Published: 2024-12-20 08:10




包まれた湖畔を走ること4km。夕方5時を迎える「Esplanade du-Mont Blanc(モンブラン広場)」に、もなくこの日の役目を終える太陽が顔をのぞかせた。湖面灰色から鮮やかなブルーに表情を変えると、透明度増してキラキラと輝きはじめる。気温は19度。10月のスイスの気候は季節外れの夏日が続いた東京とは異なり、ランニングには心地よいコンディションだ。やがてさらに日差しが強くなって噴き出す


その後、このツアーで宿泊する「Hotel Palafitte」に戻っ流し記者は、敷地内のディナー会場に向かった。ドイツ、チェコ、イタリア、ギリシャなど欧州、GQと同じく日本から参加した2加えたメディアチームと、シャネル本国のPRによるインターナショナル・ディナーに参加翌日工房見学備え交流深めようというわけである。



なかでも、時計メーカー並みの生産体制いち早く整え名声を得たのがシャネルだ。1998年にはベル&ロスに出資。2011年にローマン・ゴティエ社への出資開始すると、2016年にローンチした自社ムーブメントを搭載した「ムッシュー ドゥ シャネル」ではローマン・ゴティエ社が製造した高品質のパーツを使用して話題呼んだ。

2018年にモントル ジュルヌ、2019年にはケニッシ社の少数株式取得発表。ロレックスやチューダーの元メンバーが設立したケニッシ社は、ブライトリングやチューダーにムーブメントを供給しているメーカーだ。シャネルはそこに資本参加することによって、高品質信頼性の高い自動巻き効率よく手に入れたわけである。その後、同社のムーブメントを載せる最新の「J12」は、本格スポーツウォッチも顔負け性能誇るまでになった。ちなみに、自社ムーブメント搭載モデルの開発組み立ては、自社工房で行っている。

# 言葉 意味
6 じしゃ (自社) : 1. one's company; company one works for 2. in-house; belonging to the company
4 こうぼう (工房) : workshop; studio; atelier
4 さんか (参加) : participation; joining; entry; adherence
3 せんぎょう (専業) : special occupation; principal occupation; specialty; monopoly
2 ます (増す) : to increase; to grow
2 あせ (汗) : 1. sweat; perspiration 2. moisture; condensation
2 むかう (向かう) : 1. to face 2. to go towards; to head towards
2 きしゃ (記者) : reporter; journalist
2 せいぞう (製造) : manufacture; production
2 たいせい (体制) : order; system; structure; set-up; organization; organisation
2 いれる (入れる) : 1. to put in; to let in; to take in; to bring in; to insert; to install (e.g. software); to set (a jewel, etc.); to ink in (e.g. tattoo) 2. to admit; to accept; to employ; to hire
2 しゅっし (出資) : investment; contribution; financing
2 せい (製) : -made; make
2 とうさい (搭載) : 1. loading (on board); equipping 2. equipped (with); built-in
2 こうひんしつ (高品質) : high quality
1 けっさく (傑作) : 1. masterpiece; best work 2. amusing blunder; funny mistake; boner
1 うみだす (生み出す) : 1. to create; to bring forth; to produce 2. to invent; to think up and bring into being
1 そんざいかん (存在感) : presence (impressive quality)
1 たずねる (訪ねる) : to visit; to call on; to pay a visit to
1 しんぞう (心臓) : 1. heart 2. guts; nerve; cheek; gall; spine
1 ぶ (部) : 1. department (in an organization); division; bureau 2. club
1 せんにゅう (潜入) : infiltration; sneaking in; going undercover
1 きり (霧) : 1. fog; mist 2. spray
1 つつむ (包む) : 1. to wrap up; to pack; to bundle; to do up 2. to cover; to envelop; to shroud; to engulf
1 こはん (湖畔) : lake shore
1 ひろば (広場) : 1. public square; square; plaza; piazza; forum 2. open space; clearing
1 まあ : 1. just (e.g. "just wait here"); come now; now, now 2. tolerably; passably; moderately; reasonably; fairly; rather; somewhat
1 やくめ (役目) : duty; role; function
1 たいよう (太陽) : sun
1 のぞく (除く) : 1. to remove; to eliminate; to eradicate 2. to exclude; to except
1 こめん (湖面) : lake surface
1 はいいろ (灰色) : grey; gray; ashen
1 あざやか (鮮やか) : 1. vivid; bright; brilliant; clear; fresh; vibrant 2. skillful; skilful; adept; adroit; deft; brilliant; beautiful; fine; excellent
1 ひょうじょう (表情) : 1. facial expression; countenance 2. look; appearance; expression (vocal, etc.)
1 とうめいど (透明度) : transparency; degree of clearness
1 かがやく (輝く) : to shine; to glitter; to sparkle
1 きおん (気温) : air temperature
1 うら (末) : top end; tip
1 きこう (気候) : climate
1 はずれ (外れ) : 1. end; verge; extremity; tip; outskirts 2. miss; failure; blank (e.g. lottery ticket)
1 とうきょう (東京) : Tokyo
1 ことなる (異なる) : to differ; to vary; to disagree
1 ここちよい (心地よい) : comfortable; pleasant
1 やがて (軈て) : 1. before long; soon; shortly 2. almost; nearly
1 さらに (更に) : furthermore; again; after all; more and more; moreover; even more
1 ひざし (日差し) : sunlight; rays of the Sun
1 ふきだす (吹き出す) : 1. to spout out; to spurt out; to gush out; to jet out 2. to sprout; to bud
1 かよう (通う) : 1. to go to and from (a place); to go back and forth between; to run between (e.g. bus, train, etc.); to ply between 2. to go to (school, work, etc.); to attend; to commute; to frequent
1 いどう (移動) : 1. movement; transfer; migration; removal; travel 2. mobile; moving; traveling; travelling; roving
1 やく (約) : 1. approximately; about 2. promise; appointment; engagement
1 くろこしょう (黒胡椒) : black pepper (Piper nigrum)
1 あかだま (赤玉) : 1. red ball; amber; jasper 2. patent medicine
1 ねぎ (葱) : Welsh onion (Allium fistulosum); green onion; spring onion
1 きざむ (刻む) : 1. to mince; to cut fine; to chop up; to hash; to shred 2. to carve; to engrave; to chisel; to notch
1 まぜあわせる (混ぜ合わせる) : to mix; to blend; to combine
1 からくち (辛口) : 1. dry taste (e.g. sake, wine) 2. a liking for sake; one who likes sake
1 あわせる (合わせる) : 1. to match (rhythm, speed, etc.) 2. to join together; to unite; to combine; to add up
1 はさむ (挟む) : 1. to hold between (e.g. one's fingers, chopsticks); to grip (from both sides) 2. to put between; to sandwich between; to insert; to interpose
1 すむ (済む) : 1. to finish; to end; to be completed 2. to merely result in something less severe than expected
1 およそ (凡そ) : 1. about; roughly; approximately 2. generally; on the whole; as a rule
1 ひろう (疲労) : fatigue; weariness
1 あぜ (畦) : 1. ridge of earth between rice fields 2. ridge between grooves in threshold or lintel
1 こっきょう (国境) : national border; provincial border
1 やまなみ (山並み) : mountain range; mountain belt
1 みなみふもと (南麓) : Minamifumoto (place)
1 おく (奥) : inner part; inside; interior; depths (e.g. of a forest); back (of a house, drawer, etc.); bottom (e.g. of one's heart); recesses; heart
1 かなめ (要) : 1. pivot 2. vital point; cornerstone; keystone
1 しゅざい (取材) : 1. news coverage; collecting data (e.g. for an article); covering (something for media) 2. interview
1 しゅくはく (宿泊) : accommodation; lodging
1 もどる (戻る) : 1. to turn back (e.g. half-way) 2. to return; to go back
1 ながす (流す) : 1. to drain; to pour; to spill; to shed (blood, tears) 2. to wash away
1 おうしゅう (欧州) : Europe
1 くみ (組) : 1. set (of items) 2. group (of people); class (of students); company (esp. construction); family (i.e. mafia); team
1 おなじく (同じく) : similarly; same (idea); same (name)
1 にほん (日本) : Japan
1 し (誌) : magazine
1 くわえる (加える) : 1. to add; to add up; to sum up; to append; to annex 2. to increase; to gather (e.g. speed); to pick up
1 ほんごく (本国) : 1. home country; one's own country 2. suzerain country (from the perspective of the vassal state); colonizing country
1 よくじつ (翌日) : next day
1 けんがく (見学) : inspection; study by observation; field trip; tour; review
1 そなえる (備える) : 1. to furnish with; to equip with; to provide; to install 2. to prepare for; to make preparations for; to make provision for
1 こうりゅう (交流) : 1. exchange (e.g. cultural); interchange; interaction; mingling; mixing; coming together 2. alternating current; AC
1 ふかめる (深める) : to deepen; to heighten; to intensify
1 さて (偖) : well; now; then
1 げんざい (現在) : now; current; present; present time; as of
1 きんねん (近年) : recent years
1 うでどけい (腕時計) : wristwatch; watch
1 ひょうか (評価) : 1. valuation; appraisal; evaluation; assessment; estimation; rating; judging 2. appreciation; recognition; acknowledgement; rating highly; praising
1 とおり (通り) : 1. avenue; street; way; road 2. coming and going; street traffic
1 ふくめる (含める) : 1. to include (in a group or scope) 2. to instruct; to make one understand
1 もじばん (文字盤) : 1. dial (on timepiece, meter, etc.) 2. letter board (e.g. on typewriter, writing aide for the disabled, etc.); character board
1 ひょうげんりょく (表現力) : power of expression; expressiveness; expressive power
1 ひ (非) : 1. fault; error; mistake 2. going poorly; being disadvantageous; being unfavorable
1 ぐんばい (軍配) : 1. gourd-shaped war fan 2. referee's fan
1 あがる (上がる) : 1. to rise; to go up; to come up; to ascend; to be raised 2. to enter (esp. from outdoors); to come in; to go in
1 ばめん (場面) : 1. scene; setting; place (where something happens); scenario; case 2. scene (in a movie, play); shot
1 ふえる (増える) : to increase; to multiply
1 かいき (回帰) : 1. return (to); revolution; recurrence 2. regression
1 こうれい (好例) : good example
1 とりいれる (取り入れる) : 1. to harvest; to reap 2. to take in; to gather in
1 かんど (感度) : 1. sensitivity (e.g. of a measuring instrument); reception (radio, TV, etc.) 2. sensitivity (of film)
1 ひいでる (秀でる) : to excel; to surpass
1 とうぜん (当然) : 1. natural; right; proper; just; reasonable; appropriate; deserved 2. naturally; as a matter of course; rightly; deservedly; justly; of course
1 ながれ (流れ) : 1. flow (of a fluid or gas); stream; current 2. flow (of people, things); passage (of time); tide; passing; (changing) trends; tendency
1 けんいん (牽引) : 1. traction; towing; hauling; pulling; drawing 2. driving (e.g. economic growth)
1 なかば (半ば) : 1. middle; halfway; midway 2. half (of); one half
1 いこう (以降) : on and after; as from; hereafter; thereafter; since
1 かくしゃ (各社) : all companies; each company
1 どうにゅう (導入) : introduction; bringing in; leading in; installation
1 じんざい (人材) : 1. capable person; talented person 2. human resources; personnel
1 まねきいれる (招き入れる) : to invite in; to show someone in
1 ひけん (比肩) : ranking equal with; comparing favourably with; comparing favorably with
1 なみ (並) : 1. average; medium; common; ordinary 2. mid-grade (item); regular grade
1 いちはやく (逸早く) : 1. promptly; quickly; without delay 2. before others; first
1 ととのえる (整える) : 1. to put in order; to arrange; to tidy up; to straighten; to adjust; to fix 2. to get ready; to prepare; to arrange; to supply; to assemble; to buy
1 めいせい (名声) : fame; reputation; renown
1 かいし (開始) : start; commencement; beginning; initiation
1 はつ (初) : first; new
1 しよう (使用) : use; application; employment; utilization; utilisation
1 わだい (話題) : topic; subject
1 よぶ (呼ぶ) : 1. to call out (to); to call; to invoke 2. to summon (a doctor, etc.)
1 しょうすう (少数) : small number; few; minority
1 かぶしき (株式) : share (in a company); stock
1 とりえ (取り柄) : worth; merit; value; good point; redeeming feature; saving grace
1 はっぴょう (発表) : announcement; publication; presenting; statement; communique; making known; breaking (news story); expressing (one's opinion); releasing; unveiling
1 せつりつ (設立) : 1. establishment; founding 2. incorporation (of a business)
1 きょうきゅう (供給) : supply; provision
1 しほん (資本) : funds; capital
1 よる (因る) : 1. to be due to; to be caused by 2. to depend on; to turn on
1 しんらいせい (信頼性) : credibility; authenticity; confidence; reliability
1 じどう (自動) : 1. automatic 2. intransitive verb
1 まき (巻) : 1. roll (e.g. of cloth) 2. winding (e.g. watch)
1 こうりつ (効率) : efficiency
1 どうしゃ (同社) : the same firm
1 のせる (乗せる) : 1. to place on (something) 2. to give (someone) a ride; to give a lift; to pick up; to help on board
1 さいしん (最新) : latest; newest; late-breaking (news)
1 ほんかく (本格) : 1. original method or procedure 2. serious; orthodox; classical; genuine
1 かおまけ (顔負け) : being put to shame; being outshone; being eclipsed; feeling embarrassed
1 せいのう (性能) : ability; performance; efficiency
1 ほこる (誇る) : to boast of; to be proud of; to take pride in
1 ちなみ (因み) : 1. association; link; connection 2. pledge (esp. for marriage); promise
1 かいはつ (開発) : development; exploitation
1 くみたて (組み立て) : construction; framework; erection; assembly; organization; organisation