Published: 2025-01-29 15:55




マイクロソフトの研究者確認して通知したと報じています。 また、ディープシークの生成AIをめぐっては、アメリカ ホワイトハウスのレビット報道官が28日の記者会見で、NSC=国家安全保障会議安全保障での影響について調査していることを明らかにしました。



# 言葉 意味
4 ちょうさ (調査) : investigation; examination; inquiry; enquiry; survey
3 せいせい (生成) : creation; generation; formation; derivation
3 つたえる (伝える) : to convey; to report; to transmit; to communicate; to tell; to impart; to propagate; to teach; to bequeath
2 じんぶつ (人物) : 1. person; character; figure; personage; man; woman 2. one's character; one's personality
2 つかう (使う) : 1. to use (a thing, method, etc.); to make use of; to put to use 2. to use (a person, animal, puppet, etc.); to employ; to handle; to manage; to manipulate
2 たいりょう (大量) : large quantity; massive (quantity); mass (e.g. mass production, mass transit, mass destruction)
2 ふせい (不正) : injustice; unfairness; wrongdoing; iniquity; impropriety; irregularity; dishonesty; illegality; fraud
2 とりえ (取り柄) : worth; merit; value; good point; redeeming feature; saving grace
2 うたがい (疑い) : doubt; question; uncertainty; skepticism; scepticism; suspicion; distrust
2 おこなう (行う) : to perform; to do; to conduct oneself; to carry out
1 かいはつ (開発) : development; exploitation
1 てがける (手がける) : 1. to handle; to manage; to deal with; to work with; to have experience with 2. to rear; to look after
1 ちゅうごく (中国) : 1. China 2. Chūgoku region of western Honshu (incl. Okayama, Hiroshima, Shimane, Tottori and Yamaguchi prefectures)
1 きぎょう (企業) : enterprise; business; company; corporation
1 しゅっししゃ (出資者) : investor; financier
1 おおて (大手) : 1. major company; big company 2. front castle gate
1 けんきゅうしゃ (研究者) : researcher
1 かくにん (確認) : confirmation; verification; validation; review; check; affirmation; identification
1 つうち (通知) : notice; notification; report; posting
1 ほうずる (報ずる) : to inform; to report
1 めぐる (巡る) : 1. to go around 2. to return
1 ほうどうかん (報道官) : press officer; press secretary
1 きしゃかいけん (記者会見) : press conference
1 こっかあんぜんほしょうかいぎ (国家安全保障会議) : National Security Council
1 あんぜんほしょう (安全保障) : security guarantee (e.g. military security, network security, etc.)
1 おもて (面) : 1. face 2. surface
1 えいきょう (影響) : 1. influence; effect 2. to influence; to affect; to have an influence on; to impact; to have an effect on
1 あきらか (明らか) : 1. clear; obvious; evident; plain; definite 2. bright; light
1 かいけん (会見) : interview; audience; meeting; (viewing) party
1 ぐたいてき (具体的) : concrete; definite; specific; material; substantial
1 ないよう (内容) : contents; content; substance; matter; detail; import
1 げんきゅう (言及) : reference; allusion
1 あらた (新た) : new; fresh; novel
1 じょうほう (情報) : 1. information; news; intelligence; advices 2. information; data contained in characters, signals, code, etc.
1 きょうゆう (共有) : 1. joint ownership; co-ownership; sharing (e.g. a viewpoint) 2. sharing (files, devices on a network, posts on social media, etc.)
1 のべる (述べる) : to state; to express; to mention
1 とどめる (留める) : 1. to stop; to stay (e.g. the night); to cease; to put an end to 2. to contain; to keep (in position, in place); to limit
1 ひってき (匹敵) : to be a match for; to rival; to equal; to compare with; to be equivalent to
1 はもん (波紋) : 1. ripple; ring on the water 2. repercussions
1 ひろがる (広がる) : to spread (out); to extend; to stretch; to reach to; to get around; to fill (e.g. a space)
1 つうしん (通信) : correspondence; communication; transmission; news; signal; telecommunications
1 しゅざい (取材) : 1. news coverage; collecting data (e.g. for an article); covering (something for media) 2. interview
1 たいする (対する) : 1. to face (each other); to be facing 2. to be directed toward (the future, etc.); to be in response to; to be related to
1 うばう (奪う) : to snatch away; to dispossess; to steal
1 てきたいしゃ (敵対者) : opponent; antagonist
1 きょうごうたしゃ (競合他社) : competing companies; rival companies
1 もっとも (最も) : most; extremely
1 ゆうのう (有能) : able; capable; competent; talented; efficient
1 ほご (保護) : 1. protection; safeguard; guardianship; custody; patronage 2. preservation; conservation
1 せいふ (政府) : government; administration
1 みつ (密) : 1. dense; thick; crowded 2. close (relationship); intimate
1 れんけい (連携) : cooperation; coordination; link
1 きわめて (極めて) : exceedingly; extremely; decisively
1 じゅうよう (重要) : important; momentous; essential; principal; major
1 かんがえる (考える) : 1. to think (about, of); to think over; to ponder; to contemplate; to reflect (on); to meditate (on) 2. to consider; to bear in mind; to allow for; to take into consideration