree |
1 | 確定 | かくてい (確定) : 1. decision; settlement 2. definition |
1 | 具体的 | ぐたいてき (具体的) : concrete; definite; specific; material; substantial |
1 | 両者 | りょうしゃ (両者) : pair; the two; both persons; both things |
1 | 協議 | きょうぎ (協議) : conference; consultation; discussion; negotiation |
1 | 都内 | とない (都内) : (within) the (Tokyo) metropolitan area |
1 | 会見 | かいけん (会見) : interview; audience; meeting; (viewing) party |
1 | 開く | ひらく (開く) : 1. to open; to undo; to unseal; to unpack 2. to bloom; to unfold; to spread out |
1 | 結ぶ | むすぶ (結ぶ) : 1. to tie; to bind; to link 2. to bear (fruit) |
1 | 曲 | きょく (曲) : 1. composition; piece of music; song; track (on a record) 2. tune; melody; air |
1 | 個人 | こじん (個人) : individual; private person; personal; private |
1 | 経営 | けいえい (経営) : management; administration; operation; running (business); conducting |
1 | 対象外 | たいしょうがい (対象外) : not covered (by); not subject (to) |
1 | 伊澤 | いさわ (伊澤) : Isawa (surname) |
1 | 一雅 | いちが (一雅) : Ichiga (given) |
1 | 理事長 | りじちょう (理事長) : board chairman |
1 | 子どもたち | こどもたち (子供たち) : children |
1 | 多様 | たよう (多様) : diverse; varied |
1 | 接する | せっする (接する) : 1. to touch; to come in contact with; to border on; to adjoin; to be adjacent; to be close 2. to receive (e.g. visitor); to attend to; to serve; to take care of; to look after; to act towards; to deal with; to see |
1 | 確保 | かくほ (確保) : 1. securing; obtaining; ensuring; guarantee; maintaining 2. belay; belaying |
1 | 共通認識 | きょうつうにんしき (共通認識) : common sense; common knowledge; common understanding |
1 | 大池 | おおいけ (大池) : Ooike (place; surname) |
1 | 真人 | しんじん (真人) : true man |
1 | 会長 | かいちょう (会長) : president (of a society); chairman |
1 | 総意 | そうい (総意) : consensus; collective will; collective opinion |
1 | 納得 | なっとく (納得) : 1. consent; assent; agreement 2. understanding; comprehension; grasp |
1 | 内容 | ないよう (内容) : contents; content; substance; matter; detail; import |
1 | 感ずる | かんずる (感ずる) : to feel; to sense |
1 | か所 | かしょ (箇所) : 1. place; point; part; spot; area; passage; portion 2. counter for places, parts, passages, etc. |
1 | およそ | およそ (凡そ) : 1. about; roughly; approximately 2. generally; on the whole; as a rule |
1 | 抱える | かかえる (抱える) : 1. to hold or carry under or in the arms 2. to have (esp. problems, debts, etc.) |
1 | 主宰 | しゅさい (主宰) : supervision; superintendence; chairmanship; chairman |
1 | 務める | つとめる (勤める) : 1. to work (for); to be employed (at); to serve (in) 2. to serve (as); to act (as); to fill (the position of); to play the role (of) |
1 | 洋子 | きよこ (洋子) : Kiyoko (fem) |
1 | 今回 | こんかい (今回) : this time; now |
1 | 金額 | きんがく (金額) : amount of money; sum of money |
1 | 見える | みえる (見える) : 1. to be seen; to be in sight 2. to look; to seem; to appear |
1 | 不安 | ふあん (不安) : anxiety; uneasiness; worry; apprehension; fear; insecurity; suspense |
1 | 学ぶ | まなぶ (学ぶ) : to study (in depth); to learn; to take lessons in |
1 | 環境 | かんきょう (環境) : environment; circumstance |
1 | 改めて | あらためて (改めて) : 1. another time; again; over again; once again; anew 2. formally; especially; intentionally; deliberately |
1 | 作る | つくる (作る) : 1. to make; to produce; to manufacture; to build; to construct 2. to prepare (food); to brew (alcohol) |
1 | 対立 | たいりつ (対立) : confrontation; opposition; antagonism |
1 | 立場 | たちば (立場) : 1. position; situation 2. viewpoint; standpoint; point of view |
1 | 進む | すすむ (進む) : 1. to advance; to go forward 2. to precede; to go ahead (of) |
1 | 実際 | じっさい (実際) : 1. reality; actuality; truth; fact; actual conditions 2. practice (as opposed to theory) |